magic eye doctor

Chapter 1654

Chapter 1654
When the girl in ancient costume jumped down from the hanging ladder, her dress fluttered and her long hair fluttered. She was as beautiful as a fairy descending to earth. Some of the onlookers reacted quickly and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

The leaders of the hospital looked at the girl in ancient costume and felt more and more familiar, but they couldn't remember who it was.

Walking a few steps to the hospital leaders, Le Yun cupped her fists and apologized to everyone: "Le Yun, Jiudao Township, Beishi City, E, came to the hospital for a private matter and disturbed the leaders, ladies and gentlemen."

" that you?"

"Ouch, little flying man?"

The girl reported herself to her family, and the leaders who were still in a daze had a flash of light in their minds, and they suddenly realized it. No wonder they looked familiar. It turned out to be the record-breaking king who had just smashed the Quartet in the Olympics. Le girl.

Because the little girl wore sportswear with her hair tied up in the Olympic Games, the screenshots or videos of the little girl displayed on the Internet related to the Olympics were all images of her wearing sportswear with her hair tied up, so they failed to catch people in the first place. Take your seat.

Showing off their glory in the Olympic Games, let the national flag rise in the Olympic venue time and time again, and the athletes and stars who have given the Chinese people a face are standing in front of them. How can they not be shocked?
Among the onlookers, those who had heard the name of Miss Le in E Beishi City crowded forward one after another, wanting to see it more clearly and take more photos.

There was a lot of noise.

Hearing the discussions among the onlookers, someone from the leader of the hospital asked, "Little girl, are there any acquaintances of yours in our hospital?"

People who like sports and watch follow-up reports know that the National Sports Department will hold a celebration meeting in Beijing on the 12th to cleanse the athletes who have returned from the battle. The girl from E North, the little athlete, swept eight awards. She is the protagonist at the celebration banquet. How do you run? Came from this corner of Guangzhou City?
"A patient who was hospitalized in a certain room of the complex building was related to me. The patient's condition was not optimistic. I was going to transfer the patient to the Capital Hospital for surgery. I came in a hurry, and I failed to communicate with the leaders and seniors in the same industry in advance. Don't worry, I don't dare to waste the leaders' time, I'll just go to the ward by myself."

The little girl is modest and polite, and even calls herself "senior colleagues".
The excited leaders repeatedly said "not busy", surrounded the little girl towards the complex building, and exchanged medical skills with the little girl. It is said that a famous European hospital once came to Huaxia to discuss medical skills with the little girl. It can be seen that the little girl is in China How good it is in medicine.

Miss Le came to the hospital, and she will not come again when the opportunity is not lost. I must share my experience.

There are two doctors who specialize in brain, and they are racing against time to communicate with the little girl about some intractable diseases in brain and cranial nerves.

Le Yun knows everything and talks happily with everyone.

The girl from Lejia and the leaders walked towards the hospital building, and Tan Xingxing also reacted, and rushed to the elevator room. He ran fast, arrived first, and pressed the call button to go upstairs.

At first, Chen Hanxiang didn't react when she saw the girl in ancient clothes. Later, when she heard the girl self-reported her family name, she was stunned. Le... the girl came to see Wang Shengxuan?

In a daze, Tan Xingxing ran away, and she followed, chasing the man to the elevator.

There are two elevators in the elevator room of the hospital, both of which are still running upwards.

Seven or eight leaders of the hospital accompanied the little girl and her party to the elevator room and waited while they were still talking about medical issues enthusiastically.

About a minute and a half later, an elevator arrived on the first floor, but Xiao Le didn't feel ashamed to grab it, and let the people who came first go first.

Tan Yanxing and Chen Hanxiang entered the elevator car, took the elevator up to the floor, and hurried back to Wang Shengxuan's ward.

Chen Hanxiang followed the man into the ward, looked at Wang Shengxuan who was wrapped like a mummy, and opened his mouth wide in astonishment, it seemed that he was really seriously injured!
I couldn't help being jealous again, this poor kid is so lucky to have such an excellent same mother and sister!
She didn't take Wang Cuifeng seriously, but she was afraid of the girl Wang Cuifeng gave birth to. The only thing she was lucky about was that Wang Cuifeng was unlucky and threw away such a good girl.

"This, it looks very serious, whether it's the head or the face." Chen Hanxiang was stunned, and quickly found the topic.

"I have injuries to my face and head." Tan Yanxing quickly packed up the items on the bedside table, put away the things he put on the next bed, found all the CT films and put them in a file bag, so that he could take them at any time later.

He had just packed up the odds and ends, and the hospital leaders accompanied Miss Le to the outside of the ward.

After the first elevator left, the other elevator arrived in less than half a minute. Student Le entered the elevator car with all the big bosses in the hospital, and handsome blue guy pressed the floor number.

The elevator arrived at the floor and opened, everyone walked out, Lan San led the way calmly, and led the little Lori outside the ward where a certain young boy lived.

At that time, a nurse happened to go to the ward to take a routine temperature check. Seeing that the leader also thought it was a routine check, she was not surprised, but when she saw a girl in ancient costume, she suspected that she had come from time travel.

