magic eye doctor

Chapter 1661

Chapter 1661
Lawyer Tang sent a message to Miss Le on the way back to the law firm, and promptly reported that someone Tan had obtained custody, and he went back to Chong C City to find the household registration department to apply for a residence permit.

Classmate Le Xiao is very busy during the day. In the morning, he cooks soy milk to make tofu, bean curd and bean curd, and makes jelly. In the afternoon, he makes seafood and herbal meals in the kitchen of the south building. Respond to the message and go to bed.

The top students have been busy for a day, NO.15 has nothing to do with them, and they are driving around, shopping.

Le also took a day off for himself, sterilized his medical needles, prepared some medicines, and gave Mrs. Wu, Grandma Chao, Grandma Chao, and Grandma Zhou each a detoxification soup.

Due to her physical condition, Mrs. Wang will need acupuncture after a while, so she is not an exception.

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Zhou Wei got the medicine, went to Zhou's house with Grandma Zhou, and occupied the toilet in Zhou's new building.

Brother Zhou works outside and is not at home during the day. Zhou’s new building has toilets on every floor, so it is convenient to go to the toilet. As for Zhou Tianming, he is young, and he can use the hut behind the house if he wants to use the toilet.

The four old ladies spent the day running to the toilet. They had diarrhea all day, and also emptied the toxins accumulated in the five lungs and six lungs for many years. They were all refreshed and looked several years younger.

The four ladies took a bath and changed their clothes, and when they returned to Le's house for dinner in the evening, the old men were jealous, and they caught the little girl to complain about her grievances, saying that she was partial to the old ladies.

Classmate Le rolled his eyes, got up the next day, gave each of Grandpa Chao, Professor Wan Teng and his uncle a dose of medicine, and deducted their breakfast at the same time.

The three old men happily drank medicine and water happily. After breakfast, they occupied the toilets on the first and second floors of the South Building and the second floor of the North Building.

That day is also the 16th, Jiudao Street Day.

The beautiful boy helped Xiao Leshan teach and solve doubts. The schoolmasters went shopping, and Le Xiao went to Jiudao Junior High School to see the granddaughter of the old principal Yin with a medicine box and a backpack.

Comrades Yan Shao, Liu Shao and Lan San were unswerving followers. They drove Little Lolita's expensive luxury car. Because there were so many people on the street, they squeezed for half an hour before they were able to climb across the street.

The handsome Lan San, who was either a pilot or a driver, drove a famous car across the street and headed straight to Jiudao Junior High School. Because it was fair day, the villagers went to the market, or those who had caught the early market went home one after another, and there were many pedestrians in twos and threes on the township road.

The vehicle drove to the road leading to the school, and finally it was unimpeded.

Jiudao Junior High School is under construction, and idlers are not allowed to enter. The gate is closed except when commuting, leaving only a side door for people to enter and exit.

When Lan San arrived in his car and wanted to say hello to the guard, the guard recognized who the car belonged to first and opened the gate to let him through.

Lan San thanked him, drove into the school, walked through the office building amidst the sound of construction machinery, and parked in the open space in front of the staff dormitory building.

The faculty dormitory is a building built in the 80s and [-]s. Two of them are two-story buildings, and two are three-story buildings. In the past, all the buildings did not have toilets, but they were remodeled and now have toilets.

The old principal Yin received a call from a little classmate yesterday saying that she came to see a doctor, and had been waiting in front of the first dormitory building for a long time. When Xiao Le's car came, he trotted forward.

Liu Shaoyan lacked two little tails, so there was no need for the little Lolita to carry the medicine box and backpack in person. They each grabbed a piece of luggage and carried it to show that they were useful people.

Lan San was used to this, and he was happy to be at leisure.

The three scrambled to get out of the car, and when little Lori came out, they followed her around, acting as conscientious attendants.

Little Lolita is wearing a light blue dress, with a white tulle jacket with straight legs and half arms, a single spiral bun on her head, a peacock swinging in her hand, and a folding fan in her hand. The gauze skirt is fluttering, and the steps above the head are swaying and shining, showing the dignity and softness of the classical beauty, and the graceful manners.

When the old principal Yin saw the beautiful and beautiful girl, he suddenly felt bright in his heart, and said cheerfully: "Xiao Le, I really have you, you have made our country look good!"

Who would have thought that a golden phoenix would fly out of Jiudao, a poor mountain nest?

This golden phoenix has won eight gold medals in a row in the Olympic Games and is famous all over the world.

Every time after the Olympics, the hometowns of those Olympic champions who performed well can follow the trend. The young students swept eight gold medals, which is unprecedented. Today, because it is the hometown of the Olympic champions, Shishi Jiudao also followed suit. name.

Classmate Le is famous now, and those who targeted her back then must have regretted it.

The old school Yin is very happy for the current achievements of his classmates. He has been teaching for decades, and finally saw a child who walked out of his school when the loess was about to cover his neck. This life is worth it .

The old headmaster was so happy that he ignored the new faces who came along with the little classmates, even if the handsome guy looked handsome, handsome and sunny, with extraordinary appearance.

Young Master Liu who was treated as air: "!" Thanks to him showing what he thinks is the most beautiful smile!
"Thank you, I'm just doing my best." Le Yun smiled modestly, she was praised by those Yan foodies, and she could boast a few words, but she couldn't float when she was praised by the old principal.

The little classmate is well-known in the Olympics, but he is still as humble as before, neither arrogant nor impatient, and has the style of a general. The old principal Yin feels that Xiao Le is of high quality, so he leads Xiao Le to the dormitory where he lives with a smile on his face. While caring about Xiao Le who came back in a hurry a few days ago and went out in a hurry, he asked if there was anything urgent.

