magic eye doctor

Chapter 1681 Le Shan Goes to Kindergarten

Chapter 1681 Le Shan Goes to Kindergarten

Chen Kang had a good time at his nephew's house, but the time to go home soon came. On the 29th, three generations and four members of Chen Kang's family set off as scheduled. They first took the bus to Changshi, and then took the high-speed train back to Shonan Province.

Mrs. Wu saw off Zhou Wei's family and returned home with luggage. When she returned, she carried a basket on her back containing vegetables and fruits.

When Chen Kang's family returned home, Xiao Shao, Luo Shao and other top students also set off for Europe and America one after another. Although their schools hadn't started yet, they needed to go through the formalities in advance to check into the apartment building and get a good place to live.

The top students who go abroad for further studies start to go abroad on the 29th. The boy and Chen are the latest to leave, and they only fly to country Y on the 31st. The reason is, of course, that Professor Wan Teng’s grandson is in Cambridge, and he helped them rent a good place. Once they have an apartment, they can move in in the past.

Zhou Tianming also returned to school on the 29th. He first took a bus to the provincial capital and then took the high-speed train to Songhai City.

In the beginning of the school season, high schools, junior high schools and primary schools around the world are about to start school. The young and middle-aged people who took their children to work outside the village and let their children study nearby have also returned to their hometowns one after another, sending their children to study in their hometown schools, and going through the admission procedures.

Not only the middle-aged and young people in Meicun who took their children to study abroad sent their children back to their hometowns, but also many children in other villages in Jiudao Township who were originally studying abroad were also sent back to their hometowns to go to school by their parents.

As a result, the primary and junior high schools in Jiudao Township have recruited many students, and there are new students in almost every grade.

When college students return to school, Le Xiao is not in a hurry. He stays at home and gives lessons to his younger brother on time every day, teaching him to play chess, or teaching him how to play musical instruments.

In the blink of an eye, September came quietly.

September 9st is the busiest day for high schools, junior high schools and primary schools across the country. On this day, Le Xiao and two parents, Yi Laoyan and Lao Qi went to battle to send Le Shan to kindergarten.

Le Shan is three years old and can be sent to kindergarten.

Leshan has a clear mouth, has no barriers to communication with others, and learns to take care of himself early, and has a teacher at home. In theory, he does not need to be sent to kindergarten, so sending him to kindergarten is to let him learn to make friends just like ordinary children. Learn to communicate with peers and enjoy the happiness and fun that children of his age should have.

A sister described the beauty of the kindergarten, and Leshan still had expectations for going to the kindergarten. In the morning, she wore a blue short-sleeved casual top, black pants, and white sandals.

When he was sent to school, he carried a schoolbag embroidered with the pattern of a little lion playing a dragon ball made by his sister. Inside the bag was an apple washed by his sister, a box of biscuits made by her sister, and a water glass.

Xiao Leshan, who is carrying a small schoolbag, is holding her sister's hand. She is cute, soft and cute, making people happy to see her.

Young children don’t have the ability to distinguish and analyze. Generally, when they see beautiful things, they instinctively want to own them. In order not to cause trouble for the kindergarten and other children’s parents, Le classmate changed into an ordinary Tang suit and hair Also tied into a high ponytail.

Every time she wears slim clothes, she is definitely an otaku killer. Wearing a Tang suit that looks like a cheongsam, she is simply an otaku harvester. Young Master Liu can't hold it anymore and dare not look directly at her. Withdrew banknotes and did not reveal his secrets in front of others.

Ant Laoyan always wears a dark red Tang suit with Chinese characters for longevity, and Zhou Qiufeng, the happy father, also puts on an embroidered Tang suit tailored for them by the girl, which does not look too outstanding, and does not make people feel that it is out of place for the occasion.

Le family's parents walked in front, student Le Xiao held his younger brother's little hand, and An Laoyan walked behind, Liu Shaoyan and Shaoyan were separated, and Heilong also joined in, with Liu Shao holding the dog leash.

A small team of eight swaggered through the streets and went straight to the central kindergarten not far from Jiudao Township Primary School.

Jiudao Township is a mountainous area with a large land area and few people. Only the township administrative center has a kindergarten. It is a public kindergarten and belongs to a kindergarten teaching institution of Jiudao Central School.

The public kindergarten has only been established for five years, and there are about forty or fifty children in each semester. The students come from the village committee directly under the township and the surrounding villages that are very close.

The kindergarten is not too far from Jiudao Primary School. There is a rocky hill with a diameter of about 200 meters, a pond, and a few piles of rocks between them.

