magic eye doctor

Chapter 1643

Chapter 1643
The second sister is still squatting in the bureau, and Wang Cuifeng is looking for the daughter of the second sister and her second husband. That niece is 17 years old, so cute.

Wang Cuiyu and her husband are both in the police station, and her children are left alone, letting themselves go, running to hang out with the old cousins ​​of the aunt's house, and have become senior social gangsters.

Wang Cuifeng knew that the niece of the second sister's family was often short of money sometimes, and she was protected by someone named Tan, and the nephews thought she was not short of money, so they chose to go to the niece of the second sister's family to hide from the limelight.

Her niece is indeed as she thought, and she is welcome to stay for a while.

When she was still in Guangzhou, Wang Cuifeng finished the phone call, but the power of her mobile phone was running low, so she didn't bring a power bank. She was afraid that she would not be able to contact her due to the lack of battery power in the heavy city C, so she wrote down her niece's phone number on a piece of paper.

I threw away my mobile phone in the car, and the handwritten phone number came in handy.

After contacting her niece and making an appointment where to meet her, Wang Cuifeng took a taxi and drove to the ground for more than an hour. Because she had something on her mind, she paid the fare and went to find her niece without arguing with the driver.

It didn't take much effort for her to find her niece. She first gave her 2000 yuan, and then told her niece that someone accidentally took her mobile phone on the train, and asked her to buy a mobile phone for her.

Her niece was so coaxing that she believed it was true. On the way back, she bought a mobile phone and a card with her ID card, and then went back to her residence.

Wang Cuixiang and her husband were eating free food. Tang Tianyun saw that the boy's grandchildren were pleasing to the eye, but he didn't care about them. The two brothers had their father's bank card, they were not short of money, and they were free.

Zhang Xuhui owns several houses. His son took in the old cousin and lived in a house for the old cousins. No rent was charged, but the old cousin paid for water and electricity by himself.

The four old cousins ​​hung out together, ate, drank, prostituted and gambled, or went to fights, and went to certain places with the brothers on the road to collect some protection fees, and lived a very chic life.

Wang Cuifeng went with her niece to live in a house of her eldest sister's house, and it was great to have her own guest room.

Because Wang Cuifeng fled the scene as soon as she injured her son, she left Guangzhou in a hurry and did not contact her father, so she just left her father alone.

Wang Ju waited in the square, at first he took a walk around, and went to the snack street to taste delicious snacks leisurely. He also heard the siren and the cry of an ambulance, and he didn't take it seriously.

Strolling around the square for an hour or two, the third child didn't move, but the grandson and the hospital called to press for the money, and his heart slowly grew irritable.

He waited patiently until noon, but he didn't have any news from the third child, so he couldn't hold back his impatience any longer, so he called the third child, trying to urge him to find a way to get money quickly.

He dialed out the phone, but the response was that the phone had been turned off.

Hearing that the other party had turned off the phone, Wang Ju's first reaction was that the third child regretted it and didn't want to give money!
He was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

Burning with anger, she rushed to the community where the third child lived, and decided to teach the third child a lesson, so that the third child could remember well, lest she think her wings were hard and want to fly out of his palm.

He hurried all the way, and when he was about to reach the community, another idea popped up in his mind belatedly—was someone Tan afraid that he would have an idea of ​​Wang Shengxuan, so he called Wang Cuifeng to warn her not to touch Wang Shengxuan's money, the third child was afraid Someone Tan, so turn off the phone and avoid him.

Thinking of that possibility, Wang Ju changed direction and called Wang Shengxuan at a place with fewer people on the side of the road. Just ask Wang Shengxuan if someone from Tan came or called Wang Cuifeng.

He was full of confidence, thinking that he would be able to find Wang Shengxuan, but he didn't know that when he dialed the phone, it still showed "the other party has turned off the phone".

This time, Wang Ju was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. The big one turned off, and the small one turned off as well. They all wanted to avoid him, and they were so courageous!

The fire in his heart blazed up, and the raging fire burned to the top of his head. Angrily, he rushed into the community where the third child lived again, went straight to a certain building, and climbed up the stairs with full anger.

When he found the old third's house, Wang Ju knocked on the door full of anger, but no one answered. He knocked again, but still no one answered.

After knocking twice, there was no answer. He was so angry that his liver exploded. He pushed the door hard, and with that push, the door opened.

"Wang Cuifeng, you're such a slut, you're impatient..." Wang Ju thought it was the third child who finally opened the door, and rushed in angrily, cursing violently.

Just as he was thinking of ignoring 21 and catching someone to teach him a lesson, he rushed into the house and found no one, so his voice stopped abruptly.

Wang Ju looked at the door and found that the lock of the door seemed to have been broken violently. At that time, he was shocked. Could it be that someone from Tan came?

Looking around in a panic, there was no one in the living room, the doors of the two rooms were also open, and there was no sound.

The third child's house was quiet, and the third child's blood was still on the floor beside the sofa in the living room. Wang Ju felt guilty for a while, but his feet were very honest, and he walked towards the room where Wang Shengxuan lived.

He went to the bedroom where Wang Shengxuan lived and looked in. There was no one in the room, there were puddles of blood on the floor, and there was a bloody smell in the room, as if a pig had just been slaughtered in the countryside, and the smell of pig blood could be smelled.

Seeing the blood, Wang Ju felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his brain went blank, his feet seemed to have taken root, and he could no longer move.

Blood...whose blood?