Le Xiao only said that a child in a neighboring province was injured and the situation was urgent. She went to take him to the Capital Hospital for surgery.

Yin’s dormitory is located on the first floor of the second two-story building.

After turning around the first building, there is a rectangular green lawn at the back, the road in the middle, and then another green lawn, and then the second staff dormitory building.

There is a distance of seven or eight meters between the two buildings.

During the renovation of the teaching staff building, the exterior walls were also repainted, with slogans painted on the walls, which is very down-to-earth.

The school is on summer vacation, and half of the teachers have returned to their hometowns. Only those teachers who have lived in the school for a long time stay behind, and some teachers also go to work on construction sites. There are not many idlers hanging around in the school on weekdays.

Old principal Yin led classmate Xiao Le and her bodyguards to the faculty building where he lived, and his wife greeted him at the door.

Mrs. Yin is also in her late [-]s and is a primary school teacher. She used to teach in Jiudao Primary School. Later, because her parents-in-law were old, she applied to be transferred back to her hometown, and she spent less time with her husband.

Because of her age, the old lady is slightly hunchbacked and her hair is all white. She officially retired a few years ago and came to Jiudao to accompany her husband. She has gained weight in recent years and looks a little blessed.

The old lady was wearing dark red casual clothes for the elderly. When she saw the little girl, she smiled and showed her missing tooth: "This girl looks really tender, and her clothes are beautiful. She looks like a fairy, and she looks better than the fairies in TV dramas." .”

"Hello, Mrs. Yin." Le Yun greeted the old lady obediently. She had met Mrs. Yin several times when she was in Jiudao Junior High School, and had little communication, but because of the old principal, the teachers and students of the school respected Mrs. Yin.

"Good boy." The old lady Yin was overjoyed. She wanted to hold the little girl's hand but was afraid of frightening her, so she hurriedly invited someone in: "The little girl's friends are so handsome. The younger generations are all so handsome. Other boys can't find a match."

"You're flattering me." Being praised by the old lady for being handsome, the three soldiers looked as shy as elementary school students, and were a little at a loss.

"Come in quickly." The old lady Yin, the old principal, smiled, and led the little classmates and three handsome boys into the house, feeling a little cramped: "The firewood is burning at home, and the walls are blackened by the smoke, so I'm wronged and you just make up for it."

The inside and outside of the teaching staff building are painted, because many teachers in Jiudao Junior High School also burn firewood, and there is smoke, which makes the walls yellowish.

The old headmaster’s house burns wood for a lot of days, and cooks with electric appliances during the hottest period of summer.

The staff dormitories are all old-fashioned buildings, and there is no quiet zone and dynamic zone. In the past, there was a living room when entering the door, a room on the left or side, and a kitchen behind the living room.

During the remodeling, the bathroom was next to the kitchen, and you had to go through the kitchen to go to the bathroom.

The old principal Yin lived in a two-bedroom house, because his family members did not accompany him, and he still lived in the original two-bedroom dormitory after he became the principal, and he lived there for nearly 30 years without moving.

Le Yun knew the situation of the school's student dormitory and faculty dormitory like the palm of his hand, and felt friendly, and also saw the girl in the living room.

The living room of the old principal’s house has simple furniture, a TV cabinet, a round table, a wooden sofa, some wooden chairs, and a small tea table against the wall with a kettle and teacups on it

Because the kitchen is not very big, there is still a way to go to the bathroom. There is not enough space, and the refrigerator is placed in the living room.

Principal Yin’s little granddaughter is sitting on the wooden sofa in the living room watching TV. She should be 14 years old this year, but because of the sequelae of meningitis, she has low intelligence and slow response, and she is still in the sixth grade of elementary school.

Also due to the impact of meningitis, her development was delayed and she grew slower than others. She was only 14 meters tall at the age of 1.2, but she was very fat, weighing more than [-] catties, and had boyish hair.

The granddaughter of the old headmaster is Yin Qingmei, and the little girl from Zile said she would like to see her. The old lady Yin returned to her hometown at the end of July to bring her to Jiudao, and she has lived there for several days.

Miss Yin was watching TV, holding a bag of French fries in her hand, and two packs of spicy sticks on the table.

Mrs. Yin entered the room and shouted: "Qingmei, the little sister that grandpa and grandma told you is here, hurry up and pour tea for sister and brothers."

Miss Yin, who was watching TV with potato chips in her arms, heard the shout, turned her head after a while, stared at the person, and only realized after a few glances, she let out a sound, put down the potato chips unhurriedly, stand up.

She stood up and didn't know what to do, she was in a daze.

"Clear your eyebrows, wash your hands first, and then pour tea for the younger sister and brothers." Old lady Yin instructed again.

Miss Yin answered "Oh" after a while, and walked to the kitchen. She was wearing short-sleeved and three-quarter-length casual clothes. When she was standing, her fat body was like a bucket, and her arms and legs were fleshy when she moved. Trembling trembling.

Walking into the living room, Le Yun turned on the X-ray function of the eyes to scan Miss Yin, and collected a lot of data. The child ate too much junk food and became overweight.

According to visual inspection, Ms. Yin's weight is seriously overweight, about 110 jin, which means she is more than [-] jin heavier than her. Moreover, Ms. Yin's weight is real, and her weight includes the weight of her hair.

She is a small child, at least 14 meters tall when she was 1.5 years old. Miss Yin is also 14 years old, just 1.2 meters, more than 14 centimeters shorter than when she was 30 years old.

She is overweight, but her height is seriously low, forming an imbalance, so that Miss Yin looks even fatter, and her waist is no longer a bucket waist, but a bucket waist.

(End of this chapter)

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