magic eye doctor

Chapter 1670

Chapter 1670

Successfully "invited" the little fox out of the mountain to help, and Le Xiao was in a good mood. He returned to his study from the star core space, moved out of the computer, and checked the surrounding environment of the residence of the three sons and one daughter of Mr. Huang from the satellite map.

The handsome guys have checked the real estate of the old and miscellaneous children of Huang Lao, and they have a clear picture of the surrounding conditions where they live.

Classmate Le Xiao has all the information of the old miscellaneous Mao's people in his hand. The old miscellaneous Mao is quite capable. He not only has three sons and one daughter on the surface, but also an underground lover and Xiaomi. He has one illegitimate child and two illegitimate children. Female.

Lao Mi Mao's illegitimate son is only three years older than his eldest grandson, and the youngest illegitimate daughter is five years younger than his youngest grandson, and is only 13 years old this year.

Huang Lao Zamao is clean on the surface, but he has all kinds of sensuality behind his back. He has done a good job of concealing it. He has kept Xiaomi in secret for decades without being discovered, and he has really done a watertight job.

It's a pity that no matter how well it was hidden, it was still dug out by Handsome Yan's gang of wolf kings with a keen sense of smell. The handsome guys also know where his illegitimate children live and their family situation.

Le Xiao looked at the information given to him by the handsome guys, calculated the distance between the places where the little bastards lived, and planned which little bastard to start with first.

It's ridiculous to say that a Xiaomi and illegitimate son of Huang Laozamao live in the same community as Laozamao's daughter. It is reported that his Xiaomi's parents and his daughter's in-laws can still get along well.

Facing the map drawn by the handsome guys, Le Yun secretly rubbed her little hands, wondering if the little Mi and the illegitimate child who live in the same community as Huang Lao's miscellaneous daughter are there, if it's better at home, I'll take care of her by the way Only illegitimate children.

If the illegitimate child is not at home, we can only arrange another time to take care of it, because the illegitimate daughters of the old miscellaneous hair live in scattered places, not all of them live in the provincial capital city, and it is impossible to visit so many places in half a night.

Anyway, when she has time, she will also take care of the illegitimate children of Mr. Huang, and give them each a big gift.

After researching the residences of the old miscellaneous children, he selected the first target to start with. Le Xiao turned off the computer, studied ink, and wrote a study plan and summed up the key points of knowledge for his cousin.

The young and old who are guests at Lejia have a relatively regular schedule. They go to bed between 05:30 and [-]:[-] in the evening and wake up between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] in the morning, so they go to rest after [-]:[-] in the evening.

Student Le Xiao waited until all the young and old in the family had fallen asleep, and hadn’t received any news from the handsome guys until eleven o’clock, so he knew that the old and young of the Huang family hadn’t gone out to be cool, and they didn’t rush to act until twelve o’clock passed. At midnight, wash the brushes and hang them to dry, turn off the lights, and go downstairs with a flashlight.

Yan Xing, Liu Xiangyang, and Lan San wanted to know what little Lolita would do at night, but she didn't sleep. Hearing the sound of little Lolita opening the study room, she didn't move, but stared at the mobile phone or computer to watch the cameras monitoring around Lejia building. screen.

Little Lolita went downstairs, went to the back of the house through the back door on the first floor, then swayed to the side door in the backyard, opened the door and went out, turned around and closed the door, and walked generously to the main road of the village.

She walked to the middle of the road, and showed a bright smile at the camera facing the road, not only that, but also waved her little paw!
Staring at the real-time monitoring displayed on the mobile phone or computer, Yan Shaoliu and Shaolansan knew that the little loli knew that they were not asleep and was watching the camera monitoring, so she went out ostentatiously and greeted them without restraint.

The corner of Yan Xing's mouth twitched: "Xiao Yangyang, I will delete all this scene later."

"Understood." Liu Xiangyang looked at the computer in front of him, with a curious expression on his face: "What exactly does little Lolita want to do? Are you looking for a place where no one is around to send a secret signal to make people do something to those little bastards?"

"Who knows." Yan Xing was also puzzled. If all the miscellaneous people were in Shishi, with the lightness of little Lolita, he believed that little Lolita could run between Shishi and Jiudao overnight. Back and forth, but all the little bastards of Huang Laozi are in Hanshi, no matter how good the little loli's lightness kung fu is, it is impossible to go back and forth in half the night.

Little Lolita needs to act, and it is impossible to use a helicopter. Therefore, there is only one possibility. Little Lolita has helpers lurking in Han City secretly. She slipped out in the middle of the night to find a quiet place to talk with the helpers and direct them to move.

