magic eye doctor

Chapter 1682 Guidance

Chapter 1682 Guidance
Because he didn't want some leaders to pay too much attention to his baby brother, Lexiao led the leaders out of the kindergarten calmly before saying goodbye.

All the leaders were busy with their work, and little Lolita went straight home, slipped home and went into the study to do her own work. She had to write plans and draw design drawings for the garden between the primary school and the kindergarten.

The parents of the Le family were not at home, and Mr. Yi Laoyan was also not present. Liu Xiangyang got the permission of little Lolita to explore the most mysterious study room.

Yan Xing also followed suit, he was prepared in his heart, when the little loli opened the door, he and Liu followed into the study and saw the tall coral tree, they were also stunned.

"Oh my God!" Liu Xiangyang squeezed into the study, and when he saw the radiant red coral tree, he gasped.

He screamed in surprise, and rushed to the coral tree in a second, stared at the tree to study it, and even touched it with his hands, and found that it was the real thing, and compared it.

"Brother, I am more than 1.8 meters seven. It is taller than me. It is more than six feet by visual inspection." Compared with the tree, Young Master Liu was deeply moved. According to historical records, that guy named Shi in the Jin Dynasty was very rich. It is hard for modern people to believe the tallest coral tree, but he saw the real thing, and the six-foot-tall jade coral tree is really not just nonsense.

"..." Yan Xing thought of the coral tree bed in Little Lolita's parents' bedroom, he hesitated to speak, the jade coral tree was nothing compared to that bed.

He convinced himself, silently appreciating Little Lolita's study, seeing the treasure shelf full of items and the potted plants by the bed, he had nothing to say, sat down at the round table, and acted like a quiet and handsome man.

Young Master Liu sighed, and then admired other objects. He was fascinated by those ceramics that were either as warm as jade or radiant, and couldn't bear to look away.

Classmate Le ignored the two foodies who often made mistakes, found paper and quills, first ground the ink, then spread out the paper, sat down behind the short table, first drew the design diagram, and then wrote the explanatory plan.

The quill pen used by little Lolita is very beautiful, longer and thicker than goose feathers, and colorful, with gorgeous fur and bright color. Young Master Liu couldn't sit still, and sneaked to the desk to stare at it, and then found out that little Luoli Li doesn't use a ruler to draw pictures, she just draws lines by hand.

The paper she draws presents the same building after another. It is obviously a design sketch, which looks like an ink painting.

Young Master Liu was active, took out his phone, and quietly took a video. When Little Lolita looked up at him, he smiled friendly and doglike.

Somebody Liu ran to Little Lolita's side to be a light bulb, Yan Xing thought he would be kicked out by Little Lolita, but when he found out that he didn't, he also sneaked over quietly, sat in the direction opposite Little Lolita, and took a video with his mobile phone.

Two foodies and handsome guys sat across from each other, and they were all [-]-watt light bulbs. Xiao Le wanted to kick people away several times, but he endured it and treated them as air.

When she finished drawing the design and writing the manual, she was not in a hurry when her parents hadn’t come back yet. She took the drawing and computer to the guest room in the south building where the camera equipment was placed, made a copy of the drawing, scanned and uploaded the original to computer.

Afterwards, I first checked the large-scale equipment merchants for kindergartens with relatively high cost performance, circled the ones I was more satisfied with, and threw them to the two foodie gangs to check the details, sent them away, and then went to work with the musical instruments that ordered the musical instruments. Manager communication.

Having cooperated before, Manager Tang and Student Le both knew each other's bottom line, so they didn't need to test at all, and there was no back-and-forth contest.

Le classmate placed an order with the musical instrument store again to purchase various musical instruments.

Manager Tang took the order, and immediately started to collect the spot for the little girl, and first collected all the musical instruments that the little girl ordered for the kindergarten, and shipped them first.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao accepted the task sent by Little Lolita and slipped back to the guest room to investigate. After an hour and a half, they had detailed results. They found out the situation of certain manufacturers from the production plant to the after-sales service.

