magic eye doctor

Chapter 1690 Can't find anyone

Chapter 1690 Can't find anyone

On Wednesday, in the eyes of ordinary office workers, it was a normal working day. Mr. Chao Yi finished his day's affairs and returned to the family assigned housing in the municipal compound after get off work.

The government allocates housing according to job, and Mr. Chao was allocated a five-bedroom house.

In the capital in autumn, the sun is shining brightly every day, and the air is very dry.

Mother Niu is at home, turn on the air conditioner before the husband and wife get off work, so that the indoor temperature is moderate, and when the husband comes back, first help the husband send the briefcase to the study room, then turn around and pour a cup of warm tea for the husband, and then pour the husband's favorite food Apples and grapes came, and the grapes came in a small dish.

After bringing fruit to Mr. Niu, mother Niu heard someone knocking on the door when she was about to go to the kitchen. It was very strange, who is here?

The place where the husband works is close, and the place where the wife works is far away from the compound. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the wife will not come back until about half an hour after the husband arrives home.

Not long after the husband arrived home, it must not be the wife who came back. Besides, even if the wife forgot to bring the key, she would usually call and tell her.

Mother Niu came out of the living room with suspicion, went to the entrance and looked out through the peephole, and was even more surprised when she saw that the visitor was Deputy Mayor Wang. She opened the door and said, "Vice Mayor Wang, hello."

Wearing a white shirt and no tie, Wang Lingyun looked more casual, holding a fruit basket in his hand, and nodded gently to Chao's nanny: "Mother Niu, is Secretary Chao back?"

"Our husband just came back, please come in." Mother Cow opened the door swiftly, and respectfully and politely invited the guests in.

Wang Lingyun nodded, took the fruit basket into Chao Yiye's house, and handed the fruit basket to Mother Niu.

Mother Niu closed the door and asked Deputy Mayor Wang to go inside with a fruit basket.

Chao Shengguo also felt a little tired due to a lot of work during the day. He sat on the sofa after get off work, relaxed his limbs, and heard the conversation between Mama Niu and the guests, straightened his waist, and sat neither particularly formal nor loose.

When he saw Deputy Mayor Wang turn around the hallway and come in, as the host, he naturally couldn't be rude, and stood up to say hello: "What kind of wind brought Deputy Mayor Wang here today, sit down!"

Turning the hallway, Wang Lingyun saw Secretary Chao, with more smiles on his face: "I didn't make an appointment before, I hope I didn't disturb Secretary Chao."

"Vice Mayor Wang, you're being polite. We both work in the unit. Why did Deputy Mayor Wang bring gifts when he came to visit? It cost you money." Chao Shengguo waited for Mayor Wang.

"I came in a bit of a hurry, I didn't have time to go to the mall, I only brought some fruit, and I didn't think it was too shabby." Wang Lingyun walked to the seat of the host's house and shook hands with the host.

After shaking hands, the host and guest sat down.

Mother Cow put down the fruit basket, then went to pour a cup of warm tea for the guests, washed the fruits, and entertained the guests with four kinds of fruit plates.

After finishing what she should do, Mother Niu went back to the kitchen lightly to prepare dinner dishes.

Wang Lingyun sat down, exchanged a few words with the host, and talked about the household chores, and then said carefully: "They say that you can't go to the Three Treasures Palace if you have nothing to do. I took the liberty to go to the Treasure Palace of Secretary Chao's house today. My father was admitted to the hospital again yesterday, and the situation is not optimistic. I want to ask the little princess of the Chao family to see my father, and I hope Secretary Chao can give me a few words of kindness in front of the little princess of the Chao family."

Just as the guest himself said that he would go to the Eight Treasures Hall for nothing, since the tea party held at the Chao family, Deputy Mayor Wang has never had any contact with the Chao family in private. Chao Shengguo also guessed that he came here unexpectedly It must be a private matter.

He guessed that it might have something to do with Xiaotuanzi, and he was not surprised to hear Deputy Mayor Wang say it himself, even his formulaic smile did not change: "Deputy Mayor Wang, as you know, our Xiaotuanzi is an independent Yes, we cannot and will not decide on our own to treat her."

"I know this. I just want to ask Secretary Chao to convey to me that the little girl said that I want to ask him to make a doctor's visit."

"It's okay just to say something. Whether Xiaotuanzi accepts the doctor or not depends on the luck of Deputy Mayor Wang."

Working together in the same unit, we still have to give face, Chao Shengguo nodded, and didn't even say to call Xiaotuanzi later, reached for the phone he threw on the coffee table, and looked for Xiaotuanzi's phone number.

Secretary Chao was willing to save face and agreed to be the middleman and told the little girl that he wanted to see her. Wang Lingyun was already very grateful. He originally wanted to express his gratitude and then left. When he saw Secretary Chao looking for the phone, he sat quietly.

