magic eye doctor

Chapter 1688

Chapter 1688
The nature of the case of Wang Cuifeng hacking and killing Wang Shengxuan was so bad that the staff of the community neighborhood committee held several internal meetings to discuss how to do publicity and prevent domestic violence from happening again in the community.

Moreover, during the first trial of Wang Moufeng, in order to better absorb the lessons, all social workers went to the court to attend the court hearing, and Wang Moufeng from a certain building in a certain community also became a negative teaching material in the community.

The director of the neighborhood committee of the community hated Wang Moufeng and his father's shameful behavior deeply. Knowing that the person in front of him was the father of a certain negative teaching material, he wanted to beat him up. , Teaching the child badly, still have the face to come to ask for help?
The third child killed Wang Shengxuan? !Wang Ju stood up in fright, his face turned pale: "No, no, I didn't, I didn't force Wang Cuifeng to kill my son, if I did that kind of thing, I wouldn't have the guts to come to you, I... I'll go to the police station Looking for my daughter..."

The director of the neighborhood committee wished that someone would leave quickly, so he didn't say a word.

Wang Ju didn't dare to stay for even a second, and hurriedly ran out of the director's house of the neighborhood committee at a running speed, and left the community without stopping for a moment.

It was not until he ran away from the office of the neighborhood committee and on the street that he stopped under the street tree, panting, his heart was beating wildly, almost flying out, and a message echoed in his mind: Wang Cuifeng killed Wang Shengxuan...

Suddenly, Wang Ju thought of a certain possibility: Was it because Wang Cuifeng hacked and killed Wang Shengxuan, so Tan took revenge on Wang Jinbao and secretly broke Wang Jinbao's leg?

Thinking of that possibility, his face turned pale for a moment. If something really happened to Wang Shengxuan, Tan knew that he had gone to see the third child before the incident happened, and he would definitely blame him for all the faults and take revenge on Wang Jinbao!

He was so scared that his heart would jump.

Shocked, overly tense, his chest convulsed, he panted heavily, and it took him a while to recover, his hands and feet trembling uncontrollably.

Standing under the street tree for a long time, Wang Ju managed to calm down a bit, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do.

After a long, long time, after thinking over and over again, he decided to investigate the situation at the nearest public security department. If... Wang Shengxuan was really dead or might not be able to save him, he would bring him back immediately before Tan was free to take revenge on Jin Bao. The grandson left his hometown and found a place to hide.

Having figured it out, Wang Ju immediately went to the police station. He had been in the society anyway, so he found the ground easily. Using his best ability of pretending to be weak, he entered the duty room of the Public Security Bureau with a sincere and sincere expression to ask for help. .

The police station only had officers on duty at night, because it was still early, and the two officers on duty were watching the news. When a crowd came to ask for help, the two received the crowd, poured him a glass of boiling water, and asked if there was anything he needed to help.

After listening to the general situation of the elderly people who came to ask for help with snot and tears, the two policemen on duty looked at each other face to face, and they knew that this was the single mother who was involved in the domestic violence case... Father?
The case of a single mother's domestic violence son who almost hacked her son to death is not a secret internally.

Every time the insiders mentioned it, they sighed endlessly. They didn't want the father of the person involved in the case to come. In other words, this... is actually one of the authors who caused the domestic violence case, because the biological father of the child who was subjected to domestic violence did not intend to pursue it. The bureau didn't send him for questioning.

But now, this person is still running around talking about how he hasn't seen his grandson and daughter for a long time. He came to visit his daughter and grandson in the city, but he found no one at home and couldn't make a call. He asked the neighborhood committee to find out that his daughter had injured the child. He didn't know the situation of his grandson, so he was worried, so he asked?
The police officer on duty doesn't believe a word of what a certain person said. It's just because neither the person involved in the case nor the biological father of the child who was victimized by domestic violence intends to hold him accountable. up.

The two officers on duty were business-like and did not disclose any details of the case. They only said that his daughter's case should be a criminal case and the criminal police team was responsible for handling it. They did not know the situation and asked him to go back and wait for news.

Wang Ju pretended to be a poor person for a long time, but he didn't find out any information. He was so angry. Police C didn't arrange a place for him. His plan to live in the police station for free failed, and he left in despair.

He was reluctant to spend money to stay in a hotel, so he still went to the waiting room of the station to make up his mind, and planned to go to the police station to meet Lao San again in the daytime tomorrow.

When Wang Ju was waiting for the next day in Guangzhou, Wang Mashou was suffering in the hospital. In the afternoon, the hospital sent a bill of expenses, but the family members did not go to pay the deposit. No more deposit, stop medicine tomorrow.

