magic eye doctor

Chapter 1659

Chapter 1659
After completing the operation on Wang Shengxuan, the four doctors who stayed in the operating room for almost a day and a night let out a long breath, finally they are done with their work, and they can go to get some fresh air!
After smelling the smell of disinfectant and blood for more than ten hours, even the doctor felt stuffy and didn't want to stay any longer, so he quickly packed up the medical tools.

Because the operation window was opened during the operation or the wound would ooze blood, Wang Shengxuan lost a total of more than 1000 milliliters of blood, and almost a quarter of the last blood bag was lost.

Little Wang received no other medicines during the operation, only blood.

Dr. Wan Teng took two companions to pack up some items, and changed the blood bag hanging on the infusion stand in the operating room to the bracket at the head of the operating bed. They took off their surgical clothes and threw them aside, waiting for the little girl to pack up. Her medical tools, pushed the operating bed and opened the door out of the operating room.

The Tang couple and the three youths waited outside the operating room for almost a day from morning to afternoon. When they heard the sound, they stood up in unison, and the words "under operation" on the door of the operating room changed from bright to dark. The door that had been closed for more than ten hours slowly opened.

Five people at the door waited for the operating bed to be pushed out of the operating room, and hurried forward to take it. Yan Xing snatched the big medicine box and big backpack carried by little Lolita.

When Lan San and the elderly couple pushed the operating bed away, Young Master Liu jumped up to the little Lolita who had just walked out of the operating room, and gave a big smile: "Little beauty, long time no see, you are running on the Olympic track." Time is so beautiful, it is the most beautiful surface, the moment you cross the finish line is just one word - handsome, handsome, handsome, you are the most handsome on the surface!"

Yan Xing despises the face, Liu is a super sycophant!

"Well, I know I'm handsome." Le Yun took out the fan from her waist, and opened it in an extremely handsome posture to fan the wind.

"That's right, the little beauty is the most handsome, the little beauty is the most beautiful, the number one little beauty in my celestial dynasty, the fastest little flying man in the world, she is so beautiful in the world, she is so handsome. Little beauty, I must be tired after so long surgery." Come on, Brother Liu, I will give you a shoulder squeeze, and I will tell you that my shoulder squeeze is as good as the first one. When my old man's shoulders are sore and his back hurts, it is I who squeezed his shoulders and beat his back."

After successfully brushing his face, Young Master Liu cleverly and wittily stepped back half a step, leaned sideways, and squeezed the little loli's shoulders. The technique was really skillful and dexterous. It can be seen that he said that it is true to squeeze the shoulders and backs of the elders, so Practice makes perfect.

Dr. Wan Teng: "..." I really want to kill Young Master Liu, this guy is so courteous, what does he want to do?

Don't talk about him, even Yan Xing wants to beat someone Liu to death, it's fine for that guy to come here to brush his face, and he dares to speak boldly so he recommends himself to pinch the little Lolita's shoulders, it's too shameless!
"Handsome Liu, do you think this little classmate is so delicate?"

"Of course not. The little girl runs ten thousand meters on the sports field without blushing or panting. She is so majestic, heroic, fearless, courageous, and unstoppable. The little girl is a hero, but you continue After more than ten hours of surgery, and more than ten hours of holding a scalpel, it is inevitable that my arms will be sore."

In order to achieve his goal, Handsome Liu blows rainbow farts without integrity, Le Yun's goosebumps fall all over the ground, and he looks sideways at the big backpack carried by a certain handsome guy with a half-smile: "Handsome Liu, you are still carrying a bag?" Big backpack, have you just returned from a business trip?"

"Yes, not long after I came back from a business trip, I heard that the little beauty is here to perform surgery on people, so I ran here immediately, Brother Liu, I care enough about you."

"Well, I have received your concern. Handsome Liu, you just came back from a business trip. Your colleagues, parents and brothers must miss you very much. I won't let you play here. You should go back early to reunite with your brothers and family."

Student Le pretended not to have guessed the purpose of handsome Liu, and one could imagine the result of his very kind suggestion. Handsome Liu's face cracked instantly, and he screamed: "Little beauty, I have already returned to my work unit and Home, I have a few days to rest, you can leave me to play."

Dr. Wan Teng: "..." Whose shameless cub is that?Come and pick up the thick-skinned guy.

"What is there to play in the hospital? It smells like disinfectant. If you like to play, stay in the hospital and play as an escort for the patients for a few days."

"Little beauty, how about you?"

"Me? Of course I'll go home later, my classmate is very busy, and there is a patient in my hometown waiting for me to see a doctor."

"Little beauty, I don't want to stay here, Brother Liu, I want to travel to Jiudao with you."

"Jiudao has no scenic spots and is not suitable for sightseeing."

"Little beauty, brother Liu... want to go to your house to play." Liu Xiangyang was about to cry, and the little loli was pretending to be stupid, she was not cute at all.

"Oh, so you wanted to go to my house. You came here early in the morning to find your buddies. I thought you just wanted to get in touch with Handsome Yan."

"Oh, little beauty, I have nothing to do with Xiao Xingxing. Brother Liu wants to get in touch with you. We haven't seen each other for more than a month."

"After getting in touch with each other, I go back to my own home. When I have nothing to do, I like to think about how to dismantle CP."

