magic eye doctor

Chapter 1684

Chapter 1684

Brother San Bing was irritated by Doctor Wancheng's anti-thief-like behavior, and he had to pretend that he was magnanimous and didn't care about a certain doctor.

It was already evening, and Xiao Le didn't stay in the big brother's territory, and left as lightly as when he came.

The three handsome guys didn't want to see the face of a certain doctor again, and they wanted to leave quickly, followed the little loli without looking back, ran back to the place where the helicopter was parked, happily boarded the plane, Lan San was the pilot, and flew to the base.

A few minutes later, the helicopter flew to the base and landed in front of the cafeteria of Yan Shao's team camp.

It was also meal time when they returned to the base. The soldiers returning from training were still waiting for the captain to have dinner with the little loli. When they saw the plane coming back, they hugged happily and waited for the little loli to get off the plane. , Surrounded by little loli into the restaurant.

Captain Yan was pushed aside and became passers-by A, B, B, D, and others. He, his brother, and someone like Liu were quietly serving as soldiers.

The Wolf King men stick to the schedule and line up to the person who is at the same table as Little Lolita. That night, the two people who were originally prearranged are on duty in rotation, and they are swapped with the people from the next shift.

As the captains, Yan and Liu could only sit at the next table aggrieved, especially seeing the little loli smiling and chatting with the handsome guys about what kind of fish is delicious, the two brothers couldn't get in the way , that is called sadness.

The handsome guys had a happy dinner with little Lolita, and went to move the rice in a hurry.

There were about a hundred soldiers, and they collected firewood with great enthusiasm. They quickly passed the rice from the helicopter into the warehouse for storage. Finally, two baskets of fresh vegetables and a large bag of dried mushrooms were passed off the plane.

After unloading the goods, the handsome guys accompanied little loli to watch a movie in the activity room of the camp. A group of handsome guys actually liked the magical blockbuster Harry Potter full of innocence.

Le Xiaoluoli was forced to be a child again. After watching the movie, it was almost time to turn off the lights every night, and the handsome guys who were still full of thoughts had to go to rest.

Stayed at the base for one night, and had breakfast with the handsome guys the next day. Le Xiao and several handsome guys drove a small plane to the flight training base.

A flight training base of the army is just outside Xiaoluo, not far away, only about ten minutes away. Young Master Yan greeted the people at the training base in advance, and arranged a dormitory for little Lori. As soon as the people arrived, Live directly in the dormitory.

The training base is also managed like a military barracks, and everything is unified. Classmate Le Xiao arranged the luggage and items, combed her hair, ran to the apron, and boarded the cockpit to test fly the plane.

With the courage to go all out, Yan Xing sat in the co-pilot's cab as a training partner supervisor. When the little Lolita operated like a tiger and skillfully controlled the small plane to take off without any sense of stagnation, he felt his face hurt.

Little Lolita said that helicopters are very simple, and there is no need for systematic and professional learning at all. She learned them after watching them drive them a few times. He thought she was bragging and waited for her to slap her in the face.

In the end, she really didn’t need anyone’s guidance, and she easily flew into the blue sky by herself, and her skillful operation was no worse than that of old pilots... No, in fact, it can be said that her familiarity with operating helicopters was no better than that of their team. Bad ace pilot.

Little Lolita didn't get slapped in the face, but he was the one who got slapped in the face.

Yan Xing felt his face hurt, and it was estimated to be swollen up to three feet high.

The thing that made him want to vomit blood was still to come. Little Lolita drove the helicopter, demonstrated all kinds of operations, and then played a beautiful pigeon flip in the air, sideways flip, ring flip, front flip... …flipping through the air in different ways.

Liu Dashao and Lan San Hei Jiu Chi Shi Si, who accompanied the little girl from the base to the flight training base, watched on the ground, stared at the small plane in the sky, and silently touched their faces. They thought it would be good for the little girl to be able to control the helicopter into the air Yes, and it turned out... Well, since ancient times, a woman has never let her eyebrows down!

What else can they do besides a capitalized suit?

When the little Lolita played a few tricks in the helicopter, the white iron bird landed steadily, and the handsome guys rushed up, and found that there was nothing wrong with the little Lolita. It was Captain Yan who had something to do. La!

The buddies swarmed up, lifted Dui Yan out of the passenger cab, and put him on the ground to let him breathe.

After taking a few breaths, Yan Xing looked unlovable: "Little Lolita, little ancestor, please don't do high-risk moves next time, can I accept it?"

