magic eye doctor

Chapter 167 You Also Bet on Stones

Chapter 167 You Also Bet on Stones
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional national festival. China has a vast territory and different customs, but the three thousand roads lead to the same goal. No matter how many changes in customs, they all imply the desire to love life and the yearning for a better life.

As the festive season is approaching, people all over the country are happily celebrating the reunion festival, and schools are also on holiday. For top universities such as Qingda University and Beijing University, the old students are on holiday, and the freshmen are taking military training as usual in the morning, and only have a half-day holiday in the afternoon.

Therefore, when people all over the country happily enjoyed the holidays, the freshmen of Qingda University drove to the training ground as scheduled in the morning, sweated like rain under the sun, and accepted the test of how steel was made.

Traditional festivals, the sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant in this season, sending the most sincere gifts for this festival; Kyoto is full of banners and flags fluttering, and flowers are arranged in various types of flowers, purple and red, competing for beauty. With the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, the city is full of flowers and prosperous everywhere.

The scenic spots in the capital have become a sea of ​​adults. The traffic on the avenues and long streets is as dense as stars, and the important thing is that there are no restrictions on the number of national holidays, which almost paralyzes the traffic.

Mrs. Chao’s family of six people and two cars set off at 07:30 in the morning, but they were blocked. The normal speed of the car took only half an hour, but it took two hours to get out of the car queue. The team arrived at the destination at [-]:[-].

The three brothers of the Chao family, the eldest Chao Shengguo, the second eldest Chao Shengan, and the third eldest Chao Shenghui. The meaning of his word is to form the wish of "rejuvenating the country and Anbang".

Logically, Chao's father should have been named Shengbang in the ranking. However, he did not use the word Bang, because he actually has a brother above him. According to the ranking, Chao Shengbang is Chao Shengbang. Unfortunately, the child died at birth. Although the person is gone, Mr. Chao The husband and wife could not bear to deprive the unfortunate child of the name, so they let the deceased child take away Chao Shengbang's name, hoping that he would be famous and surnamed in this life, so that he would not become a lonely ghost and be reborn into a good family in the next life.

According to the old tradition, children who died at birth and have not yet entered the family tree are not ranked. The family ranking is only ranked by the descendants of the family tree. Even if they die young, they will still retain the ranking. Yao did not occupy the ranking, he was still the third child.

The three sons of the Chao family have their own careers, and the eldest and the third are both engaged in politics.

Chao Sheng Anda, the second son of the Chao family, has no interest in politics at all. He went to the sea to do business according to his preferences. Not to mention, he has really done a great job. He owns equity in several gas stations, and has more than a dozen star-rated hotels under his name. In recent years, he has aimed at emerging energy sources.

Chao Lao Er bought several properties for his brothers in the capital. One of his favorite properties is a courtyard villa, not a preserved ancient quadrangle, but an antique quadrangle villa.

The Chao family's car arrived at the villa area, along the road paved with bluestones to the door of Chao Lao Er's house. There, a beautiful woman stood under the eaves of the gate of the courtyard, eagerly looking forward to seeing the car approaching. As he ran, he shouted, "Grandpa, Grandpa, Uncle and Aunt Ge, Brother Bo, you are finally here, but you want to die!"

The young beauty is about eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a red casual shirt, denim hot pants, a black hair tied into a ponytail, phoenix eyes and peach cheeks, a hibiscus pink face that is bright and clean, full of youthful girly atmosphere.

She is Chao Sheng'an's only daughter, Chao Yufu, 22 years old this year, studying at the National University of Minnesota and graduating in June next year.

The Chao family does not have the idea of ​​valuing sons over daughters. Girls are ranked according to their seniority like boys, and their names are also chosen according to the genealogy. , thought it was a boy.

Chao Er girl has a hearty nature and is informal. As the saying goes, she has no liver or lungs, no city in her heart, and there is a way of being selfless in her heart. She has a magnanimous mind, so she is full of positive energy every day, candid and casual.

Seeing the granddaughter running like a puppy to have fun, the old lady Chao and the old man beamed with joy.

Park the car outside the hospital and get off in turn.