"No, no, no, I'm not looking for you to connect with each other. I'm here to be the little tail. I'm Xiaoxingxing's little tail. Follow him to Jiudao to play and play."

"Handsome Liu, when you weren't here, those two handsome guys with ice cube faces sat outside the operating room all night, as quiet as a chicken. Once you came, this place became a vegetable market."

"The little beauty ignores them. Those two who say they are gentle mean that they cherish words like gold and are taciturn. If they say rude, they mean that ten sets of millstones can't squeeze half a fart. If you are with them, you will not starve to death, freeze to death, or be angry. I'm bored to death, unlike me, Brother Liu, I'm not only handsome and handsome, but I'm also talented, eloquent, and eloquent..."

The taciturn two young people: "..."

The two buddies who can't squeeze half a fart out of ten sets of grinders: "..."

The troubled brother who will make people bored to death: "..." Damn, Liu is too cruel, he tramples on others like this, and puts gold on his own face, doesn't his conscience hurt?
The old couple of the Tang family couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear. When they walked to the elevator, Liu Qingnian boasted to himself. When the elevator arrived, he took the elevator down to the ward floor. The waves are endless.

Not to mention whether his eloquence is good or not, one thing is certain: he has a thick skin.

Liu Shao, who started the boasting mode, stopped talking when he arrived outside the VIP ward. He cleverly rushed to the front to help open the door of the ward, and pulled the operating bed into the ward in front.

Tang Senyu Baiying and Lan Shuai guarded the side of the operating bed against shocks, pushed the operating bed into the ward and then transferred to the small room where the patient lived. They did not dare to act rashly. They waited for the little girl to tell how to move Wang Shengxuan, and then worked together to cooperate. Supporting the head, arms and waist respectively, Wang Shengxuan was moved to the bed in the ward to lie flat.

Because of the particularity of the medicine used by the little girl, little friend Wang didn't need anti-inflammatory injections or hang up nutrient solution when she left the operating room. After transfusion of the bag of blood, the patient can rest in bed.

After checking that there were no safety hazards after Wang Shengxuan was transferred to the hospital bed, Le Yun went to the outside room to open the medicine box and backpack, first took out a pack of herbal tea and pills from the backpack, and gave one pack to each of the master and the two assistant doctors Herbal tea, a black pill.

"This pill is a detoxification pill. You must take it during the rest time when you are sure that you don't need to work overtime. After taking this medicine, you will squat on the toilet frequently after half an hour under normal circumstances. Therefore, after taking the medicine, you only do two. Things—drinking water and going to the toilet, for about six to eight hours.”

In order not to cause embarrassing scenes, she had to tell them to choose a good time to take the pills. If they took them during working hours, they would not be able to work. If they were stuck in their crotch, 囧, Thinking about that picture has a sense of horror.

The three men took their share faster than snatching, put the pills in their pockets, and covered them tightly for fear of being picked out of their pockets.

The people next to me stared blankly: "..."

The corners of Le Yun's mouth couldn't help twitching, and silently took out another jade box, opened it to the elder brother, and pointed to them one by one to explain: "This bottle of medicine is a nutritional pill for Wang Shengxuan, take one pill every three days. These two boxes of plasters are for the external application of severe fractures and injuries. After the patient's current application of the plaster is absorbed, they will be applied and covered with bamboo film. Generally, the plaster should be applied at least [-] hours apart.

These two bottles are plasters for the eyes. There is no need to change the dressings just after the operation. The first dressing change time is five days later, and the medicines are applied every three days thereafter.

In order for this poor kid to go to the school to report on time during the school term, I spent a lot of money. In order to ensure that there is no accident in his eyes, I worked hard to give him Anshen Pill before changing the medicine, and then change it after he falls asleep, so as not to prevent him from controlling his eyes. Can't help but open my eyes to see the light, this blue bottle is filled with tranquilizing medicine. "

"Senior brother, remember." Wan Cheng Hongli took the box, and repeated what the little junior sister said, which is which medicine, and how to use it.

The master repeated the words correctly, Le Yun nodded happily, and then took out two porcelain bottles and handed them to the two elders of the Tang family, one containing detoxification pills and the other containing nutrition pills, and then specifically explained the nursing matters, please take care of the two elders, Every three or two hours a day, use a cotton swab dipped in warm water to smear the surface and surroundings of Wang Shengxuan's sticking plaster and bamboo film to keep the plaster and bamboo film moist to prevent the plaster from solidifying and affecting the patient's ability to absorb the medicine. speed.

The old couple of the Tang family happily agreed, and repeatedly asked the little girl to rest assured that with their two old bones guarding her, they will definitely take good care of the little girl.

Le Yun also handed Wang Shengxuan's student ID card and medical records to the Tang couple: "Uncle Tang, Aunt Tang, in order to prevent the bear child from waking up emotionally and hurting the wound, I gave him a medicine to make him fall asleep. I didn’t wake up until the next day, so please worry about it.”

"Don't worry, don't worry, little girl, you are busy and just go, we will call you if there is anything to do." Tang Sen smiled so hard that his teeth didn't fit. The little girl knew that they were young uncles, and she always called them according to the rules of the world. They are Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang, are they very kind?

After the operation was done, and what should be explained was also entrusted to the corresponding person. Le Xiaole waved his little paw boldly and left gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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