magic eye doctor

Chapter 1660

Chapter 1660
Dr. Wan Teng wanted to send the junior sister downstairs, but was declined. The junior sister asked them to have a good rest. He and his two colleagues gladly accepted the offer and went back to the dormitory after get off work to catch up on sleep.

In fact, they were afraid that people would know that the little girl had given them tea, and they would all come to drink tea to fight the famine, so they hurried away to protect the tea.

The handsome Yan Shaolan and the two followed Little Lolita when they set off without knowing where she was going, let alone how many days they would go, so they each carried simple luggage. Their backpacks were placed in the helicopter, and they were waiting for Little Lolita at any time. Ordered, so there was no change of clothes last night and during the day.

Young Master Liu was carrying a big backpack, happily followed little Lolita to board the plane, threw the backpack away, and sat with little Lolita with someone like Yan.

Lan San was still a pilot, flying a helicopter to E North.

It was around two o'clock in the afternoon when little Lori finished her operation, she spent some time in the ward, and it was about three and a half o'clock in the afternoon when she left the hospital.

The EC225 can reach a maximum speed of 348 kilometers per hour. Lan San maintained a speed of about 320 kilometers per hour while driving. He refueled twice on the way and arrived at Jiudaomei Village in six and a half minutes.

At about ten o'clock in the evening in Plum Village, every household was either sleeping or preparing to go to bed. The owner and guests of the Le family were not asleep, and they were all waiting.

Little Lolita has something to go out, and the school masters in Lejia will have fun by themselves, driving around the village and neighboring towns, sweeping up mountain delicacies and flower fish, buying mushrooms, washing them, drying mushrooms, and raising fish, Keep the jelly fruit, and eat other edible wild fruits when you buy them.

The old men and the old ladies wandered around the village, eating cucumbers and tomatoes grown by Lejia every day, leisurely and contented.

A group of young and old received a phone call in the afternoon and heard that Xiao Lele was going home at night, so no one went to sleep and waited. When they came back, they found that there was another follower!
The school masters looked at that handsome and sunny young man, and they were speechless. Young Master Liu was able to intercept Xiao Lele halfway, and successfully followed Jiudao. He really deserves him.

After staying in the operating room for more than ten hours, Le Yun disliked the smell of disinfectant on her body, so she didn't hug her younger brother, and the first thing she did when she got home was to take a shower with clean clothes and wash it from head to toe, feeling refreshed Cool.

Yan Shaolan and San Liushao also went to take a bath first. Young Master Liu lived with Handsome Yan and Handsome Lan. The three of them were buddies and soldiers, so it was convenient to live together.

When the girl returned home, Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, immediately went into the kitchen to cook noodles, warm up some dumplings, and cook mushroom soup for supper for the young and old at home.

Mrs. Wang's mother, Mrs. Chao, waited for Xiao Lele to come back from the shower, and immediately pulled her to her side. One helped to wipe her hair with a towel, and the other took a hair dryer to help blow it.

After Xiao Lele's hair was half-dried, Zhou Qiufeng and the child's father put the supper on the table, and she took the time to help Xiao Lele wash the changed clothes and put them on the third floor to dry.

After eating supper, we sat for a while, and it was almost eleven o'clock, and we went to bed.

Before going to bed, little Loli soaked two barrels of beans, soaked several large pots of seafood, boiled a pot of medicinal soup, and then put the pot on the fire stove, put charcoal in the stove, and let it simmer slowly.

The school masters remembered the instructions from Little Lolita to grind tofu, pound fruit jelly, and wash seafood tomorrow. They woke up very early in the morning and were very excited. After eating, they went to work quickly and cooperated.

The job of the beautiful boy is still to give cultural lessons to Xiao Leshan.

There is little Lele at home, and Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, fed the pigs after breakfast, let the chickens out, and went to work in the fields. When they went out, one of the couple led the cows, and the other carried the ducks to the river.

When Le Xiao was at home directing the handsome guys to be cattle and horses, Wang Cuifeng, who had been in the detention center for two days, was taken to the court in the morning and waited to go to court.

The first trial of Wang Cuifeng's intentional wounding case was held in private. It was heard in a small court, and only some reporters and people from the community where Wang Cuifeng lived attended.

As a party involved, Tan Yanxing naturally had to be present. He hired a lawyer and was fully represented by the lawyer. He and Tang Yanhan sat in the auditorium to listen.

Court begins at 10 a.m.

Before the trial, Wang Cuifeng was so frightened that she became paralyzed into a dead dog, and was carried into the court by the bailiff.

After a series of procedures, the prosecution will present the victim's situation.

When Wang Cuifeng heard that Wang Shengxuan was not dead, her paralyzed body seemed to have been spattered with chicken blood, and she shouted excitedly: "It's as good as not dead! I don't have to die, I don't have to die!"

She wanted to stand up excitedly, but the bailiff pressed her shoulders to keep her quiet.

The judge also struck the hammer to silence the suspect.

After being warned, Wang Cuifeng was still uncontrollably excited. Wang Shengxuan didn't die, and she didn't have to die!As long as the person is not dead, she is at most negligent and injured, and she can be released after staying in prison for a year or so.

When the statement was interrupted, the prosecutor’s lawyer had to pause, and when he was allowed to continue, he stated the victim’s injury again. Finally, the lawyer hired by the victim’s biological father stated the victim’s biological father’s appeal, and requested a change of guardianship in order to protect the victim’s physical and mental health. .

When Wang Cuifeng heard the lawyer mentioning that Tan Xingxing asked to become Wang Shengxuan's guardian, she quarreled and resolutely opposed it. Once Tan Xingxing became the guardian, he would take Wang Shengxuan away, and she would never get a penny from him again. .

