magic eye doctor

Chapter 1669 The workload is a bit heavy

Chapter 1669 The workload is a bit heavy

Mr. Chao, Professor Wan Teng and Chen Kang ran to the toilet all day, and they didn't stop until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. They all washed up and showed up in front of people refreshed.

When Le Xiao came back, he took his younger brother to play first, taught him how to drive a children's sports car, took a break for an hour, and then went back to the study to teach his younger brother how to play Go.

Zhou Qiufeng was still in charge of the Le family's dinner, with two herbal meals for one meal, and the young and old ate to their hearts' content.

After sitting for an hour after the meal, Le Yun asked his uncle to wash his face and hands, and asked him to go back to his room to change into loose clothes. She gave him an acupuncture treatment for his old cold legs.

Chen Kang never mentioned his old cold legs to his niece and granddaughter. He didn't expect his little niece to keep it in mind and proposed to give him acupuncture. He was so happy. He ran to take a bath again and cleaned up cleanly. , Change into loose sportswear for pajamas.

Le Yun entered the guest room with a jade box in her arms. Because she only needed acupuncture on her legs, she didn't close the door. She laid a mat on the floor and asked her uncle to lie down.

The enthusiastic onlookers of the top students attracted Chen Jie, Chen Fengnian, Zhou Wei and Mrs. Wu to also join in the fun curiously. At first, they didn't see anything miraculous, until at a certain moment they saw a knife stuck around a person's legs and knees. White smoke came out of the pinhole, and everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

In the crowd watching the melon eaters, Le Xiao waited for the smoking needle to cool down, retracted the needle, and went to the kitchen to boil water to sterilize the used needle after the acupuncture was over.

After acupuncture, Chen Kang felt that his leg joints were no longer stiff, and his legs and feet were particularly strong. He got up happily and continued to chat with the old men and women.

Classmate Le Xiao sterilized all the medical needles used that day, put them back into the needle holders, washed them well, and went back to the room to dispense medicine for Miss Yin instead of chatting with the old men and women.

The three soldiers and the black dragon secretly followed the little loli upstairs, and Young Master Yan even hugged a watermelon.

There are no outsiders in the living room on the second floor, and whispered the secret: "Little Lolita, the old miscellaneous hair bought a ticket for tomorrow to go back to the provincial capital, and the little miscellaneous hair of his Xiaoer's family ordered a ticket on the 25th to report to the school in S province. Today the miscellaneous hairs and the little miscellaneous hairs are in their respective homes."

"Are you sure?" Le Yun's eyes were shining brightly, did Xiao Zaomao wander around?
"Really. I didn't run around before dark. Brother, I'll go and see if I have been to the nightlife during this time." Young Master Liu nodded happily, and rushed to the guest room with his feet free.

Someone like Liu went to shine, Yan Xing and Lan San didn't go to join in the fun, and sat down at the long table with little loli, Lan San went to the kitchen on the second floor to find a tray of melons and kill them.

The watermelon is bought on the street and grown by the local people, which tastes better than the watermelon grown in the greenhouse.

Young Master Liu slipped back to the guest room, holding the computer to spend his youth, busy for a while, slipped back to the living room with the computer in his arms, squeezed to sit next to the little loli, and smiled very happily: "Little beauty, the little miscellaneous hair is all by the mother bird Da, the medium-sized miscellaneous hairs are all at home too."

In fact, he often cares about those guys when he has nothing to do. After the ancestral graves were blown up in the Qingming Dynasty, those miscellaneous hairs basically didn't go to any entertainment places at night except for work. follow.

Especially during the time when Little Lolita was doing research in seclusion, they might be afraid that Little Lolita would deal with them secretly, so they seldom even visited the vegetable market except where they went to work, and hired part-time workers to help them buy vegetables and do shopping.

The scumbags are thieves with a guilty conscience, and they are so afraid of death that they are all soldiers, which is enough.

"Well, I know, keep watching, and send me a message if there is any change."

Le Yun ate a piece of watermelon and listened to the information provided by Handsome Liu. She was in a happy mood. It would be better to hit the sun than to choose another day. Let's go to have a friendly meeting with those miscellaneous hair tonight.

The three handsome guys nodded "hmmmm" and accepted the glorious task. After eating the watermelon, they went to the kitchen to wash their paws with the little Lolita.

Back in the study, Le Xiao lit an oil lamp and put it on the table, took out more than a dozen boxes of dried herbs from the storage container, picked out the herbs, wrapped each one in paper, and prepared eighteen doses in total.

Prepare the medicine for Miss Yin, pack it in a box, put it in the backpack first, then seal the boxes and boxes of medicinal materials and send them back to your storage device, and slip back to the star core space by yourself.

