magic eye doctor

Chapter 166 Coincidence

Chapter 166 Coincidence
Old Mrs. Chao thought that she might not be able to fall asleep after drinking so much tea before going to bed at night, but the truth is the opposite. As soon as she touched the pillow, she fell asleep and slept soundly. When she woke up, she saw that there was no one around her. , I'm very confused, what about the old man?

She remembered that the old man went back to his room to sleep last night, but why did he disappear when he woke up in the morning?Did she oversleep?

The old lady hurriedly looked through the drawer of the bedside table, found the mobile phone and took a look, oh my god, it's not too late, it's just 06:30, and I usually get up around this time.

My work and rest are not messy, is it because the old man drinks too much tea and doesn't fall asleep all night?Turning to feel unlikely, the old man frequently woke up or tossed and turned, and she couldn't feel no sense at all.

Unable to figure it out, the old lady took care of herself and ran to the study, ding ding dong dong, without finding anyone, and hurried downstairs to see what was going on.

When the old man stepped downstairs and there was no one in the living room, she went to the kitchen and saw her daughter-in-law wearing an apron, sitting in the dining room making noodles. Aunt Ge was busy in the kitchen and could smell the fragrant porridge.

"Mom, early, did you sleep well last night?" Chao's mother could not help laughing when she saw her mother-in-law poking her brain like she was doing reconnaissance. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law were both well-born high-ranking children, but they didn't The arrogance of the high-ranking children, the father-in-law is known for being strict and serious, but the mother-in-law is the master of the vigorous and resolute. Because she is a teacher, she is also very kind and humble, and she is also very good to her daughter-in-law, just like her own mother. .

"I slept very well last night." The old lady was caught, and she asked straight to the point, "Did you see your dad, did Xiaohui and Boge get up?"

Aunt Ge poked her head out of the kitchen, said hello to the old lady, and went to do her work again. Mother Chao looked at the old lady with a smile: "Mom, do you want to see Sheng Hui and Xiaobo? They woke up at 05:30, Dad That’s right, the three of you went out to practice early in high spirits.”

"I said, why can't I find anyone? Is Xiao Bo in good spirits today?" Mrs. Chao suddenly realized, no wonder she couldn't find Ying'er, so she went to the morning exercise early.

"Xiao Bo is well, I looked like a different person. He came downstairs in the morning, his face was ruddy, his eyes were bright and energetic, his blinking was like electric discharge, and he was walking like a tiger. He looked so beautiful. already."

"Well, it's fine, Wanwan, did you wake up so early, did you drink too much tea and didn't fall asleep last night?" Old lady Chao had a smile on the corner of her eyes. She was most afraid of what the health of her baby grandson would look like. It was short-lived, and I heard that it was in good condition, indicating that it was really getting better and better.

"I fell asleep with my pillow on it last night. I didn't even have a dream. When it was dawn, so did Sheng Hui. When I woke up in the morning, I said it was the best sleep in the past few years. He was in good spirits. , so go for a run early."

"It seems that the little dumplings have a lot of things to do." The old lady was convinced again that the problem was the tea. Over the years, their family has been nervous about the Chao family's future, but also nervous about Bo Ge'er's body, and often does not eat well I didn't sleep well, and I slept so soundly last night. First, I was in a good mood. Second, it should be that tea has a way to calm the nerves.

"Mom, who is the little dumpling?"

"Little dumplings are Xiaolele, Xiao Nannan looks like glutinous rice flour dumplings."

Chao's mother: "..." Although she almost guessed that the little dumpling is Lele, but, as an elder, just because the little guy is white, tender and cute, is it good to give him nicknames as he pleases?

Mrs. Chao found the answer, and she felt better. She walked to the living room and took out the scented tea that she had brewed in the refrigerator last night, and brewed it a second time. Brother Bo said last night that the scented tea was too precious. , brewing it several times to avoid waste. She, her daughter-in-law and Xiao Ge packed the brewed tea leaves and stored them in the refrigerator.

The old lady waited. She wanted to wait for the tea, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the old man, son, grandson and three walked into the room with big smiles on their faces. full of energy.

Seeing the beaming faces of the old man and his son, Mrs. Chao didn't have to think about it, she could guess with her toes that she must have gone through the morning exercise test and confirmed that Bo Ge'er's health was far beyond their imagination. He called out: "Brother Bo, good grandson, come to grandma soon."

