magic eye doctor

Chapter 1667 Severing Relationships

Chapter 1667 Severing Relationships
Since she was kicked out by the Zhou family for the second time on June [-]th, Li Yao quarreled with Zhou Chunmei because she felt uncomfortable after returning home. Zhou Chunmei was so angry that she ran to find her mother, but he didn't go to pick her up.

His mother-in-law couldn't talk at Zhou's house, and he didn't bother to care what her mother-in-law was doing in the county, and he didn't make phone calls. He could bear it and let Zhou Chunmei ignore her. Go back to your mother-in-law's house.

Li Yao put the matter of having a baby on the agenda, and also prepared for it. He didn't often go crazy with his friends, and he didn't take ecstasy when he got together with his friends. At most, he drank and played cards.

He is preparing for childbirth, so he spends more time at home. He usually goes out with his friends at night. This day, he took a nap at noon and woke up at four o'clock. Because he made an appointment with his friends to have dinner at night, it is expected Meet at 05:30, he packs up and prepares for departure.

Coincidentally, I just tidied myself up and received a call from the courier, and I was still a little depressed. He didn't buy anything these days, so where did the courier come from?

Guessing that his parents or relatives might have sent him some courier, he went to the door to sign for the courier. Order some magazines and newspapers.

Taking the package back to the living room, Li Yao threw the courier on the table and looked for a paper cutter by himself.

Zhou Chunmei nestled in the sand nest into a paralyzed cat, stretched out her head to take a look, thought it was clothes, and stretched out her hands to pinch it, but it didn't feel right, and paralyzed to watch her youth idol drama again.

Finding the paper cutter, Li Yao used the knife to cut open the seal of the courier, revealing a large stack of newspapers. It was Shishi Morning News. He was even more puzzled that he hadn't ordered newspapers.

Zhou Chunmei was quite curious about what the express delivery was, but when she found it was a handful of newspapers, she asked casually, "What are you buying so many newspapers for? Did you publish information about houses for rent?"

Just as Li Yao was about to say "I didn't buy it", he took away the courier package and found a "Statement of Severing Father-Daughter Relationship" in front of the newspaper. Announcement published by Zhou Chunmei's father, Zhou Xialong, to sever father-daughter relationship with Zhou Chunmei!
His father-in-law, Zhou Xialong, actually published in the newspaper announcing that he had severed his father-daughter relationship with Zhou Chunmei!
After reading the content of the statement, Li Yao's face was uglier than eating a fly. The statement said that Zhou Chunmei's mother, Liu Tong, and her family deliberately concealed the family situation of Zhou Chunmei's partner. Zhou Chunmei voluntarily cooperated with her mother and uncle's family. Before she got married, she didn't bring her partner back to Meicun to meet her father and grandma. When she got married, she married at her uncle's house.

As a father, Zhou Xialong didn't know who his daughter was marrying before his daughter Zhou Chunmei's wedding day, let alone the man's family situation. get married.

Because I only recently learned that the man has divorced three times and has three children, Zhou Xialong is angry at the fraudulent marriage behavior of the Li family and the Liu family, and is even more chilled by what his daughter Zhou Chunmei and the Liu family have done. I hereby declare in the newspaper that I will sever the father-daughter relationship with Zhou Chunmei. , severed kinship with the Liu family.

Zhou Xialong publicly severed his father-daughter relationship with Zhou Chunmei in the newspaper, so it is naturally impossible to admit his son-in-law.

Seeing the content of the declaration of severing father-daughter relationship which was several times longer than other declarations, Li Yao was so angry that he slapped a newspaper in front of Zhou Chunmei: "See for yourself what good deeds you have done! "

Li Yao angrily slapped a newspaper in front of her, Zhou Chunmei's heart skipped a beat, she was full of confusion, what did she do?She did nothing.

Unexplainably angered, he was unhappy and couldn't ask why, picked up the newspaper and looked left and right, but he didn't see anything special, then turned to look at Li Yao, he picked up the courier himself, the newspaper was fine.

Throwing the newspaper to Zhou Chunmei, Li Yao was so angry that she tightly pressed the pile of newspapers on her lap, forcing herself to calm down. Seeing that Zhou Chunmei's idiot hadn't discovered the problem, she was so angry that the veins on the back of her hand twitched and she gritted her teeth. Reminder: "See that statement."

What statement, what does it have to do with her?Zhou Chunmei couldn't figure it out. Seeing Li Yao's expression was very unsightly, she looked at the newspaper again, and looked for the statement in focus. She found the statement in the box outlined with a line, and the more she looked at the content, the more surprised she was: "I... of?"

After reading a few lines, he looked up at Li Yao, and found that Li Yao was staring at him fiercely, shivered subconsciously, and shouted unconvinced: "Why are you threatening me? I didn't do it."

"See for yourself why your father wants to sever the father-daughter relationship." Li Yao almost gritted his teeth and said, "I have clearly told your uncle and mother-in-law about my situation, and you and the mother-in-law and uncle have also said that I will follow up with you. Father-in-law and grandma communicate well and say good things for me. Why did you all hide it from father-in-law and grandma in the end?
It’s fine if you keep it from me, and you told me that my grandma and father-in-law knew about it. Because of my family’s situation, my father-in-law and grandma felt that my face was dull and wouldn’t let me meet in Plum Village, so we met at Liu’s house.