Chao Yufu ran to his grandparents and squeezed into the middle, holding grandpa with his left hand, grandma with his right hand, hugging his elders with his left and right, grabbing the one with "Bo" on the left, and the one with "Bo" on the right, and gave it to grandpa A sweet kiss from grandma.

She succeeded in stealing the kiss, and she was so happy that she narrowed her eyes to find where her eyes were, and proudly showed her neat silver teeth: "Grandpa, Grandpa, Empress and Grandma Jin An, your baby wants to hurt you, ah, ah, no, no, now You shouldn't be called the Empress Dowager Taishang, you have upgraded again, they are all old people with great-grandchildren, you should be called the Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, oh yo, this name makes me dizzy."

The old man who was intoxicated by his granddaughter stared at his granddaughter pretending to be angry, but did not push him away, enjoying the closeness of his granddaughter. Jumping up and down like a monkey, and making some messy names, it's not a joke."

"Who dares to joke, see if I don't kill him." Miss Chao shouted, jumped up, dashed towards the beautiful middle-aged woman, put her arm around her, and quickly leaned over to take a sip: "Wow, Beauty is beauty, kissing is always so sweet!"

Immediately, there was an unpleasant anger: "Sister Fu, that's my wife. What kind of reason do you hold my wife and take advantage of it? If you want to steal the fragrance, find a boyfriend yourself, and don't harm my woman."

The old man and the old lady couldn't laugh out loud, so they endured it, and hurried inside with Aunt Ge.

"The beauty is my aunt, the third uncle, you even eat the girl's vinegar, it is too useless, third aunt, look at the third uncle is such a little chicken, so unbecoming, or you kick him, vote for me Come in your arms, I guarantee that you will be delicious and spicy."

There is a niece who is trying to pry at the corner, Chao's father is also drunk, showing the momentum of an elder, his eyes are round, and he stares fiercely: "Sister Fu, you will encourage your third aunt, Hong Xing, to come out of the wall. try?"

"Just try, Aunt Beauty, let's elope... Oops, Brother Bo, Xiao Bo, my dear younger brother Beauty, don't pull on people's collars, be graceful, you have to keep your grace, do you understand."

Miss Chao Er was about to abduct the beautiful and gentle third aunt to "elope" when a sudden figure approached, grabbed her clothes and carried her away.

Seeing that his son came to rescue his wife, Chao's father hurriedly hugged his beautiful wife's waist, and ran to the open door as much as he could, lest the little witch of Chao's family would come and mess with his wife and snatch his wife to do something. Weird thing.

Whether Mother Chao was taken advantage of by her little niece or abducted, she just smiled warmly. Anyway, this kind of thing happens a few times a year, and it is also their unique way of getting close. The two generations get along like friends.

Chao Yubo was carrying his own backpack and was calm at first, but when the second lady Chao started to make fun again, he walked over to the second sister, grabbed the second sister by the collar and pulled him away from the mother, waiting for his father. After taking his mother away, he let go gracefully, and slapped the second sister with a fried millet.

Miss Chao Er rubbed the place where she had been bounced, jumped up not full, and quickly bounced towards Qing Jun, a slender boy with more temperament than a beauty.

Clear as a bright moon, a handsome young man as beautiful as a hundred flowers walked slowly towards the courtyard: "Second sister, are the uncle, aunt and eldest sister here?"

"Uncle and aunt arrived half an hour ago. The eldest sister and brother-in-law took the baby to the man's house for the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, and next year they will go back to Chao's house for the festival."

Chao Yuming, the eldest girl of the Chao family, is now in her twenties. She got married two years ago. She also married the Zhang family, the family of military generals, who was married two years ago.

"Brother Bo, where is our little sister? Didn't you say that you should try to bring back our youngest princess to show us, people?"

"Xiao Lele's close relatives are timid, she will come when she is mentally prepared, you are right to prepare the meeting ceremony early, of course, you better not waste your taekwondo, Lele is also ready to practice boxing, then If you lose to Lele, you won't have a place to put your old face. Also, second sister, Lele is obviously Xiao Lele, and you take a random nickname, what is your name, you should be a sesame dumpling. "

"Little Lele is cute, pink and fair, cuter than tangyuan balls, what's wrong with being called a small dumpling? Brother Bo, you said Lele is also going to learn taekwondo, who did you learn it from? "Chao Er girl hugged the young brother, looking like good brothers, suddenly remembered something, and whispered in a whisper: "Xiao Bo, there is a guest at home."