Wang Ma went to have something to eat in the evening, and called his wife after dark, and got an answer that made him think of a way, guessing that his wife might not be able to get money from the third child, and she was panicked.

At this time, she also blamed her relatives. Her grandson borrowed money because of an accident, and it wasn't borrowing money to play mahjong. Everyone who had money would not lend it to her family, so ruthless.

She just felt that it was wrong for her relatives not to borrow money. She didn't think it was wrong for her family to borrow money to play mahjong and gamble.

While resentful, Wang Ma stayed in the ward to observe her grandson.

There was a young man living in the same ward with a broken bone and one leg wrapped in gauze.

There was nothing on the bedside table of her grandson, and Wang Ma said several times that her grandson was pitiful and the family was poor, so she had nothing for the grandson, and wanted the person in the next bed to give her something. Didn't hear, didn't give anything.

She was even angrier in her heart. He couldn't finish eating so many things, so what's wrong with giving her some?
Wang Ma wanted to wait until midnight when people fell asleep, so she could go and get some for her grandson, but who knew that after dinner, the family members of the patient packed up all the food when they went back!
Seeing someone's family take something away, Mama Wang felt that the person took something that belonged to her, her heart ached and she wanted to grab it back.

She has a heart but no guts, there are several people in the other party's family, and there are two tall and strong boys. She watched those people leave with big bags and small bags.

There were no other family members in the ward, no one spoke, and it was very quiet. Wang Ma waited for about an hour, and Wang Jinbao woke up around nine o'clock.

Wang Jinbao had been in an Internet cafe for too long and lacked sleep. His legs were crushed and he was in a coma for so long. He had two legs amputated. He was very weak after the operation. Even weaker, I didn't even have the strength to move my arms after waking up.

His voice was also weak, and he called 'Grandpa' twice before Mama Wang heard the faint cry. She stood up to check and found that her grandson was awake, and shouted "Jin Bao Jin Bao" excitedly.

From dazed to sober, Wang Jinbao saw his grandma and didn't know what was wrong with him, so he yelled "Ouch, Ouch".

"Be good, Jin Bao, don't move around. Your leg is gone. It must be a little painful just after the operation. You can bear it. The family has no money to pay for hospital medicine. Don't move around anymore. What else will you do?" Come on, what can you do if the hospital doesn't give you any treatment, Jin Bao, it's fine if your leg is gone, don't be sad, grandma will ask your third aunt to get you money to make a fake leg for you, and you can walk as well as a real leg..."

When Mama Wang heard her grandson crying out in pain, her heart ached. She was afraid that if her grandson moved around, he would be seriously injured. The family had no money and the hospital would not treat him, so she comforted her grandson in a panic.

She babbled and said everything that should be said and should not be said. Wang Jinbao didn't feel pain at first, but when he heard that his leg was gone, he was frightened. Open the quilt.

The quilt was lifted, and the legs below the thighs were all gone, only two short white balls wrapped in gauze.

Seeing the two pieces of white, Wang Jinbao let out a shrill scream and fell down all at once, wailing: "Ahhh, my legs, my legs, where are my legs..."

Mother Wang was terrified. She held down her grandson and rang the bell to call the nurse while crying: "Jin Bao Jin Bao..."

The patient in the adjacent bed was also taken aback. Seeing the commotion over there, he watched silently. In the evening, he and his family members saw a policeman who came to the hospital. After listening, they knew that the adjacent bed was a young drug addict , Going to the bar and taking drugs by myself, probably had some kind of hallucination, and there was a car accident while racing in the middle of the night, and was sent to the hospital only after being seen by passers-by in the morning.

It is said that that is a delinquent boy, and the parents of the family also have a criminal record. Others said that they entered the palace twice, and their family members did not know how many times they entered the palace.

The young people in the next bed decided to stay away from that kind of social scum, and resolutely put an end to any interaction with others.

When the nurse heard the bell, she rushed to the ward, saw a patient crying and howling and asked where the leg was, and asked the family what was wrong. I heard that the family told the patient that the leg was amputated to let the patient know. I couldn't bear it for a while, so I made a fuss, and immediately told the family members that they were ignorant. Naturally, this situation was hidden from the truth, and the injured patient's condition was stabilized before explaining.

His wife was not around, and Mama Wang didn't dare to refute even though she was scolded by the nurse, so she kept crying.

Because the medicine was not finished, the injured patient moved around, the blood flowed backwards, and he refused to cooperate, and the nurse couldn't hold the injured patient who was acting violently, so he turned off the medicine and had to pull out the needle, and let the family members comfort him first.

