magic eye doctor

Chapter 1658 (Supplement

Chapter 1658 (Supplement
Xiao Le completed an acupuncture step and ignored it.

The three assistant doctors opened the patient's abdominal cavity, because the patient's liver lobe was punctured by finely broken bones and was infected. After the abdominal cavity was opened, in addition to the normal smell in the body cavity, there was also a layer of rancid smell.

Three doctors checked the patient's internal organs and lungs, and found the source of the disease on the patient's right liver lobe. There was a finger-sized area in the right liver lobe that swelled and rotted. The liver around the injury also changed color, producing a lot of sticky mucus.

After finding the source, the three doctors carefully checked whether other internal organs were infected or injured by broken bone fragments.

After searching around, I couldn't find any other wounds, so I cleaned the liver lobe and abdominal cavity first, then disinfected the wounds of the liver lobe.

Little Loli put on gloves, adjusted the liver lobe to a suitable position, picked up a scalpel made of gold, dug out the rotten liver, threw it into the operating tray, and then quickly sterilized it, applied medicine, and let it dry for a while. Let it dry, then apply the medicine, let it cool for a while, and then fill the pit where the necrotic liver meat was removed with ointment, cover the surface with suet film, and then suture with special suture.

She sewed the suet film on the surface of the liver lobe like patching clothes. After the stitches were finished, no blood leaked out, which shows how precise the needlework is.

After treating the wound of the liver lobe, a layer of ointment was applied to the patient's entire liver lobe, and a layer of liquid medicine was applied to the five viscera and six lungs. The bone-strengthening steel needles were taken out, and two thin willow sticks were used to nail them into the bones. The broken ribs were joined together, several layers of medicine were applied, wrapped with a film coat, and sutured with suet suture.

Three fracture locations could be found from the thoracic surgery window, and Le Xiao used the same method to re-treat the other two fractures and apply special medicine prepared by himself.

Treat the fracture well, apply medicine to the operation window area, and then suture.

The suturing work was handed over to three assistant doctors. Le Xiao took off his gloves and poked Wang Shengxuan a few times again. After that, three of the needles on Wang Shengxuan's head were pierced with thin blood threads from the needle holes.

The blood bubbling out from the pinhole is a deep dark red, which tends to be black and red, and that blood is congestion.

When the pinhole stopped bleeding, he poked Wang Shengxuan's chest again, and the remaining blood in the pinhole flew into the air, and the inside of the pinhole was clean.

After cleaning up the congestion in Wang Shengxuan's head, Le Xiao happily pulled out the medical needle, threw it into a bottle of disinfectant water and soaked it, then poured him a bowl of medicine, and stuffed a pill in his mouth.

To solve a problem, there were two severe fractures on the head, one of which was operated on by a doctor in Guangzhou Hospital, and a thin steel needle was also used to fix the bone.

Classmate Le Xiao opened the surgical wound left by the doctors in Guangzhou Hospital, took out the steel needle, joined the skull with willow bone needles, wrapped the medicine, sewed up the operation window, and applied a layer of medicine on the outside , covered with bamboo film on the ointment surface.

She completed a head fracture operation, and three assistant doctors finally sewed up the thoracic surgery window, and she applied the medicine herself.

Afterwards, Little Loli spoke up and ordered the three assistant doctors to re-operate on Wang Shengxuan's arms and legs where the steel needles were fractured, replacing the steel needles with willow sticks, applying medicine, and then suturing the wound.

Because some fracture sites not only have fractures, but also have severed or damaged nerves and tendons, the tendons and nerves are also connected during bone surgery, which is also very time-consuming.

Wang Cuifeng definitely didn't choose which areas to avoid when swinging the knife, otherwise Wang Shengxuan's nasal bone would not be cut off, and his left eye would not be chopped off. , Everywhere the aorta.

The closest wound to the aorta on his neck and chest was only two and a half centimeters away. If the knife was pulled in a certain direction, the aorta in the neck could be cut.

If his main artery was cut, even if Tan Xingxing could arrive immediately after the incident, he might not be able to save him.

Therefore, it can be said that Wang Shengxuan was lucky. It was a blessing in misfortune that his main artery was not cut off on the spot. Even if he was seriously injured, his life was still alive.

Because of Wang Shengxuan's multiple broken fractures or severe fractures, it was already [-] o'clock in the morning the next day when the four of them worked together to treat the large and small fractures below his neck.