"Is it the Le family sisters?" Chao Yubo guessed who it was without having to spend his brain cells guessing. The villa of Le Fukang, the uncle of the vice president of the Youth University Student Union, is also in this place, only three courtyards away from the second uncle's house.


"Second sister, I remember you and Le Jiaqi are very close?"

"It used to be." Miss Chao pursed her lips. She used to be very close to Le Jiaqi, but now, uh, the past is the past, the present is the present, and the present is not what it used to be.

Chao Yubo understood in seconds that the second sister meant that they used to be very good, but people will always change, change, each has its own circle, and each has its own life, and then it is difficult to talk about it. Emotions also faded.

Land in the capital is several times more expensive than gold. In order to save money, every inch of land should be used as much as possible even in villa areas. Siheyuan villas are mainly small and medium-sized. The courtyard of the family is a small courtyard.

The gate of the small courtyard is facing the upper room. There is no screen wall, only a huge lotus jar is placed in the courtyard. There is also an inverted room on the side of the courtyard door wall. There is also a veranda leading to the east and west rooms. The site is not narrow. There are five east and west wing rooms, seven upper rooms, and two side rooms on each side.

The yard is covered with green lawns, plants are planted, and cobblestone roads are used to connect the left and right wing rooms to the main entrance and the upper room. The houses maintain a retro style and are all single-storey buildings.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao, Father and Mother Chao, and their group stepped into the courtyard one after another, and went straight to the central hall in the middle of the upper house along the cobblestone path.

Mrs. Chao Er was entertaining guests in the west wing parlor. She was also a descendant of a national hero. Her surname was Zhou and her boudoir name was Zhou Ran. One-piece dress, melon seed face, almond eyes and peach cheeks, well-maintained, nearly fifty years old, like a young woman in her thirties, dignified and demure, is a charming lady.

Mrs. Chao Er, with delicate eyebrows and eyes, sat at the top, and the two sisters Hua Le Jiaqi and Le Shiyun were sitting in the guest seats. The two beauties both had straight hair and shawls, wearing knee-length sleeveless dresses, revealing snow-white pink. Arms and skirts are slightly low, and the youthful atmosphere is pressing.

The two sisters who have been dressed up with fine makeup, have expensive LV bags on their knees, one in pomegranate red and the other in rose red.

The nanny Fang Ma made tea for the guests, served fruit, and waited beside the lady.

Sister Le's family is not a rare guest. Whenever Erbo Chao and his wife return to the villa, Le's family will come to visit. Le Jiaqi and Er Madam Chao are also very close.

"Good tea, the tea buds stand upright, the color of the soup is clear, and the fragrance is overflowing. It is most likely Longjing before the Ming Dynasty." Le Jiaqi watched the tea and praised with a smile: "I smell the fragrance before I drink it. ."

"As far as your eyesight is right, it's really Mingqian Longjing. A business partner sent it a few days ago, saying it's a new product this year. I just opened the can and tasted it today."

Mrs. Chao's brows and eyes were full of smiles, and even the movements of her eyebrows were elegant and beautiful. Every move, every word, and every word, all had the demeanor of a lady, and the dignified and gentle atmosphere of a lady.

Mrs. Chao Er's father loved tea. She was also deeply influenced by tea culture when she was young. She loved the tea ceremony and married into the Chao family. Treasures.

In order to match the identity of the former Longjing in the Ming Dynasty, a set of white porcelain tea cups was used in the official cellar of the Qing Dynasty. Appearing again before coming, Chao Er smiled for Madam Bo, and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get it back.

"Aiya, Aunt Zhou really hurts me. I have a good taste. Aunt Zhou is so good. I really want to stick to it." Le Jiaqi was pleasantly surprised. .

Le Shijun is not good at tea ceremony, so she doesn't dare to criticize indiscriminately. Xue sister holds tea and smells and tastes it.

