magic eye doctor

Chapter 1686

Chapter 1686
Schools all over the country have been the busiest for a few days, and classes have basically started normally. In order to find a school for his grandson, Wang Ju had to go to junior high school again, hoping to persuade the teacher to accept his grandson and let his grandson repeat his studies. one year.

Wang Jinbao's high school entrance examination score was only in double digits. Not to mention that the high school did not accept him, even the self-funded vocational high school was unwilling to accept the big trouble after checking his file and turned him away.

In Wang Ju's heart, his eldest grandson is better than the first class. He never thought that his grandson might be rejected by the school. He thought that as long as it is not a key high school, it is appropriate to go to any school. No charge.

The answer from the other high school is very formulaic: the students' grades have not met their enrollment standards!Even the answer from the vocational high school is the same, the students' grades are not up to standard!
The score line of the vocational high school is more than 300 points, and Wang Jinbao's double-digit score is still ten feet away from the threshold of the vocational high school.

Wang Juman thought that there would be no problem for his grandson to go to high school. He had never considered the technical school for the high school entrance examination before, but now he was hitting a wall everywhere, and it was too late to find a technical school for the high school entrance examination.

He went to a junior high school to find a teacher before and wanted his grandson to repeat his studies for a year, but was rejected by the school. He ran to a vocational high school several times but ended in failure. He did not give up and went to a junior high school to find a teacher again, but was rejected again.

The junior high school rejected it simply and with good reasons--Wang Jinbao has graduated from junior high school, and the three-year compulsory education in junior high school has been completed, and their mission has been completed.

It is not the responsibility of compulsory education to repeat it again, so the school firmly refuses to accept Wang Jinbao to repeat it, even if it is useless to report, after all, they did not expel Wang Jinbao during the compulsory education period, the school has completed the compulsory education that the country entrusts to the school and should be educated Responsibilities for students of all ages.

Wang Ju, who was hit by a soft nail, walked out of junior high school at noon, and was exposed to the scorching sun, making his anxious heart even more irritable, and the good mood of the previous period was also worn out.

Before the new school started in Xia Zengnian, Wang Ju had a short period of good mood. The reason why he was in a good mood was that his family's bad luck unexpectedly improved one day.

Originally, in August, his grandson was kicked out of the hospital because he could not raise medical expenses. After he took him home, he gave his grandson anti-inflammatory injections for a day. The only money left in his pocket was enough for another day of anti-inflammatory injections.

Because he had no money in hand, Wang Ju took his grandson to get an injection the next day for his grandson's hand, and based on the principle of getting an injection every day he could. After that, he only had a few dollars left in his pocket.

On the same day, when he came home, someone stopped him and threw 3000 yuan to him. The person who threw the money said that he owed Wang Longsheng 3000 yuan at the poker table.

Wang Ju didn't know the man, but what did it matter?No matter who it is, just pay back the money.

With 3000 yuan in hand, Wang Ju's frowning brows immediately relaxed, and his gloomy face was brightened for a second. He left 500 yuan for his grandson's injections, gave his grandson [-] yuan as pocket money, and bought meat and fish for his grandson. Nutritional supplements.

Wang Jinbao took the money and went to clubs again, spent less than a day and a night, went home and got anti-inflammatory injections for another day, and asked his grandfather again for pocket money.

Wang Ju, who regards his grandson as a treasure, was unwilling to let his eldest grandson be wronged, so he gave another five hundred. Wang Jinbao spent it all in less than a day and a night, and asked for the money again, and spent it all.

Wang Jinbao spent 500 yuan all at once, and after several days of anti-inflammatory injections, there was not much money left.

Hands were tight, Wang Ju called his granddaughter and learned that his granddaughter had gone to other provinces and became penniless. For the account, throw him 5000 yuan.

Someone sent money when there was no money. Wang Ju was in such a good mood. When he took his grandson for an injection, he heard people gossip and talk about luck. Money is given money.

At first, he didn't pay much attention to it.

After another ten days, my grandson no longer needed anti-inflammatory injections, because the grandson secretly bought powder, and spent some money in clubs, but the money was not enough. After three or four days of tight life, someone gave it to him again. Money comes to your door.

The people who gave the money said they were gambling debts owed to Wang Longsheng, and threw 8000 yuan to Wang's family.

Long Sheng was gone, and there were still people who came to pay back the money. Wang Ju felt that Long Sheng was probably also worried about Jin Bao, so he secretly asked the debtor to pay back the money.

He also talked about luck, thinking that in the past, the granddaughter must have been incompatible with the family, and she had collided with the family's lucky stars, so that the family always had bad luck. When the granddaughter left home, the family's bad luck dissipated, so someone sent money when they had no money.

Therefore, he wished that his granddaughter would never come back, and it didn't matter if he died outside, so naturally he no longer cared about where his granddaughter went.

With [-] banknotes in hand, Wang Ju gained confidence, and reserved half for his grandson to start school and high school, and then gave his grandson [-] pocket money, and [-] was used for the daily expenses of the family.