Chao Shengguo found Xiaotuanzi's phone number, dialed it, and heard a mechanized female voice, "Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off."

Lord Chao: "..."

Oh, Xiaotuanzi shut down again!

He silently hung up and dialed another number.

A few seconds after dialing the number, I still hear the mechanized female voice "Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off",

Uncle Chao: "..."

I have to say that Deputy Mayor Wang's luck is really bad.

After dialing the number twice, the phone was turned off, hung up, dialed again, and turned on the external voice.

The emotional "the number you dialed has been turned off" just spread into people's ears, and repeated it again and again.

Chao Guosheng, who was holding the mobile phone, remained unchanged: "Deputy Mayor Wang, our Xiaotuanzi's mobile phone is shutting down."

Wang Lingyun also heard the mechanical female voice, disappointed in his heart, and still didn't want to give up: "There is Secretary Lao Chao, has the little girl returned to Beijing?"

"Xiao Tuanzi returned to Beijing at the beginning of the month, and went to my third brother's place to accompany the old man and the old lady last weekend. He was picked up by Young Master Yan on Monday. I don't know what to do." Chao Shengguo hung up the phone. He didn't lie, the old lady He only boasted that Xiaotuanzi went to the third child's house to entertain them, but didn't say what Xiaotuanzi was doing.

At that time, Wang Lingyun felt a "thump" in his heart. The little girl had returned to Beijing, but she was picked up by Colonel Yan, which meant that she was going to help Colonel Yan solve problems and save people, or she was going to do some research.

Xiao Yisun of the Chao family has a close relationship with Young Master Yan, what is the relationship between his family and Young Master Yan?

Because of the relationship between Zhao Zongze and Wang Yuxuan, his family offended both Yan Da and the He family.

His mood suddenly became even worse. Even if it was an afterthought, he only had one thought - if he had known this before, why bother.

It's a pity that the world didn't know it earlier.

Feeling melancholy in my heart, without revealing anything on my face, I thanked Secretary Chao: "Thank you, Secretary Chao, the little girl may be busy studying. I will go to Qingda University to visit the little girl tomorrow evening. I hope to be lucky enough to meet the little girl."

Secretary Chao had already made a phone call for him. If he couldn't get through, it was his luck. He couldn't be cheeky enough to ask for help later, so he decided to visit Qingda in person to show his sincerity.

Secretary Chao helped as much as he could, and Wang Lingyun no longer took up other people's private time, expressed his thanks again, and left.

Chao Shengguo sent Deputy Mayor Wang out of his house. Even if they work in the same unit and live in the same compound, they don't see each other every day, and they are not the kind of friends who have a good personal relationship, so the etiquette naturally cannot be realistic.

In order to conform to the image of the capital city, even under the condition that the capital is very expensive, the buildings in the compound of the family members of the municipal staff are only seven floors.

When the house was assigned, Mr. Chao was assigned to the second floor, which was neither high nor short, which was quite suitable.

In fact, he wanted to change with someone else. He wanted the first floor, so that he could pick up his parents to live in the compound at any time, so that the old father would have more space to grow flowers and plants.

Considering various reasons, he had the idea of ​​changing the house but didn't bring it up, so he lived in whatever floor he was drawn to.

When Wang Lingyun left Chao's house, he walked down the stairs, went down, passed through the public activity area and green space, and walked around several buildings before arriving at his own building.

The buildings that Deputy Mayor Wang and Chao Shu remember are not in the same direction, but almost diagonally.

During the house lottery, Deputy Mayor Wang was drawn to the sixth floor, and his house was also a big five-bedroom house.

Because the visit to Chao's house was planned last night, Wang Lingyun went directly to Chao's house after get off work, returned to the building where he lived, took the elevator to the sixth floor, and went home.

His wife hasn't come back yet, but his son Wang Yuhui's daughter-in-law Li Qingying is at home.

Li Qingying is a native of X Province at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains. Her ancestors were Han people who migrated there due to business in the feudal dynasty hundreds of years ago. Because of the marriage with the local people for hundreds of years, she also inherited some Uyghur heritage. Appearance characteristics, Gao Tao's body is fair-skinned, and his eyes are slightly yellow-brown.

The examiner Wang Yuhui chose Province Q. Li Qingying's grandfather worked in Province Q. Wang Yuhui worked in Province Q. He was promoted from a certain county to the city. By chance, he met Li Qingying. The two fell in love for two years and then entered the palace of marriage.

Wang Yuhui was transferred back to Beijing, and Li Qingying naturally married a chicken and followed the chicken and followed the dog. As a family member, they also went to Beijing together, and the young couple returned to Beijing to live with their parents.