Le, after reading the information, did not contact the manufacturer directly, and was going to go back to the capital to see the spot in person. She and the handsome foodie were busy with business, and the two parents of the Le family and Mr. Yi Laoyan also returned.

The little apprentice went to school, and Boss Ant felt empty in his heart, and came back from kindergarten without saying a word.

Ignoring the gloomy appearance of an old guy, Yan Lao made tea with a smile and drank it slowly.

Student Le packed up his belongings and went downstairs. He saw Mr. An with a pale face, and his father and aunt Feng with a slightly disappointed expression. Then he looked at Mr. Yan with a smile in his eyes. He was puzzled and asked humbly: "Mr. What happened to my father, Aunt Feng, and the others, why do they seem to have been hit?"

She said it more tactfully, but what she really wanted to say was "it looks like she's been robbed of her heart". Considering everyone's face, she won't say it too bluntly.

"..." An old man drank his tea sullenly.

"It's nothing." Le's father said awkwardly, with an extremely unnatural expression on his face.

"It's really nothing." The little girl looked at herself again, and the corner of Yan Lao's mouth curved into a smile: "Xiao Leshan is very popular in the kindergarten. In the words of young people, everyone is cute, and she is faintly the boss of the class."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Le Yun didn't understand anymore. Le Shan got along well with the children at school, which is reassuring. It would be bad if he was isolated on the first day.

The faces of the two heads of the Le family and Mr. Yi became even worse, and Mr. Yan smiled even more happily: "It is indeed a good thing, but your brother's master and parents may feel that the child has friends, and their status is endangered." Threatening, not being needed, and feeling lost."

"How do you say it?" Looking at the expressions of the three elders, as if they were being talked about by Mr. Yan, Le Yun sat and listened to the gossip.

"Xiao Leshan had a good time with the children. She was taken outside by the teacher to learn to do exercises during the recess. Xiao Leshan saw her parents and the master said, 'Master, Mom and Dad, why haven't you come home yet? Go back quickly.', Mr. Ant and your mother listened, and then it was the expression you saw."

Yanlao is not afraid of big things when he eats melons, and he tells the little girl the little episode that happened in the kindergarten with a smile on his face. To be honest, Antlao and Lejia husband and wife were very happy in the kindergarten to watch how the children get along with the children. After Le Shan's words, he looked disappointed.

"Pfft," Le Yun laughed, looking at Mr. Ant and the two elders who seemed to be abandoned, and laughed so hard that his mouth almost went behind his ears: "Mr. Ant, Dad and Aunt Feng, are you thinking too much?" Didn’t Le Shan care about you when he said that? It’s a hot day, you stayed in the kindergarten and hid, it’s so hot and hard, Le Shan told you to go home quickly because he was afraid that you would get sunburned.”

"Really?" Ant's gloomy mood brightened for a second.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng's sense of loss of being abandoned by his son was also swept away. He was extremely depressed, but suddenly became energetic.

Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang: "..." The parents of the three children, where are your brains?

"Is it like this or that? My brother respects the elders so much, he is well-behaved and sensible, you think he will abandon his family if he has a little friend."

"No, no, my little disciple is a good disciple who respects his master the most." Old Ant smiled, his good disciple is so cute, how could he not want his master when he has a little playmate.

"Yeah." Le dad Zhou Qiufeng nodded in agreement frequently, the girl was right, they were overthinking.

So, the happy couple went to the kitchen to prepare lunch happily.

Figured it out, Mr. Ant and Lejia's husband and wife are in a good mood, and their appetite is naturally good. Even if Xiao Leshan is not at home, the lunch is delicious.

Leshan was not used to leaving home and family for the first time, but because of her sister’s early education, she knew that she would go to school and would leave home when she grew up. She learned to adapt to a completely unfamiliar environment and get along with children.

He didn't cry at school, and he didn't grab things and beat others like some children did. He played for half a day at school, and went to the cafeteria with the children at noon, sitting in rows to eat.