Also, didn't you and Uncle Liu's promise that it was your father-in-law and grandma? It was because Plum Village was too far away, and you were afraid of delaying the auspicious time. Why did you never say that the Liu family signed a contract to let you marry in Liu's family? Let you sever ties with the Zhou family? "

Zhou Chunmei's mind was filled with confusion: "When did I tell my dad and my grandma knew? Obviously it was my mother who said it. It was my mother who said that she told dad and grandma that it was my mother who met and married. Uncle and grandpa discussed it with you, and I wasn't there, so I don't know so much."

"You..." Li Yao was so angry that she couldn't speak. Zhou Chunmei's brain was probably pinched by the door, so she let her uncle decide everything. It turned out that her uncle and her mother teamed up to hide her father. What agreement did Zhou Chunmei's father sign, so when he returned to Meicun, the old lady and father-in-law said that the Liu family was Zhou Chunmei's natal family.

"You read it carefully, understand the content, and then analyze and analyze what stupid things your uncle and your mother did!"

He was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but he couldn't do it yet. This idiot was chosen by himself, and he couldn't give up until the moment he was sure that there was no room for redemption.

Being yelled at again made Zhou Chunmei even more wronged. No matter what her father reported in the newspaper to sever ties, or what her mother and uncles did, it was all done by them. What does it have to do with her?
I was so aggrieved that I read the content of the statement as if I was suffocated. After reading it for the first time, I was so angry that my father was too cold-blooded. Just because she married at his uncle's house, he didn't want to sever the father-daughter relationship with her without any affection.

Watch it a second time, see somewhere, and scream, "'ve been married three times? And three kids?"

Ask Zhou Chunmei to read the content of the statement carefully, and Li Yao is looking at the date of the newspaper, and found that the statement published by his father-in-law lasted from August 8st to August 1th, which lasted for half a month.

In other words, anyone who read the morning paper in the past half month may have seen the statement, that is to say, someone in the Li family may have seen it as well.

However, no one reminded him.

Suddenly, Li Yao thought about the party at night. He remembered that yesterday his friends called him to invite him for a drink and said something strange. Did some of his friends see the statement and invite him to drink to relieve their worries.

I was guessing in my heart, but was interrupted by Zhou Chunmei's scream, and turned to look at her: "I told you a long time ago that I was divorced, your mother, everyone in your uncle's family knows, your uncle, your aunt and Your old cousin has seen my youngest son and daughter."

Li Yao has been divorced three times and has three children. Do all the uncles know that?Zhou Chunmei was choked and unable to speak anymore. Uncle never said that Li Yao had been married three times, and he never told her that Li Yao had three children!
After a long while, I finally cried: "You all lied to me, you clearly said that you were married once, but you didn't say that you had children, woohoo, you all lied to me..."

"When I was in a relationship, I said that I had several failed relationships, and they all ended in breaking up. I didn't lie to you. If someone cheated on you, it was your uncle's family. It was your uncle and grandparents who introduced you to you. My relatives are your uncle's matchmaker, if your uncle hadn't introduced you to me, I wouldn't have gone to the clinic."

Li Yao did not hesitate to push the responsibility to the ground. The fact is also the same. It was Zhou Chunmei's uncle Liu Jiagui who knew the relatives of the Li family who opened the clinic. He knew that the Li family was rich and wanted to earn matchmaker money and bride price. He does housekeeping.

Zhou Chunmei has a good aunt. Among the girls from Meicun, only Zhou Chunmei can be related to the Meicun Le family. The Liu family has shallow eyesight, and they don't know Zhou Chunmei's potential value. Naturally, the Li family will not miss the opportunity, and accept Liu Jiagui smoothly. Therefore, his relatives let Zhou Chunmei go to work in the clinic.

Otherwise, based on Zhou Chunmei's level of inability to find the patient's pulse with injections, which clinic would accept her?Zhou Chunmei was actually an idler in the clinic of Li's relatives. She didn't dare to do the work of giving injections and dispensing medicines. She was only asked to help change the medicines, collect money, pour water, sweep the floor, and do some insignificant things. live.

"..." Zhou Chunmei, who was crying loudly, choked for a moment, staring at Li Yao with two tears in her eyes, unable to cry.

"Your uncle recognizes money but not relatives. I have told you many times that your surname is Zhou, and the Zhou family is your close relatives. You have not listened to it. You said that you want to marry in Liu's family. I asked you about Zhou's family. Do you have any objections? You said that grandma and dad agreed, but now the father-in-law has severed the father-daughter relationship with you.

At this time, your younger brother should be at home on vacation. Does your younger brother know about the fact that your father severed ties with you? "

"I don't know..." Mentioning her younger brother, Zhou Chunmei sniffled, "After I got married, Tianming never called or sent me a message."

"If your brother doesn't call you, you won't call him?" Li Yao was annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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