Public kindergartens have sufficient venues, but the fly in the ointment is that due to financial constraints, there are only some basic infrastructure that every kindergarten must have, such as indoor and outdoor large-scale activity equipment, slides, trampolines, etc., and musical equipment, etc. insufficient.

Le, who was in high school when the kindergarten was built, went to the capital to study later. She has never visited a kindergarten so far. It was the first time she visited a kindergarten when she sent her younger brother to the kindergarten.

The school building as a whole is quite grand. The gate and the outer wall are related to the theme of the kindergarten. There are pictures full of childishness and enlightenment on the wall.

The buildings in the park are also painted with wall decorations everywhere, and the greening is also very good.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng once visited the kindergarten secretly, so he knew it well, and took his children to the office to sign up for his son.

Le Yun took her younger brother's little hand and walked slowly, admiring as she walked, before reaching the office building, she silently took out her mobile phone to call old principal Yin, and asked old principal Yin to help find the head of the central school He and the township leaders sent a representative to the children.

She didn't have the phone numbers of the leaders of the central school, so she had to ask Grandpa Zhou Man to contact them, or she had to ask Old Principal Yin to do it for her.

At the beginning of the semester, the old students of Jiudao Junior High School returned to school. The new students reported that the school teachers and school leaders were also very busy. The old principal Yin received wave after wave of parents and was very busy.

When receiving a new wave of parents, I received a phone call from Le, and immediately realized that the young student was in the kindergarten. I guess I saw the shabby facilities in the kindergarten, and I was going to spend money to fund the construction of the kindergarten.

The old principal Yin was in a hurry, so he hurriedly called the principal of the central school, conveyed that Le was in the kindergarten, and hoped that the central school leader would send a representative to visit, and then immediately called the township leader.

The leaders of the central school and the township heard it, what?After the Lejia girls funded the library teaching buildings of junior high schools and primary schools, they decided to support the work of kindergartens again?
Guessing Miss Le's purpose, the leaders dared not neglect the work at hand, took the corresponding responsible personnel, and rushed to the public kindergarten as quickly as possible.

When Little Lolita called Principal Yin, Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang looked at each other quietly, and the eyes had the same meaning - did the little beauty want to provide one-stop service?
The little beauty strongly supports the cause of education. The two brothers have no financial support, but agree with each other in terms of ideas. The best way to improve the quality of the people is to start from the root and implement good education from the early childhood. Generation after generation With hard work, within four generations, the overall quality of the people will have a qualitative leap.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng told the girl what she wanted to do, no matter whether she understood why or not, she just acted in one action - support.

The couple didn't ask any questions, Xiong Jiujiao acted as a guide and went to the office floor of the kindergarten.

The kindergarten is divided into different areas due to different functions. The tallest building has only four floors. It is a staff dormitory building, and the office is also in it. The office is on the first floor, and the upstairs is the staff dormitory.

Zhou Qiufeng took the lead and led his team to the director's office to sign up for his son.

In order not to cause trouble to others, classmate Le Xiao didn't show up, and waited outside the office first. Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, took Le Shan to see the principal, went through the admission procedures, and then went to the classroom.

A group of people followed the signs posted by the school to another three-story building. The first floor was the classroom and playground for the children in the small class, the second floor was for the children in the middle class, and the third floor was for the children in the big class.

Arriving outside the classroom of the children in the middle class, Zhou Qiufeng handed Le Shan to the kindergarten teacher in charge of the class.

There are two teachers in charge of the middle class, a middle-aged aunt and a young girl in her twenties. There are already a dozen children in the class.

Most of the children in the class are children who have been promoted from the elementary class to the middle class, and one or two are newcomers, and Leshan is also a transfer student.

Le Shan is good-looking, and was welcomed as soon as he entered the class.

In order not to make his younger brother reluctant to bear himself, when the parents handed over his younger brother to the teacher, Le Yun hid and eavesdropped outside for a few minutes, feeling that there should be no problem, and went downstairs first with two handsome foodies.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng and Ant Laoyan are always idle, hiding outside the classroom and peeping.

Lexiao took two foodie bodyguards to the outdoor playground to step on the field. Before they finished measuring all the fields, the principal of the central school, the township head and others who had left their work rushed to them.

The two leadership teams didn't need to ask others at all. They saw little Le Xiao when they entered the kindergarten. She and two handsome guys in sunglasses were measuring the area in the open field of the kindergarten.

The two class guides found the young classmates, all of them smiled amicably.

Le did not talk nonsense, first measured the area of ​​several areas, and then shared her plan with the central school and township leaders. She planned to subsidize the hardware facilities of the kindergarten and improve the basic equipment of the kindergarten.

