magic eye doctor

Chapter 1662

Chapter 1662
The old principal Yin invited the little classmate and the three young offspring into the house. Seeing that the little granddaughter didn't greet anyone, he smiled at the three young people very helplessly and modestly.

"This child reacts slowly, is always indifferent to strangers, and has a big temper. If my little granddaughter is sorry, I ask the three gentlemen to forgive me."

Fearing that his little granddaughter would be stubborn and do something embarrassing, the old principal Yin first expressed his humility. Xiao Le knew that his little granddaughter had brain problems, so he shouldn't be blaming him. He was worried that his little granddaughter had done something wrong. What made the three young people angry and affected their relationship with Xiao Le.

"You worry too much, we buddies are all grown-ups, how can we care about children who are occasionally willful." Young Master Liu replied with a smile, feeling in his heart, the little girl is so fat!Scary fat!
Miss Yin was so fat that her hands and feet were jointed like lotus roots, especially like sumo wrestlers from country R. Her body was as thick as a bucket, and when she walked, she slapped the ground like a big palm, making heavy footsteps of "pow, pow, plop".

To tell the truth, he was really worried that the ground would be crushed by Miss Yin. If she lived upstairs, the residents downstairs would have trouble sleeping and eating when she walked around.

Young Master Liu didn't mean to despise people, but simply felt that being overweight was dangerous, it was a risk to one's health, and others felt it was dangerous too.

The old principal Yin invited the guests to sit down, and the handsome guys pulled up the chairs and sat down by themselves.

After scanning Miss Yin's body, Le Yun pulled up a chair and sat down in the direction away from the kitchen and the two rooms, took a look at the spicy sticks on the table, and shook her head: "Old principal, don't let little My sister eats these junk foods and eats too much puffed food, which is the most likely to lead to obesity and is harmful to health."

"We don't want her to eat either. She can't control it. She doesn't eat and tends to act aggressively." The old principal Yin was particularly worried. The little granddaughter is addicted to snacks and is getting fatter. Don't let her eat, she Often agitated, when agitated, he would fall to the ground and foam like epilepsy.

"..." Le Yun was silent for a while, and didn't say anything more.

Mrs. Yin asked her little granddaughter to wash her hands and pour tea. She washed her hands and brought out a sliced ​​watermelon for the young people to eat. She also washed a plate of peaches and a plate of cantaloupe.

The old man brought the fruit, and Miss Yin just washed her hands, and almost forgot what to do, and was reminded, so she poured tea and served it on the table.

It wasn't until serving the tea to the guests that she had the normal reaction of seeing a strange face for the first time. She looked and looked at the faces of the three handsome young men, her expression changed, and she asked attentively, "Brother, watermelon is delicious." Is it hot? Do you want a fan?"

The elderly Yin and his wife knew that the little granddaughter had finally come to her senses from the way she looked. Because the little granddaughter was "son patriarchal" and completely ignored Le, they were so embarrassed that they didn't know what to say.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao are not stupid, in order to prevent being entangled, they resolutely refrained from speaking, Lan San bit the bullet and acted as the spokesperson for the two chief executives: "Watermelon is delicious, we don't heat up, we don't need a fan, little sister sits, Don't entertain us."

"Oh, don't blow the fan, eat more melons, and peaches." Miss Yin enthusiastically moved the peaches and melons in front of the good-looking guests, trying to squeeze into the middle of them, but there was no place, and she saw a woman sitting next to her. Yes, reach out and push her: "Who are you, why are you at my house, you go, I want to sit here."

Old principal Yin's face turned blue: "Yin Qingmei, come here! Who taught you to be rude to guests? You are too courageous to chase away guests invited by grandma at home, right?"

Mrs. Yin also hates iron and steel. The little granddaughter only eats and watches TV. She loves to watch some romantic dramas. Very vain, likes good-looking boys, and narcissistically thinks that good-looking boys like her, and is very unfriendly to other girls.

You said, a young master from a well-born family, well-educated, able to provoke the heavy responsibility of the family company, with extraordinary abilities, how could it be possible to fall in love at first sight with a fool who is useless and only causes trouble?
Capable rich and young executives are busy running the family business, so they don't have time to coax girls who are only full of delusions, crying and causing trouble.

If the young masters of wealthy families really like girls who look like idiots who are incompetent and stupid, they must be the scum of the family who are incompetent, parasites of certain families, idle, playing around, and having leisure time Flirt with girls.

Those TV shows will only teach children to be vain and worship money, abandon good qualities, and dismiss scientists, doctors, teachers and other professions. They either want to be a star or want to get rich overnight. Putting on make-up, competing with parents and mothers to show off their wealth with luxury goods.

