magic eye doctor

Chapter 1675 Awake

Chapter 1675 Awake
While Le Xiaoluoli was giving acupuncture to Miss Yin and entertaining reporters, Barrister Tang Yanhan was also traveling between his hometown and Guangzhou.

Lawyer Tang rushed to Guangzhou City on the afternoon of the 16th, stayed overnight, and went to the local household registration department early the next day to submit the application for Wang Shengxuan's application for household relocation, and asked the local household registration department to issue a household registration certificate.

He went to the household registration department and asked someone Tan to take Wang Shengxuan's transfer application form to the high school where the child will attend to get the stamp, and to get the stamp from the Municipal Education Bureau.

There are also regulations for transferring schools. There is no need for a paper application form within the same county. The two schools communicate on the student status platform. One party submits an application and the other party agrees. However, for inter-provincial and inter-city transfers, a paper application form is required, and a municipal education is required. Department stamp.

Mr. Tan ran to the school to the Education Bureau, stamped the seal, went to the station, and handed over an application form, student book card, student file and some documents to Lawyer Tang.

Lawyer Tang got the materials and went back to City C. He hurriedly went to the Household Affairs Division of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to submit the materials and apply for moving in.

The Political Department issued a permit to move in, and he returned to Guangzhou by car at night, and went to the local household registration department the next day to apply for moving out and a migration permit.

After completing the formalities, he rushed back to Chong C City non-stop to apply for household registration, and officially moved Wang Shengxuan's household registration into the house under the name of his uncle. After entering the household, he applied to change the name of Wang Shengxuan's child.

I don't know if it was because he had communicated with the leaders of the household registration department before, or because the name of a certain child's sister was easy to use. The application for changing the child's name was also given the green light all the way, and it was completed on the spot. new.

The child Wang Shengxuan moved to Chong C City and changed his name to "Tang Yu'an".

Those two words were given by his half-sister. His sister didn't ask him to be rich and powerful, but only hoped that his life after the catastrophe would be safe and secure.

Moreover, Little Lolita specifically asked Young Master Tang when choosing the name, and decided upon confirming that there were no descendants of Tang Shao's family named "Tang Yu'an".

Others changed their names but did not change their surnames, but little Wang Shengxuan was completely changed, a real makeover.

After changing the name of the child, Attorney Tang went to the education department of city C first, then went back to the county to go to the school where the child was studying to go through the formalities, got the transfer form with the official seal of the school, and then sent it back to Guangzhou.

He ran fast, rushed to Guangzhou City in the afternoon, went to the high school where Wang Shengxuan was supposed to study at the beginning of school, handed over the transfer form to the school, exchanged it for the transfer certificate issued by the school, took away the files that should be taken away, and then returned to C city.

While Lawyer Tang was running around about his own affairs, the client, Wang Shengxuan, was lying in the VIP ward of the Capital City People's Hospital as a patient with no emotion or consciousness.

Tang Sen and Yu Baiying are dedicated parents and nurses, taking care of the children carefully, and took turns taking the detox pills given by the little girl. They each went to the toilet for a day. The fruits were obvious. The two felt light and healthy, and their complexion was rosy and healthy , looking younger.

The two old people were in a happy mood, and secretly waited for the child to wake up. The eldest son Wanqi changed the medicine for the child every day from the second day of the operation. Every time the bamboo membrane was uncovered, the medicine applied the previous time was completely absorbed. clean.

The child's absorption function is strong, and the effect is natural. His originally dull skin is getting better and better day by day, day after day, and on the fourth day, his pale lips also have blood.

The couple pinched their fingers to count the days. They thought the child would wake up on the 18th, but he didn't. They realized that the "five days" the girl said did not include the day when she left the operating room.

On the 19th, Tang Sen and his wife started to watch from the early morning and stayed up all night. The children did not move. They continued to watch in the morning. After half a day, there was still no movement.

The old couple were not disappointed, they continued to stare at him in the afternoon, and after noon, the breath of the child gradually changed, which is the kind of change that occurs when a person gradually wakes up from a deep sleep.

About an hour later, the child who had slept for five days and six nights opened his right eye.

As the little girl said, the child woke up as scheduled. Tang Senyu Baiying happily stretched his head closer to observe the child. At first, his eyes were blank, like the eyes of a mentally handicapped child. When you are active, your eyes will change.