However, his grandson was not very lucky playing games, so he quickly spent all the money, and he gave another five hundred. After a few days, August finally passed and September ushered in.

The school started in September. Wang Ju took his grandson to sign up for the high school in the county excitedly. When he went to the school to find the registration office, he asked if he wanted a notice. When he saw the two-digit score on the report card, he was "politely" rejected. .

The first time he was rejected by the school, Wang Ju was so angry that he felt that the school looked down on people, and he went to other schools, but was also rejected. Then, he didn't remember seeing his grandson's grades until he returned home after visiting all the high schools. , I found that my grandson only got two digits in the test!
At that moment, he felt that his grandson's grades were indeed a bit poor, and he wanted to send his grandson to repeat his studies when he went to junior high school, but was rejected and had to contact the vocational high school.

Rejected by the vocational high school, he was not allowed to find a junior high school again, and was still rejected again.

His grandson was rejected by high school and junior high school. Wang Ju was very upset. His grandson actually wanted to study very much. He failed in the high school entrance examination because his hand was injured in January. He wanted to repeat it, but the school refused to accept him. Snob!
The more I think about it, the angrier I become, and the more I feel sorry for my grandson. The grandson obviously studied hard at school, but because of someone named Tan, he had an accident, hurt his hand, and was frightened. He failed the high school entrance examination, and the school teacher actually disliked his grandson. The score is low, such a teacher is not worthy of being a teacher.

No matter how full it is, he can't do anything about the school. Wang Ju, full of unwillingness and resentment, returned home under the scorching sun, sweating from the heat, and his mother-in-law came up to ask, but she didn't look good.

He sat and turned on the fan for a while, and then he remembered that he hadn't seen his eldest grandson, and asked his wife where the eldest grandson was.

"Probably...Because I haven't contacted the school, Jin Bao is in a bad mood and went to the street to relax." The man's face was ugly, Wang Ma brought ice water for him, and carefully reported his grandson's whereabouts.

"Oh." Wang Ju felt even more distressed for his grandson when he heard it. It has been a week since school started, and everyone else went to school, and Jin Bao's school has not yet been settled. How can Jin Bao be happy?

He waited until evening, but he didn't see his grandson come back, so he called to ask about the Internet cafe, but he didn't rush him. The next day, he went to junior high school to challenge the school leaders, and he almost understood that it was impossible for his grandson to go to high school. There is repeat reading.

Wang Ju failed in junior high school for a long time. He wanted to find someone to go through the back door, but he had no contacts.

Wang Jinbao didn't know that his grandfather almost ran short in order to send him to study, and happily played games in the Internet cafe. He entered the Internet cafe on the morning of the 7th and played games all night long. He stayed up for two days and one night until the evening of the 8th. From twelve o'clock to three o'clock in the morning on the 9th, the money ran out and I had to go offline.

He stayed in the Internet cafe for almost two days and two nights, and he was also very tired. Fortunately, there was no one on the street at night, and he was fine riding a motorcycle rampage.

Wang Jinbao, who was exhausted, rode a motorcycle through the town street and turned into the road back to the village. When he passed the inhabited area and entered the small wasteland with no people on either side, something suddenly fell on the side of the road ahead.

Something that fell from the side of the road was a piece of wood lying across the road. Wang Jinbao rode his bike and flew fast. He never expected that something would suddenly fall on the road. When he found a black shadow falling down, he was shocked and hurried. brake.

That sudden brake was a bit too late, and the car hit something on the road all of a sudden, so, because of the inertia of the force, the car overturned forward, passed the pair of trees, and flew forward in a strange posture After walking a short distance, he fell heavily to the ground.

The car fell to the ground, the front wheel shell was deformed, the brake of the handlebar was also damaged, and the headlights were still on.

Wang Jinbao was also thrown into the air. Fortunately, he didn't fall into a box, but when he landed, his chin and palm rubbed against the ground, scratching his skin.

He fell so dizzy, and then when the motorcycle overturned, the front of the motorcycle also fell on him, and gave him another blow, knocking him so dizzy that he couldn't get up for a while.

At one end of the place where the log fell to the ground, there was a small road leading to other places. When Wang Jinbao and his car overturned, two men in black wearing hoods and gloves rushed out of the darkness. The masked hero.

The masked hero quickly rushed to Wang Jinbao's side, and before the young man recovered, he slashed the young man's neck with a knife, easily knocking him unconscious.

The young man fainted, and the two men in black quickly dealt with the scene. First, they swept away the little sawdust that had scratched the road when the log fell, and then put a small stone at the spot where the motorcycle hit the log.

After taking care of the scene in rough steps, two men in black lifted the overturned motorcycle and moved it to a position so that the motorcycle could run over the legs of a young man who was lying on the ground as a roadbed.

The young man's leg was broken by a car.

The two masked heroes didn't give up, they put up the back wheel of the car and gave the young man a heavy blow on the injured place, and then threw the car on the young man.

After finishing that, the man in black carried the wood and left along the path like a ghost, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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