"You still want to rely on me? I won't give you any good tea next time." Mrs. Chao smirked, holding the tea in her hands. Just as she was about to taste it, she saw the figures outside the hospital shaking, and she continued to drink tea calmly. .

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao took two steps in three steps, and went straight to the room with a stride like flying. Chao's father and mother, who were half a step behind, also followed in the footsteps of their parents and rushed to the room.

"Mom, grandma and grandma are here." When she walked to the position opposite the reception room in the west wing, Miss Chao shouted loudly, dragging her beautiful younger brother to run away, shouting as she ran. : "Mom, I tell you quietly, our cute little dumplings have peerless good tea to honor you, don't drink too much tea, then you won't have the stomach to drink the good tea that the dumplings sent, don't blame your daughter-in-law Turn your arms out."

"Xiao Nan Nan is here?" Mrs. Chao put down the tea cup in surprise and left, leaving a back and soft words: "Miss Le, I'm sorry. Mom Fang, please help me entertain the two of the Le family. Miss."

Who is Xiao Tuanzi, and who is Nannan?
Le Jiaqi was startled and turned her head to look out, only to see a few backs. Those people she knew were the old lady and father of the Chao family and the husband and wife of the third master Chao.

Le Shijun looked over and saw the figure of the Chao family's sister and brother hanging over their shoulders, her eyebrows almost twisted into strands, Xiao Chao didn't come to the living room?Either Chao Yufu didn't tell him, or he pretended not to know.

When the two sisters were full of doubts, the master got up and left, and the Lejia sisters were stunned for a moment, why did Mrs. Chao leave them behind?

The old lady and the old man are here. Of course, the lady is going to say hello to the elders. Fang Ma replied, "Okay, ma'am, I will entertain the two young ladies."

When Mrs. Chao Er arrived at the door, Le Jiaqi didn't want to stay any longer, so she stood up by herself: "Aunt Zhou, you are busy, our sisters don't have to worry about it, and I will come to worry about Aunt Zhou next time."

"Alright, my parents and brothers are here, so I won't entertain the two girls. Fang Ma, please pack some tea leaves from Mingqian and bring them home for Lady Le to taste slowly." Mrs. Chao Er paused and smiled modestly. , step out the door.

When she went outside, she saw that her father-in-law, mother-in-law and brother-in-law had arrived outside the upper room. She looked at the backs of the two young men and women, and said angrily: "Brother Bo, you said you wanted to bring your sister back, but now you are talking about people. Where is it? And Sister Fu, you stinky girl, others are cheating on your father, and this girl is cheating on your mother."

Chao Erbo stepped out to pick up his parents, and when he heard his wife's words, he smiled like Amitabha Buddha. Don't get me wrong, he is not fat, he is neither fat nor thin, and his body is quite well-proportioned. Like 36 Qi, young and promising, mature and stable, with the style of a middle-aged man, full of fatal charm, he can be called a killer of young girls and young women.

Uncle Chao and his wife also rushed out to greet their parents. The brothers in the Chao family looked very similar, and even their bearing was similar. They were all graceful, stable and gentle.

Boss Chao is two years older than Chao Er, at the age of 49, but as if he has just entered the age of forty, he is as stable as a mountain, and like a lake and sea with the tolerance of all things, bold and delicate, with peaceful eyes.

His wife's surname is Yang, and her name is Yang Ruxia. She is also the only one with short hair among the three concubines. She is short-sighted, wears glasses, and wears a cheongsam dress.

The son and daughter-in-law of the Chao family rushed to help their parents, and they were full of love for their parents from the bottom of their hearts.

Miss Chao Er was named and complained by her mother, and she smiled and walked away: "Empress Dowager, please help, the Queen Mother is going to show her power, I'm afraid of your granddaughter."

"Sister Fu, don't be poor. Hurry up and prepare hot water to make tea. Your grandparents have been stuck in traffic for so long, so they should be thirsty." Erbo Chao walked down the steps in front of the house and supported his mother. .

"Chao Yi, I don't need your support, I'm not old enough to walk." The eldest son came to support him, and the old man was quite disrespectful.

"I know, I know, Dad, you are young, and you are in your prime. I don't want to get close to you because of your light." Chao Shengguo's smile deepened, but he didn't let go, and helped his father's arm up the steps.