She didn't return to the star core space for a month, climbed back to the center of the sacred tree area, took the luminous pearl to illuminate, patrolled around, and rushed back to the red sandalwood palace-style wooden house.

The little fox and Xiao Huihui nestled on the long table in the middle of the wooden house and slept on their stomachs. Sensing their master's return, they scrambled to sit up and rushed towards him.

The two cuties rushed forward, Le Yun stretched out her small hand, and caught one of the cuties with one hand, and kissed the little beasts on their foreheads.

"Little fox Xiao Huihui, did you miss me?"

"Zhizhi—" Xiao Huihui jumped up and down cheerfully, thinking, thinking, thinking!I miss Miss Sister all the time, Miss Sister hasn't come home for a long time!

"Little girl, you haven't come back for a long time. Are you finally done with your work?" The little fox secretly despised the little monkey. That guy has built a foundation, but he still can't speak human language, and his qualifications are a bit poor!

"I'm done with some things. I plan to abuse the scum tonight. I need the help of the little fox." Holding the two cuties, Le Yun sneaked back to the outer room of the room, and put the arhat couch that was facing the direction of the bedroom door from the middle hall. Put it away, change to an arhat bed made of ore mixed with suet jade and spirit stone, sit cross-legged on the bed, and put down the two cuties.

The two little beasts jumped up and down on the bed full of aura, screaming happily.

"Let's talk about what I want to ask Benhu for help first?" The little fox held his beard and rolled his eyes. The little girl hasn't asked him for help for a long time, and if she asks him for something, she must want him to do that kind of sneaky thing again.

"There are cameras where the scumbags live. It's the kind of high-tech stuff on the earth that I told you about. I can't get close to it. I need our extremely smart and unparalleled Lord Fox Immortal to help me go."

"Little girl, did you let Benhu drop the medicine or dismantle their stuff?"

"I want to ask the little fox friend to throw the drug first, and then help me transport the people out. After I take some blood for them, then feed them some medicine, and then you help me send the scumbags back to their original place. Or, You transport me into the house of the scumbags, and after I clean up the scumbags, then transport me out."

"This... is a bit of a workload." The little fox squatted on the ground, holding his face with his front paws, and wagging his big tail non-stop.

He didn't yell about 'this fox doesn't do things that are harmful to nature', which means that there is no difficulty in helping, and he just wants to bargain for some benefits.

Le Yun is well aware of the little fox's weakness, and poked him: "There are four scumbags in total, two pots of sea snail soup, one stewed camel beast with cactus, and one pot of sheep stomach soup with hundreds of treasures."

"Honestly?" The little fox's eyes sparkled, he hadn't had sea snail soup for a long time, and he really wanted to drink that Baibao sheep stomach soup!
"It's better than pearls. I'll make banana biscuits for you when I have time." As for snacks, the little fox loves banana biscuits the most, and he likes to eat biscuits that have just been baked and haven't cooled down.

"Deal!" It was rare for the little girl to be generous, fearing that the human girl would feel sorry for her sea snail if she was slower, the little fox quickly made a final decision.

There are many sea snails raised in the sea shells of the little girl. The number is large, but the sea snails grow slowly. It takes a few years to grow to the size of a finger. The supply exceeds the demand. In order to save resources and open up the flow, the little girl cherishes resources and is generally reluctant to eat sea snails. .

The stingy and stingy human girl promised two pots of sea snail soup at once, which shows how generous she is.

Needless to say which scumbags it was, the little fox also guessed that the ones she wanted to abuse were those guys who held her brother hostage, and the little girl hated those scumbags the most.

After discussing with the little fox, classmate Le Xiao smiled and found out a set of camouflage equipment that had been prepared a long time ago - a set of squirrel fur for the little fox to modify.

The little fox jumped far away with a bang, ouch, he is a god fox, the little girl made him wear stinky mouse skin?Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it!
The little fox ran away, and Le Yun held the mouse skin suit between his fingers, earnestly inducing: "Little fox, you went back to the family residence of the old scumbags, and you appeared once again to help me save my brother. Frequently appearing in the residences of scumbags will definitely arouse suspicion, so it is necessary to pretend."

The little fox shook his head like a rattle drum. His majestic fox family god was conspired and plotted so that the tiger fell into Pingyang and his mana was sealed. This is understandable. After all, do tigers still have time to sleep, let alone foxes? .

However, let him wear the skin of a fox like a fox, if it gets out, how can he mess around?
It is acceptable to help a little girl abuse bad people, but this pretense is not acceptable!
For Shenhu's face, the little fox shook his head resolutely and resolutely: "This fox doesn't want to wear stinky mouse skin, and this fox does not appear in the human world. No one knows that this fox is your little friend."

"The human surnamed Yan knows."

"Then kill him. That way, only God knows you, Hu Zhi, and your little monkey knows."

