magic eye doctor

Chapter 1668 Even more shocking news

Chapter 1668 Even more shocking news
Li Yao really suspected that Zhou Chunmei was pretending to be tofu. Even he often took the initiative to call his friends to contact her. As for her, her brother didn't contact her, and she never took the initiative to care about her brother. She was just hopelessly stupid.

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for the fact that she was the only girl in the Zhou family, he would rather marry a third-married woman than her as his wife.

Li Yao felt that if things went on like this, he might really lose his life because of Zhou Chunmei's stupidity.

"..." Zhou Chunmei wanted to refute, but when she saw Li Yao's uneasy expression, she held back her words, and found out her mobile phone to call her younger brother.

Zhou Tianming and the top students watched their aunt fry crispy fish and shrimp dumplings at Lejia, and talked with the top students in English to practice their oral English. When they received a call from their sister, they hesitated for a while before answering. When they heard the first sentence from their sister, they said "Tianming, Dad published a statement in the newspaper to sever the relationship between father and daughter", I knew it in my heart, someone Li read the newspaper!

He guessed that someone from Li must have seen the newspaper and asked his sister to call to ask what was going on, otherwise his sister would never take the initiative to call him. If his sister wanted to call to care about him, she would have done it as early as the school holiday beated.

Silence for a while, and calmly answer: "I know, I have read the draft statement written by my dad, sister, you choose the road yourself, you can do it yourself, that's it, I am learning English, I am very busy, so I hung up .”

He heard his sister say that he didn't tell her when he saw the draft written by his father, and hung up the phone without hesitation, just like... He heard that his sister was going to get married at his uncle's house, so he called to persuade her not to go the other way. Hei, in the end, his sister hung up his phone angrily, as simply as he did.

Zhou Chunmei, who was holding the phone, had a blank expression: "Have you read the draft? Why didn't you tell me..."

She just complained, the phone was cut off, looked at the phone, tears fell down again, Tianming actually hung up on her phone, in Tianming's mind, her sister is not as important as English? !
Li Yao also heard the conversation between the siblings, and was so angry that he had nothing to say. Zhou Chunmei's younger brother knew that his father was going to cut off ties with his sister, but he didn't disclose the news to his sister, which shows how indifferent the relationship between the siblings is.

Zhou Chunmei held a good card that could be called Wang Zhan, but she played poorly. She was so stupid, it could really drive people to death.

Li Yao was really afraid that he would get angry, so he left Zhou Chunmei to go drink with his friends, he had to vent it, otherwise, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be so angry at Zhou Chunmei's stupidity.

Brother Zhou published a statement severing the relationship between father and daughter, a stone fell to the ground in his heart, and he was very motivated to work on the construction site.

When Mr. Li received the newspaper sent by the newspaper agency, he was spending his youth on the school construction site. He didn’t know what was going on with Mr. Li. relationship.

Zhou Tianming hung up the phone and didn't bother. His a self-righteous person. If she is not allowed to hit the wall a few times and suffer a few big losses, she will not realize her mistake. If he can't persuade her, her life will be difficult Let her live as she wants.

Zhou Tianming, who didn't worry about his sister, continued to practice oral English with the top students. The top students' oral English was very good. He often talked with the top students in English, and his oral English improved significantly.

The younger brother hung up her phone, and Li Yao left without a word. Zhou Chunmei groaned aggrieved, cried for a while, washed her face, took her bag, stuffed the newspaper in her backpack, and took a taxi to find her mother.

Da and Zhou Xialong divorced and jumped out of the fire pit in the countryside. Liu Tong felt that life was so beautiful that he didn't have to go to the fields to work. When he wanted to play mahjong, he could play mahjong. He could sleep as long as he wanted, and he was free. How happy I am at ease.

The only thing that makes her feel a little worried is that there is currently no source of income. If there is a shop or something that collects rent every month, it will be more perfect.

Go out to play mahjong in the morning, take a nap at home at noon until he wakes up naturally, and Liu Tongwo is eating fruit in his new home, feeling extremely comfortable.

When the girl came and saw Chunmei's eyes were red, she was startled: "Chunmei, what's wrong with you? Did you quarrel with Li Yao again? I didn't mean you, you are Mrs. Fu, You don't need to do anything, don't quarrel with Li Yao, let him have something, otherwise he won't take the initiative to give you money."

"I didn't quarrel with him." As soon as she entered the door, her mother gave her a lecture without asking anything. Zhou Chunmei was even more sad. She went to the sofa and sat down, rummaged through her bag, and took out the newspaper.

"You didn't quarrel with Li Yao, why are your eyes red? Li Yao is the eldest son of a rich family. He has friends outside. If you go out to play with friends or come home late, don't worry about it. We rural people are different, you have to learn to adapt to his way of life..."

Liu Tong continued to lecture, and when Zhou Chunmei handed over the newspaper, he looked hesitant: "Why did you give me the newspaper? I'm not a big shot, and I don't care about major news events."

"Mom, Dad announced in the newspaper that he has severed the father-daughter relationship with me." Zhou Chunmei handed the newspaper in front of her mother, pointing to the place: "This is it, look, this is the announcement from Dad to sever the father-daughter relationship."

"What?" Liu Tong's head was shaken, his back was stiff, he grabbed the newspaper and read it, his face changed from green to red.