Mrs. Yin refused those silly dramas where she drove a famous car and fell in love, but her little granddaughter was addicted to it and couldn't help herself, because her little granddaughter had mental problems, and she couldn't handle it, so she had to worry about it.

Being yelled at by her grandfather, Miss Yin put her hand on the girl and did not withdraw her hand. She pursed her mouth aggrievedly: "I am not wrong, I don't like this person, and such guests are not welcome."

Miss Yin's hands are strong, if an ordinary girl was pushed, she would have been overturned and fell to the ground long ago, Le Yun sat upright, motionless, and didn't show any shame: "I don't like you either, look Look at you, you eat snacks every day, you are fat like a pig, even girls like me don't like you, let alone the three boys, looking at the meat on your body, they have no appetite to eat at all."

The old principal Yin trembled in fear: "Little classmate, be careful, she will go crazy!"

Mrs. Yin was also afraid that her little granddaughter would hurt her little classmate when she was emotional, and she was sweating anxiously.

"You say I'm fat? Do you think I'm fat?" Miss Yin was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, with a fierce look in her eyes, she raised her hand and lashed at the unlovable girl: "I'll kill you, kill you... ..."

The old Yin and his wife stood up in fright, and shouted: "Yin Qingmei, you dare to hit someone, I will break your leg!"

That loud shout made Miss Yin's speed slow down, but she still didn't intend to stop, she still slapped the guest she didn't like.

The old principal Yin wanted to stop his granddaughter, Yan Xing who was sitting next to the little Lolita was faster, he raised his hand and grabbed Miss Yin's fat hand, and pushed her backwards several steps.

Miss Yin, who was pushed away vigorously, stood firm, and rushed to the girl again, scolding: "Brother, you still dare to protect the little vixen, I will fight her!"

Yan Xing: "..."

Liu Shaolan San: "..."

What the hell, what is this?

The three of them finally understood why the old principal Yin said before that if his granddaughter offends, please forgive me. Miss Yin's... there is something wrong with her mind.

Le Yun originally wanted to do it herself, but was blocked by Yan Chihuo, Miss Yin, stood up slowly, turned around, looked at the big fat man rushing, and opened the folding fan calmly: "You are not only fat, but also ugly , fat and ugly, which boy will protect you? As long as boys are not blind, they will choose to protect girls like me. What's more, the three of them are my personal bodyguards. If they don't protect me, they will protect me. You ugly fat man?"

The three handsome guys can't bear to look directly at her, little loli, you can use aggressive methods to stimulate a certain girl to lose weight, but don't poke people's lungs and feet like this, poke people's weaknesses like this, beware of being hated.

People say that you don't scold others when you swear at them, and that you don't expose others when you expose them. Little Lolita knows that the girl from the Yin family is fat, but she still says that she is fat in front of herself and her family.

The three handsome guys are worried that the old headmaster and his wife will have a grudge because of what little Lolita said about their granddaughter's shortcomings.

Old Yin and his wife: "..."

"I'm not fat and I'm not fat, you're ugly, and your whole family is ugly!" Miss Yin stopped angrily, thrust her waist fiercely, and asked loudly, "Grandpa, grandma, she said I'm fat and ugly, is that true?" ?”

"..." The old headmaster Yin's old lady didn't know what expression to show except embarrassment written in capitals.

"You are the granddaughter of your grandma. In their eyes, no matter what you look like, you are the most beautiful. Others are different. They are not your grandma. They have no obligation to spoil you. If you are fat, you are fat, and if you are ugly, you are ugly." Ugly, you are fat and ugly, and you have bad views, you don’t want to study hard, you either eat junk snacks or watch TV, your mind is full of messy things, it’s no wonder that good-looking boys like you.”

Le Yun shook her fan with a calm face: "Do you know what kind of girl boys like? Boys like girls who are slim and good-looking, capable of taking care of themselves, and capable of earning money to support themselves. You are so old that you can eat snacks What about watching TV?
You don’t study hard, you take the duck egg test every year, people your age are all in junior high school, and you are still in elementary school, are you embarrassed?You are fat and ugly, and if you don’t admit it, you are even uglier. "

"I'm not fat, I'm not ugly!" After being scolded severely, Miss Yin blushed with anger.

"Weigh it. You weigh more than 110 catties. Are you still not fat? When you look in the mirror, your face is covered with flesh. You can hardly find where your eyes and nose are. Isn't it ugly?"

"I'm not ugly, I'm not ugly, I'm not ugly..." Miss Yin cried angrily, wiping her tears while reading.

"You're so fat, you're too ugly to look at, and you still say you're not ugly, you treat someone else as blind."

"I'm not fat, I'm not fat..."

