magic eye doctor

Chapter 1676 Secret (2 more

Chapter 1676 Secret (2 more

Tang Sen and Yu Baiying were very relieved that the little boy could pick it up clearly. They all said that the children from poor families were in charge of the family early, and the children had such a mother, and they suffered so much that they almost lost their lives. Too lazy to try to save.

Of course, if Xiao Wa'er was the kind of person who didn't understand, it was impossible for Miss Le to bother with him. The reason why the little girl was willing to do anything for Xiao Wa'er must be because he was fundamentally different from the scum of the Wang family.

In order to let the child get used to the new name, the old couple told him about the name change, no longer called Wang Shengxuan, one Tang Yu'an on the left, and another Tang Yu'an.

After being called "Wang Shengxuan" for more than ten years, he suddenly changed his name to a name that didn't match his original name at all. At first, Wang Shengxuan was still unresponsive, and his brain always took a few beats to keep up with the rhythm.

The Tang couple also understand and are not anxious. There are still more than ten days before the start of school in September. A lot of training will definitely help the children adapt to their new identities before school starts.

The old couple spent half an afternoon feeding and smearing the young boy, or training his reactions. Before leaving get off work in the evening, Dr. Wan Teng went to the ward to make rounds. Seeing that the unlucky child woke up, he acted according to the doctor's order of the little junior sister, and called him decisively. The nurse came and pulled out the catheter.

Doctor Wan Teng inspected the patient's condition and left work carelessly.

Tang's old couple went to buy food, and there was no room for the baby. The little girl confessed that the patient was only allowed to drink water when he woke up, and he was not allowed to eat, so he was given pills first.

The pills can not only supplement the nutrition needed by the human body, but also promote the rapid healing of the wound. For the health of the child, the old Tang couple also strictly obeyed the little girl's doctor's advice.

Wang Shengxuan was very obedient. I heard that it was Lejia's sister who said that she was not allowed to eat. He didn't ask why. He listened to the two old people and only drank some water to moisten his throat occasionally.

The Tang couple waited until it was getting dark to send a message to the little girl saying that the child had woken up, and then called their nephew Tang Yanhan to exchange messages.

Tang Yanhan was not surprised when he heard that a certain unlucky child woke up. He told his family uncle the result of his running around, and said that he would go to Guangzhou City to deliver books to the children in a few days. Please ask the family uncle to ask the children what else they have If it needs to be taken away, he will notify Tan to pack it.

The Tang couple conveyed the words to the children. Wang Shengxuan was very happy to hear that he helped him move the books to Chong C City. There were no other additional requirements. Except for books, there was nothing precious that could not be given up.

The house purchased by the Tang family is a simple-decorated room, with basic appliances such as floors, lamps, and toilets. The Tang family did not renovate it after taking over. They ordered furniture directly from the furniture store. The required items have been completed within a few days of the Tang lawyer’s formalities. Once entering the house, residents only need to bring their own personal items.

Of course, the Tang family only arranged the first floor, and left the second floor empty to buy furniture for Miss Le or a certain child according to personal preferences.

To buy all the furniture for the new house, the Tang family hired professionals to remove the armor. If the armor exceeds the standard, wait for the child to be discharged from the hospital and stay in the hotel for a while, and then check in after three or two months.

Lexiao usually doesn't bring a mobile phone at home, especially after returning home from elementary school and sending the materials to the second senior brother, the mobile phone has become a cumbersome existence, and he throws it in the study and goes to work on himself.

Before going to bed at night, I went back to the study, checked my mobile phone and saw the message sent by the old couple of the Tang family, called and talked with the old man and the old lady for a while, then ended the call, and crawled back to the star core space to cook sea snail soup for the little fox.

The little fox and Xiao Huihui collected plants, flowers and fruits during the day, and were moved to the center of the Shenshu area in the evening, waiting in the wooden house for the master to come back.

A pot of sea snail soup came out of the oven, weighing a hundred catties.

Xiao Huihui was divided into a small pot, which weighed about five catties. She drank it and fell asleep on her stomach within 15 minutes.

Little student Le only drank one bowl, and the little fox drank bowl after bowl, wagging his tail happily and narrowing his eyes into a line.

When the little fox finished drinking a pot of soup, Le Yun held her chin in her hands and asked softly, "Little fox, is the soup delicious?"

"It's delicious, little girl, you've changed the recipe again, it tastes so good!" The little fox rubbed his belly and kept nodding. 22 different flavors of sea snail soup.

"Do you still want to try different flavors?"

"Think!" Facing the little girl's earnest guidance, even if he guessed that the little girl wanted to run errands, the little fox still couldn't refuse.

"Let's have a discussion. I also want to have a friendly chat with some scumbag. Can I get an assist?"

"—" I knew it was like this!The little fox flicked his beard: "How many places are there?"