The first time I didn’t believe it, but after looking at it again, I seemed to have come to my senses, and asked eagerly: “Does Li Yao know? Don’t let Li Yao know. If you let him know, it would be bad to underestimate you.” .”

"Mom, Li Yao knows, Li Yao opened the courier by himself, and was very angry when he saw what Dad posted."

"This... this, ouch, this... what can I do?" Liu Tong was in a hurry, and Li Yao knew it, thinking that she had cheated him for a bride price, in case she didn't support her in the future...

"Mom, I called Tianming to ask about it. Tianming also knew about Dad's severing of relations with me, but he never informed me. Mom, you should go home quickly. If Tianming comes back, you won't go back. Dad will fight with you in the future. , Tianming will not stand by your side."

If the mother was at home two times before, she and Li Yao went back to Meicun, and when grandma and father wanted to beat her, mother could persuade her to relax and ease the relationship, so she might not be kicked out.

Zhou Chunmei felt that after returning to her natal family and being kicked out by her father, Li Yao seemed to treat her less well than before. Maybe Li Yao felt that her father beat her because she did something wrong.

"...I..." Liu Tong froze all of a sudden, and after a while, he hesitated to tell the truth: "Chunmei, actually, I divorced...your father...."

"You and Dad divorced?" Zhou Chunmei was shocked.

"Yes, your father and I...divorced. We divorced last month. Because you just got married, I was afraid that others would look down on you if they found out, so I kept it from you."

Liu Tong originally wanted to hide it first, and wait until she asks Chunmei and her son-in-law to buy a shop for her to do business with, or ask Li Yao to pay her for capital investment in some business, wait a year or so, and finally wait for Chunmei to give birth to the Li family The child then let Chunmei and her son-in-law know about her divorce with Zhou Xialong.

She felt that when Chunmei gave birth to a cub for the Li family, she would be considered Mrs. Li. She divorced Zhou Xialong, and it was legitimate for her son-in-law to take care of his cub's mother.

Now, I can't hide it anymore, paper can't hold fire, Liu Tong is worried that Chunmei and Li Yao want her to take them back to Zhou's house in Meicun to help them speak well in front of Zhou Xialong, so he has to tell the truth.

Even when she heard her mother admit that she divorced her father, Zhou Chunmei still couldn't believe the facts, and looked at her mother in a daze: "Mom, why are you so serious about divorcing your father?"

"This... this..." Liu Tong felt guilty, hesitating, unable to answer for a while, and after a while, he bit the bullet and explained: "After all, it's still because you married at your grandmother's house, and your father felt ashamed. Always looking for trouble to quarrel with me... arguing and arguing... and left in a fit of anger."

"Mom, you and your uncle have been lying to me, haven't you?" Zhou Chunmei looked at her mother's evasive eyes, and suddenly remembered what Li Yao and her father had said, and her eyes became hot: "You and your uncle's grandfather didn't give daddy any gifts at all. , you hid all your pockets, didn’t you? Didn’t dad get angry when he knew you cheated on him with your uncle, so he divorced you?”

"I..." After the truth was revealed, Liu Tong was speechless for a moment, wanting to complain for himself but didn't know how to explain it.

Mom didn't speak, and Zhou Chunmei's expression changed for a while: "Mom, you didn't tell my parents anything, did you? You and your uncle knew that Li Yao had been divorced three times, but you didn't tell me that Li Yao had three children. My uncle didn't tell me either, I know that Li Yao wanted to break up when he was married, and you also persuaded me that Li Yao's family is rich, if he hadn't been divorced, how could he fall in love with me...

You and your uncle didn't tell me the truth, and you definitely didn't tell Dad. You didn't tell me what agreement you and your uncle signed to marry me at my grandfather's house.

Li Yao and I went back to the village on the Dragon Boat Festival and June [-]th. Dad said that you and your uncle's family sold me. It turned out to be true. You and your uncle sold me for a bride price. "

"..." Liu Tong was so questioned that he couldn't utter a word. He held back for a long while, and tried to find a faltering explanation: "Chunmei, your uncle and I are here for your own good. If you leave this village, there is no such store. If you miss Li Yao, where can you find someone richer than him? Even if Li Yao has been divorced several times, there are still girls more beautiful than you who are willing to marry him. You marry Li Yao Yao earned it!"

Zhou Chunmei burst into tears, looking at what her mother said, is she worse than anyone else?In Mom's eyes, is she that worthless?Feeling angry, he grabbed his bag and left.

"Chunmei, don't let Li Yao know about my divorce from your father. He will look down on you if he knows, and you will lose face in the Li family..." Liu Tongsheng was afraid that Li Yao would stop raising her after he found out, so he dragged his Living in Chunmei makes sense.

At first she thought that her mother was really looking out for her own good, but she didn’t expect that her mother and uncle were the ones who lied to her. Zhou Chunmei felt sad, broke away from her mother’s hand, ran out, cried all the way downstairs, and beat her back to Li’s house. Her father cut her off. It doesn't matter, she has no natal family anymore, so she has to go back to her husband's house.

The daughter left crying, Liu Tong restless, and waited until dark, Li Yao didn't call to ask her if she divorced Zhou Xialong, guessing that Chunmei didn't tell Li Yao, she felt at ease, secretly Rubbing and thinking about how to let Chunmei coax Li Yao to give a sum of money as the principal of the business.

(End of this chapter)

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