Mrs. Chao greeted her parents, walked to one side, and talked to her three younger siblings.

"Second aunt, although Xiao Lele didn't come, the gifts came. Your boss has a lot of them. For the sake of me helping Lele escort the gifts, I have no credit or hard work. Rao nephew this time."

Chao Yubo looked back, and the eldest aunt, who was chasing after Pingting like a young girl, blinked her eyes and gave the most charming and brightest smile.

"You're right, I really don't care." Mrs. Chao couldn't help but smile and show her teeth. Looking at Brother Bo, she was refreshed, her face was ruddy, her smiling eyes were swaying like spring waves, and she was so elegant and beautiful. Young Master, he is indeed the first beautiful brother of Lao Chao's family, and his elegance is enough to kill the three masters of the previous generation.

She felt that the three brothers who once had the reputation of Chao Family Sanjun should abdicate and become virtuous. People say that they are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but they are afraid of comparing goods.

Brother Bo is good, and Mrs. Chao is overjoyed. The Chao family is such a brother. In the future, Sister Fu, Sister Ming and nephews will rely on this maternal uncle for support. The waist is also straight, not afraid of being bullied by others.

The old man Chao and the others went back to the room together in a simple greeting to each other, and the second lady Chao ran to get the hot water.

Le Shiyun heard the words of Mrs. Chao and the elder brother of the Chao family outside, and finally knew who the "Xiao Nan Nan" was in Mrs. Chao's mouth. Her face changed suddenly, that tomboy girl even made Mrs. Chao recognize it. got her?
It seemed that not only Mrs. Chao recognized the little girl, but even the entire Chao family recognized her, and even liked her very much, and that little girl still took Qiao and didn't come to Chao's house for the festival.

Originally, she thought it was his personal matter for Xiao Chao to recognize his younger sister. The Chao family agreed on the surface, and would not really love her like a girl, but the news she heard was completely contrary to her guess, which exceeded her prediction.

Le Shijun's face was gloomy. Seeing Fang's mother turning around to get the tea, she hurried out and hurried to the door of the living room. It was also a little late. A group of people over there had entered the upper room, only Mrs. Chao was behind. , the handsome back entered the middle hall and walked to one side, never to be seen again.

He didn't see her, so naturally he couldn't say hello, let alone keep them. As for the old man and the old lady of the Chao family and the third master Chao, she is not qualified to let them condescend to greet her, not to mention her, it is the Le family When the family came, Third Master Chao and Uncle Chao also refused to see him.

This is the difference between a powerful family and a wealthy family. The Le family can be regarded as a ditch. It only has some money, but no power. The Chao family itself has two brothers in high positions, and the Chao family’s in-laws are all political and military families. , Mrs. Chao San's father is now even more prosperous.

The Chao family is a wealthy family that is beyond the reach of the Le family. Therefore, even if Le Jiaqi reluctantly has a common topic with the second lady Chao, she is only a good personal friend with the second lady Chao, and has not yet succeeded in being recognized by the other members of the Chao family.

Le Shiyun squeezed her bag tightly and felt extremely depressed. She could only talk to Shao Shao at school or in private. Besides banquets, she also had the chance to meet Brother Chao's brother at Mrs. Chao's place. Er, other places, like the compound where Uncle Chao and Third Master Chao lived, she didn't have the chance to go. Those compounds have always been mysterious, and she wouldn't easily invite others as guests.

Le Jiaqi didn't know that the elder brother of the Chao family recognized a younger sister, until elder brother Chao and Mrs. Chao made it clear, she understood the secret, and when she looked at her cousin, she turned and walked towards the door, and she quickly followed. , and spoke to Fang Ma generously: "Fang Ma, Longjing is precious before tomorrow, please keep it for yourself. When Aunt Zhou is free, I will visit again and accompany Aunt Zhou for a long chat."

"Miss Le is so considerate and considerate, she's a crystal-like person. I'll send the two young ladies off." Fang Ma got off the donkey, but she didn't go to pack tea. Before the Ming Dynasty, Longjing's production was very small, and my wife only got a small jar. , she was also reluctant to take the lady's heart as a gift.

