magic eye doctor

Chapter 1642

Chapter 1642

Tan Yanxing received a series of phone calls from his son on the road, fearing that his son would be tortured by the Wang family father and daughter, and was extremely anxious. However, the road will not become shorter, no matter how urgent it is, it will not help.

Because the son didn't call again after that, the longer the interval, the more anxious he became, and he overtook the car several times in order to catch up.

He hurried all the way, finally arrived at the community where Wang Cuifeng lived, parked downstairs, ran into the stairwell and rushed upstairs without even caring about locking it.

Running to the fifth floor in one breath, Tan Xingxing was so tired that he was sweating profusely. He wiped his sweat and knocked on the door. No one answered after knocking several times. In panic, he kicked the door open and rushed into the room.

There was a bloody smell in the house.

A pair of slippers were thrown at the entrance, and there was a pool of blood stains in the living room where there was a sofa.

The TV was on, but no one was there.

The door to the son's bedroom was ajar.

"Xuanxuan, Xuanxuan..." Tan Yanxing's heart jumped into his throat, he ran across the living room, rushed out of his son's bedroom, and slammed into it.

When he rushed into his son's bedroom, he saw Wang Shengxuan lying in a pool of blood.

Wang Shengxuan was wearing a white T-shirt and blue-black casual pants. He was lying quietly on the floor, with several wounds on his exposed arms and a leg, and a few balls of blood around him.

His clothes were also scratched in several places, and his white T-shirt was almost stained red. The most glaring thing was the slanted wound on his face. Four petals.

The picture is shocking.

Tan Yanxing, who rushed into the room, saw the horrific scene, his face was pale, his heart seemed to be grabbed and torn off by someone, the pain was so painful, he also stopped all of a sudden, and put him on the door. Hands are shaking.

After only a pause, he flew to his son and touched his chest. He felt that the child's heart was still beating, and immediately used his mobile phone to make an emergency call, and repeatedly confessed that the child was seriously injured.

Called an ambulance, then called the police.

After making two phone calls, Tan Xingxing covered his son's bleeding wound with his hands, hoping to stop the bleeding.

The public security department was closer to the residential area. After receiving the alarm, they dispatched the police quickly. They rushed to the residential area where the incident occurred in less than 10 minutes and found the floor. Four police C climbed to the fifth floor to correspond to the room number, and shouted at the door.

Tan Yanxing held his son's injury and dared not let go, and asked the police officers to enter the house, and kept the conversation.

The police officers entered the living room and found a bedroom according to the sound. They couldn't help but gasp when they saw the situation in the room, it was too cruel!
A policeman with a video camera quickly recorded the scene, and one made preliminary notes, asking about the relationship between the caller and the injured person.

Tan Xingxing answered truthfully one by one: "The child's mother is my ex-girlfriend. They broke up because of my business failure. Later, I got married and made a comeback with the help of my wife's natal family. The child's mother plotted against me again and drugged me. This child..."

He roughly talked about the emotional entanglement with Wang Cuifeng, and also said that he paid child support after he knew the child existed, and that he wanted to raise it himself, because the child's mother and child were unwilling, so he only paid child support, visited regularly, and had a good life. Father's responsibility.

The situation that Wang Cuifeng and the Wang family often robbed him of the pocket money given to the child, and the domestic violence child used the child as a punching bag was also explained in advance.

After this accident, he dared not let his children follow Wang Cuifeng again. With the shamelessness and cruelty of Wang Cuifeng and the Wang family, Wang Shengxuan would die at the hands of those inhuman beasts sooner or later.

He called the police in order to obtain custody of the child from Wang Cuifeng in the future, and what Wang Cuifeng and the Wang family did to Wang Shengxuan was the legal reason for him to seek a change of custody.

In the past, he respected his son's choice, but this time, he could not let Wang Shengxuan stay in the tiger's den no matter what, so he exposed Wang Cuifeng's various domestic violence without any concealment.

After that, Tan Xingxing said that because the child sent messages and called him today, in view of the behavior of the child's mother and the Wang family, he had learned from the past, and he was afraid that the child would be rubbed, so he came here on purpose.

Then, seeing that his son was injured, he dared not move without permission, so he called the ambulance and the police.

The police officers who recorded the scene recorded the room, then the living room, and then recorded the environment of the bedroom in detail to collect evidence. The kitchen knife at the scene was the murder weapon and was sealed and kept.

When making on-site notes, the honking of the ambulance also ranged from far to near. About 6 minutes after the call, the ambulance arrived at the community, and the ambulance personnel rushed to the scene with a stretcher.

The emergency personnel arrived, and the police officers asked the doctor to rescue the child first.

The medical staff who came with the ambulance arranged for a doctor who is good at first aid. After the doctor's emergency treatment, he gave the child an intravenous access and infused life-saving medicine.

During the first aid, the medical staff also asked the father of the child if he knew the child's blood type, and when they got an affirmative answer, they quickly called the hospital to inform them to prepare blood.

After some emergency rescue, the medical staff moved the person into a stretcher and lifted him down into an ambulance, and sent him to the hospital for emergency surgery.

Tan Yanxing found his son's mobile phone, keys, and student ID card, but failed to find the account book and bank card, so he went to the hospital with his student ID card.

The police officers carefully scouted the scene and confirmed that the first suspect was the victim's own mother. They rushed back to the police station immediately, reported to their superiors, and took action to arrest the suspect.

