magic eye doctor

Chapter 1677

Chapter 1677
The unlucky child in the hospital woke up, and successfully negotiated with the little fox to cooperate with scumbags. Classmate Le Xiao was in a good mood and had a good night's sleep.

Because I finally don't have to go to the doctor or go to social parties anymore, thinking about being busy all the time, I haven't made snacks for the old men and women for a long time, and I don't do other things the next day, so I decided to gear up and do a big job.

The old man and the old lady were delighted when they heard that Xiaofen Duanzi was going to be made into Liangpi. They rushed the young people to practice English with Chen Fengnian and Zhou's grandson. They rushed to help Xiaotuanzi.

Yan Shaoliu Shaolansan who was blown away together with the young people: "..." Why are the old ladies blowing away even their brothers like rubbish?
The three were not convinced, but if the little Lolita didn't object to the old ladies' decision, the three brothers had to get out of here honestly.

Their English skills are not very good, so they don't want to be annoying, and they take Heilong for a walk in a desperate manner.

The paste for making the cold noodle needs to settle, and Le Xiao let it settle for several minutes. After noon, the cold noodle is officially steamed to make a batch.

The old men and women loved by Fan Tuanzi ate a large bowl of Liangpi, and they were in a good mood. The young people were much more pleasing to the eye, and they were allowed to work as handymen next to Xiao Tuanzi.

I made snacks to make the old men and women happy, Le Xiao was also in a good mood, and made delicious dinner again, which successfully made the old men and the handsome men sleepy and fell asleep early .

As for her, she stayed in the study until eleven o'clock, left home openly, flew to the back mountain, dressed herself up, turned into a big fat man, and flew to the capital by aircraft.

Little Lolita set off early, arrived in Han City at about 11:30, landed in a lake area to the east of the city, flew above the lake to an uninhabited land, collected the aircraft, and sneaked to a safe place to get it from the space. Get out for a motorcycle ride.

Before twelve o'clock in the evening, the nightlife in Han City is rich and colorful, and the central area is bustling and lively.

Lexiao, who was riding a motorcycle, turned eastward and westward. After riding for about half an hour, he rushed to the downtown development zone located in Jiangzhidong, Han City. After walking around for a while, he found the community where the target person lived. Far away, find a remote and uninhabited place, put away the motorcycle, and then sneak.

Sneak into a blind area not far from a certain community where the camera can't take pictures, take the little fox out of the space, first tell him where the target person lives, then take out the mobile cave, slip into the cave by himself, and shrink the cave As big as a little finger.

The little fox who has been wearing a squirrel's fake skin puts the little girl's cave in his mouth, walks slowly, walks to the main gate of the community, sneaks through the fence of the main gate openly, just walks through the city like that, swaggering in the community stroll.

Following the direction and route pointed out by the little girl, the little fox quickly smelled the smell of a certain scumbag's blood, found the target building, determined which direction the humans lived in, and climbed up the wall.

The communities where human beings live are carefully constructed, with gardens, gazebos, lotus ponds, and tall buildings rising from the ground, all of which are more than [-] stories high.

The little fox climbed and climbed to the No.18 floor, pushed open the screen window of the balcony window, got into the balcony, and then jumped into the human living room.

Looking around, he made sure there was no human high-tech stuff, and lightly jumped to the edge of the exquisite western-style bed, then got into the gauze tent, and poked his claws at the sleeping girl.

After pressing the target's acupuncture point, the little fox slipped down to the ground, spit out the mobile cave, and gave two soft "squeaks".

Le Yun, who was staying in the cave, heard the little fox's signal, put away the Ye Mingzhu, enlarged the cave, and then flew out.

Her eyes see things in the dark like daytime, and after a quick glance, she surveys the environment. The first person she targets is the family of the youngest illegitimate daughter of Huang Laozamao. His Xiaomi is married to a demolition household. A five-bedroom house.

The bedroom of a certain Xiaomi's illegitimate daughter is full of European style, mainly pink, with a beautiful golden European-style palace bed, and the patterned curtain is in the shape of a dome, with a gorgeous patterned curtain hanging on it.

After looking at the environment, Le Yun put on gloves, went to the bed and lifted the gauze curtain, took a blood sample first, and then took out a pill and fed it to a certain Xiaomi's daughter.