"Wait until you lose some weight before saying that you are not fat. Now you are fatter than other people's fat pigs, and your waist is bigger than a bucket. It is a fact that you are fat and ugly. You pinch your waist a few times, and then Look how thin my waist is."

It was said that the waist was as thick as a bucket. Miss Yin really pinched her waist with her hands, but she could only measure the front size. Because the waist was too thick and the arms were short, it was impossible to measure from the back.

"You have discovered it yourself, you can't touch your waist with your hands, your waist is more than three times thicker than mine, and you are so fat that you still eat snacks every day, the more you eat, the fatter you get, the fatter you become ugly."

"..." Miss Yin pinched her waist, then looked at the waist of the girl in front of her, and howled loudly, "I don't want to become fat or ugly..."

The old principal Yin and his wife looked at each other in dismay, with a look of surprise, is this also useful?
In order not to irritate their little granddaughter, no one dared to call her fat, let alone ugly. Every time others called her fat or ugly, they would comfort her by saying that she was neither fat nor ugly.

It feels like the way they want to protect their granddaughter is completely wrong.

"I don't want to be fat and ugly, don't eat snacks in the future, exercise every day, go for a run every day, do exercises, skip rope, lose weight slowly, eat and sleep on time, read a lot, use your brain a lot, and develop good habits. When you lose weight, you will become more and more beautiful."

"..." Miss Yin wiped her tears with tears: "You can lose weight without eating snacks, does it really work?"

"How do you know it won't work if you haven't tried it? Of course, you can't lose weight if you run for three or two days. If you persist for one or two years, you will lose weight if you keep it."

"Okay, I'll go for a run tomorrow." Miss Yin wiped away her tears, bit her lip, and made up her mind to lose weight.

The old Yin couple and the three young men: "..." Please forgive them for not understanding the little girls' thoughts at all.

"Persist on it every day. You have to get up and run at 05:30 in the morning. There are no classes during the holidays. In addition to running and doing exercises, read more books, do homework, use your brain more, become smarter, and be more beautiful. Good-looking boys like it. Smart girl."

"I want to read."

"Well, this is the excellent quality that boys like girls should have. Come on, show me your hands. Your grandma said that you are sick, let me show you what is uncomfortable."

"Okay," Miss Yin stretched out her fat hand and pouted, "I'm not sick, I just get hungry easily."

"From now on, eat when you feel hungry when it's time to eat. If you feel hungry before meal time, drink plenty of water." Le Yun took a fat hand and stroked her arm. She is fat and fat, so it is not easy to find the pulse , can sense the pulse beating reaction is also weaker than normal people.

"You have a bad stomach, get hungry easily, eat too many snacks and can't digest, so you are getting fatter and fatter. I will give you an injection later to cure your stomach, and if you exercise regularly, you will gradually lose weight."

After checking the pulse of Miss Yin, Le Yun gave a white lie without blinking. The most serious problem of Miss Yin is brain dysplasia, closed epiphyseal line, some nerve centers are in a "rest" state, and her internal organs are older than her actual age. Lao, saying that she has a bad stomach is just an excuse to coax the child.

The closure of the epiphyseal line also means that if there is no effective acquired intervention, Miss Yin will never grow again, and she will always be a 1.2-meter dwarf.

Judging from Ms. Yin's current condition, the meningitis was caused by a viral disease source. She was sent to the hospital too late and was complicated by purulent meningitis. Even if she was cured, she would have serious sequelae. Work.

Being held by the girl she hated before, Miss Yin took a serious look. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that she was wrong, and she lowered her head with a guilty conscience and said "hmm".

After taking a pulse, Le Yun told the old principal that he wanted to see the bathroom, and then went from the door leading to the kitchen to the bathroom to see the size of the bathroom.

The renovated bathroom is not too big, about two square meters, with a squatting toilet, a sink, a washing machine, a heater, and some bathroom supplies. There are basically not many free spaces.

After a round of inspection, Le Yun crossed out the plan to use the bathroom as a place for acupuncture. If acupuncture is done, Miss Yin will definitely sweat. If the bathroom is wide enough, acupuncture in the bathroom is the most convenient place.

Crossed out an option to be selected, and asked Mrs. Yin to take her to see the bedroom where Miss Yin lived.

Principal Yin lives in a two-room house, and Miss Yin lives in the room near the kitchen, about thirteen square meters, with a canopy bed, a wooden wardrobe, a desk, a few chairs, and two suitcases in one corner. Three cartons of milk and a box with snacks.

There are not many things, but it is very clean.

There is a wide enough space in the middle of the room for acupuncture.

After visiting the room, Le Yun went to the living room to carry the medicine box and backpack into the room, closed the curtains, turned on the light, then asked Miss Yin to enter the room, closed the door, and kept everyone else out.

(End of this chapter)

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