Yu Baiying is a lady who has taught elementary school students. She is more friendly and greeted happily: "Little Wang Shengxuan, you finally woke up. Your sister Lejia said you woke up today. You lived up to expectations. You really woke up on time. You are really a good boy." child."

The child's eyes were originally very light, but I don't know which sentence touched his heart, his eyes turned to himself, his eyes became brighter, she was happier, and she took the initiative to explain: "We were invited by your sister Lejia to take care of you, surnamed Tang, You can just call us Grandpa Tang and Grandma Tang from now on.

Little friend, you are so lucky to have such a good sister. When your sister Lejia heard that you were seriously injured and unconscious when she returned home after the Olympics, she immediately rushed to Guangzhou Hospital to take you to the capital, arranged for you, and personally Performing an operation for you, I just snatched you back from the hands of Lord Hades.

Your sister Lejia was worried that the medical staff would be too busy, so she specially asked us to come to the hospital to accompany you and take care of you. For your safety, your sister Lejia is worried about letting you live in Guangzhou again, and finds someone to handle the transfer procedures for you and take you there Go to high school in C city, and when you are discharged from the hospital, you can go to school in C city, kid, are you happy? "

Just waking up from a dazed state, Wang Shengxuan still doesn't have his own thinking, and instinctively looks up, neither happy nor sad, like a toy robot, and turning his eyeballs is also a procedural problem.

He didn't have his own consciousness until a human face appeared in his field of vision, but he was still not sober and couldn't figure out the situation. He only felt that the face he saw felt far away.

He opened his eyes and looked at the face, and after looking at it, he recognized that it was an old man who could be called grandma, and then he heard the old man calling his name. He wondered how the old man knew his name, and the next second I heard the old man say "Sister Lejia".

Those four words flashed into my mind like lightning.

Wang Shengxuan didn't feel anything at first, and his thinking was not very clear. Wang Shengxuan, who didn't know where he was, seemed to have been poured with cold water. His mind suddenly became clear, and he also felt pain. There were pains in many places on his body.

The old grandma's voice came into his ears, he remembered what happened, and the way his mother cut him with a knife, the pain that he didn't know how to describe surged up again, he couldn't help shivering, his breathing became heavier, and his eyes opened wide. big.

He heard the old lady's words clearly, sister Lejia saved him!
Wang Shengxuan held his breath, anxiously wanting to hear news from Sister Lejia, knowing that the old man was invited by Sister Lejia to take care of him, and hearing that Sister Lejia helped him with the transfer procedures and asked him to leave Guangzhou to study in Chong C City , Eye sockets sour and hot, tears welling up.

Dad can't be called Dad, mom doesn't love him, so he still has people who love him, and the sister who can't be called "sister" misses him!

For him, Miss Lejia came forward to help him transfer schools, will he get into trouble?
The warmth of being remembered warmed my heart, Wang Shengxuan burst into tears, and opened his mouth to ask Miss Lejia if his mother would find trouble because of him, his throat was dry, and he couldn't make a sound, only the rumbling sound of inhaling.

"Oh, why are you crying so happily?" Tang Sen saw the teardrops rolling out of the child's eyes, and while pulling out a tissue to help wipe the tears, he laughed: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, you are full of injuries. , your Le family sister has paid a huge price to save you, you should lie down and recuperate, don't let your Le family sister's painstaking efforts be in vain."

"Go, old man, how can you talk like that," her wife comforted him as if she was preaching, Yu Baiying rolled her eyes angrily, and turned to show a kind smile to the child: "Little Wang Shengxuan, Grandma Tang is still here!" I have good news to tell you, do you want to hear it?"

"..." Wang Shengxuan burst into tears, opened his mouth, opened and closed his mouth several times, and finally squeezed out a voice: "...I want to..."

The child's throat was dry, and the voice sounded like an old man who had been ill for a long time, but at least he could make a sound, Yu Baiying smiled and said: "Okay, Grandma Tang will tell you later, drink some water now to moisten your throat. "

Tang Sen hurried to get a cup of warm water from the automatic water dispenser outside, and handed it to his wife, who wiped the baby's tears.

Yu Baiying fed the little boy with a spoon of water. The baby was very well-behaved and opened his mouth to swallow. She fed it slowly and drank half a glass of water. Then, she dipped a cotton swab in water to moisten the bamboo film on the baby's face.

After drinking water, Wang Shengxuan felt that his throat was much more comfortable. He tried to swallow a few times, and asked eagerly, "Grandpa Tang, Grandma Tang, my mother...have you troubled Sister Lejia...?"