He wasn't frightened by the fancy moves, he was frightened by the little Lolita's boldness. Fortunately, it was in the training base, there were no high-voltage wires, tall buildings, tall trees, etc., and the hills were far away. If there is any obstacle, with the ferocious nature of little Lolita, if she hits something, another air accident will be added to the history of training air accidents.

"Let's just say, my knowledge of helicopters may not be as good as yours, and you think I'm bragging." Le Yun raised her chin and looked disgusted: "Why do you think you are so timid as a big man? You are still under fire. How could you be so careless when you came out of here?"

"..." Yan Xing turned into a puffer fish. If someone else were to replace him, even if he really made another addition to the history of air crashes, he wouldn't be like this. It wasn't because that person was her, but he was imagined that in case something happened to her. terrified of the consequences.

She herself doesn't understand her importance, but he does!

Because he understood the importance of her, he couldn't imagine the consequences of her having an accident in front of his eyes.

Unknown is the most fearless, Yan Xing glared at the little loli silently, no matter how angry he was, he could do nothing about it: "If you want to fly anywhere, you can, don't play dangerous tricks, and go to take the pilot's license test next week."

"Hey, if you're so reasonable, everything will be fine? You still have to force me to come to the training base to show my skills, aren't you asking for a blow?"

Little Lolita was in high spirits, Yan Xing was so angry that she was about to vomit blood "..." being looked down upon, she was so angry that she spit out her heart and there was no place to complain.

Liu Xiangyang and the other wolves were silent, the little Lolita was too cruel, they couldn't afford to offend her, so it's better to be good, so as not to be ashamed to see Jiangdong by her abuse.

"Okay, the little plane is here for you to play. I want to experience the happiness of eating in a big cafeteria at noon. I'll go back in the afternoon. Handsome Liu. I need your help. Are you free?"

Little Lolita patted her butt and walked towards the dormitory building. Young Master Liu followed her like a dog, happily acting as her little follower: "Yes, yes, the little beauty is looking for me, I am free anytime."

Yan Xing also regained his breath, and he and his brothers threw off the small plane, chasing little Lori to the dormitory.

The dormitory building is a safe zone. Lexiao invited Handsome Liu to his dormitory, found the camera that he had brought along from Huang’s Zamao’s house, and gave one to Handsome Liu to study, asking him to shine.

Yan Xinglan and the others also followed up the little loli's dormitory as guests, sitting on the floor and watching the little loli's secret to Liu's camera.

Young Master Liu always brought his food guy with him everywhere. He didn’t bring a computer bag when he watched the little girl learn to fly at the training ground, but his dormitory was right next to the dormitory where the little girl lived. to see what was captured.

Several handsome guys stared straight at the computer, wanting to see what's good, the camera appeared, and suddenly found that it was a study room. After that, the camera went blank for a long time. After the blank, the camera captured Huang Mouchang in Shishi into the study.

"Little beauty, you... you actually got someone's camera?" The soldiers collectively showed ghostly expressions. They knew that little Lolita was very mysterious, but Huang's study room might be so easy to get into. She unexpectedly It's unbelievable to get a camera from someone's study!

"There's more than one. This one is also in the study, and this one is the camera in his master bedroom." Le Yun spread out her small paws, and there was an invisible camera less than two fingers wide lying on the palm of each white and tender hand. .

"..." The faces of the five soldiers were more exciting than the color palette. They stared fixedly at the petite and sweet girl, feeling overwhelmed. Where can she not go?

"Don't look at me like a thief, I'm not interested in going to your residence in the middle of the night for a walk." Being stared at, Le Yun's hairs stood on end, the eyes of the handsome guys seemed to be afraid that she would run to them in the middle of the night The dormitory peeked at their defensive expressions in the shower.

"Little beauty, let's have a discussion." Liu Xiangyang moved excitedly and moved next to the petite girl, with a wretched smile: "I'm curious about Area 51 in a certain country, can you sneak in there to help?" Get something out?"

Yan Xing almost wanted to throw Liu into the air with a punch. They were all worried when the little loli went abroad. He even instigated the little loli to explore Area 51?
Before he started, the pink and tender little loli smiled like a flower: "It depends on whether the place has the prerequisites. Generally speaking, if the alarm in a certain place does not sound when a small animal is scanned , then I'd be able to get in, and I wouldn't be able to get in if the alarms were the same for all moving objects."

"This... I don't know too well, I will try my best to collect information." Liu Xiangyang's eyes lit up, ouch, it sounds like there is hope.

