magic eye doctor

Chapter 1655 I'm Not Discussing With You

Chapter 1655 I'm Not Discussing With You


When Tan Yanxing heard what the attending doctor said, he almost suspected that he was hallucinating. What did the doctor mean that Xuanxuan had signs of waking up?

These days, he stayed in the hospital and talked to Xuanxuan every day. Apart from responding to things related to "Sister Lejia", Xuanxuan only reacted. On the contrary, Xuanxuan reacted strongly, showing signs of waking up.

Is it because his way of speaking is wrong, or does Miss Lejia have some miraculous healing powers, she can cure a patient who is about to turn into a vegetative state by cursing?
His cub didn't respond to his words, but he had a different and deep affection for his half-sister who had only met once, and Tan Xingxing's old father's heart was broken into slag.

Being urged to talk to the bear, Le Yun refused: "Let's forget it now, I'll go through the transfer procedures for him immediately and take him to the Capital Hospital. There will be six or seven hours on the way, and I will give him ideological education classes on the way." , Scolding him a bloody head will not damage my image."

Dr. Chen: "...", it took him a while to realize: "The little girl wants to help him transfer?"

"Yes, the child's eyeball has just been removed, and some nerves or certain tissues have not degenerated. It is more appropriate to transplant the eyeball to him as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more troublesome the operation will be."

"That's right. We don't have any existing eyeballs here. Go to the capital, get treatment early and get healthy. I'll issue a discharge order."

"Can the doctor give the patient another medical stretcher bed and a set of supplies for easy transportation?"

"Yes, yes, the hospital has spare new stretcher beds."

Before Dr. Chen could speak, the leaders agreed.

"Thank you! There is no need to reduce the expenses that should be paid. Students should have insurance, and the insurance company must shoulder their due responsibilities, and we cannot let our medical staff suffer secretly."

"That's right."

The little girl stood in line with the medical staff, and all the leaders unanimously agreed that the students have accident insurance, and the medical expenses must be borne by the insurance company.

The little girl wanted to transfer the patient to another hospital, and Dr. Chen rushed to issue a discharge order.

Without being urged by others, Tan Xingxing took the payment receipts, medical records and documents and followed the doctor to take the bills and go through the discharge procedures.

When it took a while to go through the discharge procedures, the hospital leaders invited Miss Le to go to the place where the doctors had a meeting to continue discussing medical skills, focusing on cancer issues.

The doctors on the floor heard that the experts who had successfully cured cancer patients were in the meeting room. If they were not in a hurry, they also rushed to the meeting room to learn.

Tan Yanxing went to go through the discharge procedures, and the doctors accompanied the girl out. Chen Hanxiang found that the young people wearing gold-rimmed glasses and the middle-aged and elderly people who came with the girl stayed in the ward, and asked in surprise: "What do you guys do?"

The little girl went to discuss medical issues with others, but Tang Sen, Yu Baiying and Tang Yanhan didn't join in the fun, and sat and waited in the ward.

"Entrusted by Miss Le, we are babysitters for the children." Tang Sen sat casually on the adjacent ward, and replied with a smile.

Chen Hanxiang looked at the elderly men and women suspiciously: "This child is my husband's illegitimate child, and has no relationship with the little girl. The little girl doesn't seem to have the right to be in charge of the child's life."

"In the past, I really didn't have the right to control it, but I will soon have the right." Tang Sen still had a kind face, listening to the woman, taking advantage of her man's absence, quietly put on eye drops, trying to make people hate the child, let the child There is a psychological shadow, and his heart can be punished.

Hitting a nail that was neither soft nor hard, Chen Hanxiang was a little embarrassed. Someone was guarding the ward, and it was not good for her to leave. After thinking about it, she went to the balcony to "see the scenery".

A certain woman didn't take the initiative to talk, which was exactly what the Tang family's uncles and nephews wanted, and they didn't want to talk useless nonsense to irrelevant people.

Tan Xingxing took the discharge form and the necessary things to the toll office to check out, and then took the receipt to the nursing department to pick up the stretcher bed. He waited at the nursing station first.

The nursing station got the payment slip from the patient's family members, went to the warehouse to get back a stretcher bed and a set of bedding, went back to the nursing station with the family members and then went to the ward, transferred the patient to the stretcher bed purchased by the family members, and checked that the urinary catheter was not loose , confessed some doctor's orders, and returned to the nursing station.

After the child was discharged from the hospital, Tang Yanhan went to inform the little girl.

Xiao Le, who was discussing medical skills with the doctors, heard that the procedures had been completed, smiled apologetically at everyone, got up and went back to the ward.

Yan Da Shaolan handsome guy followed around every step of the way.

The leaders of the hospital, the doctors and the little girl were discussing in full swing. The little girl was about to leave. They ended the medical exchange with regret. The doctors went to work, and the leaders accompanied the little girl to the ward.

Outside the ward, Lan San asked the leaders to stop so that the little girl could communicate with the patient's family.

The hospital leaders and the young man in sunglasses were waiting outside the door.

When the little girl came back, Tang Sen and Yu Baiying avoided first, leaving only Tang Yanhan present, and handsome Yan would naturally not be absent, as if he existed like a kilowatt light bulb.

