magic eye doctor

Chapter 1687 Amputated

Chapter 1687 Amputated

The masked hero didn't turn off the lights of the motorcycle when he retreated, and the lights quietly spread out, illuminating a small area.

Wang Jinbao, who was thrown down, had already fallen into a coma, lying there in the dark like a dead dog, motionless.

In the countryside in the middle of the night, even the dogs were asleep, and there were no vehicles on the main street of the town, let alone the branch road leading to a certain village.

Time passed quietly, and at around five o'clock the sky revealed a hint of paleness.

At dawn, people also got up one after another.

The two villagers in the same village as Wang Ju got up and left on motorcycles because they had something to do on the street.

The two villagers went first and then, and the one who was walking in front noticed that there seemed to be a car accident on the road, and stopped a few meters away. Because he was afraid of being blackmailed, he didn't dare to approach, so he found out the phone number of the police station in charge of his village. past.

While he was on the phone, the second villager also arrived, but he also did not dare to approach. When the previous one called, the two of them waited a few meters away.

Early in the morning, the dispatched policemen hadn't gone to work yet. The policemen who received the call from the masses reported to the director of the station, who called the policemen urgently and notified the hospital in the town.

The police officers who received the call left in a hurry from the office or home. They gathered on the town street and went to the incident together. They arrived at the scene about 10 minutes later.

The two villagers who were still at the scene of the incident dared not follow the police until they saw the police arrived.

The police officers went to the scene of the incident, took pictures to collect evidence, pulled up the police line, and checked the accident personnel.

The policeman who checked the person involved in the car accident carried away the motorcycle that was on the person, and found that the young man was still alive, so he quickly notified the medical staff and searched for the identity information of the person involved.

Two passing villagers approached, finally saw the face of the person involved in the car accident, recognized Wang Jinbao, and exclaimed in surprise, "This is Wang Jinbao from our village!"

The policemen looked at the villagers: "Do you know him? Help inform his family."

They also didn't have Wang Ju's phone number. A villager rode back to the village to inform Wang Ju, and a villager explained to the police at the scene who was involved in the car accident.

As soon as the villagers explained, the police officers at the police station almost took the person into their seats. Wang Jinbao from XX Village, isn't that the son of Wang Longsheng, the number one bastard in the town, or a young drug addict who was blacklisted in the town?
Knowing who the person involved was, the policemen still went about their business, looking for things on the person that could prove their identity, and also found the mobile phone that had fallen to the grass on the roadside. Then, they turned out a bag of white powder on the young man surnamed Wang.

After identification by experienced policemen, it was opium.

It's embarrassing to find something to prove your identity and find white powder.

The police officers took pictures of the items, recorded them, and packed them in sealed bags.

They were still investigating the scene, and the car from the town hospital came. The town hospital does not have an ambulance, but a van that can pick up patients.

The doctors and nurses who came along with the car checked the person involved in the car accident and administered first-aid injections. After the initial inspection, they told the police officers at the police station that the patient's legs were broken and might need amputation. The township hospital did not specify the conditions for admission.

The police station immediately called the county hospital and asked for an ambulance to pick up the patient, while the car from the township hospital took the patient to the county seat.

The villagers who went to report the news ran to Wang Ju's house. The door of Wang Ju's house was still closed. The villagers knocked on the door vigorously to wake him up.

Someone scratched the dreamer, Wang Ju was upset, and before he could get angry, he heard that something happened to his grandson, he got up in fright, opened the door, and asked where his grandson was.

The villagers who reported to the police said that Wang Jinbao had a car accident. On the way back to the village, people from the police station had arrived at the scene and told them to go there quickly.

Wang Ju heard that his grandson had been in a car accident, and thought that his son Longsheng had also died in a car accident. He was so frightened that he almost lost his mind. He didn't have a car at home, so he begged the villagers to take him away.

The villagers who reported the letter did not want to have any contact with Wang Ju on weekdays, because there were officers from the police station at the place where the incident happened, and he did his best to let Wang Ju get into the car.

The villagers carried Wang Ju back to the scene of the accident. The doctors, nurses and police officers in the town hospital were discussing how to move Wang Jinbao onto a stretcher. The leg of a young man named Wang was broken by a motorcycle. It was very serious by visual inspection and must be treated with caution to prevent secondary accidents. harm.

When Wang Ju arrived, he climbed out of the car in a panic, rushed towards the surrounded grandson, rushed closer, saw that the grandson hadn't moved at all, and thought he was dead, so he wailed and yelled, "Who hit my grandson?" , I want him to pay for his life." He rushed over while howling.

The two policemen immediately stopped Wang, telling him not to cause trouble for the medical staff and delay the rescue time.