The reason why they didn't do it at home was of course that they and Mr. Yi Laoyan were there. If she said something, he and Mr. Yi Laoyan could probably hear her, and it would be easy to expose her trump card.

Little Lolita is getting more and more mysterious.

Feeling the strength of little lolita, Yan Xing felt depressed, the more powerful little lolita was, the less he was needed, and he was about to become a passerby.

Young Master Liu had a pensive face, and little Lolita was very mysterious, and he really wanted to dig out her secrets!

Lan San watched the surveillance camera capture the little loli flying along the village road towards the back of the village. The figure quickly disappeared into the darkness. She decisively turned off the mobile phone surveillance screen and lay down to sleep.

Liu Shaoyan and Shao Yan: "..."

Lan San fell asleep, and the two brothers didn't feel sleepy at all. Major Liu deleted all the surveillance records of Little Lolita from the back door of Le's house to the backyard to the village road, and had nothing to do, looking for fun by himself.

Le Xiaoluoli, who ran away in the middle of the night, swaggered out of the village along the village road, flew directly at the speed of flying, flew into the back mountain valley, and stopped at a place far away from human habitation.

Being in the wilderness, Le Yun refitted happily, changed her dress, tied her hair from the back of her neck with a rope and fixed it behind her back so that she would not move around, then put her braids around her waist, and then wore a A leather mask, a false Adam's apple glued on, and a man's wig.

Then wear loose night clothes, and finally tie a ten-centimeter prosthesis on the foot. The prosthesis has feet, wear men's shoes, and then tie a circle of sheepskin around the waist and legs, and put on a pair of wide pants. big fat man.

After refitting himself, Xiao Le was very satisfied, and flew to the high altitude in the aircraft, heading straight for the provincial capital of E North.

Jiudao is more than 400 kilometers away from Ebei Province.

It is more than 1000 kilometers from Hell Gate in the northwest to E North, and it takes about two hours for the little loli to use the aircraft. From Jiudao to the provincial capital, it takes only three to four 10 minutes at the speed of the aircraft.

In order not to be caught by the satellite or something, Le Xiao turned on the maximum speed of the aircraft and rushed to the provincial capital in only [-] minutes.

The provincial capital of North E has jurisdiction over 13 districts, and the whole city is divided into three by the big river passing through the province. There are three famous towns standing across the river.

The bustling city of Han is like a city that never sleeps.

In order to avoid eyes and ears, Le Xiao chose to land above a lake in a wetland park, then flew away, put away the aircraft in a safe place, and flew out of the park quietly.

She chose to walk in remote and uninhabited places, and after sneaking for more than half an hour, she found the community where Huang Laoza Mao's second son lived.

Huang Mouchang's son, Huang Maogao, works in a private company and is an elite in management. He was also there when the Huang family's ancestral grave exploded, because he was standing behind several elders and was the least injured of the three brothers.

Because his injury was relatively minor, after he was discharged from the hospital, he worked and took care of the big and small affairs of the Huang family with his older siblings. He didn't have much time to go to the hospital to accompany his father. He was accompanied by his brother, younger brother and younger sister in the medical care, and the Huang family brothers accompanied him. During the period, he also recuperated by the way.

The community where Huang Maogao lives is also a high-end community, with about eleven to fifteen floors in each building.

The monitoring equipment in the community is dense, and Le Xiao cannot enter the house openly and do whatever he wants. He sneaks to a remote corner that cannot be captured by the camera, grabs the little fox out of the space, and quietly makes gestures: "The scumbags are here. In the area, go in and go straight to the second row, then go to the third floor of the fourth building in this direction, the residents on the east side."

"Understood." The little fox flicked its tail, jumped up to the top of the wall covered with glass and other things, and slipped down the wall to find the slag as if entering no one's land.

The little fox entered the community, and Le Xiao's classmate cat was in the corner as a trash can.

The little fox sneaked into the residential area of ​​human beings, it was called unscrupulous, swaggeringly shuttled between the green grass and the cement hardened road, and found the certain building that the little girl said without any mistakes.

In fact, without the little girl saying, he also found some scum. The little girl has a good sense of smell, and his sense of smell is not bad either. He can also recognize the unique smell of a certain Huang family.

With that smell, he can accurately find the target in many buildings. Of course, the distance is limited, about [-] meters. The distance is too far, the smell is too weak, and the error rate is high.

Find where the village of Mu is, the little fox does not take the usual path, climbs the wall like a gecko and grabs the floor where the target is, sneaks into the house of a certain scum from the balcony with anti-theft windows, and then enters the room.

The first room he entered was the owner's bedroom. Humans were already asleep. The little fox slipped into the room, crawled onto the bed quietly, stretched out its little paws and poked the middle-aged couple a few times, knocking them out, and then swallowed them. inside.