Young Master Yan, who was staying in the guest room, was happily charting the activities of some scumbags these days with someone like Liu. Mo Ming felt that his back was a little cold, and he looked behind suspiciously. It was a hot day, why did he feel a little cold?
In the space, Le Yun widened Shui Lingling's big eyes, with a look of shock on his face: "Oh, little fox, you are a fox fairy, you can't do things that hurt nature and kill people, are you sure you want to kill a certain human? "

"Under normal circumstances, you can't do bad things like murder and arson. That human has threatened the life of this fox. Out of self-preservation, killing and killing is in line with the survival law of the strong preying on the weak, which is what humans call legitimate self-defense."

That's right, the little fox has been with her for a long time, and even knows self-defense, Le Yun can't close her mouth with a smile: "Little fox, is this a disguise prop that I tailor-made for you, or is it a disguise prop that I sewed with my own hands? Don't wear it?"

"..." The little fox's golden eyes flickered, and he held his face in thought. The little girl had never sewed clothes for him, and this was the first time she sewed a piece of fake leather. Will this... wear it or not?

The little fox was so entangled that his big tail didn't even wag, Xiao Huihui blinked his big eyes, and played with holding Miss Sister's finger and licking her finger. Miss Sister is the most beautiful, and her fingers are fragrant!

The little fox holding his face in thought, seeing the little girl pouted and lowered her hands to give up, jumped up, rushed over to snatch the fake fur, and twitched her long beard: "Forget it, this fox will Reluctantly pretend, the little girl is considerate, I can't bear not to cooperate with this fox."

"Yeah, little fox is the most considerate, cutest, and gentle." The little fox agreed to pretend, Le Yun quickly grabbed the little one, and pressed a few hot kisses on his forehead.

With the camouflage, the little girl happily raised high and kissed. The little fox grabbed the fake fur with one paw, covered his face with the other paw, and smiled shyly. Although the little girl didn't coax him much, she gave him Kiss, I earned it!

The little fox squinted his eyes with a terrified smile, and Xiao Huihui rolled his eyes in contempt, that fox fairy is a tsundere, every time the young lady asks him for help, she always pushes back and forth, in order to get something to eat or a reward, what a shame!
Xiao Huihui felt that Lord Fox Fairy didn't know her yet, she was very enlightened, as long as the young lady needed it, she would go through fire and water, and would do anything.

Xiao Huihui felt that she had a high awareness, stood up, took the opportunity to kiss the young lady on the face, and then squatted on the young lady's shoulder, playing with her tail.

The little fox laughed happily for a while, then gave the fur to the little girl and asked her to help him wear it.

Le Yun unzipped the zipper of the fake squirrel leather case, and stuffed the little fox in. The tailor-made leather case was just right in size and length. The zipper was double-layered and kept very secret. One could spot that it was a fake squirrel.

After disguising the little fox, I specially found a mirror for him to see the effect of the camouflage suit.

Looking at the mirror, the little fox curled his lips. The little girl's hands are so skillful, and the fake leather she made can really be confused with the real one. When he wants to do something, he only needs to change the color of his pupils.

Putting on the fake skin, the little fox didn't intend to take it off before completing the task, so he lay down on the Luohan couch with the fake mouse skin on, enjoying the wonderful feeling of being in close contact with the aura gem.

Le Xiao first finds out the pills, eats the pills that can change his body odor, removes the headgear on his head, and braids his hair. Because he is still at home, he does not make other detailed changes, and takes out the boat-shaped aircraft to feed the spirit stone.

While throwing spirit stones into the aircraft, she conveniently stuffed a few pieces of spirit stones into Xiao Huihui, and then stuffed a few pieces into the little fox.

Xiao Huihui put the spirit stones in her storage container, and kept them for later promotion.

The little fox got the spirit stone, stuffed it into his mouth as a snack, and gnawed it with a crunching sound.

Listening to the crisp sound of the little fox gnawing on the spirit stone, classmate Le was sweating, and gave him a fist-sized emerald as a snack as he liked.

If you want a horse to run fast, you must feed it well.

The little fox is the best killer weapon for the shady people in the dark, a thousand times stronger than Yan Chihuo's bodyguard who can only show his face. Classmate Le is also very good to his secret little partner, so he won't let him suffer.

The little fox got a piece of green emerald, his eyes were shining with joy, he held the stone and gnawed it, clicked, clicked, gnawed away the stone with a crisp sound, and wiped his mouth in satisfaction.

Classmate Le threw a lot of spirit stones into the aircraft, so that the spirit gathering array of the aircraft could gather enough spirit energy, put it in the storage device, and put a piece of suet jade mixed with spirit stones in the corridor of the red sandalwood palace before leaving the space. Tables and chairs carved from ore, for Little Fox and Xiao Huihui to sleep on.

(End of this chapter)

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