"Actually, it's really embarrassing for you to ask me to dive to find things. If you ask me to find a way to raze the central area of ​​a certain district to the ground, in my opinion, the difficulty will be lower."

"Oh, little beauty, don't scare me, I'm afraid." Little Lolita's topic was so cruel that Liu Xiangyang moved a few centimeters away from her in fear.

Blue Three Black Nine Red Fourteen also stared at the little loli with monster-like eyes, Yan Xing's handsome face turned green: "Little ancestor, please talk about something normal, don't involve too scary topics, our heart not too good."

"No one believes the truth these days. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's see if the old miscellaneous hair has met anyone in secret." Le Yun curled her lips indifferently. She was telling the truth. The thunder ball that Chen Dalu collected from the thunder and lightning power can be used as a nuclear weapon.

The little loli returned to the main topic, and the handsome guys wiped their foreheads with lingering fear, and never touched on other topics, looking at the camera data.

Camera surveillance video is generally kept for one to three months. The camera in Huang Mouchang’s study has data for nearly three months. Ignoring the blank space, there are also many videos with images, most of which are him entering and leaving the study alone. video.

Young Master Liu used a screening method to screen out the videos of someone interacting alone, and intercepted the videos of multiple people. There are more than a dozen videos of him meeting with family members, and some are videos of him meeting old political and political friends.

After watching a lot of videos, I didn't find any suspicious people.

Young Master Liu saved all the videos for future reference when needed, and then checked the camera in someone's bedroom. Apart from daily life, there were a few indescribable videos.

Whenever there are certain scenes that are not suitable for children, Yan Xing blindfolds the little Lolita's eyes at the fastest speed every time, and Liu Shao uses the fast forward method to pull the picture over.

The scene was awkward for a while.

In order not to let the little loli see some unhealthy things, Yan Xing ignored the little loli's protest and decisively asked someone Liu to confiscate a certain camera, and the camera in someone's study was still returned to the little loli.

After studying the camera surveillance of someone's house, it was almost noon, and the handsome guys took the little loli to the cafeteria of the flight training base for dinner.

There are soldiers doing flight training in the training base all year round. Hundreds of people eat every day, and the big cafeteria is full of people every day.

Yan Shao and his brothers guarded little Lolita to occupy a table in the big cafeteria, tasted the nutritious meals in the cafeteria, packed their luggage and went back to their garrison base.

Returning to the garrison base, Young Master Yan wanted to kick someone Liu away so that he could abduct little Lolita to play on the mountain, but little Lolita caught Liu to do hard work again.

Yan Xing and the two brothers secretly threw countless knives at Liu, dared to complain but didn't speak up, and silently entered the dormitory where little loli lived with Liu.

It was also the first time for them to enter the dormitory where Little Loli lived when she was at the base. There were not so many benches and they were still sitting on the floor.
The helpers sat in a group, Xiao Le took out his backpack in a calm manner, took out a bag, gave the things to the handsome guys, and handed a piece of paper full of mobile phone numbers and a piece of paper with his name and mobile phone number to handsome Liu , Ask him to help find out who the owners of those cell phone numbers are.

Liu Xiangyang got his own work content, glanced at the densely packed number strings, and looked curious: "Little beauty, who are these people?"

"I don't know either. These are the address book stored in an old bastard's mobile phone and the numbers he has contacted recently." Le Yun spread the information and sat down as a shopkeeper.

"What about these?" Yan Xing held a diary-style notebook and pointed to the copy in his brother's hand, feeling particularly puzzled.

"Those things, the random things from the safe in the old miscellaneous study, and the copies of certain materials from the old miscellaneous lock drawer are not my field of expertise. I don't understand. You are professionals. Let's see if it is valuable. .”

"..." The five wolf kings straightened their backs, showing a ghost-like expression again.

"Don't look at me, you should hurry up and look at what you should look at."

"..." The five handsome guys swallowed what they wanted to say, and went to work silently, checking the number, analyzing the copied documents, and reading the log records in the notebook.

The five handsome guys performed their own duties. Handsome Liu was alright, but he found some names. Yan Xing opened the notes, his face became more and more serious, and asked someone Liu to look up some names on the way.

Young Master Liu has a huge task, and he can't finish the work for the time being. The other four have finished analyzing the information at hand, and it's almost the end of the training, so everyone rests first.

While still in Little Lolita's dormitory, Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang gave Little Lolita the information on the kindergarten students they had found and a piece of information about the candidate for the Zhou family's daughter-in-law that Little Lolita asked them to help investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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