magic eye doctor

Chapter 1671

Chapter 1671
Yan Chihuo and his brothers are absolutely top-notch in terms of intelligence gathering. Wherever they have stepped, they even have a clear picture of where there are dead spots for cameras, and where the cameras are located in which areas.

With the information provided by the handsome guys in hand, Le Xiao acted like a fish in water, scouted the environment, slipped to a blind spot where the camera could not capture, invited the little fox, and sent the cute little beast to work.

Following the little girl's clues, the little fox galloped across half of the community, found a certain building, climbed the stairs along the water pipes, climbed to the ninth floor of a certain building, and then sneaked into the homes of human residents from the balcony.

There is a saying that "God closes all the doors for you, and always leaves a window for you." The doors of human residents' homes are all locked, but there are windows.

As an existence like a loophole, the little fox can't stop him as long as there is a window. He sneaks into the bedroom of the residents' house by climbing the window.

The first room he sneaked into was the bedroom where Huang Yi's son lived.

Huang Yi is a civil servant, and his wife also works in a public office. She is a dual-employee and can only have one child. The couple have only one son, which is Huang Laozamao's oldest grandson, a descendant of Huang Jiazhen's generation.

Huang Yi's son was probably depressed because he failed the postgraduate entrance examination, or he was hit somewhere during the day, so he couldn't sleep well. When the little fox jumped on his belly, he opened his eyes in a daze.

The little fox reacted quickly. Seeing the two-legged beast open his eyes, he stabbed down with his claws, knocking the little dregs into a coma.

"With Benhu around, it's impossible for you to stay awake. Benhu has no mana, so it's not a matter of one claw to crush a little guy like you to death."

Put the human two-legged beast down, the little fox hummed twice, threw the little scum into the world of Qiankun in its belly, and then went to catch two big scum, the little girl said there are four places, and now is the second place , busy at night, no time to waste words with two-legged beasts like ants.

He slipped to another bedroom and caught the two big scumbags. Thinking about it, he also captured the guy who lived in the guest room alive. He went downstairs and excitedly went to find the little girl.

The little fox found the little girl in a secret place, and was carried back to the star core world by the delicate and soft little girl. He threw the two-legged beast he had caught on the grass as if offering a treasure, and wagged his tail as if asking for credit: "Little girl, this The fox caught one more scum, and this female scum smells like this male scum."

The little fox threw out four people, Le Yun was very surprised, glanced at it, and found that the extra one was a young woman with shoulder-length hair, good facial features, and a plain face that could score seven points.

After scanning it, she recognized the identity of the young woman—the young woman should be Xiao Za Mao's girlfriend!

The little fox said that the young woman smelled like a male scum, because the young woman and Xiao Zaomao had skin-to-skin relationships, a real couple!

Moreover, it doesn't matter that the young woman did the most intimate thing with the little miscellaneous hair a few hours ago, the important thing is that the young woman won the bid!
The little fox not only captured the three members of Huang's family alive, but also "held hostage" Xiaozamao's unborn son!

"Little fox, you are really a clever little ghost! You are so smart, you are definitely the most intelligent fox fairy in your family. You did a great job. I will make you an extra pot of sea snail soup. "

The little fox hit the right side, and successfully solved a small hidden danger for himself. Le Yun was so happy, holding the little fox and kissing him madly with golden eyes that were ecstasy.

Aww..., the little fox was praised, his tail almost went up to the sky with joy, his eyes were kissed by the little girl, and he was so happy that he turned into a paralyzed mud.

He was so happy that his heart was full of peach blossoms. When he was placed on the ground, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. He held his face in his paws and kept giggling.

The little fox is a shy little fox fairy, no matter how much he protests something, just give him a sweet kiss to get rid of his frustration or excitement.

That is the valuable experience Le Xiao has acquired through countless practices. She has tried it repeatedly and it has proved successful. Therefore, giving kisses is one of the little fox's favorite rewards.

The little cutie was rewarded with a kiss, and Le Yun quickly collected blood for the three members of the Huang family and Xiao Zongmao's girlfriend, and then fed them pills.

Le Yun fed the four of them pills, took pictures of the young women, took fingerprints, collected all the information, and gave the four of them injections.

There are needles to guide Qi and blood to travel, and the pills are quickly absorbed.

Seeing that his medicine had been integrated into the bones and blood of the scumbags, Le Xiao took back the needle, threw the scumbags to the little fox, and asked him to return the garbage to Zhao.

The little fox was silly for a while, and after regaining consciousness, he rubbed his face and covered his eyes to reflect on his happiness. When the little girl finished her work and it was her turn to go to work, she hurriedly put the two beasts away, and left the star core world with the little girl. Send the trash back.

He was in a happy mood and acted quickly. He put the garbage back to its original place without any effort. Unless some camera recorded the process, they themselves would not believe that they had been "missing" for a while.