A certain Xiaomi gave birth to an illegitimate daughter of Huang Laozamao, and later gave birth to two daughters for her husband. The illegitimate daughter of Laozamao looks quite iconic, looks more like her mother, and has a bulbous nose that is standard for Huanglaozamao's family .

The Huang Lao miscellaneous Mao family intends to kill the Le family. Le Xiao is not as ruthless as him. He does not do murder and arson. He only gives his child the medicine that will make him infertile for life. The situation of Yaoyin can cause the Huang family's family genetic disease.

Feed the youngest illegitimate daughter of the old miscellaneous hair to take medicine, give acupuncture and massage, withdraw the needle after 15 minutes, move the person a little, put her in the original sleeping position, and then tie up the gauze as it was.

Done, drill back to the cave, and shrink the cave again, the shape is reduced, and the interior remains unchanged.

The little girl gave needles to the scumbag's grandson, and the little fox wandered around the room, looking around the room, but didn't find anything in it, and when the little girl finished work, he put the pearl-sized cave in his mouth , and leave from the balcony.

He deftly slid down the air-conditioning sewer pipe installed against the wall, landed quickly, walked through the neighborhood like a patrol, climbed out of the wall from the other direction, and then sneaked to the safe corner that the little girl was looking for. The Dongfu spits out and sends a secret signal.

Classmate Le got out of the cave, put away the house, sent the little fox back to the star core space, left quietly, found the place where the car was hidden before, took out the car, and ran away happily.

Huang Laozamao's other illegitimate daughter is not in Han City, so her next target is Huang Laozamao, who lives on the other side of the river, in the most prosperous center of Han City.

The distance is a bit long. In order to avoid traffic light intersections as much as possible and be seen by others as little as possible, Le Xiao tried his best to walk on roads without traffic lights and often made detours. It took a lot of time to get to the vicinity of the destination.

Huang Laoza still lives in the family compound of the municipal unit after his illness, and the management is strict.

The little loli parked in the safest area far away from her, then walked, touched the nearby area and hid in the cave, and left the next step to the little fox.

The little fox worked hard as a transport worker, walked hundreds of meters with the cave, climbed into the community, found a building where some scum lived, and climbed up the stairs along the water pipe as always, and then climbed to a Outside the window, through the window.

Sneak into the master bedroom of a human residence, look around, and find that there are non-human eyes in the room—the high-tech electronic eyes of the earth!

Sure enough, he is a scum with a guilty conscience. Even the place where he sleeps is monitored, so he doesn't worry about being exposed?

The little fox who was watching from the left moved its little paws, first ran around the house, flipped around for a while, climbed onto the double bed, looked at it pretending to be curious, and secretly gave acupuncture points to men and women who were already old in human age.

After letting the two two-legged beasts fall asleep, he continued to stroll around happily, playing for a while, and then climbed up to the shelf with books, pulled out an electronic eye in the corner, and turned it off.

Dismantle the high-tech things, confiscate them first, the little fox falls from the wall, and then spits out the cave. When the little girl flies out, she raises her claws: "Little girl, I found this in this room."

"?" Le Yun took the invisible camera in the little fox's paw in surprise, and reconnaissance, there are no other extra eyes in the room.

After confirming that the room is safe, Le Yun picked up the little fox and whispered: "Little fox, help me go to the study to find if there are any high-tech things. I want to go to the scumbag's study."

"En." The little fox nodded his head, jumped up, landed again, climbed out of the window, and went to visit other people's study.

The scout little fox went to work, Le Yun put on her gloves, walked to the mahogany bed, and scanned the body of the old miscellaneous hair.

He has a very good background, and is a disciple of Shengwu Mountain. He has a certain foundation in martial arts and is as healthy as a cow. It takes at least four or five years for a family genetic disease to be exposed and onset.

It is visually estimated that the old miscellaneous hair's wife went back to her hometown with the old miscellaneous hair in Qingming and drank the well water from Huang's old house, because the woman's blood has a certain smell, which is relatively weak, probably because it has been a long time. The medicine also volatilized a lot, and the efficacy of the medicine became weaker.

The old miscellaneous hair has entered old age, but he still has a certain fertility, that is to say, his reproductive function has declined, but not completely lost.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for him to have children if he married a woman. If he married a young woman who was healthy and whose blood genes were complementary to those of the Huang family, he could still have children.