Lunch is provided in the kindergarten, which guarantees a meal of two dishes, including meat and vegetables. On the first day of school, not all children have entered the school, there are only about thirty children, and there are three dishes at noon, one egg custard, one minced meat eggplant, and one blanched water lettuce.

The meals in the kindergarten were different from those made by his sister. Leshan tried the dishes and struggled for a long time. Seeing other children eating with gusto, he silently worked hard to finish the meals.

The children ate lunch, played freely for 10 minutes, and then took a nap together.

The quilts used by the children in the kindergarten are brought by each family. Because it is a hot day, the quilts for autumn and winter have not been used, and no quilts are brought. Only the mats and small pillows provided by the school to match the bed.

The beds in the school have enclosures, and each class has its own lunch break room. Each person has a bed, and each person’s name is pasted on the head of the bed. The beds are arranged in the order of first come, first come, and there is no preference or unfairness.

There are three rows of beds in the middle class, and Leshan’s bed is the fourth in the middle row. He finds his own bed, takes off his shoes, climbs on the bed and sits on the bed by himself, watching the teachers and aunts helping other children take off their shoes. Black question mark.

He doesn't have the habit of taking a nap at home. My sister said that if I don't want to sleep, I can lie down and practice the method of rejuvenation taught by my sister silently. Without waiting for the teacher to urge him, he can lie down and practice silently.

Therefore, the well-behaved and sensible child Le, who can take care of himself completely, has once again become a role model.

Kindergarten naps lasted until three o'clock, and the children woke up and played for more than an hour, and school was almost over.

When school is over, the children line up and wait for their parents to pick them up inside the school gate.

The little student went to school on the first day, Mr. Yi couldn't sit still after four o'clock, and ran outside the school early to wait. Little Le Xiao was not in a hurry, and didn't go to school until five o'clock. After she arrived, the kindergarten dismissed within a few minutes.

On the first day of school, most of the parents of the children are at home. Most of the parents who pick up and drop off their children at school are parents, some are grandparents, and some live with relatives, who are picked up by relatives and elders.

The teacher rolls the roll, and the parents who have called their children pick up their children. The children in front of them are picked up. Leshan walks out of the kindergarten gate on short legs. Under the envious eyes of many children, she runs to her sister and teacher. Called Master, hugged my sister's thigh as a leg pendant.

Mr. Ant, who hadn't seen the good boy for almost a day, saw the boy's lively and cute appearance, stroked the little head of his beloved student, and helped the boy carry the empty schoolbag, his empty heart instantly burst into tears. Get stuffed.

I haven't seen him for a day, and my younger brother turned into a sticky man again. Le Yun picked up his younger brother, kissed his little face, and returned home with Yi Lao.

Le Shan hung it around her sister's neck as a pendant, chattering about what she had for lunch, how the nap bed was, and the behavior of the children. She only told the facts and did not comment on whether she thought the food was good or not.

There is Le Shan who is like a little sparrow. The way home is not monotonous at all. When he returns to his own home, Le Shan can finally whisper. incense.

Who is so old and can’t go to the toilet by themselves, and the teacher needs to take the smelly smell, and the teacher wipes the butt, and who can’t fix loose shoes by themselves, and the children need to be fed and coaxed... …

He blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao: "..." You are just a three-year-old brat, why are you so mature like a teenager.

They just want to ask little Lolita, is your precious little brother gifted and intelligent, so that he matures at a young age, or is he prematurely matured by you?

Baby brother chattered endlessly, listening to the series of words coming out of his pink and rosy mouth, Le Yun smiled and listened, being a good listener, after listening, she praised with a smile: "Le Shan just went to kindergarten One day, the language expression ability was better, and the observation ability was also stronger. Leshan was able to express the things he observed in words, and the words and sentences were appropriate, and he described the people and things in the kindergarten very realistically. commendable."

