magic eye doctor

Chapter 1685

Chapter 1685
The three sisters-in-law of the Zhou family played out the matter of the No. [-] candidate, and they were also very careful about choosing the right candidate first. They went to meet the new No. [-] candidate without making a fuss, and secretly asked the little boy from the Le family to help Check it out, they are still secretly inquiring about other candidates.

There is nothing wrong with the candidates provided by Zhou's aunt who married out. However, the relationship between the woman and the man's family in Province C has not been resolved. The girl and the man's family have actually obtained a marriage certificate, and they have not had time to change their residence.

For some unknown reason, the child she gave birth to was not registered in the man's family in time. Therefore, after she returned to her mother's house, she was eligible to register the child's residence in her mother's house, and the child successfully settled in Jiudao.

It is estimated that the man’s family has not come to find someone for a few years, because there is no divorce anyway, and people can’t run away. They want the woman’s family to raise the child before they come to recognize the baby. In this way, the child will grow up without spending a penny. What a deal!
After reading the information collected by the handsome guys, Xiao Le stared at the sky silently, and she wanted to play the rhythm of a little expert in demolishing temples again.

Young Master Yan and his brothers saw the little Lolita twitching her eyebrows, and suddenly felt psychologically balanced. It didn't make sense for them to be in a good mood because of the little Lolita, she was still at ease.

Handsome guys who are in a better mood, pack up your things and send them back to Captain Yan's dormitory first, and then go to the cafeteria to eat with little loli.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, they found that Chief Liu, the head of the base, and Huang Brigade, the head of the brigade, had already taken their seats.

Boss Liu and Boss Huang didn’t know that the little girl came to the base yesterday. They thought it was Yan Shen who sent the little girl to school and drove the plane back. They heard that the little girl went to the flight training ground from the base in the morning, and saw the helicopter coming back in the afternoon. Wanting to find the little girl, they heard that she was busy, so they ran to the cafeteria to wait for someone.

Waiting for the sweet and lovely little girl, the two bosses cheerfully robbed her and chatted with the little girl, the main point was actually to order her family's late rice.

Yan Xing took time to wait for the two leaders to finish their expression, then flicked his sleeves slowly, with a calm expression on his face: "I'm sorry, you are too late, I have already reserved the rice of Lejia in advance, and every year Lejia Keep the amount you can eat, and the rest will be sold to my team no matter how much it is.”

"You..." Liu Zhengyi was so angry that he wanted to slap the table: "I don't want too much, just give me a thousand."

"I have a thousand catties here." Huang Lu also put forward his own request. He didn't ask for too much, and even one thousand catties of rice was enough for everyone to eat for a few days and improve their physique.

"It's a good idea." He wanted to pick something out of their brother's mouth, but he was determined not to do it.

"Liu Xiangyang, come out and tell me how Yanshen communicated with the Le family." Liu Zhengyi thought of his nephew, and hurriedly dragged him out.

Liu Xiangyang, who was huddled like an ostrich, was forcibly pushed to the cusp of the wind and waves, and replied bitterly: "Chief, you are too slow. Team Yan did place an order with Lejia in advance. How much rice does Lejia buy?" How many."

"Little girl, give it to us evenly. Your family has more than 2 catties of food a year. Leave three or four thousand catties and give us a thousand catties. Boy Yan also has more than 1 catties. Boy Yan wants to eat alone." , do you have the heart to watch those of us staring helplessly?"

Seeing that boy Yan couldn't work out, Liu Zhengyi had an idea and discussed with the most authoritative owner of the Lejia family. Boy Yan was the master who didn't get in. Negotiating with that boy was harder than fighting.

"You can discuss this matter yourself, and resolve your internal affairs internally." Le Yun kicked the ball back directly, so she did not get involved in the fights of the big bosses, and was determined not to be cannon fodder.

Big guys: "..." It's the owner who looks for food when he can't solve it himself.

The matter of Yunmi could not be discussed for the time being, the two big brothers gave up first, changed the subject, chatted about other pleasant topics, and enthusiastically wanted to invite the little girl to their house as a guest.

The boss always wants to abduct the little loli, and the soldiers are so angry that their teeth itch, they go to their site to eat, drink, and take out to snatch members.

Little Lolita was so busy that she didn't have time to visit someone's house, Young Master Yan was relieved, after dinner, she decisively left the two chiefs and left on the grounds that they still had to work overtime.

The two chiefs who successfully brushed their faces were not annoyed, and went back slowly.

Little Lolita doesn't like fuss, she goes back to the dormitory to do what she likes, Yan Shao and her brothers go to the office building first, and work overtime all night long. Seven seven eight eight.