The four of them did not care about rest, and performed continuous surgery on some tendons and nerves that had not been cut off but were severely damaged.

That operation took another three hours.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, it’s dawn in the capital at five o’clock, and at seven o’clock in the morning, Mr. Sun has already shown a smiling face.

Tang's couple stayed up all night, got up at [-]:[-] in the morning, packed up and went to eat breakfast, and then went to the operating room to check the situation, and found that the operation was not over yet, so they stayed outside and asked the two young people to eat breakfast.

Yan Shaolan sat and watched all night, because she took the pills given by the little Lolita at noon yesterday, she was in good spirits, staying up all night was no different from an hour.

I don't know how long Little Loli's surgery will last, and the two of them are not single-minded people, so go have breakfast first, and then go back to the operating room to continue waiting.

After six o'clock, the family members of the patients in the hospital had frequent activities, and the medical staff were busier. After seven o'clock, the night shift medical staff conducted ward rounds before get off work.

In the operating room, the four medical workers who had completed an operation did not feel any changes in the outside world, and continued to work, applying ointment to the fractured bone.

It is Le Xiaoluoli's exclusive hand-made plaster. The ointment sticks to the surface of the animal skin. When using it, apply some ointment and stick the plaster on the fracture site. As long as the fracture is not fractured, the plaster can make the bone Cracks close.

The four of them applied plasters to the patient's fractured bones in a carpet-searching manner, and finally left the left eyebrow arch, because Wang Shengxuan's left eye would be transplanted later, if the plasters were applied first, it would affect the operation.

After finishing another job, Le Xiao asked his assistants to use a knife on his injured collarbone area and a place where his face was severely fractured, and cut open the surgical window area that the doctors in Guangzhou had sutured after the operation. , redo the operation.

She was not idle, and started to operate on another severe fracture on Wang Shengxuan's face, and opened the operating window for bone surgery.

The fractures on Wang Shengxuan's face were solved first, and the assistants were responsible for the stitches. Little Lori performed "plastic" surgery on Wang Shengxuan's collarbone, removed the steel needle, and removed a piece of bone that was made up of several broken bones. The gap is cut neatly, and a piece of willow branch is inlaid in the gap.

Wang Shengxuan had two fractures in his left clavicle, one near the acromion and the other near the sternum, which was also the injury closest to the aorta of the neck. The injury located near the clavicle near the sternum was a fractured fracture, missing half a fingernail A big piece of bone.

Classmate Le Xiao, Master Wan Qi, and two assistant doctors dealt with the fracture near the acromion first, and then dealt with the broken fracture. They also cut off a bone and replaced it with a willow branch.

It was [-]:[-] in the morning after the clavicle bone surgery was completed.

And just as they finished an operation and took off their gloves to relax their nerves, First Young Master Liu rushed to the hospital in a taxi with luggage.

Liu Shaoyu had no choice but to leave City T after the Olympics. He returned to the capital and returned to the base to make a report on his work in City T. After that, he went back home and missed the few days when Little Lolita returned to Beijing from Country R. God, so I couldn't be a little tail to follow E North.

Swiping his phone last night, he found that Xiao Xingxing and little Lolita had returned to the capital again. Little Lolita was undergoing surgery at the hospital where Prince Wancheng worked.

Yan Shao, who decided to be a little follower and play with little Lolita back to E North for a few days, was carrying an overstuffed XL backpack and a computer bag on his back, and drove to the hospital in a taxi. Pay the fare, rush into the building, and take the elevator upstairs.

He knew where Xiao Xingxing and Lan San were, and when the elevator arrived at the destination floor, he rushed out of the elevator car like a hot wheel, and rushed all the way to a certain operating room.

Seeing Team Liu rushing towards him at the speed of Dian Zhifeng, Lan San greeted with a smile on his face: "Oh, Young Master Liu, what kind of wind brought you here?"

"Ah, you guys are so unkind. You didn't call me when you sent the little beauty back to E North a few days ago. I'm so heartbroken." Young Master Liu rushed to Fa Xiao's side, took off his backpack, and between Fa Shao and handsome Lan Gasping between them, he sat down and successfully separated the two.

Tang Senyu Baiying saw the handsome young man rushing towards him with a smile on his face. The young man was sunny and enthusiastic, and it was pleasing to watch.

"Heart blockage is a precursor to myocardial infarction. Little Lolita is still in the operating room. Please ask her to perform surgery on you." Yan Xing moved his hips to the side to give some space to a guy who never followed the routine. .