Li Qingying was already pregnant with a baby, and soon after returning to Beijing with her husband, she gave birth to a son. The child was also Wang Lingyun's eldest grandson, and also the eldest grandson of the Wang family.

Ordinary people marrying into a powerful family like Deputy Mayor Wang may need a mother to be expensive, but Li Qingying does not need it, because his grandfather is not inferior to Deputy Mayor Wang in terms of position, and is at the same level in terms of her father. He is the second in command of a certain city with a bright future.

Therefore, Li Qingying's marriage with the grandson of the Wang family is definitely not a high-ranking one, not to mention that she will be inferior to others in the Wang family. It can even be said that she is tougher than Wang Yuhui's grandma in the Wang family.

Deputy Mayor Wang’s family has a nanny. When a grandson was added, Wang Lingyun originally wanted to hire another nanny, but because of insufficient housing, he did not hire another nanny. The nanny is responsible for cooking and helping take care of the children.

Mr. Wang from the Wang family was hospitalized. Wang Yuhui and Wang Lingyun and his son often asked for leave for personal affairs due to work reasons.

The nanny was preparing dinner, and Li Qingying was playing with her son. When she saw her father-in-law came back, she stood up, trotted to wash her hands, and went to the fruit refrigerator to fill a bowl of iced pear and white fungus soup for the child's grandfather.

"Dad, Yuhui called and said that he would not be home until later today." The child's father originally said that he and his father would visit Secretary Chao in the evening.

"Yuhui also called me, and I asked him to get off work hard. I went to Secretary Chao's house after work, and I just came back from there." The daughter-in-law was rumored to be arrogant outside, but she was respectful and polite to her elders at home. Wang Lingyun valued her son very much. Daughter-in-law, also let her participate in family affairs.

"Did Secretary Chao agree to help?" The son was playing with building blocks without making a fuss, and Li Qingying sat down to discuss the matter with her father-in-law.

"Secretary Chao is saving face. He called the little girl at that time, but the little girl turned off her phone and couldn't be reached. I'll go to Qingda again after get off work tomorrow."

Can't reach anyone?Li Qingying pondered for a while: "Father, you mean that the grandson of the Chao family is at school?"

"I'm not sure. It's said that I was with the old lady and the old man at Chao's house last weekend, and was picked up by Senior Colonel Sun Yan, the wife of He's family, on Monday. Whether I'm at school or not, I'll go there to show my sincerity in asking someone to see a doctor."

"Dad, I have an idea." Li Qingying thought for a while, and took the initiative to take the responsibility: "It is said that the grandson of Xiaoyi of the Chao family is very gentle with children, and I have nothing to do at home. How about this? I will take the children to Qingda to visit Chao tomorrow. My grandson."

"..." Wang Lingyun was silent for a while, hesitating a bit: "It's quite appropriate for you to go, but we don't feel at ease if you bring the child."

"It's nothing, Dad. I won't drive. I'll take a taxi." Li Qingying's brows brightened. It is said that the young grandson of the Chao family is very well-known in Qingda University and has a high status in front of certain families. She also wants to see a certain family with her own eyes. Is the little girl really as magical as people say?

"Okay." Wang Lingyun agreed after some hesitation. It is said that the grandson of the Chao family is really tolerant of children. When she was in her hometown, all the children in the village wanted to run to her house every first month. Children may have unexpected effects.

After taking over the job of running errands, Li Qingying asked her father-in-law what kind of presents would be more appropriate to bring. After discussing for a while, she saw her son crawling towards her, so she took care of the child first.

Wang Lingyun drank tremella soup to cool off the summer heat, and called the child's mother who was accompanying him in the hospital to inquire about the old father's physical condition and how the old father was feeling.

The reason why Mr. Wang fell ill and was hospitalized was purely out of anger. The person who made him so angry that he was hospitalized was his bedside person and his son's mother.

Since the incident with Wang Yuxuan, Mr. Wang has been living with his eldest son, enjoying family happiness with his grandchildren at his home. Until the first half of the year, because his wife confessed his mistakes many times, he returned to his eldest son's house. Of course, there must be more than ten days every month to go to the eldest son's house to accompany the little great-grandson.

A few days ago, Mrs. Wang quarreled with him again because of something. The quarrel became so loud that he was so angry that he had a heart attack. He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment before being rescued.

Mrs. Wang, who was accompanying her in the hospital, received a call from her husband and told him the situation of the old man gently and calmly. Except for the fact that the hospital said that it was not appropriate to have another operation, the old man was in good condition and his mood had stabilized.

Wang Lingyun asked the child's mother to comfort the old father and let the old man relax. He was trying to find a way to ask the grandson of Chao's family to see a doctor. After finishing the call, he pretended to be relaxed and disappeared without a trace. He only hoped that his daughter-in-law Qing Daxing would be able to do well tomorrow. to success.

(End of this chapter)

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