magic eye doctor

Chapter 1640 Persecution

Chapter 1640 Persecution
Wang Juzhuo waited anxiously until the operation was over, and followed into the ward. After the medical staff had left, he realized that he was hungry. He went to the canteen outside the hospital to buy some food, and took the opportunity to call his wife.

He went back to the ward with food, filled his stomach and stayed with his grandson until about ten o'clock, when Wang Jinbao woke up, crying because of the anesthesia.

The patient howled like a pig, which also alarmed the medical staff. They rushed to the ward and found that the data of the monitoring equipment was normal. The so-called pain was just a normal postoperative reaction.

A certain patient didn't look like a wealthy man, but he was as coquettish as a rich young man, screaming earth-shatteringly even at the slightest pain.

Wang Jinbao howled for a long time, but he couldn't get any special care at all, so he had to give up.

The grandson cried out for pain, and Wang Ju was heartbroken. He almost scolded the doctor, but was scolded by a nurse who asked him how much he had paid for hospitalization.

The next morning, after the shift was handed over in the hospital, the bill of medical expenses was sent to the ward.

When Wang Ju saw the string of numbers listed on the list, his heart sank. One operation cost more than 2 yuan!

The 1000 yuan he paid was not as much as the odds on the list.

If the patient does not pay the money, the drug must be stopped.

Being urged to pay, Wang Ju begged the nurses to be more flexible and take the medicine first. The medical staff dealt with it according to the regulations, and insisted on waiting until when the money was paid before giving the injection. In desperation, he confessed a few words to his grandson, and rushed to Guangzhou to find his third son. .

In order not to delay the treatment of his grandson, he wished he could grow his wings and fly to Guangzhou City. However, he had no money and couldn't afford a taxi, so he had to take the bus and change trains non-stop.

After going around several times in a row, he finally arrived at the destination when his bones were about to fall apart. Wang Ju found the neighborhood where the third child lived, and then called the third child to ask if she was at home.

There are many people who play mahjong on weekends and have time to relax. Wang Cuifeng went out in the morning to find a way to try her luck. She was not at home. When she received a call from her father, she heard that her father came back from E North. She passed by Guangzhou to see her. It's exciting to get a huge sum of money from the money-losing goods.

She stopped playing mahjong, stopped picking up boyfriends, and hurried home.

The third child was not at home, so Wang Ju found out the number of the building where the third child lived, went upstairs, and knocked on the door of the third child's house.

Wang Shengxuan was watching the Olympic games at home, and when he heard the knock on the door, he thought it was his father. He asked and went to open the door. When he heard the voice of his grandfather, he was shocked. He didn't want to open the door, but he had to.

No matter how unwilling he was, he didn't show it. He called out "Grandpa" and explained: "Grandpa, Mom went out in the morning. You sit down first. I'll call my mom."

The brat was still on the right track, Wang Ju entered the room with a sullen face, went to the sofa and sat down to be a master, but he only dared to pretend to be a grandpa on the surface, and didn't dare to beat and scold Wang Shengxuan like before, for fear of being caught by someone Tan. Knowing about revenge on his grandson.

In the past few days, my mother probably won a little money again. I bought some fruit yesterday. Wang Shengxuan washed four peaches for my grandfather to eat, and then went back to his room to make a phone call.

In order not to be suspicious by my grandfather, I called my mother first, told my mother that my grandfather was here, and asked my mother to go home, then quickly edited a line and sent it to my father, repeated sending it several times, then deleted the record in the outbox, and then sent it to my father. Called Dad's number three times, and also deleted the dialing record.

After sending a message to his father, Wang Shengxuan turned his mobile phone to silent, took a book and went back to the living room to sit, watching TV when there were sports he liked, and reading books when he didn't like sports.

Wang Shengxuan only cared about reading and watching TV, and didn't know how to please himself at all. Wang Ju was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, afraid of Tan's methods, he did not dare to act after doing it several times, and held back abruptly.

The place Wang Cuifeng went to was far away from home, and it took more than [-] minutes to rush back to the community. She climbed back to the fifth floor and was sweating. She took a rest before looking for the key to open the door.

Unscrewing the door lock, and seeing her father sitting like a grandpa, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Didn't her father say that he just came back from E North, why didn't he bring Jin Bao Jin Zhi, or even a bag or something?
I was puzzled and didn't think much about it. I smiled and called "Dad", closed the door, took off my high heels and changed into a pair of slippers, walked to the sofa and sat down, took off my backpack, and asked, "Dad, are you having fun there?" ?”