Wang Ma didn't know how to appease her, she just said "it's okay if the leg is gone, just put on a fake leg" or "beautiful, darling".

Wang Jinbao was very weak at first, he screamed a few times, anxious and panicked, and after a few minutes of fussing, he was exhausted and lay sick.

The nurse went to get the tools, searched for the pulse again and disinfected it, and gave the injection again.

The nurse gave the injection and was busy again. Wang Ma watched over her grandson and coaxed Mo Bao, saying that the father would go to the third aunt to get money, and if he got the money, he would use the best medicine for him so that no accident would happen to him. Give him a fake leg.

Wang Jinbao made a fuss for a while, fell into a drowsy sleep, woke up in the middle of the night, yelled again with some strength, and distorted the indwelling needle on the venous access again.

The nurse on the night shift was very angry and pulled out the needle to make the injured patient have enough trouble.

Wang Ma knew that she had no money, and those medicines were given by the hospital. If she didn't finish the injections, she wouldn't give them any more injections tomorrow if she didn't have money.

Wang Jinbao quarreled for a while, remembering the last time he owed money to the hospital and was kicked out of the hospital. He knew that he had no more money, and he might have to stop the medicine tomorrow. He hadn't paid for the medicine at night. He was afraid of death, so he calmed down.

The nurse gave the drip again.

Wang Jinbao was afraid that the hospital would not give him an injection, so he didn't dare to make a fuss. He just asked how he lost his leg, and kept saying that someone hurt him.

Wang Ma coaxed and persuaded, tossing and tossing for a long time, and then half awake and half dazed, the night passed.

After the operation, the medicine was not stopped for 24 hours. After dawn, Wang Jinbao hadn’t finished the medicine and was still infusion. When the medical staff took over the day shift, the hospital sent the list again to urge the family members to pay the fee. After the fee was paid, the nurse station would Go to get the medicine and continue the injection.

Wang Ma was so anxious that she begged the nurse to ask the doctor to give me the medicine first, saying that his man went to the city to find his daughter to collect money, and he would pay it when he got the money back.

The injured patient owed more than 1 yuan in expenses. The hospital checked again and found that a certain person was in arrears for medicine and medical expenses the last time he was hospitalized. He owed more than 3 yuan in total this time. medication.

The hospital found out that the family had not paid the money they owed last time. Afraid that she would be kicked out immediately, she was too scared to pester the doctors and nurses, and ran back to the ward to tell her grandson to be good, so as not to be kicked out of the ward by the hospital.

Wang Jinbao didn't dare to mess around anymore, and waited honestly for news from his grandfather.

It was a bit cold at night. Wang Ju, who was staying overnight at Guangzhou Station, stayed up until dawn, and went to eat something by himself. When the police station came to work, he ran to the police station again with a sad face to complain, hoping to see his daughter and grandson Wang Shengxuan.

The police station abided by the principle and rejected Wang's request, but let him know how serious the consequences of Wang's domestic violence son were, and told him that his daughter had lost the right to custody, and a certain child was under the custody of his biological father. Anyone who wants to see Wang Mouxuan must obtain the consent of his guardian Tan Mouren.

Wang Ju had seen the appearance of Wang Shengxuan when he was cut and wounded by the police station, and heard that Wang Shengxuan would be taken care of by Tan in the future. He was so frightened that he almost lost his mind. leave.

Something bad happened to the third child, and Wang Shengxuan also returned to Tan. Maybe it was because Wang Shengxuan's situation was not good, so Tan never went to his house to trouble him!
Wang Jusheng was afraid that someone Tan would find himself to settle accounts with him when he was free, so he didn't dare to stay in Guangzhou, fled like a bereaved dog, and hurried back to the county hospital.

When he returned to the county hospital, his grandson's mother-in-law cried and asked him to make decisions. Wang Ju was so flustered that he didn't have the heart to coax him.

When Wang Jinbao heard that he wanted to go home, he resolutely refused to do it. He would die if he got infected. He didn't want to die.

His father said that the third aunt chopped Wang Shengxuan, Wang Shengxuan was taken away by someone Tan, and someone Tan might take revenge on him for Wang Shengxuan.

Wang Jinbao was terrified, so he obediently left the hospital with his grandfather on his back.

Wang Ma gathered up some of the odds and ends brought to the hospital yesterday and held them in her hands. Wang Ju was carrying his grandson on his back. The old couple was afraid that they would be found by the hospital staff and would have to pay the fee. They sneaked out of the hospital and had to charter a car to go back to town. , and then go to a private clinic for anti-inflammatory injections.

(End of this chapter)

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