The nurse opened the door, and Lan San stepped into the ward first, saw someone Tan, and calmly confessed to him: "Mr. Tan, Miss Le is here, you help the child with the discharge procedures, and the little girl will talk about the child's affairs later." Want to talk to you."

The leaders of the hospital followed Miss Le into the ward, and before they had time to understand the patient's condition, they silently agreed to the patient's discharge after hearing what the young man in sunglasses said.

"Okay." Tan Xingxing didn't make any protest or explanation, opened the door leading to the balcony, stood at the door, and gave up his seat.

As the handsome Lan San stepped into the ward, Le Yun glanced at Tan and his wife, and then at Wang Shengxuan on the ward. The child's head was wrapped in gauze, and only one eye and lip were exposed.

Walking a few steps to the hospital bed, he inserted the fan into the back of his neck, and uncovered the quilt, revealing a mummy wrapped in a cocoon.

The little girl lifted the quilt and saw that the patient's expression did not change. Chen Hanxiang, who followed her husband to the balcony door, took a "hissy" breath of air, and finally understood why Tan Xingxing wanted to get custody back.

Le Yun scanned Wang Shengxuan's body with his eyes, grabbed his hand and touched the palm, then touched the position of the heart and head, and frowned: "The tendon of the right hand is broken, the muscle of the left leg is strong, and multiple nerves are broken. Damaged, resulting in the death of the nerve tissue that controls movement in the right hand.

There were three finger-sized blood clots in the skull, and a piece of the nasal bone was missing. These and multiple fractures were not a problem, but there was a fracture fragment in the abdominal cavity, which was stuck in the liver lobe and was not found. The liver was infected. .

Also, the brain waves are weak, and the consciousness of survival is low. What kind of ghost reaction is this? "

Le Yun sensed the lifeless aura of a certain young man, and wanted to beat someone up. He might turn into a vegetable. It was obviously because he had poor will to survive, so his brain was about to "sleep".

The leaders who followed didn't know the patient's condition, and didn't know how to answer the conversation. The nurse was about to ask the girl in ancient costume why she said that the patient had bone fragments in the abdomen and why the liver lobe was infected. The patient's attending doctor rushed Entering the disease, panting heavily while running: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Doctor Chen, it's all right, the little girl is here to pick up this patient and transfer him to another hospital."

The leader who recognized the attending doctor comforted him.

Dr. Chen wiped his sweat, and was startled when he saw a little girl in Hanfu grabbing the patient's ear.

After checking it, he felt that a certain young man was weak in consciousness. Le Yun grabbed Wang Shengxuan's protruding ear angrily: "Did you hear me? It's fine if you can't hear other people's voices, but you can't hear mine. Are you I want to be beaten!

I don't like misbehaving children, you cheer me up honestly, want to die in front of me, and beat your ass to bloom. "

Roared, and poked his gauze-wrapped head again: "Not to mention, you look like a mummy wrapped in white gauze, it's so ugly, if you are seen like this, it will be difficult to find a girl in the future Friends, if you can't find a girlfriend, you will have to be a bachelor for the rest of your life.

It’s August now, and high school will start soon. If you don’t work hard to survive, if you drag on for a month or two, when you wake up, the day lily will be cold. If you follow in the footsteps of others, you will have to repeat a grade.

Sister, I skipped grades in elementary school and junior high school. I went to college at the age of 14. You just graduated from junior high school at the age of 15. If someone uses the ratio, where do you put your face? "

The little girl was chattering, others: "..." Is it okay for you to threaten a patient like this?
In fact, it was good, because the brainwave monitoring equipment showed that when the little girl threatened and scolded others, the patient's brainwaves were abnormally active for the first time.

Dr. Chen accidentally saw it, and shouted excitedly: "The patient has responded! The brain waves have shown that his conscious thinking has become stronger, little girl, talk to him more!"

"Ouch, I looked at his lifeless look, I just wanted to beat his ass to blossom, why would I want to talk to him, it's a waste of saliva to talk to him,"

Le Yun pursed her lips, with a look of disgust on her face: "Look, this poor kid is wrapped in gauze all over his body, there is no good place, he won't respond to talking to him, he won't respond to calling him, and he won't protest even calling him ugly , meaning nothing.

The most annoying thing is that when it comes to repeating grades, he didn't respond. I am a good boy who loves to study, and I don't like bad kids who don't like to study. He wants to sleep for a few more months and avoid going to school. People say he doesn't like it. A brat who is studying, I just want to beat him up a few times.

If a child is disobedient, a spanking is enough. This is an older child, so it is estimated that a spanking will not work, at least five or four spankings will be effective. "

The little girl's blah blah blah blah blah, sounds disgusting, but it's clearly like elders blaming each other's children when chatting with others, saying what's wrong, wishing to change with others, but in fact It is a different kind of love.

The leaders were happy to hear that. Dr. Chen stared at the equipment, looked at the abnormally active brain wave data, and called excitedly: "Little girl, if you continue talking to him, the patient may wake up soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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