"Mom, Brother Bo is so good." Chao Shenghui did not hide his surprise and reported the good news to his mother.

The old man Chao couldn't help laughing, and his eyes were full of joy. Bo Ge'er was the only male of his generation, and he was also the mainstay of the Chao family in the future. That generation would rely on him to lead the way, and then wait for the next generation of children to grow up. Taking over from him, over the years, the Chao family has been heartbroken for Bo Ge'er, who will shoulder the responsibility for the family in the future.

A few years ago, Bo Ge’er met a noble person and took a step towards a healthy life. Today, a few years later, Bo Ge’er has set foot on the road of health, and the days of becoming a healthy group are just around the corner, why not make them These elders were ecstatic.

The Queen Mother called, Chao Yubo jogged with a smile, like a gentle spring breeze blowing to the old man's side, and sat down next to his grandma kissingly: "Grandma Queen Mother, you look so good today, your face is radiant, you are full of energy, you are beautiful and beautiful. Temperament."

"I'm less poor, how can I be so beautiful when I'm so old." The old lady Chao was so proud of her that she smiled and touched her grandson's face, and the more she touched her, the more excited she became: "My dear grandson, how many laps did you run this morning?"

"Not much, about three to four thousand meters."

"My dear grandson, did you really run that far?"

"Of course, it's only three or four thousand meters. You know, your grandson and I can play the whole football game now."

"Little Lele is the noble of our Bo-ge'er, Chao Shenghui, let me tell you, your brothers have to protect my Bo-ge'er's sisters, if you are bullied, you dare to turn a blind eye. One eye, I'm not finished with you."

The old lady's tone changed, full of sternness, Chao Shenghui raised her forehead: "Mom, you have said this at least five times in the past few years, I remember, whoever bullies the youngest princess of Lao Chao's family, our three brothers will definitely Stand up to protect the cub."

If the old man doesn't speak, his eyes have the same meaning. If you dare not listen to your mother, he will kill you.

"Grandma, if you have a big Buddha with a golden mouth, I can let go of anyone who bullies Xiaolele in the future. Dad and the uncle and the second uncle remember to express their opinions appropriately. In fact, I was thinking about whether I would send No matter how useful it is, Xiaolele is too dazzling, and has been targeted by the two eldest young masters of the Liu family and the Yan family, and they are trying their best to snatch someone to join the army, and they will not stand by the side if something happens."

Chao Yubo raised a smile, his elegant appearance made all the elders dizzy, Chao's father really directly covered his eyes, people say that good bamboo produces good shoots, he is a good bamboo, his wife is also a good bamboo, the shoots that grow out Of course, it's not too bad, but in fact, this bamboo shoot is far stronger than them. It combines the advantages of Chao's family and Li's family. It is beautiful and beautiful. It is really a newcomer from generation to generation. Clear in the voice of the old phoenix.

"Hey, is that smiling Buddha in the Yan family interested in our little girl from the Chao family?" Mr. Chao is indeed a scientific man, and he is good at grasping the key points.

"Yeah, Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu entered the Youth University for further study this semester. I suspect that one of their goals may be Lele, and some medical geniuses from the Medical Department may also be the targets they want to recruit. At present, The main goal of those two is Lele."

Chao's father pondered for a while, and realized that the purpose of Liu Shao and Yan Shao entering the university is not simple. I am afraid that it is not only for talents, but there may be other purposes. After all, that boy Yan Shao is mysterious. So far, even he I don't know Yan Shao's real position in the army.

"There are too many messes in the Yan family, especially with no one from Yan's father. Brother Bo keeps an eye on it, but we can't let that boy harm the little girl of our old Chao family."

"Grandma, I can save it, of course I will protect my sister. In fact, it is not bad to have the Yan family and Liu Shao. They represent the military to some extent. With their opinions, most people don't dare to snatch Lele, much less. trouble."

"Okay, it's good for you to know about those things, my dear grandson, let me ask you, does this flower tea have any secrets?" In the early morning, the old lady didn't want to get entangled in such serious matters and change the subject. .

"Yes," the elegant young man with a dazzling smile said, "it's said to be herbal tea, but it's actually a medicine that Lele took pains to prepare, because it's a festive festival, so I'm afraid that you will have a lump in your heart when you hear it. It is said that it is a health tea, and its main functions are to clear the lungs of dust, expel kidney toxin, nourish the stomach and moisten the heart, benefit the middle and invigorate the qi, strengthen the body, and the ladies' tea also has the function of beauty."