Sending back the scum, and then returning to the original place, the little fox was temporarily sent back to the star core world.

After having a friendly "meeting" with Huang Yi's family, Le Xiao rode his bike around from the other side, left the community, and then rushed to the place where Huang Lao Za Mao's youngest son lived.

Huang Mouchang's youngest son, Huang Maocheng, is fourth in line. He and his sister are businessmen.

Huang Mouchang's daughter runs a clothing store. Huang Si has three stores in Han City, and also opened a hot pot city. He is also one of the behind-the-scenes owners of a real estate company. Brother has shares.

Because his elder brother was a civil servant, and his father used to be in a high position, it was inconvenient for him to get involved in business blatantly, so he started the business. The real estate in which he has shares has benefited from public public bidding for more than ten years, and the "bid" has reached a lot. Project site.

Huang Si has two villas. The one he lives in is in the urban area of ​​Han City, which is relatively close to a tourist area and a forest park.

Huang Si and Huang Yi live in different districts, far away from each other.

Student Le Xiao obeyed the law while riding a motorcycle, and insisted that he would rather stop for a minute than grab a second.

Because running a red light or dragging a car and being photographed by the electronic police will issue a ticket, some departments will find out that her motorcycle has a fake license plate, and if the license plate is found to be fake, they will naturally focus on checking the owner. His image is exposed to some people, and if it is archived and recorded, it will not be conducive to his future actions.

If her figure is not so good, with her ability, every time she acts secretly, she can change her face, and next time she won't repeat the face she used to change her face before, but she can hide her chest, but she can only pretend to be fat , it is easy to reveal stuffing.

In order not to expose himself, he ran on a motorcycle in the middle of the night, from one area to another area, and then passed through the area to enter another area. He crossed three areas in total, and it took more than 40 minutes to reach the neighborhood where the target person lived. .

Huang Si lives in a villa area where rich people gather. They are all single-family villas, each of which is magnificent. More than 1000 years ago, the selling price of a villa was nearly [-] million, but now the price has increased several times.

There are many high-rise buildings near the villa area, and each community is also a high-end community.

There are too many electronic eyes in that area, so Xiaolei finds a hidden place to park far away, then sneaks into the bushes of plants and trees that belong to the green belt not far from the villa area, and then picks out the little fox, which belongs to the plug-in The little beasts that exist attack.

The third mission was a bit far away, and the little fox went to work without any complaints out of compassion for the cute little girl.

Like a little mouse, the little beast dressed in a squirrel's fake skin nimbly passed through the green area, crossed another street, passed through the green area, climbed the wall, and entered the scenic villa area.

With the route provided by the little girl, he easily found a three-storey European-style mansion facing the artificial lake, and used his expertise in climbing walls to sneak into human residences by climbing walls and windows.

The first place the little fox visited was the girl's boudoir. The owner of the room was a little girl in her teens. He put the two-legged humanoid cub into acupuncture points and threw it into the world of heaven and earth. Capture a Twoleg Cub.

The place where he went for the third time lived with a male cub, and in the end, even if he didn't want to, he had to patronize the bedroom of a human couple.

Afraid of the eyes of needles, the little fox felt ashamed, so he clicked on the two-legged beast's sleeping hole, then went to the human closet to find a clean sheet, wrapped the two dirty two-legged beasts, and threw them into the world of heaven and earth.

Because of this, he felt a little depressed, slipped back to the little girl, was brought back to the star core space, threw the scum on the ground, turned around by himself, and resolutely refused to look at the dirty things.

"..." Le Yun saw the men and women wrapped in sheets, and was also speechless for a while in embarrassment.

No wonder the little fox has a strange expression when he comes back after catching the dregs, that's why!
The little fox is a pure fox fairy, seeing the shameless side of human beings, he is ashamed.

People cannot be dismantled when they are difficult, nor can a fox be dismantled when it is difficult.

The same embarrassing Le Yun also pretended not to know why the little fox turned around, collected blood pretending to be calm, and then invited the scum to eat pills and acupuncture for free.

Huang Si's family of five helped each of them massage for a while. It took a lot of time. It took a total of [-] minutes to confirm that the medicine dissolves in human flesh and blood, withdraw the needle, and wrap up the naked man and woman again.

The little fox didn't make a sound, took the slag away, and when it was taken out of the star core space, it ran away in a hurry, crawled back to the slag's house at the fastest speed ever, and sent the two-legged beasts back to their original living places. Room.

Because he was in a bad mood and felt that his eyes were dirty, he secretly gave the middle-aged male among the two-legged humanoid beasts a mental attack, and the anger in his heart disappeared for a while.

When he finished the task and handed over to the little girl, he was hugged and kissed by the soft and juicy little girl, kissing him with eyes full of saliva, so his depression disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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