"No, I don't have a myocardial infarction. My brother is running too fast and I can't breathe for a while." Successfully stopped, Young Master Liu occupied a position with a smile on his face, ouch, caught Xiao Xingxing, he can Follow to E North.

"Who is the little Lolita operating on?" He took a few breaths before asking the reason, who has such a big face that he can let the little Lolita who just returned to E North stay for one night and then return to Beijing.

The captain didn't want to mention Wang's scumbag, so Lan San explained, "That boy was born to a scumbag from Wang's family in Province C."

"Hey, it's that unlucky kid. Alas, it's really unfortunate that the little guy has such a biological mother. The baby and the little beauty must have destroyed the earth in their previous lives, so they were reincarnated in the belly of that kind of scum. It's pitiful. One was deprived of the right to life before birth, and the other was treated as a cash cow when he was born. If he couldn’t make money, he was immediately killed and exterminated..."

Young Master Liu's mouth was like a door that couldn't be closed, he babbled endlessly to express his opinions, he was like a hundred ducks alone, and instantly made the quiet and quiet lively.

Yan Xing: "..." Sometimes I really want to sew someone Liu's mouth shut, just to talk.

The old couple with Tang's syndrome smiled gracefully, the young people are so lively, it's nice to be young!
When Young Master Liu arrived at the hospital, Le Yun in the operating room knew about it when the car he was riding in arrived at the hospital, because handsome Liu said a word when he got out of the car, she didn't smell his scent, but heard his voice.

Know people by hearing.

Hearing the sound, knowing that handsome Liu came to the hospital, she didn't need to think about it, but she knew that he must want to follow her to play at her house, and she didn't think much of it.

Originally, she wanted the elder brother and the two assistant doctors to rest for a while, but they didn't want to, so they gave each of them a pill, took office and continued the operation.

The three buddies took a pill last night, and they were full of energy, without any fatigue. The mood of the operation in a state of full energy was particularly good, and the experience of the operation was also exceptionally good. It is good to continue to work hard Timing, who is willing to rest.

The little girl gave them another pill, but because they were still in a state of excitement, they were reluctant to take it, so they carefully wrapped it in paper and hid it in their pockets.

The four performed nasal bone surgery on Wang Shengxuan.

Wang Shengxuan's nasal bone was injured by violence, and the wound was uneven. Some cut bones were smashed into slag, which could not be put together and had to be removed. The place is sunken inward.

The depression is as wide as a little Lolita's little finger, and as long as a knuckle. If the patient does not undergo plastic surgery to fill the bone depression, he will almost have no roots.

With the assistance of three doctors, Le Xiaoluoli re-opened the operation window, first cut the bone of Wang Shengxuan's nose, trimmed it, and then inlaid a willow bone.

After the nasal bone surgery, it was already eleven o'clock.

After staying in the operating room for a night and a long time, the four doctors, three men and one woman, had neither sore waists nor weak legs, and no qi deficiency, and they were still in good spirits.

Wang Shengxuan's injuries all over his body were basically healed. In the end, he had surgery on his left eye. As for the fracture of the brow arch, it was a minor surgery compared to eye transplant surgery.

After resting for a while, Le Yun took the bottle containing the eyeball and cornea out of the jade box, first applied the medicine, and then put on a new pair of gloves to apply the medicine inside and outside Wang Shengxuan's left eye for disinfection.

The eyes are the window to the soul, and any minor operation must be done carelessly, let alone an eyeball transplant.

Classmate Le Xiao didn't get careless, and disinfected the poison seven times in a row, and smeared the surgical knife with medicine again. When everything was ready, the eye transplant operation began.

The little girl was the chief surgeon, and the three doctors from the city hospital were assistants. They didn't ask the little girl where the eyeballs came from. They had a fascinated trust in the little girl, and subconsciously believed that the source of resources in the little girl's hands was absolutely legitimate. Yes, there is no heart to be a detective at all.

Eye transplantation sounds simple, but the actual operation is complicated. Every movement needs to be done carefully, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

The first requirement for an ophthalmologist is to be bold and careful. The psychological quality of an ophthalmologist is extremely high. Even if there are tens of thousands of ducks quacking around them during the operation, they can still keep their ears to the outside world and act like an immovable king. Hands are as steady as Mount Tai.

Four people, three big and one small, took three hours to complete the transplant operation. First, they applied medicine to the eyes, and then performed surgery for the fracture of the brow arch. Cover half of your face.

(End of this chapter)

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