"A total of eleven places." Le Yun counted her fingers and told the little fox, "One is the worst scum, the leader of the family I gave them a big gift, I want to catch the old scum Research and study how the big gifts I gave them are effective. The other two are the illegitimate children of the old scumbags, and the other eight are the illegitimate children of the scumbags' sons. I didn't have enough time last time, so I didn't put them in the action plan. "

"How many pots of sea snail soup?" The little fox held his face resignedly, he couldn't help, the soup made by the little girl was so delicious!

"Three pots of sea snail soup made with tropical plants, a new taste."

"make a deal."

"Oh, the little fox is the best!" After talking about the deal, Le Yun picked up the little beast, kissed it twice, and his eyes sparkled: "Little fox, let's discuss it again. Look, how many times have you transported people out?" Trouble, why don't you just swallow me into your stomach and take me to the slag's house."

After being kissed a few times, the little fox was overjoyed. Hearing that the little girl let him swallow her, she was so frightened that she jumped away and stood a few feet away, nervously. Putting up his big tail: "Little girl, is this fox treating you badly?"

"It's good, you are my little partner." The little fox ran away like burning his butt, Le Yun was very surprised, what did she say, scared the little fox to run away?

"Little girl, Benhu is your little friend, so don't harm Benhu, Benhu still wants to go back to the fox clan to marry concubine fox and have cubs."

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

"That's good. If you don't want to harm Benhu, please don't let Benhu swallow you. No one dares to swallow you."

"Why? You have a storage space in your stomach that can hold living things. Why can you hide others but not me?"

"Ouch!" The little fox bent up straight, with a sad expression on his face: "Benhu's magic power has been sealed, and the space storage container of this fox has also been sealed by mysterious power, and it cannot be opened at all. I swallowed things into it." The mouth is temporarily thrown into Benhu's spiritual space."

"And then?" Le Yun understands the space of spiritual consciousness. There are many Taoist scriptures in Dongchen Continent, and monks can open up a void space of their own with spiritual power after cultivating to a certain level.

If the consciousness space is large enough and stable, and the master's consciousness is strong enough, it can hide living things. Of course, the living things will be in a static state when thrown into it, and it is impossible to move.

"Benhu's consciousness space used to be quite large, and it could hold a Dongchen Continent, but now it's very small, and can only hold one or two mountains." If other people or things throw Benhu's consciousness space, they will never dare to collect you, throw you in, the collapse of the consciousness space will be a small matter, and Benhu may die on the spot."

"Why? I won't attack you, why would you be in danger?" Le Yun straightened her back, why can she hide others, but not her?

"You are a celestial being, the space of this fox's consciousness can't trap you, especially you are a celestial being with a star core, and you are surrounded by this fox's space of consciousness, as long as you have a little thought, your star The core will swallow the fox's consciousness, and may also swallow the fox's body."

"Is this... so serious? If I don't enter your consciousness space, I shouldn't endanger you, right?" Le Yun also changed color in shock. She never thought of devouring the little fox's consciousness and body.

"If you don't enter Benhu's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, your star core won't respond if you don't have the power of spiritual consciousness to approach you. If someone attacks you with spiritual consciousness, your star core will help you swallow it."

"Is there such a thing?"

"The star core is born to be the best magic weapon for self-protection. The celestial beings are inherently blessed, and the celestial beings with the star core are the kings among the celestial beings. A celestial being like you who has the star core of the tree of life The dependent is the king of kings.

For a heavenly favored person like you, what you are most afraid of is the attack of spiritual consciousness. As long as you don't lose your soul at that time, even if you are seriously injured by the attack of spiritual consciousness, it will be repaired by the power of the star core.

The spiritual world of ordinary celestial beings can't trap you, only celestial beings with the same type of star core, and the other party is stronger than you, can trap you and not be backlashed by you.

Even if this fox was not sealed with mana, he wouldn't dare to throw you into the realm of spiritual consciousness to play with in his heyday. A favored person like you is simply an alien that makes people itch. "

The little fox turned into a panda, it was too difficult for him!
He was unlucky and was plotted against. Others were tigers in Pingyang, and he was unlucky enough to land on one of the most ancient planets. Fortunately, when he met a favored person, he wittily hugged his thigh.

However, this celestial being is not an ordinary celestial being, but an existence that can make even gods jealous.

Being with the little girl didn't even vomit blood because of being jealous of her. The little fox felt that he was really strong-willed, and he was able to bear the blow mentally.

"Oh, so that's the case." Le Yun suddenly realized, no wonder the little fox would rather run one after another than take the initiative to let her hide in his stomach.

Then, his eyes were as bright as torches: "Little fox, you can't throw me into the space of spiritual consciousness. If I enter the mobile cave, can you take me away?"

"You mean the kind of house space you brought back from Dongchen?"

"That's right, that kind of mobile cave can be reduced to the size of a grain of rice, so it shouldn't be a problem to carry it around, right?"

"The problem is that it's okay. I'm afraid that if it is discovered by high-tech stuff, it will be over if it is exposed."

"Try it occasionally, don't play often, take me to find Zha Zha tomorrow night, and treat you to a pot of new flavor of Baibao Yang Wei Soup."

"make a deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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