After sorting out some things, the handsome guys feel chilly. The old miscellaneous hair's family not only has business dealings with many underground organizations, but also has ties to several illegal groups overseas. Because the old miscellaneous hair is the umbrella, they are well protected Yes, on the surface, that family is a model family that abides by the law.

The wolf king was extremely chilling to some people, but no one ran away. He quietly smothered the information, and when the time came, he could expose it to the world.

Le Xiao stayed at the base for one night, and went to attend to his own private affairs the next day. First, he went to the musical instrument store to meet with Manager Tang, and then discussed in detail which types of musical instruments to order. Kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, schools of three age groups They all need musical instruments, and the quantity of the first two orders is far from enough, so they have to make up the order.

I also pre-ordered several musical instruments, and when she returns home before the National Day, she will pick up the goods and take them home.

After a friendly meeting with Manager Tang, Xiao Luoli personally went to see the products of the manufacturers of various kindergarten equipment that she found to be good, and checked whether the products had quality problems.

I ran to several places in a row, checked the stock, and finally selected two partners to order the suspended floor for kindergartens and indoor large and medium-sized equipment. The two parties negotiated that the merchants would deliver the goods to Jiudao for installation during the National Day holiday.

It was already mid-afternoon after finishing the private affairs. Little classmate Le, who had been running around for almost a day, happily went to the compound where Grandpa Chao, Grandma Chao and Father Chao lived to be a good baby with her backpack.

Young Master Yan was injured on duty, and he was recuperating. During the day, Liu and someone followed Little Lolita as attendants, followed her around for a few laps, and sent Little Lolita to the compound where Master Chao lived, and they also went their separate ways. thing.

Young Master Liu went home to report, and when he ran home, he was yelled at by the old man. The old man Liu was full of anger, and when he caught his grandson who was not angry, he gave him a lecture for half an hour. Other people's children are so clever. Knowing that he purchased food from Miss Le, his youngest son was so stupid, he was so mad!

Young Master Liu, who was being scolded, realized at the end that he was teaching ideological education for Mr. Mao, and it took him a long time because he didn't buy rice!
Feeling wronged, he couldn't tell. He obviously asked if there was a shortage of rice at home, and whether he wanted to stockpile food. It was the old men who said that there was enough food in the house and there was no need to stockpile goods, so he didn't grab Lejia's rice.

Young Master Liu, who was so aggrieved that he wanted to groan, kept saying that the next time he went to Le's house, he would definitely buy some late rice and store it at home, only then did he successfully turn the old man's face from cloudy to sunny.

Compared to him, Young Master Yan was much happier, because he didn't go back to He's house to see his elders for several months. He returned to the compound where his great-grandmother lived, and was loved by his great-grandmother, uncles and aunts like a baby.

When Le Xiao went to the flight training base to learn how to fly a helicopter, Tang Yanhan arrived in Beijing by plane. His flight arrived at the airport just after 10 o'clock, but it took more than three hours to get from the airport to the hospital.

Climbing to the hospital after all the hard work, lawyer Tang, who was hungry and thirsty, got the smoked fish that his uncle had left for him, and was instantly revived with blood. He ate a fish beautifully and was full of energy. Talk to Dr. Wan Teng about discharge from the hospital.

The person who handled the discharge procedures for a certain child came, and Dr. Wan Teng readily agreed to do business first and order the patient for an examination.

When the patient was admitted to the hospital, he had various examinations. If he wanted to be discharged from the hospital, he would naturally have to do some inspections on certain items. If the degree of recovery of the examination results meets the requirements for discharge, he can be discharged. The doctor who was sent to the hospital by the patient's family or signed the agreement to leave the hospital.

The patient who was operated by my junior sister, the junior sister said when she could be discharged from the hospital. Dr. Wan Teng had no objection at all, but because the child is a registered patient in the hospital, it must go through the normal process.

What's more, children have to go to the insurance company for reimbursement after they are discharged from the hospital. They need the hospital's diagnostic report and examination films, so the pre-discharge examination is also essential.

Finish the inspection items that need to be done, and wait for the inspection report. The inspection report will be completed before get off work in the evening. At the request of lawyer Tang, two copies will be printed, and an additional copy will be printed together with the inspection picture of the child when he was admitted to the hospital.

One should be taken to the insurance company, and the other should be kept by the patient for collection.

After receiving the last inspection report, Dr. Wan Teng took the image data and photos taken during admission of a child, as well as the diagnosis results issued by the hospital, and handed them to Lawyer Tang together with the inspection report before discharge. Complete success and retire.

Lawyer Tang went back to the ward with the video data, and specially let a certain child see for himself, let the unlucky child see how badly he was hurt at the beginning, and let him understand how cruel his biological mother was to him, lest he ever soften his heart and care about the relationship between mother and child Points, to live up to the painstaking efforts of little girl Le.

