magic eye doctor

Chapter 1653 Arriving at the Hospital

Chapter 1653 Arriving at the Hospital
The little girl was in a hurry, but Young Master Tang didn't force her to stay at Tang's house for lunch, and sent her to the top of the back mountain to take a plane.

Yanxing Lansan was the melon-eating crowd throughout Little Lolita's trip to the Tang family, coming and going silently, and when he left, Young Master Tang presented a few baskets of fresh fruits for everyone to eat on the plane, and they acted as fruit-carriers for a while. brother.

A group of people boarded the back mountain of the Tang family, Young Master Tang and two clan elders sent the little girl and the family children to board the plane, and then exited the martial arts arena, watching them off in the corridor of the bamboo building.

The helicopter rose slowly, flew to the sky above the bamboo building, and then flew towards Guangzhou.

It wasn't until the plane was too far away that the young master Tang, the fifth elder and the sixth elder flew down, returned to the main building of the inner courtyard, hurriedly looked for the jade bottle, and transferred the elixir sent by the little girl into the jade bottle.

The little girl presented four pills of washing sutras and [-] small pills of washing sutras.

Pack the elixir in a jade bottle that can keep the quality of the elixir intact for thousands of years, and then send it to the family pharmacy for safekeeping. The pharmacy has the highest security, so you can rest assured that such a precious elixir is stored there.

After collecting the elixirs, Young Master Tang and the clan elders studied the ingredients and wine presented by the little girl, and planned how to distribute them. The wine was reserved for the elders such as the head of the family and the elders of the family, and the ingredients were distributed to the elders and elite children of the family to taste.

When going to Guangzhou, Lan San was the driver, and Yan Xing and Xiao Loli accompanied the Tang family in the cabin.

The interior of the cabin is spacious and can be used as a sky office.

Tang Yanhan showed the little girl some drafted documents that might be needed, and discussed together what deficiencies existed or what needed to be supplemented.

Who is little loli?She is a genius with cheats. She has already scanned and archived all kinds of laws that must be studied in the national law and political law majors of the Celestial Dynasty.

As a lawyer, Tang Yanhan listened to the little girl's eloquent explanation of which point is suitable for which law to pursue at any time, and he admired him. He is a professional, and it is normal to be proficient in laws. Miss Le is a medical student. , her understanding of the legal provisions is comparable to that of a professional lawyer, she is simply... a hate-seeking existence.

Little Lolita was discussing legal issues with someone, Yan Xing sighed silently, he was still too... weak, not as good as her in martial arts, not as good as her in writing, and even worse in knowledge, Little Lolita said That's right, he is a weak chicken!
The only thing I can comfort myself is that little Lolita doesn't have a deep understanding of the modern Internet, and is not as good as him in terms of sources of news.

Comrade Yan, who felt that he was a weak chicken, felt overwhelmed, but there was nothing he could do.

Le Xiaoluoli is arranging Wang Shengxuan's future path, but Tan Yanxing doesn't know it. He stays in the hospital as an escort and takes good care of his son.

Because the Olympics is over, there is no live broadcast about Lejia girl, so he looks for the live video of the Olympics from his mobile phone or TV, and plays it to his son.

The middle-aged female patient in the same ward was discharged from the hospital on the afternoon of the [-]th. There was only one patient in the ward, Wang Shengxuan, and Tan Xingxing was an escort, but she was quiet. He played sports videos tirelessly and was not afraid of disturbing others.

Because his son’s condition is not good and he can’t be away from others, he hasn’t been home for many days. He calls every day, stays with his son as usual that day, takes a lunch break after lunch, and continues to play sports videos for his son.

He only played the video for a while, and when he received a call from his wife, he asked in surprise, "Hanxiang, you said you came to the hospital?"

He got an affirmative answer from his wife, ended the call, took the elevator downstairs in a hurry, went to the lobby on the first floor of the hospital, looked around, and soon found his wife.

Although he didn't know how his wife knew he was in the hospital, Tan Xingxing didn't plan to pursue it, so he walked over and asked a bit worriedly, "Is there something wrong with the girls?"

Chen Hanxiang was wearing a red one-piece dress from the famous brand Shi Fanli with black high heels, carrying a white bag, a hairstyle and makeup, showing the temperament of a lady.

Standing in the hall, she seemed to stand out from the crowd.

"Girls are good. You haven't come home for many days. I don't feel relieved. I went to the entertainment city. The people there said that you are in the hospital. Come and see if there is something wrong with you?" Chen Hanxiang said generously How did I know the man's route in the hospital, and I didn't bend the corner, and asked straight to the point to ask the doubts in my heart.

"Well. Sit down and talk." Tan Yanxing did not deny it, and took his wife to find an empty seat in the lobby.

"That child won't be hurt by Wang Cuifeng, right?" Chen Hanxiang didn't like the strong smell of disinfectant in the hospital. The man didn't mean to take her to see Wang Shengxuan, and she didn't mention it for the time being.

"Well, that crazy woman went crazy for some reason, and chopped up the child, seriously."

"Are you feeling better now? What did the doctor say?" Her husband said exactly the same as what he had inquired about. It could be seen that the man had no special thoughts. Chen Hanxiang felt a little relieved, and asked about Wang Shengxuan's health.