The child said the word "my mother". The old couple thought that he missed his inhuman mother, and the boss was very upset. After he finished speaking, his mood turned cloudy, and the little baby knew that he was worried about the little girl from the Le family. , It should not be a white-eyed wolf.

If Xiaowa is still a bitch by this time, and he only cares about his biological mother, the old couple will not talk about him, but at most they will take care of him dutifully, and they will not be able to give their sincerity to Miss Le's entrustment.

The little baby understands that things are right and wrong, and they know how to be grateful, so they naturally like it, otherwise, they would all be too happy for the little girl.

The child looked straight at herself, and Yu Baiying smiled deeper: "No, your mother chopped you up and ran out of town with money to hide. Your father called the police, and Uncle C, the policeman, found your mother and arrested her. Are you happy?" Sister Jia asked your father to take custody of you from your mother, and your sister Lejia hired a lawyer to ask your father to hand over your affairs to the lawyer.

In order not to let those people from your grandpa’s family bother you, your Le family sister spent several million to buy a house in Chong C City, and moved your household registration from Guangzhou City to Chong C City, so you don’t have to live with your mother anymore , is this news from Grandma Tang any good? "

Wang Shengxuan's eyes were like lights being lit, and he spoke incoherently with excitement: "I...don't need to live with my mother? I...can I really move my household registration to Chong C City?"

"In your situation, it is very difficult to change your household registration, but you have a good sister," Yu Baiying smiled softly: "Your Le family sister has a lot of face, and your father dare not disagree. Your Le family sister please The lawyers have already helped you move your household registration from Guangzhou City to C City and settle down.

Because you are not full, you cannot have an independent household registration, and your sister Lejia is also worried that the house will be recorded in your name. After your mother and your grandfather find out, they will go to grab the house again. First, record the newly bought house in the name of our old couple. , let us temporarily be the head of the household, and then let you settle in Chong C City by relying on relatives.

When you are discharged from the hospital, we will take you to live in C City directly, and we will take care of you in the future until you are fully taken care of, or until you are admitted to university and go to university. "

"It's great, I don't have to live with my mother anymore, and I don't have to live with my father's family..." Hearing the exact news, Wang Shengxuan's eyes were sore and hot, and big tears came out of his eyes again.

"Baby, it's good that you understand what is true and false."

"Don't cry, you'll be fine in the future."

The old couple wiped away the children's tears with a smile, Yu Baiying continued to throw temptations: "I have some news here, do you want to hear it?"

"...Think!" Wang Shengxuan's tears were like spring water, and he couldn't stop, but he shouted out "Think" very firmly. He wanted to hear, as long as he could get rid of his mother's news, he wanted to hear it!

"Your Le family sister said that your mother's family is too useless. As long as you are still 'Wang Shengxuan', with your name, you will be confused with your mother and grandfather. Your Le family sister will help you move your household registration to Revisiting City C, I changed your name for you by the way."

The grandma said that her name was Wang Shengxuan, and she would be confused with her mother's family. Wang Shengxuan felt sad, and he didn't want to have anything to do with the family of Grandpa's family.

Hearing that Miss Le Jia changed my name for me, I asked excitedly, "Grandma Tang, what name did Miss Le Jia change for me, and what is it?"

"Your Le family sister said that the name change should be more thorough, because our surname is Tang, and your household registration is under our name. Let your surname be Tang, and your new name is Tang Yu'an. Yu is Yu who survived the catastrophe, and An is the safe An. "

"Tang...Yu An, the rest of my life after the catastrophe, I understand. Sister Le Jia changed my name and surname to hope that I will be safe for the rest of my life." After experiencing despair, Wang Shengxuan understood the value of family affection. Tears welled up again.

"You understand the meaning of this name, so we can rest assured." Tang Sen patted the boy's head: "Your Lejia sister said that your previous 15 years were too hard, so she changed your surname. Have a new life, your sister Lejia said that you still don’t have the ability to protect yourself, so she decides to help you change your name. When you have the ability to protect yourself in the future, do you want to take your father’s surname or your mother’s surname? It's up to you to change back to your previous name."

"..." Wang Shengxuan nodded with tears in his eyes. Unless Le Jia's sister helped him to choose another name, otherwise, he would not change his name for the rest of his life, and just call him "Tang Yu'an".

(End of this chapter)

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