"I mean, no wonder I fell asleep last night after drinking tea on the pillow."

"Oh, such a good thing, not to mention the Mid-Autumn Festival, I don't even think it's a good thing to give it to me in the New Year. Brother Bo told Lele that what you want to give in the future doesn't have to be a gift from the Mid-Autumn Festival. When will it be available? When will it be given, the family doesn't say two things."

"Be cheeky, your son was lucky to pick up a younger sister. You miss your girl's good things without even seeing your daughter's face, and you are not ashamed."

"No shame, no shame..."

Mr. Chao didn't care about his wife and son, he went to make tea by himself. For the first time, Dad Chao showed a shameless side in front of his family. He only stole a sip of tea from his son yesterday, and then went to the study to ask his father to discuss things under false pretence. He robbed his father and drank a few sips of tea. With just a few sips of tea, it was a miracle that he managed to sleep well all night.

There is also the most important thing that he will not tell others. He and his wife had a fight last night. He did not know where the strength came from. Beg for mercy, he didn’t know what made him fierce like a tiger. When he got up in the morning, his father and son were full of energy. He vaguely guessed that it was the effect of tea. After his son explained the use of tea in detail, he was 100% sure that tea can also make men proud Dazhen's magical power.

For the sake of a happy married life, Chao's father felt that his face was not necessary. The important thing was to please his son as much as possible. The son was happy. He couldn't say a few words of kindness in front of Lele, and Lele would give him more tea.

Mother Chao and Aunt Ge heard the cheers and laughter from the living room in the kitchen. They were all overjoyed. They made breakfast and called for dinner. The family happily ate a reunion breakfast. .

The three brothers of the Chao family have made an appointment to take turns to celebrate the festival. For example, this year, they will all have a reunion dinner at the old family's Mid-Autumn Festival. Next year, they will go to the second family's house. Eat Dragon Lunch at Laosanjia, and so on.

This year, it is the turn to go to the second son's house during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The old man and the old lady do not need to be urged by their sons. In order not to get stuck on the road, they set off early.

When the Chao family had a happy breakfast, Liu Shao, who was in the hotel in Nanzhinan City, also got up lazily. Take the car to Nanshi, arrive at midnight, and book a hotel to check in.

Nanshi, the hometown of Sun Shilin and Han instructors, is also the home of the family of Vice President Qing Dale. The Le family has a long history in Nanshi, and it is also one of the places with the largest population of Le surnames.

Le's surname ranks out of the top [-] in the country, but it is relatively well-known in Nanshi. The largest medicinal material company in Nanshi, Lekang Pharmaceutical, is owned by Lejia.

Liu Shao was awakened by hunger. He arrived in the middle of the night and fell asleep. Because he ate less at night and ran all the way, he was so hungry in the morning that he was so hungry that he wanted to sleep more. Had to crawl out of bed to find food.

After washing, he changed his makeup a little, so that his face was six or seven points like the deity. Liu Xiangyang looked in the mirror and was quite satisfied, but his stomach growled inelegantly and sang the empty city plan.

"Little beauty, when brother goes back, you must ask him to eat a few meals." Liu Shao grumbled bitterly while touching his groaning stomach. He had come all the way to Nanshi for food. Is it easy?
Speaking of food, um, he thought of the fragrant rice made by the little beauty, the delicious food that made people want to swallow a plate, and his stomach was even more hungry, so he quickly twisted the things and set off.

Young Master Liu is tall, handsome, and graceful, with an elegant gentleman's smile on the corner of his mouth. Just like that, he is a shining figure wherever he goes, so when he walks calmly, he walks in with incomparable dignity. The luxurious restaurant's catering department, with its noble figure and handsome and sunny face, immediately attracted the scorching eyes of many beauties eating breakfast.

Young Master Liu, who was wearing a white shirt with one button unbuttoned on his top, exuding a bit of abstinence, winked at the waiter girl who came to take him to the seat, making the waitress blushed.

The eldest young master's golden and precious body has just been seated, a beautiful woman with perm small wavy hair, wearing a short skirt with a hip wrap, and painted flaming red lips, stepped on high heels and walked to the handsome guy's table, smiling shyly: "Handsome guy, I can follow him. Do you have a table?"