There is a small mirror in the bathroom of the hospital. Wang Shengxuan also looked at it when he went to the toilet. He saw that he was covered with ointments and medicines from head to toe, and he knew how miserable he looked.

However, when the lawyer uncle brought the CT impact data and saw the photos taken by the hospital with his own eyes, it was colder than being thrown into an ice pool. From the body to the heart, from the outside to the inside, the whole body was cold.

The photos taken by the Capital Hospital when he was admitted to the hospital were of his appearance after the operation in the Guangzhou Hospital. That look was shocking. Just imagine how scary he must have been when he was sent to the hospital after being hacked.

Wang Shengxuan himself was so frightened by the ugly scars that he was sweating coldly, and his left eye was stinging again and again, so he had to close his eyes and rest, rest for a while before looking again.

After watching all the videos and pictures, he turned from cold to calm, and his only sympathy for his mother disappeared.

Originally, he felt that it was pitiful for his mother to be born in a patriarchal family like his grandfather's. His mother hoped for the love of his grandparents, so she used his money to please his grandparents again and again, just like him, he also expected his mother to love her again and again. He is sincere.

Even if he walked around the ghost gate, he didn't hate his mother, but when he saw his miserable appearance, the little sympathy he had for his mother disappeared.

If mother had a little love for him, how could she cut him down like that?

Feeling sad, Wang Shengxuan silently put the pictures into the file bag, lay down silently to protect his eyes, lay down, unable to control the sadness from his heart, and wept silently.

The uncle and nephew of the Tang family didn't go to comfort the child, he had to let the child think for himself, to see if he could get over that hurdle, if he still couldn't get over the hurdle of mother-child love, then sooner or later, he would fail little girl Le's painstaking efforts one day.

If a child can pass that hurdle and take the relationship between mother and child lightly, he may have himself, and he will be able to have his own life in the future.

If he can't pass that hurdle, he will inevitably live in the shadow of his mother for the rest of his life, which is difficult to achieve.

The uncle and nephew of the Tang family stayed in the hospital with the children for one night, and they were discharged from the hospital the next day. They flew back to City C. When they returned to the villa purchased by the Tang family in the middle of the afternoon, the old couple and the children officially moved into their new home.

The place arranged by Sister Lejia is spacious and bright, and the environment is good. Wang Shengxuan likes the new home very much and is very happy. He helps with housework within his ability when cooking at night.

Lawyer Tang stayed in the villa for two days to observe the situation of the children. They will decide which day to send the children to school for reporting according to the recovery of the children.

Miss Le really deserves to be a descendant of the immortal doctor. Her medicine is called a magic medicine. The child has only been raised for more than ten days, and the wounds left by the operation have all healed. The lower area is as healthy as normal skin after a few days of ointment.

Today's children only have the wound on the bridge of the nose, several wounds on the chest and legs, and the wounds where the surgical window is more than ten centimeters away, and there are still shallow scars, which can make people see that he has been injured.

The wounds on the chest and legs can only be seen by picking up the clothes. On the surface, there is only a wound on the bridge of the nose. If the traces on the bridge of the nose are ignored, people who are not familiar with the matter will not believe that he was still wandering in front of the gate of hell half a month ago. .

Tang's uncle and nephew were originally worried that because of the scar on the bridge of the nose, the child might be teased or ridiculed for being disfigured when he went to school, which would hurt the child's self-esteem. He wanted to raise him for another ten days and a half months, and first hired a tutor Help him make up lessons, and let him wait until the scar on the bridge of the nose is no longer visible before letting him go to school. Wang Shengxuan himself doesn't mind the scar on his face, so he insists on going to school.

The three uncles and nephews of the Tang family also respect the opinions of the children. On the first day of the new week, they will send the children to high school to report

Lawyer Tang handed the child over to the teacher, chatted with his homeroom teacher for a while, and then separated from his uncle and aunt. He took simple luggage to Guangzhou City, and went to the insurance company with Tan to reimburse the child's medical expenses.

Tan Xingxing met with Lawyer Tang, and gave Lawyer Tang the film taken by Guangzhou Hospital that he had temporarily kept in his hands, and also watched the film taken by Wang Shengxuan at Capital Hospital.

Comparing the films taken when Wang Shengxuan was admitted to the hospital and before he was discharged from the hospital, Tan Xingxing was deeply shocked. Miss Lejia's medical skills are simply unscientific!

His heart was greatly shocked, and he completely gave up his plan to think of his son in the future. Only lawyer Tang followed suit and cooperated with the work. He asked the leaders of the junior high school Wang Shengxuan attended before to issue some certificates, and then went to the insurance company.

(End of this chapter)

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