Le Yun sneered, she had already started to take revenge, how could he give him a chance to stay behind!
The old miscellaneous hair slept peacefully, and she didn't feel sorry for him as an old man. She pinched his chin and gave him two pills, one was a sterilizing drug, and the other was to accelerate the exposure of blood genetic diseases. specialty drugs.

Feed the medicine and then get the needle.

Taking advantage of some time, I took the time to find the mobile phone of the old miscellaneous hair. Because it has a password, I don’t know what type of password it is. I tried to use his fingerprint to unlock it, tried all five fingers of my left hand, and successfully unlocked it.

Checking Lao Zangmao's mobile phone, there is no information that can be regarded as a handle. Xiao Le took out the camera, took pictures of all the names in the address book in his mobile phone, and then memorized all the numbers in the address book, All call records are photographed.

Checked the old miscellaneous mobile phone, put it back in its original place, and then checked the mobile phone of a certain woman. The mobile phone of a certain woman also has a password. Maybe there is no fingerprint unlocking. Ten fingers tried one by one and failed to unlock the lock, so I had to give up.

The little fox was ordered to act, and easily slipped into the study of a certain room, and acted as a scout mouse. After investigation, he found two electronic eyes. He unceremoniously removed the electronic eyes and confiscated them.

After checking that there were no other hidden dangers in the study, the little fox sneaked back to a certain scum's master bedroom to find the little girl, found a cute and pretty little girl, and asked her to enter the cave and take her to the study.

Taking him to the study room, the little fox sat on the table, played with his beard, and waited for the little girl to discover the secret.

Le Yun studied the study of Huang Laozamao, scanned it once, then closed his eyes to feel it, decisively checked the books that Laozamao had touched recently one by one, and then looked at the cabinet with the lock.

As for things like locks, after scanning her eyes, there is no secret at all, not to mention, she found the spare key in the secret stash without any effort, and opened the lock easily.

The locked desk drawer contained only a few notebooks and receipt stubs.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, take pictures first, then take out the copier in your own space, power on, and make copies.

The little fox cleverly helped by copying the receipts.

There is a little helper to help, student Le Xiao first researched the insurance in the study, studied for a while, and decisively unlocked it, not by guessing the password, but by cheating with the eyes, finding a weak point of the combination lock of the safe, and easily deciphering it .

In the small safe were ten gold bars, a box of jewels, a bundle of cash, and a sealed notebook.

The things that can be stored in the safe can't be worthless. Le Xiao opened the notebook package and opened a few pages, and immediately went back to the cave to take pictures with the camera. What to shoot, why don’t you just take it away?

Just do it, go to the bookshelf and find a book of the same size and thickness, and wrap it with sealed notebook wrapping paper like an old miscellaneous hair bag notebook.

The packaging is good enough to confuse the real ones.

Put the fake back to the place where Lao Zaomao put his notebook, and then put the small mark he made as it was, and checked that there was nothing strange in the jewelry, closed the safe, and the combination lock was restored.

Check the notebook in the drawer again, and copy some things that you think are useful. One person and one fox cooperate tacitly, and being in someone else's study is as natural as being in your own study. It is really bold and reckless.

Photocopying was a big project, and one person and one fox worked for more than an hour to make a copy of everything that was considered useful, put it back in the drawer as it was, lock the drawer again, and return the key.

Finally, Le Xiao asked the little fox to get into the gap under the bottom of the bookshelf, and asked him to find out something hidden, and unpack it. Inside was a USB flash drive. Put the goods back in place.

There was nothing suspicious about the other items in the study room. Le Xiao found out a bunch of cameras that he had purchased and gathered together with the help of handsome guys called research. He found the same model of cameras and gave them to the little fox, and then went back to the cave. .

The little fox will go back to the little girl in the cave and put his mouth in his mouth, install the two cameras in place, then climb out of the window and go back to the master bedroom.

Student Le Xiao took back the needles on Old Miscellaneous Mao's body, then found the invisible camera of the same model as Lao Za Mao's bedroom, gave it to Little Fox, and slipped into the mobile cave by himself.

The little fox put the camera in place again, and retired perfectly.

Climbing easily from the upper floors back to the ground, the little fox left the community as quickly as possible, ran to a safe place, released the little girl, and then returned to the star core space to rest.

Little Loli sneaked to the safe area, and rode the motorcycle again to find another illegitimate daughter of Huang Lao Zamao.

(End of this chapter)

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