The wind of perfume came, and Liu Xiangyang turned his head slightly without moving his face. The beauty who asked to join the table was about 1.6 meters 1.7 in height, and she was about [-] meters [-] in stiletto shoes. Black hollow stockings, painted pretense, wearing color contact lenses, red lips are charming, both red lips temptation and black silk temptation, enchanting and seductive.


Liu Xiangyang instantly recognized the person. If the information was correct, he did not miss the point. This beautiful woman was the general manager of Lekang Pharmaceuticals and the pearl of Sun Jiye, the second largest shareholder of Lekang Pharmaceuticals - Sun Meimei, Sun Jiye, that is The uncle of Sun Shilin, who was born in the National Defense University of Qingda, and the uncle of the direct relative.

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

According to the information, several rich second-generation children of Lekang love to dine in a certain hotel. He deliberately stayed in a certain restaurant. The little wife of Kang's second largest shareholder, what a coincidence.

Liu Shao showed a charming smile just right: "Beautiful lady, there is an empty table next to me. Of course, if a beautiful woman likes to be more lively and wants to have breakfast with others, I don't mind the bright and beautiful seat opposite."

"I don't like to eat alone. It's boring to eat alone." Sun Meimei thought that the handsome guy was going to refuse, so she couldn't get off the stage.

The beauty took the seat, Liu Shao did not go to chat, and continued to talk to the waiter: "Beauty, this is my first time in Nanshi, and I am not familiar with the local specialties. If you have a recommendation, please recommend a better one, if that will delay you When it’s time, I’ll invite you to the most distinctive breakfast set in your building.”

"No delay, no delay, sir, it's our honor to come to this building for the first time, and it's my honor to be able to recommend one or two special dishes for you. Our restaurant has breakfast..." The waiter girl blushed and her heartbeat was shaken by the handsome man's smiling face, Taotao kept introducing the restaurant's best breakfast dishes, and even recommended the best dishes one by one.

Liu Shao always maintained a gentleman's smile, even if the waiter deviates from the theme and goes to the dinner, he did not interrupt her, listened carefully, and waited for her chattering introduction to finish before opening his mouth, ordering the most recommended ones. The special breakfast is also a frighteningly expensive meal.

The waiter waited for the beauty to order again, and took the order to notify the kitchen master and the catering master.

When the waiter was talking eloquently, Sun Meimei tried to interrupt her many times, but when she saw the handsome guy smiling, she was not impatient. She listened to the waiter patiently, and when the guy in the way left, she felt comfortable. He reservedly asked the handsome guy where he was from and what he did, and indirectly asked for the phone number and WeChat contact information.

Liu Shao only said that he was from the capital. He came to Nanshi to visit, and by the way, he inspected the environment and wanted to engage in investment cooperation with others. As for WeChat and phone numbers, he indirectly ignored such topics and would never give them.

When the meal came, he would enjoy the food with peace of mind, and politely refused to the topic of frequent invitations by beautiful women to travel together.

Sun Meimei was like a cat scratching in her heart. She rarely liked a man, but she couldn't get an appointment. Wouldn't it make people doubt her charm?
When Mr. Liu finished his meal, he told the waiter sister that he lived in the restaurant, could he order food in advance so that he could have a full meal when he came back from going out.

The waiter girl naturally agreed. She wrote down the room number of the guest and the dishes he ordered. She said hello to the kitchen master in advance and made a reservation first.

The handsome guy ordered good dishes and went to work in a graceful manner. Sun Meimei knew that the handsome guy lived in a restaurant, and was overjoyed for a while. He lived in a restaurant, why couldn't he find him?
When the handsome guy left, Sun Meimei also called the waiter, ordered a few dishes, and even left her phone number, telling her to notify her when the handsome guy came back.

Liu Dashao left the restaurant in high spirits. Having a fish brought to the door by himself was enough to save a lot of hands and feet. Thinking that he would be able to get things done soon and return to Beijing, he couldn't hold back his joy, and wandered to check the seller of a certain number. shop.

 Cute children's shoes, the computer of a lovesick can't connect to the broadband for no reason, showing 678, no problem can be found, and then tossing for a whole night, however, it didn't return to normal until 11:19, so [-] Mockingbird
  (Someone has just successfully connected to the Internet and climbed up, saying that now he wants to die
(End of this chapter)

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