Wang Ju, who was stopped, belatedly realized that his grandson was not dead, sat down on the ground, and howled again, shouting that he must find out who hit his grandson, what and so on.

The policemen couldn't listen anymore, and told him very clearly that according to the clues on the scene, it was speculated that someone might have hallucinated from taking drugs, and he was racing at such a high speed that he hit a rock and caused the car to overturn.

That is to say, the car accident is purely caused by the car owner himself, and various external factors that collide with people are basically excluded.

Wang Ju was not willing to accept it, and insisted that someone must have bumped into his grandson, and the police station should investigate strictly.

The police officers and the medical staff from the town hospital worked hard to transfer Wang Moubao to a medical stretcher and carried it into the van. The director followed the car and asked Wang Ju to follow him to the county seat. Wang Ju signed.

Wang Jusheng was afraid that something would happen to his grandson, so even if he was not allowed to go, he would follow him. If he had a ride, he would naturally climb into the car and follow him to the county hospital.

The owner of the car was sent away. The police officers collected enough materials, drew up a police boundary around the accident scene, put up eye-catching reminder signs, and sent the team back to the police station for breakfast.

The two villagers went to do their own business first. If there is anything to ask them, the police station will call to inform them.

The police officers at the police station went into investigation after breakfast, checked the cameras at the intersections on the street and visited Internet cafes, looking for clues about when Wang Moubao had an accident.

There are only a few Internet cafes listed in the town. The police officers easily found the Internet cafe where Wang Moubao went online. The Internet cafe has records of registrants going online and offline. The cameras in the Internet cafe also recorded the time when Wang Moubao entered and left the Internet cafe. .

Wang Moubao left the Internet cafe at more than three o'clock in the morning, that is to say, it was almost two hours after he was discovered. According to various signs at the accident scene, the time of the incident corresponds to it.

The policemen checked the traffic cameras on the town and street again. According to the records, there were no vehicles on the street after the incident three hours before Wang Moubao's incident, and the possibility of being hit by someone else was ruled out again.

Judging from the evidence collected, the police officers determined the accident as an accident, and the owner of the car was fully responsible.

The car that took Wang Jinbao to the county met an ambulance halfway, and then transferred the patient to the ambulance, and sent him all the way to the county hospital. First aid, then examination.

The director of the police station asked the hospital to draw the blood of the injured and send it to test whether the injured had taken drugs.

After various X-rays and CT examinations, the results showed that the wounded's legs were comminuted from about three inches above the knee to about two inches below the root of the thigh due to external causes. The fracture was very serious, and most of the bones could not be bonded. Muscle and soft tissue have been damaged and necrotic to varying degrees, and cannot be reconstructed.

The diagnosis given by the hospital was only one—the situation was critical, and the injured had only surgical amputation to save their lives.

Wang Ju couldn't accept the fact that his grandson was amputated, so he refused to sign the consent form for the operation, and asked the doctor to find another way to protect his grandson's leg.

The patient's family refused to accept the amputation, and the hospital could do nothing to help him. He was asked to take the wounded to another hospital immediately. The county hospital was unwilling to keep the patient, lest the patient's life would be in danger if the patient was infected for a long time, and the family members would shift the responsibility to the hospital.

Wang Ju had no money, and was afraid that his grandson would not be accepted by the hospital after he left the hospital, so Sapo refused to leave the hospital.

The hospital was furious and prepared to call the police. Wang Ju was afraid that his grandson would be in danger if he was kicked out by the hospital, so he immediately changed his face and begged the hospital to save his grandson humbly.

The hospital gave me two choices, one was to amputate the limb, and the other was to be discharged to another hospital.

My family has no money to send my grandson to a better hospital, and it may not even be enough for the amputation operation. If the hospital knows that he has no money, he may not even perform the amputation operation. signature.

The family members agreed to amputate the wounded person, and the hospital arranged for the operation and urged the family members to pay the money.

Wang Ju didn't bring any money with him when he left home. He insisted that the incident happened suddenly and came too urgently. He asked the hospital for surgery. He asked his family to send money, and then called his wife to send her bank card.

Wang Ma only heard that something happened to her grandson, and the man didn't get a call when he went out, and she didn't know where the problem happened to her grandson, so she just waited at home. After waiting for a few hours, she was going crazy.

When she was in a hurry, she received a call from her wife to send the bank card to the county hospital. She quickly rummaged through the boxes to find out the bank card and a little cash, packed up some daily necessities, and sent them to the county without stopping.

Wang Jinbao suffered from comminuted fractures in both legs and massive bleeding. He was in shock when he was found. When he was sent to the county hospital, he was in a very bad condition. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as dying. In order to save his life, the hospital did not wait for his family members to send him Money, emergency amputation rescue surgery.