As long as it is related to money, Wang Cuifeng is sharper than anything else, especially Wang Shengxuan is her cash cow, how can she give in, she cried and said that it is not easy to raise a child by herself, and said that she was angry at the time and did not hurt her son on purpose, she has already regretted it up.

The woman acted violently, and the well-prepared lawyer did not show any weakness, and handed over the evidence given to him by the client to the judge. The evidence was the transfer records of Tan's monthly living expenses paid to Wang in the past, a thick stack of bank transfers. documents.

When the evidence was checked by the judge and asked to be cross-examined, and then made public, Wang Cuifeng was stunned. Tan Yanxing actually printed the transfer records every year? !
In the face of evidence, what she said about raising children alone is all sophistry.

What's even more exaggerated is that Tan actually collected all the deposit and withdrawal records of the child's bank card that had saved the New Year's money in the past ten years.

Who took the money?

The lawyer used evidence to explain that the money was forcibly embezzled by Wang Shengxuan's mother and her family, and the guardian stole it herself, which damaged the legal rights of the ward, and the guardian was violent at home. The original guardian was no longer suitable to be the guardian of the ward.

Tan proved that he had been raising the child, and the child was just following him. Wang Cuifeng had no reason, and played arbitrarily, crying and howling, saying that it was hard work for a woman to take care of the child. She didn't know that her mother's family had taken away the son's money. He resolutely refused to admit the fact that he and his natal family partnered to embezzle the child's money.

The defendant made unreasonable disturbances in court and flouted the law. The judge's three warnings were invalid, and he was expelled from the court, and the court was temporarily adjourned for half an hour.

After the resumption of the trial, Wang Cuifeng was brought into the court again. The judge did not ask her opinion at all, and directly announced the ruling. The court agreed to change the guardianship of the victim. From that day on, the guardian of the victim was changed to Tan Xingxing, the biological father. guardianship.

At the same time, at the request of the victim's biological father, the court will conduct a mental appraisal of the defendant. Once the defendant is confirmed to have a mental illness, the victim's biological father will have the right to request to restrict or refuse Wang Cuifeng's visit to the child, so as to protect the child's life and physical and mental health. Get hurt again.

Losing Wang Shengxuan's custody, Wang Cuifeng still didn't give up. In order to keep the child by her side and constrain Tan Xingxing, she made a lot of noise and asked the judge to ask Wang Shengxuan who she chose to live with.

Wang Cuifeng hurt the child, and she has no regrets from the beginning to the end. Her various performances in court disappointed the judges. How could they accept her opinion and firmly rejected her appeal.

After announcing the change of guardianship, the court will be closed. How many years will Wang Cuifeng be sentenced to? Waiting for Wang Cuifeng to have a psychiatric evaluation and according to Wang Shengxuan's recovery, the date of the re-trial is temporarily difficult to determine
The guardianship rights were revoked. Wang Cuifeng was afraid that Tan Yanxing would take the child away while she was still in the detention center. When the court was closed, she asked to meet Tan Yanxing alone, but she was still refused.

After the court closed, Tan Xingxing, who had obtained guardianship as he wished, entered the inner court of the court, went through the legal process, and obtained the documents that the court ruled to change the guardian.

Obtaining the court ruling is equivalent to being a legal guardian, and one's guardianship is protected by law.

After getting the verdict, Tan Xingxing met with lawyer Tang, handed over the document and Wang Cuifeng's household registration book to lawyer Tang, and signed several documents.

After the meeting between the two, Tan Xingxing returned to the entertainment city that he had not been in charge of for many days. Tang Yanhan took the document signed by Tan and his household registration book without staying for a moment, and took the high-speed rail back to City C.

When Mr. Tang returned to his hometown, he rushed to the household registration management office of the public security department in the area where the Tang family was located, met with the family members, and got the contract for the house purchased under Tang Sen's name. Submit the application form and materials for moving your household registration to Tangsen's newly purchased house, and ask the management office to issue a letter of consent to the household relocation.

Because the applicant's requirements met the requirements, the household registration management department agreed after review and issued a letter of consent for quasi-filling the household registration.

After receiving the letter of consent to enter the household, Lawyer Tang breathed a sigh of relief. Everything is difficult at the beginning. After the household relocation procedure is the most likely to be stuck, the rest is not a problem.

It took a lot of time for the household registration management department to go through formal procedures, and it was almost time for them to get off work when they got the approval letter. They went back first, and the next day was Saturday, so they could take a break and go to Guangzhou on Sunday.

Tang Shaozhu bought a house after his family members went to Guangzhou with Miss Le. Tang Yanhan signed the contract with a lawyer from a law firm. The lawyer was there, and the buyer bought a five-bedroom house. A special case was made, and the procedures were completed as quickly as possible. Of course, the real estate certificate will be processed uniformly in the future.

The house purchased by the Tang family was in the urban area of ​​the county where the Tang family lived. It was less than one and a half miles away from a middle school in a straight line.

Due to its geographical location, Chong C City is a place where every inch of land is expensive, and housing prices are very expensive. Some houses in good locations are even more expensive.

Miss Le is not a stingy person. She mentioned the housing requirements. In addition to being close to the school, she asked Wang Shengxuan to have a separate bedroom, and Tang Sen and his wife had one. In addition, it is better to have a study room, a nanny's room, and a guest room to receive visitors.

On the premise of the little girl's request, the Tang family purchased a single-family villa for her. It has two floors, five bedrooms, two living rooms and three bathrooms on each floor. , It also costs 190 yuan, and together with stamp duty and public maintenance funds, it costs a total of more than 400 million.

With that suite, little Wang Shengxuan has a layer of security even if he does nothing in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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