After catching two human-shaped twolegs, the little fox opened the door and went out to other rooms. The door of the human child's room was locked, which was not a problem for him.

The scum said by the little girl has a son and a daughter, the daughter is older, the son is younger, they both sleep soundly, the little fox is not even willing to give medicine, sneaks into the room to poke people's sleeping holes, and then throws people into the world of heaven and earth collect.

Catch big and small scum, and then go out through the entrance door, slip down the stairs openly, cross the green area of ​​the community, climb out of the high wall, and fly into the palm of the little girl who is waiting for you.

Le Yunmao was in the corner, using his voice to analyze where the little fox was, and the little cutie went back and forth, caught him, and immediately slipped back to the star core space and returned to the lawn in the center of the Shenshu area.

The little fox flew to the ground from the palm of the girl's hand, opened his mouth to spit out all the scum hidden in it, threw it on the grass, and stroked his beard in disgust: "Little girl, these guys stink!"

"They're scum, they're bad from the inside out, they must be stinky, little fox, be aggrieved, and I'll help you cleanse the fragrance when it's over."

Le Yun looked at the scum that the little fox had caught, and found that the little fox didn't use drugs, so she couldn't help but grab the little cutie and kiss him madly in the eyes, the little fox is very good at acupuncture, praise!
After being kissed on the eyes, the little fox was so happy that he was crazy. The whole fox was dizzy, holding his face and giggling.

I rewarded the little cutie with a few sweet kisses, and Le Yun looked at Xiaozamao again. The wife of Huang Laozamao used to have a lot of babies, about one and a half years old, and the sons and daughters of Laozamao are all in their forties. extremely young.

Huang Laozamao's second son, Huang Er's eldest daughter, is in her twenties, and her youngest son is one year older than classmate Le Xiao.

Huang Er's wife is pretty and handsome, and their children are quite upright.

The family of four are all wearing pajamas, and the clothes are famous brands.

Looking at the four scumbags, big and small, who were captured alive, Le Yun snickered secretly. Fortunately, the big scumbags didn't do any exercise, otherwise the little fox would have to cover his eyes again!

There is nothing to admire about the scum, she scanned a few times and collected the torso map, put on gloves, took out a glass bottle to collect blood, and fed them pills.

Little Lolita was so generous, she gave each of the four scumbags four pills for free, and gave each of them a few needles, and took back the medical needles after about 10 minutes.

"Little fox, thank you for your hard work."

"Yeah, it's time for this fox to go to work again." The little fox stroked his beard, swallowed the four dregs and kept them in his stomach. When the little girl carried him away from the star core world, he jumped on the wall and flew into the community.

The little fox walked up the stairs to the floor with ease, squeezed the door open, closed the door, entered each room, put the scumbags back in place, locked the door behind them, and finally left from the balcony and climbed down the wall .

Back on the ground, the little fox in squirrel skin slithered through the greenery, climbed out of the wall, and landed on the little girl's tender palm, holding his head proudly.

"Little fox is majestic and mighty! Let's go, let's continue to find the scumbags." The little cutie looked arrogant and arrogant, Le Yun kissed his eyes decisively and sent him back to the star core space.

After scouting around for no one, sneak away from the place, take out a motorcycle in a remote and uninhabited place, and ride on the road.

The next target is Huang Yi, the eldest son of Huang Laozamao. Their living areas are relatively far apart and they have to cross the river. Moreover, Laozamao's eldest son, youngest son and daughter all live on the other side of the river.

In the center of Han City in the early morning, in many areas except for the street lights, the lights of high-rise buildings have been turned off. Because it is almost one o'clock in the morning, the most lively time of the night has passed, the noise gradually fades away, and the city gradually restores the tranquility of the night.

In the middle of the night, there were far fewer vehicles coming and going than during the day, the traffic was unimpeded, and there were no traffic police officers at the intersection.

Le Xiao rode a motorcycle all the way without hindrance, crossed the long bridge across the two banks, arrived at the river bank on the other side, and drove for another 10 minutes, and finally arrived near the community where Huang Yi lived.

Huang Maode, the eldest son of the old miscellaneous hair, is a civil servant and still works in the most popular taxation department.

The community where public servants live was built in the late [-]s. The middle and high-rise buildings with more than [-] floors are more than ten years old. The community is not backward, with complete facilities and a good buried location. The housing prices of second-hand houses are still very high. Scary.

The community is semi-enclosed, and nearby non-community residents often park their cars in the parking spaces of the community, or go to the public leisure places of the community to kill time.

Classmate Le Xiao rode a motorcycle into the community, parked in a relatively hidden corner of the leisure area, and scouted the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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