"I'm very happy, that child is very filial." Wang Ju didn't show any flaws, with a smug expression on his face: "It's just you, an idiot who doesn't know how to coax the child, and I succeeded by stepping out, and lived there for nearly a month. "

"Then dad, why don't you stay longer, the summer vacation is not over yet." Wang Cuifeng was pleasantly surprised. Dad succeeded in recognizing his relatives, so he still has no money to spend in the future?
"Oh, it's not because of Jin Bao." The smile on Wang Ju's face faded, and his face was full of hatred: "We had a good time there, and she also guided Jin Bao's homework, but Jin Bao suddenly became addicted to fans. In order not to be discovered, I hurried home with Jinzhi Jinbao, but something happened to Jinbao right after I got home."

"What happened to Jin Bao?"

"We just got home yesterday. Jinbao was addicted at night and couldn't control it. He hit the wall and chopped things with a knife like a maniac. He chopped himself up a few times. I sent Jinbao to the hospital for treatment in the middle of the night last night."

"Is the injury serious? Is Jinbao okay?" The little loser was willing to guide Jinbao with his homework, explaining that he recognized his cousin, and Wang Cuifeng was very worried about his nephew's safety.

"I chopped my hands and legs, but luckily I had an operation to sew them up. It cost more than 2 yuan at once, and I will be hospitalized for more than half a month later. I don't have enough money. I will ask you to get some money for emergency." . " Wang Ju said that the truth could be confused with the truth, and he didn't show any guilt due to lying.

"Dad, I have no money." When mentioning money, Wang Cuifeng frowned: "Dad, didn't you recognize the little loser? The little loser didn't respect you for some money?"

Mom came back, and Wang Shengxuan yelled when his mother entered the house and then lowered his head to read the book. Listening to what his mother and grandpa said, the more he listened, the more he heard something wrong. Sister Lejia, right?
Grandpa went to Lejia's sister's hometown to meet relatives?

Sister Lejia also recognized her grandfather?
There was a voice in his heart telling him that it was impossible, and Sister Lejia also reminded him not to go with grandpa if there was an accident, it stands to reason that Sister Lejia would not recognize grandpa.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether what grandpa said was true or not, so Wang Shengxuan lowered his head and eavesdropped on what grandpa and mother said.

"As for your short-sightedness, there is no one who talks about money as soon as you meet each other. The little loser wants to honor the elderly, and I have to reject it. If I take filial piety, the little loser will think that I am going for money, and I will return later. Will you give money willingly? I didn’t want it, and I gave red envelopes for small losers. There were more than 2 yuan in total, and Jinbao filled it all in when he was hospitalized.

I just came back from there, now it’s hard to talk to the small losers, the hospital asked for money later, so I asked you to get some money for Jin Bao’s emergency. "

Wang Ju opened his eyes and spoke nonsense without blushing or panting. If he hadn't been an insider, he would never have thought that the Wang family would be in trouble in Ebei.

Wang Cuifeng didn't doubt it either, but frowned in embarrassment: "Dad, I really don't have any money in my hand. I only had more than 1000 yuan in my hand a few days ago. I gave [-] yuan to my mother. I haven't won any money in the past two days."

"You fucker, shame on your face!" Wang Ju said a lot, but the third child was still pushing back and forth, saying that he had no money, and couldn't control it any longer. He jumped up, grabbed his daughter's hair, and waved his hands in the ears. handle.

Wang Shengxuan was so frightened that he almost rolled to the ground. When he saw his grandfather beating his mother, he dared not try to persuade him to fight. He got up and ran back to the bedroom to close the door. He hurriedly checked his mobile phone and found that his father hadn't replied to any message. He called his father again. I called again and again, seven or eight times in a row, and then deleted the dialing record.

The 2nd was Saturday. Tan Yanxing originally wanted to accompany the girls to watch the Olympics at home. The three girls were not interested in sports.

When his son sent a message, he ignored it. After waiting for the sound of the phone call, he checked his phone and found that there was a text message from his son. His son called again. Guessing that something might be wrong, he checked the content of the text message first.

From the news revealed by his son, it can be known that Wang Ju went to find Wang Cuifeng. Needless to say, Wang Ju must have asked Wang Cuifeng for money to save his grandson.

The son is afraid of his grandfather and asks himself for help. How can he wait?

Tan Yanxing confessed to his younger brothers that he had something to go out, and asked them to open on time in the afternoon, and immediately drove to Wang Cuifeng's house. On the way, he received a call from his son again, guessing that the situation might not be good, and he was even more urgent.

Wang Shengxuan hid back in the room, Wang Ju had no time to take care of him, so he slapped the third child a few times, grabbed his daughter's hair and knocked her to the ground, and kicked her hard several times.

Quickly relieved, rushed into the kitchen, picked up the kitchen knife and ran back to the living room, pointed at the third child with the kitchen knife, his eyes were scarlet: "You little bastard, you killed Long Sheng, and you still live your good life with peace of mind, pretending to be a filial daughter with a cheeky face, Are you well eaten by dogs?

You fucking killed your own brother, and you have no ability to make money, and you can't afford to support your mother, so you kicked your mother to a small loser.