Fang's mother escorted her personally. Even if Le Jiaqi didn't want to leave, she had no reason to stay. She left the living room, walked along the veranda to the gate, and left.

The sisters didn't drive, they walked when they came, and walked back when they came back. In the hot autumn, the two daughters walked less than ten meters, and they were all sweaty.

Occasionally, people and cars in the villa area made it inconvenient to speak. The two of them didn't mention anything about the Chao family and went back to the Lejia villa in the sun.

Fang Ma watched Sister Lejia walk out more than ten meters away, and immediately closed the door. She will be busy for a while, and no one will look at the door. If someone touches the house and hides, it will be dangerous.

After the old man Chao and the old lady entered the central hall, the family sat down, and the second lady Chao also followed.

Aunt Ge went to the kitchen. It was not the first time for her to come here. When she came, she would be in charge of the kitchen with Fang's mother. If Fang's mother went to the courtyard, she would know what to do.

Chao Yufu went to the front room to bring two kettles, and shouted for his younger brother to present the good tea. His anxious appearance made all the parents laugh.

Chao Yubo took out the gifts in his backpack and gave them the ginseng and iron maple head for the uncle and uncle, and the scented tea for the two aunts.

The old man Chao looked at his two sons faintly: "Chao Yi, Chao Er, shouldn't you two be filial and filial to your father?"

"Dad, you have molecules, don't you?" Uncle Chao and Uncle Chao quickly put the tea bags in their arms and looked at the old father defensively. They didn't taste it, but from the eyes of the old father and the third brother Knowledge must be a good thing, and must not be taken away by the old man.

Old Man Chao: "..." The sons are getting old and their wings are hard, and they are reluctant to give me some tea, three little white-eyed wolves.

The old lady smiled, but she didn't help, she looked like you guys were tearing up, I was watching the battle with a good temper.

"What about mine? Don't tell me I don't have it. Xiao Tuanzi dares not give me a share. I'll call her Xiao Si'er in the future." She is the elder sister. The younger sister doesn't give the elder sister a gift. She has to go to the little dumpling and talk about it.

"How can I lose your part, Dangdang, look at what this is." The youth with peerless elegance took out a small porcelain bottle from his backpack and presented it to his sister like a treasure.

Everyone looked at it, oh, it's different from their gift, what good thing is it?

Miss Chao grabbed the porcelain bottle and quickly pulled off the cork. Suddenly, a warm fragrance swept the heart, which made people feel as if standing in a hundred gardens, surrounded by fragrance, and their body and mind fluttered.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Chao Yufu jumped up, put the bottle upright on the table, and curiously studied what a good thing was.

"Skin care, whitening and moisturizing products, your skin is prone to allergies, this is a pure natural herbal essence, suitable for all kinds of skin, if you go out or wait for the day to dry, smear a little on your face to keep you from getting tanned, I said second sister, this is very It's precious, please don't use it as water, drop a little bit, add some water to release it and wipe it on your face."

He was explaining that when he saw a certain girl eagerly pouring skin care products into her palm, she rolled her eyes speechlessly, and told her not to waste it: "The good things that Lele has prepared are limited in quantity, I will give you a little bit of it, and if you waste it, it will be gone. already."

Chao Yufu originally wanted to pour it out and try it out, but when he heard that, he didn't want to waste any more, so he immediately put the cork on and put it in his palm: "Mom, don't look at it, I won't give it to you if you look at me, I won't give it to you. When I use it tomorrow morning, I will evenly wipe your face."

"Am I the kind of person with shallow eyelids?" Mrs. Chao glared at her daughter coldly, and got up to help the old man and the old lady get their special water cup.

The old lady and the others were so happy that they wanted to pat the table. The two direct daughters of the Chao family, the eldest was a standard lady, with a smile and a frown, they were all gentle as water, but the second girl was just the opposite. Contrast.

"Auntie, this belongs to the eldest sister, as well as the baby's." Touch, touch, Chao Yubo touched a small bottle and a bag containing broken plant leaves, and handed it to the aunt with a packet of flakes.

"The eldest sister just gave birth to a baby. Drinking this has the effect of clearing the undischarged lochia and detoxification. Lele said that she wants to aggrieve the eldest sister for worrying about her personal hygiene, so she should sit for another half a month. The baby is a skin care product that prevents insects and mosquito bites and prevents prickly heat, this package is the ingredients, the elder sister drinks the medicinal tea and then cooks the porridge to eat."