Wang Ma went to the hospital. Her grandson was still undergoing surgery. Wang Ju first took out the money with a bank card and paid a deposit of [-]. He reserved [-] in case he was forced to leave the hospital due to lack of money. He took his grandson home. I also have money to get anti-inflammatory injections.

Both of Wang Jinbao's legs were going to be amputated, and the operation lasted until mid-afternoon. After the operation was over, he was sent back to the ward for injections.

The director of the police station has already gone to the department that specializes in blood tests to wait for the results. Wang Ju, Wang Ma, watched over her grandson. When she saw that her grandson lost his leg, her heart ached like a knife. The grandson was only 15 years old. What if he lost his leg?
Thinking that their grandson will be a disabled person without legs for the rest of his life, the old couple cried with snot and tears.

The injured went out of the operating room and transferred to the ward. The nurse in charge of the ward gave the injured some medicine. Soon, the nurse's station also sent a list of expenses, asking the patient's family to pay.

A liver cutting operation cost nearly [-] yuan, and the [-] yuan paid by Wang Ju was far from enough.

Mama Wang Ju, who was crying miserably because her grandson lost her leg, saw the medical list, so how could she bother to cry and worry about the medical expenses?
The frowning old couple discussed for a while, and Wang Ma called her relatives and friends to borrow money. Unsurprisingly, she was rejected again, and she couldn't borrow half a dime at all.

Forced to do nothing, Wang Ju asked his mother-in-law to watch over him in the ward. He went outside the hospital to make a phone call. He called his granddaughter first, but found that her granddaughter's number had become blank and could not be reached at all. He was so angry that his head was smoking. It's unreliable at all!
He couldn't find his granddaughter, so he called the children of the eldest and second family and told them that their cousin was in a car accident and was hospitalized and needed money urgently, so he asked them to lend him some money for emergency.

The sons and daughters of Wang Cuixiang and Wang Cuiyu heard that the third aunt was arrested for beheading Wang Shengxuan. Honestly, they were more secure, and they resolutely stayed away from the grandfather's family, lest something happened to the grandfather's family and they would drag them into themselves. Another accident happened to Wang Jinbao, how could he lend money to grandpa.

Don't say you don't have money, even if you have money, they won't borrow it.

Not only did he not lend grandpa a penny, but when he hung up the phone, he decisively blocked all the calls of grandpa and grandma's family.

None of the many grandchildren lent him any money, Wang Ju was so angry that he wished he could beat to death those rebellious sons who had hardened their wings and refused to recognize their grandfather.

He was so far away that he couldn't make a phone call, he was so angry that his heart ached and he had no choice but to call the third child, Wang Cuifeng, but the answer was to turn off the phone.

He was so angry that his liver was about to explode, he gritted his teeth, and called Wang Shengxuan, only to find that Wang Shengxuan's cell phone number had also become empty!
This time, Wang Ju was so angry that his lungs exploded.

He was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood but couldn't vomit, so he turned his head and told his wife to keep her in the hospital. He went to the city to find his third son, and ran to the bus station angrily, and took the bus to the city.

When the car arrived in the city, it was already evening, and the lights in Guangzhou were just beginning to come on.

After wandering in the car for so long, the anger in Wang Ju's heart subsided a little, and he transferred to the outside of the neighborhood where the third child lived. He thought that the last time he went to ask the third child to ask for money, but he didn't get it. The next time he went to see the blood in Wang Shengxuan's house , I was inexplicably uneasy again.

Feeling uneasy, he was afraid that someone from Tan would make trouble, but his grandson lost his leg and was in urgent need of money, so he bit the bullet and went into the community, found the building, and went upstairs.

Climbing to the floor, Wang Ju pushed the door, but found that it couldn't be pushed. After thinking that the door was repaired, he knocked on the door. After knocking for a long time, there was no response, and he was so angry that he wanted to kick the door.

In the end, he didn't dare to kick the door, and went downstairs with a dark face. He asked someone where the community department was, and ran to the community cadres.

The director of the neighborhood committee received the visitor. He heard that it was a family member of a certain family in a certain community, or Wang Moufeng's father. The reason was that Wang Moufeng was not filial. People want to find the neighborhood committee to uphold justice.

Hearing the reasons for the visitor, the director of the committee's complexion sank, and he reprimanded on the spot: "You are Wang Cuifeng's father? You were the one who went to Wang Cuifeng's house last month to ask her for money, forcing Wang Cuifeng to take the New Year's money in order to force her son. Honoring you, I killed my own son.

You don't even let go of the money in your grandson's hands. Now that Wang Cuifeng has been arrested and locked up, you still have the face to come to us for justice? "

(End of this chapter)

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