After a long while, his eyeballs turned mechanically, and his eyes turned to the blood mass again. His heart was beating violently, as if it was going to burst out of his chest.

He thought of a certain possibility-the third child asked Wang Shengxuan for money, but Wang Shengxuan refused to give it, the third child beat Wang Shengxuan, and the blood belonged to Wang Shengxuan!
Then, another possibility came to mind—the third child wanted to force Wang Shengxuan to give money, but Wang Shengxuan disagreed, and the mother and son fought, and the blood might belong to Wang Cuifeng.

Suddenly, he thought of the police sirens and the cries of ambulances he heard in the square.

Does the ambulance just pick up Wang Cuifeng or Wang Shengxuan?
So, who is calling?
And sirens...

Who called the police?

In the blink of an eye, several questions flashed through Wang Ju's mind, and he shivered fiercely. If Wang Cuifeng or Wang Shengxuan entered the hospital, someone Tan would know sooner or later. The third child or Wang Shengxuan went to the hospital, and he will definitely be blamed again.

If Wang Shengxuan was really hospitalized...

Thinking of the last time when Jin Bao trampled on Wang Shengxuan, someone Tan chopped off Jin Bao's hand. If Wang Shengxuan was seriously injured and the incident happened because of him, someone Tan... would definitely retaliate against Jin Bao!
Thinking of the consequences, Wang Ju's calves trembled in fear, he didn't care to stay, turned around and ran out of the third child's house, and closed the door, deceiving himself as if he had never been there.

He rushed downstairs in one gulp, only daring to catch his breath when he ran on the street.

After squatting on the side of the street for a while, Wang Ju hugged his head. He was still waiting for the third child to give him the money to pay the hospitalization fee. The third child’s way would not work, so where would the money come to save his grandson?

After squatting with my head in my arms for a long time, I took out my mobile phone and called my mother-in-law, who asked her to borrow money from relatives of her natal family, and then called the children of the eldest and second child, and asked her to borrow money from her grandchildren.

Mother Wang was startled and panicked when she received a call from her wife. For the sake of her grandson, she naturally called her natal relatives to borrow money without exception.

In the past, Wang Ma often borrowed money from her natal relatives, and occasionally she could borrow a little. When she cried on the phone and told her grandson to be hospitalized and needed life-saving money, they all dismissed her directly as "no money".

Wang Ju’s grandson, Wang Jinbao, is a prodigal son. Lending money to Wang Ju and his wife is equivalent to throwing money into the kang. ?Who has money and doesn't spend it by himself?
The so-called emergency does not save the poor, and no matter how urgent the Wang family's affairs are, it is not worth saving.

After a round, Wang Ma didn't even borrow a dime.

When Wang Cuixiang and Wang Cuiyu's children received a call from their grandfather, they all rolled their eyes and dismissed their grandfather with the same sentence of "no money".

Grandpa called them frequently when he asked them for money. When their parents got into trouble, it was fine if they never helped.

All the old cousins ​​who don't want to have happy money to spend, who are willing to give their own money to the cousin of the uncle's family, every time they receive a call, they hang up in a few words, and they don't listen to the grandfather's family asking them for money.

Wang Ju called all the nephews of the eldest and the second family one by one, but none of them saw him as an elder who borrowed money to save his cousin, and scolded his nephew white-eyed wolf in frustration.

What can Jin Bao do if he can't borrow a penny?
Wang Ju hates, hates the little loser of the third son, that little loser has so much money, why give him one or two hundred?

The small loss of money is nothing, so that his grandson can't even pay for the hospitalization.

If the grandson's hand can't be healed well, it's all caused by small losers.

Wang Ju found someone to vent his anger on, and cursed the sky with hatred. Finally, he pinned his hopes on his granddaughter and called her to ask her to find a way to borrow money.

Wang Jinzhi gave a small amount of money to her grandfather yesterday. When she received a call from her grandfather asking for money again, she refused in tears, saying that she had less than 20 yuan left in her pocket and had no one she knew, so she had no way to borrow money.

The last bit of hope was shattered, Wang Ju lowered his head in despair, served as a wooden stake on the side of the street for a long time, and took the bus back to the county with heavy steps.

Transferring all the way back to the county hospital, the few hundred yuan he got from the third bag was reduced again, and the remaining was less than 500 yuan.

If the money cannot be raised, the grandson will have to be kicked out of the hospital.

Wang Ju lingered outside the hospital for a long time, then bit the bullet and entered the hospital. He had just returned to the ward where his grandson lived. The medical staff made rounds and asked the family members for payment stubs.

Wang Ju had no money to pay for the hospitalization, so he humbly begged the doctor to give his grandson medicine, saying that he had asked his relatives and friends to help him find the money, and he would have the money in two days.

The doctors shook their heads. They checked the records. The young man Wang was a fanboy. He lost his hand due to drug addiction and was hospitalized at the beginning of the year. He died and was admitted to the hospital half a year after he recovered from his injury.

Moreover, the credibility of the patient and the patient's family members are all negative.

Such a person is the old Lai in the rumors, who only reneges on his debts. According to the archives of a certain hospital, Wang's family still owes their town hospital medical expenses for seven or eight years.

The hospital is not an ambulance station, nor is it a charity organization. If anyone has no money, he will take medicine first, and the person will run away after being cured. Who will bear the medical expenses in arrears?

No matter how hard Wang Ju begged, the hospital followed the regulations and forced Wang Xiaoqing out of the intensive care unit to make room for other patients.

(End of this chapter)

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