You know that the little loser has bodyguards by his side, but you never told me the truth. You want to borrow a knife to kill someone, and you deliberately asked me to find the little loser, and use the hand of the little loser to kill me, right?
It's a pity that I don't have a pig's brain like you, and I can't even handle a yellow-haired girl. I have a granddaughter now, and I will have a granddaughter to take care of me in the future. The granddaughter is rich, and Jinbao can eat without worrying about it. It doesn't matter if you are a harmful spirit.

I don't care about you killing Longsheng, I want you to take some money for emergency, just treat it as an apology for Longsheng, you dare to push back against me, I kill you today to avenge Longsheng. "

Dad made an attack without warning, was grabbed by the hair, slapped and thrown to the ground. Wang Cuifeng's brain was in a mess, thinking that Dad was also addicted to drugs, and crying while covering his face.

When Dad pointed at himself with a kitchen knife and said that she had killed Longsheng, he was terrified, and his mind cleared up, and he shouted: "Dad, I didn't kill Longsheng, it wasn't me, I didn't kill Longsheng... ..."

Wang Ju thought that his son was gone, and life at home was becoming more and more difficult day by day. Such a difficult life was caused by the third son killing Long Sheng, so he was furious and kicked Wang Cuifeng viciously.

A burst of punches and kicks knocked the third child to the ground, swung a kitchen knife and chopped at the person. The knife slashed Wang Cuifeng's arm and opened an inch-deep gash, bleeding profusely in an instant.

Seeing blood all of a sudden, Wang Ju pointed a knife at the third child's nose and asked, "I'll ask you one more thing, Jinbao still needs hospital expenses. Give me 8 yuan, will you give it?"

Since childhood, Wang Cuifeng has been beaten countless times by her father, and Wang Cuifeng has developed an inertial thinking that does not dare to resist. When she is beaten and kicked like when she was a child, she subconsciously accepts it, only hugs her head, curls up her body, and bears the raindrops. hit.

Those kicks landed on her body, which hurt like heart, she didn't dare to scream or cry, she endured it silently until her arm was cut, she sat down in pain, covered the wound with one hand, tears flowed, and burst into tears. Weeping.

When the cold knife was pointed at her face, Wang Cuifeng shook like a straw in the wind, and squeezed out a voice from her throat: "Here... I will give it, I will definitely get 8 yuan... hand it in as much..."

"Okay, I'll wait, I'll give you some time, give me [-] yuan first, and give it to me within the remaining seven days, if you can't get it, I'll chop you up, you broomstick ghost who killed Longsheng!"

Shocked by the money-losing goods, Wang Ju kicked the broom star a few more times to relieve his anger. He threw away the kitchen knife, picked up the bag that the third child threw on the table, and rummaged through it. He found a few hundred dollars in change, put it in his pocket, and walked away.

He went out of the old third's house, went downstairs, quickly left the community, and waited in the square closest to the community. He knew that Wang Cuifeng had no money, but Wang Shengxuan had money!
If you don't force the third child fiercely, the third child will not dare to ask Wang Shengxuan for money. The third child is afraid of death, so he will definitely use Wang Shengxuan's money. No matter how the third child gets the money from Wang Shengxuan, he only wants the result.

The third child took Wang Shengxuan's money, but he wasn't there. In the future, if someone Tan asked someone to settle the score, he wouldn't be responsible for it, and the third child would bear it.

Wang Ju knew how to deal with Wang Cuifeng, if he was threatened and beaten, Wang Cuifeng would definitely hand over the money respectfully.

After being punched, kicked and scratched, Wang Cuifeng's makeup was worn out long ago, her face was red and swollen, her hair was messy, and there was a little blood on the corner of her mouth. The blood from the wound on her arm also dripped on her dress. Her white print dress was stained red. A large piece.

She looked very embarrassed.

Wang Shengxuan hid in the room, heard no movement outside, quietly opened the door, did not see grandpa, saw mother struggling to sit up from the ground, ran over, hurriedly helped mother, anxious and afraid, voice trembling : "Mom, sit down first, I'll go find medicine."

Seeing the white-eyed wolf son, Wang Cuifeng was furious, but her whole body was in pain, her hands were still bleeding, and she didn't have time to settle accounts with him, so she grinned and checked the wound.

Wang Shengxuan found the spare medicine, because there was no gauze, he took a piece of clean clothes of his own and cut it into cloth strips, and took it to his mother together with the roll of paper, first wiped off the blood on the mother's arm, and then poured white medicine on the wound, The bottle and a half of Baiyao were all used up, and they were simply bandaged up.

"Mom, it's bleeding again. Let's go to the hospital." Baiyao couldn't stop the bleeding, and the cloth was soaked with blood just after wrapping it up. Wang Shengxuan was worried about his mother, so he ran to the bedroom to get his bank card.

(End of this chapter)

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