"Sister Ming also has a share?" Mrs. Chao was stunned. Sister Ming was already married, even if her daughter was her mother's little padded jacket, the water splashed by the married daughter was sometimes still different after all.

"The eldest sister is also Chao's family. Lele said that the elder sister is the elder sister, and the elder sister is still the elder sister when she is married. As for the ingredients, the eldest sister and I have it, and the others don't have it. If you don't accept it, you will not be able to accept it. Who says you are not as lucky as me, you can't find it. Cute little girl, I just found a good sister."

Ya boy touched his backpack again, and found two other bags of scented tea, one belonged to Fang's mother, and the other belonged to Uncle Chao's nanny Niu's mother. To count it down, as long as everyone in the Chao family has a share, of course, the son-in-law does not. Now, because classmate Le Xiao has not yet come to Chao's house to recognize relatives, only the close relatives of the beautiful young man are counted, and the in-laws are not included in the gift list for the time being. .

Xiaolele took care of everyone, not even the babysitter. Everyone in the Chao family was moved to tears. Brother Bo can recognize such a good sister. The Chao family stepped on the shit and hit the big luck, so it was a girl in vain. .

The old man seized the opportunity to put pressure on his grandson and asked when he would bring him home.

Chao Yubo couldn't bear the three court hearings of the elders, so Ai Ai regularly told the elders the deadline Lele said.

While making tea, everyone in the Chao family was discussing whether they should hold a banquet when the girl recognized her relatives, and whether to advertise in the Quartet. If you are in the north of E, if you are in the capital during other holidays, who will you live with?How many days to stay, this must be discussed with the villain first and then the gentleman, as well as pocket money, how to give it.

It's not that they are embarrassed about how much to give, but in what name to give it. Over the years, the little guy has refused them to subsidize tuition fees and living expenses. They give money because they are afraid that the child will not want it.

Children from other families can’t wait for money to fall from the sky. The girls taught by Lejia are strong-willed, poor and ambitious. No matter how hard the life is, they will never reach out and ask people for money, and insist that they will not be rewarded for no merit.

Therefore, these years, knowing that the children's family is suffering, they can only watch from the sidelines. In this way, everyone in the Chao family has a special headache. If they want to give pocket money in the future, they must think of a foolproof strategy to avoid rejection.

When the Chao family discussion was in full swing, as the protagonist of the discussion, Le Xiao's classmate, she had no time to think about what brother Chao and her family were doing, and she was still stuck on the road.

Returning to Beijing from City T, we set off at nearly six o'clock. The previous section of the road was fine, even if it was crowded, there was no traffic jam. When we returned to Beijing, it was a pitiful tragedy to enter the city from outside the city.Blocking!Blocking!
In addition to being blocked on the road, the traffic jam made people want to smash the car. It took one hour and forty minutes to get from T city to Xiaowai, and it took two minutes to enter the city from Xiaowai before reaching Panjiayuan.

Le Xiaoxiao was also deeply drunk. After reading the two books he carried with him, he really had no books to read, so he had to look at his mobile phone and used up the amount of his mobile phone.

Shao Yan was worried that the traffic jam would irritate Little Loli, so he generously gave her his mobile phone to surf the Internet, so Le Xiaoxiao held the mobile phone of Handsome Yan, searched for N many recipes, and wrote down the recipes.

After 10:30, Yan Shao went through untold hardships and finally drove the car to the parking lot near Panjiayuan. The huge parking lot was also full of cars, and he finally found a parking space.

Le Yun returned the phone to Handsome Yan, took some things out of the backpack, and put them in the cheetah car. She was still worried, and asked again: "Handsome guy, is the car 100% safe? Will someone smash the glass and steal it?" ?”

"The security of the capital is still reliable. Besides, my car glass is bulletproof and can only be broken open with a special sniper rifle. If you lose one, I will pay you ten times the price." Yan Xing felt powerless. , Little Loli said that, so that the plainclothes policemen would probably be too heartbroken to eat when they heard it.