Oops!Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang even wanted to knock open the little loli's skull to see what she was pretending to be in her mind. You dote on your younger brother and you don't like that. Your younger brother is complaining, but you still praise him. Do you want to support your younger brother to go to heaven?

As the parent, Zhou Qiufeng, Le's father, was also a little dazed, so what, can you still praise him like this?
"Leshan observed many details of school life. He didn't tell anyone on the road or tell others. He only told his trusted family members when he got home. This is also done very well. We must be principled people. Talking nonsense in front of the public, not talking about other people's gains and losses in front of others, and respecting other people's privacy, this is the most basic courtesy, and it is also the education that individuals should have."

Le Yun once again praised her younger brother: "Le Shan has observed the details of the children's lives, and said it when he saw no one. In our hearts, we have to absorb the lessons, learn from the strengths of others, and become more confident and outstanding people.”

Being praised by her sister, Le Shan's eyes were shining, and she kept nodding her head: "I know, I know, my sister taught me not to speak ill of people in front of others, what I saw and what I didn't like, I can't tell others Yes, I only tell my sister, my parents and the wet pot."

"Le Shan did the right thing." Le Yun rubbed his younger brother's head, and continued to ask: "Le Shan told me about the not-so-good things he observed. Have you observed any good things about school teachers and children?"

"Yes, the teacher is very gentle..." Le Shan grinned, and continued to talk about which teacher has a good temper, loves children very much, and which children have good habits.

Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang silently touched his face, feeling a little pain?

They thought that little loli doted on her younger brother, no matter what his brother said or did, they thought it was right. It turned out that she was not pampering her brother unrestrainedly. She was guiding her brother to explore the world.

Listening to the little doll's clear description of the beautiful things they see and feel, the two young people feel that they have learned a lot. Sure enough, because of their age, they don't understand the inner world of children. The little loli knows better child.

After listening to his younger brother express what he thinks is good, Le Yun once again praised his younger brother's observation and language skills, and asked gently: "What do you think about Le Shan? Do you feel that you can't get along with children?"

"I'll have to observe for a few days before I know if the kid really likes to play with me." Le Shan thought for a while, and crossed out the idea that she didn't want to go to school.

"Leshan thinks that some children don't really want you to be friends with you?"

"Yeah." Le Shan nodded his head honestly: "A few kids always follow me around, want to play with me, want to be good friends with me, I think they..."

He couldn't think of a suitable word to describe it for a while, and after thinking about it, he finally came up with it: "I think they just want to come to our house to play and take advantage of it."

"How do you say it? Is there any evidence?" Le Yun was calm on the surface, but shocked inside. Could it be that some parents instilled some ideas in the children who are still in kindergarten, so that the children deliberately approach Leshan and want to take advantage of Lejia?

"Yes, they always say that they heard that your sister is very rich, they heard that your family has what, and they ask me what I look like like this, what I look like like that, and what delicious food my sister made, and they always ask us home affairs,"

Le Shan frowned, and counted what he thought was wrong: "The little biscuits I brought were eaten up by the children, and the apples were also divided among others. They even asked me to continue bringing them delicious food tomorrow. Want me to invite them to my house to play, I did not agree."

"Well, Leshan is right. These children really want to take advantage of the little ones. Leshan observes which children can be friends and which children are not suitable to be friends. He learns how to deal with the relationship with children."

"Okay, sister, I'll observe it for a few more days."

"Leshan is doing the right thing. We can't just look at the surface. We need to observe and feel more attentively. We can't let others behave badly. We just avoid it, don't go to school, and don't contact other people."

"Understood, sister, I am your best brother, am I not?"

"Of course it is. My brother is my sister's favorite baby brother."

"Sister, my brother wants to eat the dumplings made by my sister."

"No problem, my sister will make dumplings tonight, and tomorrow morning I will have dumplings stuffed with capers."

"Sister is the best!" Le Shan jumped off the chair, threw herself into her sister's arms and acted like a baby.

(End of this chapter)

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