In addition, I have a bold idea about the area of ​​ponds and rock piles between the kindergarten and the elementary school, and hope that the higher authorities will assign that area to the township elementary school and kindergarten for renovation.

Her idea is to fill up the pond and keep only a small piece to make a shallow pool with a depth of about [-] to [-] centimeters, planting water lilies and aquatic ornamental plants. ,

The filled pond area and the surrounding useless barren land were transformed into gardens, and some areas were left for students to use as labor practice areas to learn how to grow flowers and vegetables.

Then build small pavilions and corridors in the garden, and turn the garden into a learning garden for students or teachers to freely communicate, read and study in the garden corridors and gazebos in their spare time.

Even the stone mountain with little soil can be remodeled, and steps can be built around the mountain, and pavilions can be built where pavilions can be built. Maybe it will be the best place for mountaineering and fitness in the future.

Little Lolita had a good idea, and the leaders of the central school and the township were also very excited. The land was relatively easy to deal with. The land was state-owned or barren, so it was no problem to grant the school construction land.

Their embarrassment is that they are no longer ashamed to say yes. The young students have already funded the library and teaching buildings for junior high schools and primary schools, and subsidized hardware facilities for kindergartens. It will cost at least more than 1000 million yuan, and at least another million yuan will be spent on building a garden. , You said, how dare they open their mouths to agree, and let the little classmates pay?
They were embarrassed to open their mouths to agree, and Le Xiao happily asked the leaders of the central school to go through the land formalities. They won the site, and she provided the design and paid for the construction.

As for the facilities of the kindergarten, she still finds the merchants to place orders in person, and the kindergarten, the central school, and the township leaders are only responsible for receiving the facilities and equipment, and cooperating with the merchants to install hardware facilities and supervise safe operations.

Miss Le made up her mind, and the leaders of the central school and the township gladly accepted the funding from the schoolmates, accompanied them to visit the kindergarten, and discussed what equipment they needed.

After visiting the outdoors, I went to visit the indoors.

It was not until the indoor visit that the leaders of the central school notified the principal.

The principal of the kindergarten is the person in charge appointed by the central school. He is a middle-aged man, slightly fat, surnamed Fu, of medium height, with an amiable face.

Principal Fu received a call from the principal of the central school and found out that the girl from Lejia had also come to the kindergarten. He rushed to the kindergarten. Hearing from the leader that the little girl was going to subsidize the infrastructure for the kindergarten, he bowed and thanked excitedly.

Due to funding problems, the kindergarten has no large-scale activity equipment. The outdoor playground only has a sandpit and a seesaw. The seesaw is still made of wood, not to mention how shabby it is.

The girl from Lejia wanted to visit the indoor facilities of the kindergarten. The director of the kindergarten enthusiastically acted as a tour guide, leading the leaders to accompany the little girl to visit the indoor activity area, where there are places for playing intellectual games, places for learning, dancing, etc., and also visited Dining room for lunch break and dining, kitchen...

Kindergarten equipment is really in short supply, many intellectual game equipment tools are still blank, each class has a TV, but no multimedia projection equipment, each class only has two accordions.

While visiting, Le Xiao silently calculated what was missing and what was missing. After visiting around, there was only one comment: this is missing, and that is also missing.

The staff of the central school and the head of the school were quite ashamed.

Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan also fell into a bewildered silence.

When I visited the restaurant, I saw chairs made of plastic, and Le Xiao said: "I feel that the educational funds for Jiudao are pitifully small!"

"Fang County is a small county, and the education funds it has received have always been limited. Jiudao is the poorest township, with fewer students, and the funds that can be distributed are even more limited."

There is no way, the leaders of the central school and the township leaders are also powerless. Looking at the whole county, many townships are poor and have limited funds. For so many schools, that amount of funds is too much for so many schools. No matter how hard they strive, they can get it Funding is also limited.

"As long as there are safety hazards, all the equipment and supplies should be replaced, especially the furniture related to food and beverages. The products that are frequently in contact with children should be replaced with environmentally friendly and pollution-free green products. Plastic products that can be used should be used as much as possible. .

I will go to the capital tomorrow, and I will be very busy for a while. I will ask the central school leaders and kindergartens to take care of this work. I will contact the merchant to place an order and tell them to wait for their goods to arrive and pass the inspection before paying. If they are not qualified, I will refuse. Payment. "

"...Okay, no problem, we will definitely follow up the progress." The young students care about children's health. What else can the leaders say besides saying yes?

After visiting the kitchen and dining room, I went to the dormitory where the children took a nap. After visiting the indoor area, Le Xiao declined the kindness of the leaders to stay in the kindergarten for lunch, and parted ways with the leaders.

(End of this chapter)

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