"It's not about money, never heard that a thousand dollars is hard to buy a good heart?" Le Yun took out the fragile items and hid them in a place where the front glass of the public car could not be seen. in.

"..." He just wanted to say that your heart is a little better, a few stones, a few pieces of porcelain...

After hiding things properly, Le Yun hung her backpack on her shoulders to get on and off the car. After driving for more than four minutes, she finally landed on both feet and could walk freely. That feeling couldn't be better.

Yan Xing locked the car, took out the sunglasses from his backpack and put them on. It looked so cool.

There was still a long way to go from Panjiayuan. The two walked through a street and several small streets to reach the square outside Panjiayuan. The square was full of cars and crowded.

Entering the garden, there are no more vacancies in the whole garden, shantytowns, non-shantytowns, small alleys, every place is a stall, the stalls are connected side by side, looking around, I can see the heads of Wuyang Wuyang, and the shuttle like fish. figure.

"Little Loli, where do you go first?" Little Loli looked from afar, Yan Xing stood on her right, and seeing the bustling crowd, she had to sigh the attraction of antiques, there were so many people who came to pick up the leaks.

"I really want to go to a jade shop to see." Le Yun watched Panjia District from afar. There is an area where you can see the spiritual energy. According to the terrain analysis, it is the location of the shops in the jade jewelry area. The jewelry and jade shops are all high-end goods. , and some stores have the treasure of the town store.

The baby knows a lot of ancient times, and the aura is of course rich.

It's a pity, Le Yun pouted, you get what you get for every penny, the high-end goods operated by those shops are real, and the price is also terrifyingly high. Any one item is worth hundreds of thousands or millions, and the price is sky-high. Almost sold her.

"Let's go then." Jade shops and antique snow collection areas are places of great knowledge. Many ancient treasures are collected, some of which do not refer to their own value, but have historical value.

"I'm afraid I won't want to come out if I go there." The jade shop has spiritual things. She went in and looked at the spiritual things. She couldn't get them or buy them.

"It's alright, I'll take you out." If she insisted on not leaving, it was simple, he went forward and took the person away.


"If it's a fake replacement."

"Then, you remember to be gentle with your hands and feet, handle with care, and don't be rude like an eagle catching a chicken. I'm timid, I'm afraid I'll make something wrong."

"I can save it." Are you timid?Yan Xing felt that he had heard the biggest joke of the year. If Little Loli was timid, Qing Da couldn't find another girl who could be called daring.

"Do you know where jade raw materials are sold?" Le Yun was about to move, but stopped, she was standing next to the wall not far from the gate of Panjiayuan, not obstructing people, and she could hear her speech clearly. When you enter the crowd, you have to shout when you speak.



"There are wool wholesalers in the garden, and there is also a gambling stone shop opposite the gate. It is estimated that there will be a lot of wool and new materials appearing in the past few days."

"Let's take a look and watch how the professionals gamble on stones."

"No problem, do you want to bet?"

"Insufficient funds, can't afford to gamble."

Little Lolita stepped out from the shadow of the corner, peeked while walking, and saw that the pair of long legs moved in turn, one after the other, and it was as beautiful as a painting.

Le Yun walked along an alley full of street stalls to the jadeite and jade monopoly area, admiring the antiques on the street stall as she walked.

Passing through a small alley and a relatively wide small floor, you will arrive at the jadeite and finished pearl jade monopoly area. The lot is newly built, with a three-story building and a store on the first floor that sells jadeite materials.

The storefronts can be wide or narrow. Some franchise stores have a total of three or four facades, usually two facades, while some have only one single facade, which is about [-] square meters, which is enough to open a gambling stone shop.

Jadeite is loved by everyone, regardless of gender, age, and age. Stone gambling is an exciting thing. People come and go, and in some places, there is the roar of machines, and occasionally there are cheers and sighs.

Le Yun looked forward and backward, selected a stone gambling shop, and plunged into it. Yan Xing followed closely. He stepped into the shop with his long legs and met a couple of young men and women who were about to leave the shop at a distance of about four steps. face to face.

The next moment, a surprised female voice swayed to the Quartet: "Xiao Longbao, do you also gamble on stones?"

(End of this chapter)

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