Her man turned back after completing the formalities, and Chen Hanxiang, who was sweating from the heat on the balcony, slipped back to the ward to turn on the air conditioner, because her husband was in the ward, so she stayed.

With a fan in her hand, Le Yun walked up to someone Tan, and said with a downcast face: "A certain woman is a scum, in my eyes, you are no better, you are also a scum!"

The girl in ancient clothes swayed the dragon's first step above her head when she walked, with indescribable elegance. When she walked in front of her, Tan Xingxing felt the pressure.

He was scolded as a scum, he suffered it, and kept silent, waiting for the girl's thunderous wrath.

Seeing the girl approaching, Chen Hanxiang felt as if a knife was being pointed at him. He was inexplicably panicked, and couldn't help taking a step back. Aware of his fear, fearing that he would be found out and despise him, he took another step to stand beside her husband.

Her husband was called a scumbag, and the man reacted like "you're right" and immediately became upset: "Why do you call me a man? It has nothing to do with you whether my man is a scumbag or not."

"Chen Hanxiang shut up, it's none of your business here!" Tan Yanxing, who was paying attention to the little girl's face, noticed that the little girl was looking at his wife, and immediately scolded her not to let her mess with the little girl.

Being scolded for helping a man stand out, Chen Hanxiang looked at Tan Yanxing in shock: "You... tell me to shut up?"

The woman made trouble for no reason, wasting her own time, Le Yun flipped the wrist holding the fan, and the fan hit the woman's numb and mute points.

Chen Hanxiang only felt the wind blowing, and the next moment her whole body went numb, her hands and feet were so numb that she couldn't feel it. She just wanted to open her mouth to ask what she was doing, but she couldn't make a sound. I see sweat all at once.

"Woman, you have nothing to do and watch too many TV shows, and your mind is full of conspiracies and tricks. Regarding Wang Shengxuan's matter, what tricks did you do behind your back? Don't think that you are doing it flawlessly and no one will know. You can hide it from the person next to you." , but you can’t hide it from people who are smarter than you, think twice before doing things in the future, don’t forget, all the children you gave birth to are girls.”

Le Yun clicked on a certain woman's acupoints and issued a warning. A certain woman is not as gentle and harmless as she appears on the surface. Let the scumbags of that family stare at Wang Shengxuan's money, which also led to Wang Shengxuan's misfortune.

"My woman... what did you do?" Tan Yanxing's heart sank, and Han Xiang was personally warned by the Le family girl, what did she do?
not good!When Chen Hanxiang heard the girl's words, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and was so anxious that she broke out in sweat. Once Tan Yanxing became suspicious, it would be difficult to think about what to do in the future.

"Your taste is really bad. There is no good thing in the women you like. Wang Cuifeng is a scum, this is a beautiful snake with a heart of snakes and scorpions. The reason why Wang Shengxuan has the current misfortune is the responsibility of Wang's scum, and also the fault of the person next to you. Handwriting."

Le Yun glanced at the woman with a pale complexion in disgust, and stared at someone Tan coldly: "I don't care what kind of woman you are, you know what you have done, and you can still do well." Standing here and talking to me is also because of Wang Shengxuan's admiration for you.

I'm not going to turn over old accounts today, I'm only talking about Wang Shengxuan's affairs, you go and get back the custody of Wang Shengxuan, and then entrust all matters concerning Wang Shengxuan to the lawyer I invited.

In addition to using the name of the guardian, signing where the guardian's signature is required, and cooperating with the guardian when the guardian is required to come forward, don't bother with the rest.

You couldn’t control your lower body back then, but now you should bear no matter what the result is. You can pay as much alimony as you want, monthly, quarterly, and annual. The alimony is handed over to a lawyer.

If Wang Shengxuan doesn't take the initiative to meet you, don't show up in front of him again. Take good care of your woman. If anyone makes any small moves, my aunt will punish him in the same way as others, and charge ten times the interest.

Don't bargain with me, I'm not discussing with you, I'm just informing you, if you can't protect Wang Shengxuan, then hand him over to someone who can protect him. "

Being told by the girl that Wang Shengxuan's misfortune had her own handwriting, Chen Hanxiang couldn't speak, and was terrified in his heart, rolling wildly in cold sweat uncontrollably.

Tan Yanxing turned his head to look at his mother-in-law. Seeing Chen Hanxiang's pale face, he knew that the girl had not wronged her. She did a lot of things against Wang Shengxuan behind her back. She took a deep look at her mother-in-law, and then at the girl, feeling deeply Lowering his head: "Just do as you say, I... have no objection."

"I don't want to sit in a wheelchair. If you have any objections, hold back for me. Give me Wang Shengxuan's admission certificate, and I will rush to the capital for surgery. Lawyer Tang will discuss the other matters with you in detail. I will arrange another residence for Wang Shengxuan." , you go back and pack all Wang Shengxuan's books, and someone will move them in the future."

Regardless of whether Tan is willing or not, Le Yun firmly warns him not to forget what he did to her father, if she thinks what she said is not pleasant, or feels that her son has been taken away, hold back if she refuses to accept it.

The girl did not show her sharpness, but Tan Xingxing felt the oppression on the neck of the knife holder all the time, and did not make a dying struggle like trying to retain custody. For Wang Shengxuan's face, maybe she can save him a little bit of face.

(End of this chapter)

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