"The current situation is not very optimistic, and it is still under observation. I am going to ask for custody from Wang Cuifengli."

"I used to think that Wang Cuifeng was unreliable. She really did something wrong. Alas, it is the child who suffers, the father. The child has accidents every few days. You can't keep an eye on it every day. You should send it to your grandparents. "

"Forget it. If you send it to your grandparents, you will inevitably meet the girls. The girls are also uncomfortable, and you are also uncomfortable. On the contrary, it makes you unhappy. I will take back the custody and arrange another place for the child."

"Arranging to live outside, I can't get rid of Wang Cuifeng's family."

"Wait until I get the custody back first, have you eaten yet?"

From her husband's tone, Chen Hanxiang guessed that he already had signs of wanting Wang Shengxuan to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors. The vigilance in his heart was raised to the extreme, and he didn't show it at all. He smiled and said "eat", and was about to suggest to go and have a look Child, I heard commotion outside.

Some people shouted in the noise, saying "helicopter", "helicopter is coming", "what kind of boss is injured, and he was sent by helicopter".

Hearing the discussion, many people in the hall ran out to see the strangeness.

helicopter?A strange idea flashed across Tan Yanxing's mind, and he also stood up and walked out of the hall quickly, watching the excitement like the public.

Chen Hanxiang followed her husband closely.

The hospital has its own parking lot, between the emergency department and the infectious department building, and there is a floor in front of the complex building with outpatient clinics for ambulances to transfer patients, which is a no-parking area.

Wang Shengxuan lives in a complex building, the semi-open hall on the first floor faces the front ground.

The curious people stood on the steps in front of the hospital complex or ran to the passageway to the Department of Infectious Diseases. Looking up, a white helicopter was measuring and adjusting its position in the sky above the ground, trying to land on the ground.

The hot afternoon light shone brightly on the white helicopter.

Hospital security has already heard the news and evacuated the onlookers to a safe area, keeping people away from the ground.

Because of the swaggering appearance of the helicopter, the leaders of the hospital department were also alarmed, and they called to ask which leaders or important figures in the registration department of the hospital had registered to see a doctor, or if they had received any special calls.

The big bosses of the hospital can't control so much, so they ran to the first floor of the complex first.

Lan San adjusted the angle suitable for landing in the air test above the hospital floor, descended steadily in a straight-line manner, and landed smoothly soon.

The ground floor of Guangzhou People's Hospital is relatively narrow, and the helicopter is parked. Except for one side where ambulances can come and go, there is no other extra space.

For a helicopter that lands vertically, the wind blowing from the propeller blades is very strong, and people are still afraid to approach it during the process of gradually decelerating and rotating.

Security guards kept the scene safe.

When the plane's blades were almost finished and stopped, the hospital leaders also rushed to get out of the crowd, trotting towards the helicopter.

The pilot, Lan San, jumped out of the driver's seat, flew around the nose of the plane, and met the leaders of the hospital. He looked directly at the leader who looked like a big boss, and took out his military ID card from his shoulder bag to show it to others: "Hello, sorry for your worries. We are here to pick up a patient and send him to the capital for medical treatment. I hope that the normal work of the hospital will not be affected."

The leaders of the hospital read the cover and contents of the military certificate, and did not dare to ask: "No problem, if there is anything that requires our cooperation, we will try our best to coordinate."

"Thank you, leaders." Lan San nodded, took back his ID, put on his sunglasses, turned around and ran to the hanging ladder, and opened the door for him.

Several people in the cabin waited until Lan San greeted the hospital leaders before getting off the plane, first Tang Senyu Baiying, then Tang Yanhan, and then Young Master Yan.

Before getting off the plane, Yan Xing took out his sunglasses and put them on, helped little Loli carry her backpack, got out of the cabin, and waited by the hanging ladder.

Standing in the crowd, Tan Xingxing saw the young man coming out of the front cabin, and his heart skipped a beat. If that man came here, could it be that the Le family girl also came?
He stared straight at the helicopter cabin door, and after a few people came down one after another, a cool young man in sunglasses walked out, and he knew that his guess was right, the Lejia girl was here!

The next moment, a long-haired girl in ancient clothes walked out of the plane. The girl had an ancient hairstyle, because she bowed out of the plane and lowered her head slightly. When she got out of the cabin, that face appeared in front of everyone.

The girl's skin is as white as snow, with eyebrow-length bangs, a beautiful gold sash in her hair, a white cross-neck dress with sleeves that only reach the elbows, and a blue sleeveless tulle over the dress. .

The girl wears white jade bracelets between her left and right wrists, and holds a folding fan with tassels and jade pendants in one hand.

The leaders of the hospital looked at the girl in ancient clothes who came out at the end, a little dazed, feeling a little staring?

Drilling out of the cabin, Le Yun took a quick glance, and took in the faces of the people present. He also saw someone Tan in the crowd. His eyes flickered, he retracted his gaze, lifted his foot down the ladder, and floated down. Landed on the ground and walked towards the hospital leader.

Yan Xing held the backpack and stood on the right side of the little loli, while Lan San walked beside the captain.

Tang Yanhan was carrying a briefcase and walking on the left hand side of the little girl. On his left hand side were the old couple of the Tang family.

(End of this chapter)

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