The ambulance carrying Wang Shengxuan arrived at the hospital with whimpering sirens, and the waiting medical staff immediately sent the seriously injured to the emergency room.

Tan Yanxing followed the ambulance in his car. When he arrived at the hospital, he registered with his student ID card, went through the admission procedures, and paid a deposit of 10 yuan.

After completing the formalities, he rushed to the emergency room and waited. He did not tell his parents that something had happened to Wang Shengxuan, because he was afraid that his parents would find out and worry and come to the hospital.

Wang Shengxuan stayed in the emergency room for more than an hour, and then he was sent for filming, necessary examinations, and then sent to the operating room for some minor operations.

After running according to the instructions of the doctors, Tan Xingxing also signed one after another operation consent form or the list sent by the medical staff.

After filming, he followed up with the doctor's office to listen to the doctors' analysis of Wang Shengxuan's condition. He could hardly believe the results. Wang Shengxuan had multiple fractures all over his body, including fractures and fractures of different degrees in the head and ribs. He also had internal chest bleeding and traumatic intracranial bleeding .

Most fractures are not major problems, the most serious are intrathoracic hemorrhage due to external impact and intracranial hemorrhage due to trauma.

In addition, there were fractures of the nasal bone and eye injuries. The patient's left eye brow bone was also severely fractured, the eyeball was cut, the cornea and retina were damaged, and the patient was blind in the left eye.

Wang Shengxuan was discovered in a timely manner. If he had been delayed by an hour or two, he might have died on the spot due to excessive bleeding in his chest and brain.

Rao was discovered early, but Wang Shengxuan's injuries are very serious. Currently in shock, he is in a critical condition and may die at any time.

The life of her son is hanging by a thread. Tan Yanxing is chilled by Wang Cuifeng's cruelty. A tiger does not eat its own child. Wang Cuifeng brutally hacked and killed her own son. Is she still human?

For the sake of his son, he tolerated Wang Cuifeng in every possible way, but in the end he got such a result!
Recalling the appearance of his son lying in the blood, Tan Xingxing was in pain, Wang Cuifeng and Wang Ju had better pray that Wang Shengxuan was safe, otherwise, the old and young members of the Wang family must be buried with Wang Shengxuan!
Because the child sent to the hospital is a minor and a critically ill patient, rescue is imminent. Judging from various imaging data, the operation is extremely risky and difficult. The hospital attaches great importance to it, and temporarily organizes expert consultations, and invites experts from other hospitals consultation.

After consultation with experts in the hospital, the patient was immediately sent to the operating room for surgery to check the source of intrathoracic bleeding.

Afterwards, experts from other hospitals also arrived, watched the materials, and entered the operating room,

During the operation and preparing for the large-scale operation, the medical staff came in and out, the door of the operating room opened and closed, and various instruments and surgical supplies were sent into the operating room one after another. After another two hours of busy work, the door of the operating room was officially closed. closure.

Tan Xingxing, who was standing outside the rescue room, didn't have lunch, so he called the manager of the entertainment city in the middle of the afternoon, told him about his work, and then called his wife and children to say that he had something to do and that he might not be able to go home for a few days.

When he rushed to Wang Cuifeng's house, he only brought his bank card and documents, but no clothes. While Wang Shengxuan was undergoing surgery, he went to the nearest clothing store to buy two sets of clothes and daily necessities for hospitalization and put them in Wang Shengxuan's ward. Wait outside the operating room.

When Wang Shengxuan was rescued in the hospital, the high-speed train Wang Cuifeng was on was gradually moving away from Guangzhou.

The police who decided to arrest the suspect Wang Cuifeng quickly figured out the suspect's whereabouts based on the clues provided by the informant. When Wang Cuifeng left home, he used the victim's student card at an ATM not far from the community. Cash was withdrawn.

Later, the information obtained from the station showed that she had fled to Chong C City.

What did Wang Cuifeng do in C City?
There are two reasons, one is a guilty conscience and wants to go to Chong C City to find a place to hide, the second reason is absconding in fear of crime and wants to escape to other provinces and cities through Chong C City.

Calculated according to the time, the suspect’s car had arrived in Chong C City an hour ago. The police C made a decisive decision and contacted the traffic department first to inquire about Mr. Wang’s car purchase information. The feedback was that there was no purchase information about Mr. Wang’s ticket. Get in touch with the higher authorities again and apply for arrest in another place.

Modern science and technology are advanced, police officers handle cases in different places, and the means and methods of guiding and arresting criminals have matured. There are countless cases where provinces and cities assist and cooperate in handling cases in different places.

The local police station in Guangzhou contacted the local public security in Chong C and asked the police in Chong C to help arrest the suspect and prevent her from escaping to other provinces and cities by public transportation.

After getting in touch with the local public security in Chong C, Guangzhou City Police sent a group of people to Chong C City to arrest Wang Cuifeng.

Wang Cuifeng didn't know that she had become a fugitive in fear of crime in the eyes of the police. She took the train to Chongcheng City Station, got out of the station, and found a place with a public phone to call her second sister's daughter.

When she fled, she had planned her route. She would go to the nephews in Chong C City to hide for a while, and wait for the limelight to pass.

On the way to Guangzhou Station, I first called my niece, contacted the second sister's daughter, and pretended that it was because of Wang Shengxuan's quarrel with Tan, so I went to stay with my niece for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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