magic eye doctor

Chapter 1691

Chapter 1691

Chao Yiye watched Mayor Wang go downstairs, then went home, went to the balcony to watch for a while, saw Mayor Wang go away, and then went back to the sofa and sat down, leaning on the back of the sofa comfortably in a relaxed posture.

He ate a few grapes, then slowly picked up his mobile phone to call his two younger brothers, and told them about Mayor Wang's desire to see Xiaotuanzi.

Chao Er and his wife are busy with business, and haven't heard any news about Xiaotuanzi recently. They heard from their elder brother that Mayor Wang's father was hospitalized again, and they wanted to find Xiaotuanzi, so they wanted to roll their eyes.

Who was selling the old man back then when their old father held a birthday banquet, and proudly brought his granddaughter and grandson-in-law Zhao Zongze, who hadn't even written a word yet, and wanted to take the opportunity to pave the way for those two shameless people and expand their network. Mr. Wang must be dreaming I never thought that one day he would beg to come to their Xiaotuanzi.

Chao Erye was very pleased with himself, Yan Xiaozi picked up their family's Xiaotuanzi, but they didn't know that the Wang family knew that Xiaotuanzi might go to Yan Xiaozi's army, and they had no face to ask the He family to contact Yan Xiaozi.

Chao Sanye was very calm when he received a call from his eldest brother: "Brother, let me tell you, I know where the little princess of our old Chao family is. If you really go to Qingda University tomorrow, you're doomed to miss out."

"How do you know?" Chao Shengguo was also very surprised. Xiaotuanzi wants to take a driver's license test?
"Oh, brother, do you know, just because our little princess went to take a driver's license test and complained to me for two days, do you know what that guy said?
The boss said that our Xiaotuanzi was going to take a driver's license test. Originally, according to the procedures, Xiaotuanzi was asked to go to the traffic intersection station for half a day to experience it on the spot.

In the end, our Xiaotuanzi was so cute. Once we stopped there, everyone loved it. He smiled when he saw the traffic lights. Because the owner of the car and passers-by looked at Xiaotuanzi, he almost had a car accident.

The head of the Ministry of Communications said that our small group is definitely a road killer, and he kept complaining to me about how difficult it was for the examiners of the Ministry of Communications.

I thought, that old boy wanted to show his face to my Xiaotuanzi, but since he had no chance, he used this as an excuse to contact me. "

The third child was talking, and Chao Shengguo was laughing: "Yeah, it's good that you know, don't say too much, if the Wang family asks someone to ask you about Xiao Tuanzi's whereabouts, remember to push it to Boy Yan."

"I understand, I understand..." Chao Shenghui sat in the car and called his eldest brother on the phone, smiling so hard that his brows could not see. Xiao Tuanzi was examining his certificate, and Yan Xiaozi followed him every step of the way. If there is anything that must be pushed to Yan Xiaozi's head.

Young Master Yan, who was secretly promoted by the Chao family brothers to serve as the ambassador, did not know what the Chao family men were thinking. If he knew, he would definitely accept the task with both hands and feet, and take up the heavy responsibility with all his strength.

He is not afraid of being used as a messenger by Chao's parents, but he is afraid that they will not want to order him.

Young Master Yan, who was always thinking of being a cow and a horse, didn't know that Mayor Wang's house was looking for Little Lolita, and after Little Lolita finished the theory test, he brought him back from the flight test base to the garrison base. During training, abducted little loli to visit the base.

The point is to take the little girl to drive to the back mountain and show off to the little girl how rich the resources in the back mountain of the base are.

The base and the back mountain are restricted areas, and cutting of plants is prohibited, thus preserving the diversity of plants.

In the past, Le classmate was naturally rare, but now, her star core space is well greened, not to mention the medicine garden inside and outside the central area of ​​the sacred tree, or the resources of any small hill outside the central area. It is comparable to Yan who is stationed at the back of the base.

She knew it well, but didn't explain it, and enjoyed the scenery calmly.

Yan Xing took little Lolita and wandered outside alone for about an hour. He was so happy that he didn't return to the camp until just before dinner.

The following Thursday is also the annual Teacher's Day.

After breakfast, Yan Shao drove the helicopter as usual, and sent the little girl to the flight test base, so that the little girl could be tested by the examiners.

When Wang Yuhui came home at night, he found out that his father and his daughter-in-law had agreed on a work assignment. He also thought it would be a good idea for his daughter-in-law to go to Qingda to visit Chao's grandson.

For one thing, the little girl is still young, and his wife is only in her twenties, so the generation gap is not too big.

Secondly, his wife has a child with her, and the little girl should not embarrass the mother with the child.

He thought the plan was good, so naturally he would not object.

Early on Thursday morning, the father and son went to work on time.

After Li Qingying waited for the child's father to go to work, he waited for the rush hour in the morning, and then tidied up a little bit, took the child, and carried a LV brand large-capacity bag with a large capacity that could hold many items. departure.

The rush hour in the morning passed, the traffic was not so congested, and it still took more than an hour for the taxi to arrive at Qingda University.

During school hours, the school is not open to the public.

Today is Teacher's Day, the afternoon is off.

The school did not receive tourists until after class was over in the morning. Li Qingying went to the nearby Garden of Wanyuan for a while, and then went to the main gate of the school to register for visitors after class was over.

The gate guard heard that a young mother wanted to find Le, a student from the medical department, and told the truth: "As far as we know, Le has not returned to school."

"Has Classmate Le returned to school yet?" Li Qingying was disappointed and pretended to be surprised: "I heard that she is back, so I specially wanted to visit Classmate Le."

"Oh, it may also be that our news is out of date. Anyway, before twelve o'clock last night, student Le didn't go back to school."

The security guard didn't say anything more.

Li Qingying registered at the visitor registration office, took back her ID card, obtained a number plate that allowed her to visit the school, and entered Qingda University.

She took the bus around the school to the student dormitory area, asked someone to inquire about the dormitory of classmate Le, and then found the champion building where the bullies of Qing University lived, and asked the dormitory supervisor to register.

Auntie Dorm was very surprised when she heard that a certain lady was looking for a certain classmate: "Student Xiao Le is not at school, you are a family friend of President Chao's family, why don't you even know about this?"

"This..." Li Qingying was a little embarrassed: "I heard that she came back two days ago. I thought she would definitely go back to school when she returned to Beijing, so I rushed here."

"Oh." Aunt Dorm Manager nodded to express her understanding, and waited for the visitor to fill in the visitor information, put it away, and then took her to the floor where classmate Le lived.

Li Qingying followed her upstairs to the fourth floor and knocked on the door of the dormitory, but no one answered.

After confirming that there is no one in the dormitory, the auntie of the dormitory will take people downstairs, and then make a note in the visitor registration, indicating when the visitor will leave the dormitory.

Xiao Yisun of the Chao family was not at the school, and Li Qingying was not in the mood to visit the campus, so she took the bus to the school gate, returned the number plate, and registered the time of leaving.

Leave from Qingda University, then take a taxi to go home to the compound.

When Li Qingying went to Qingdao University, student Le was undergoing assessment at the flight test base, manipulating a helicopter to demonstrate his skills in the air.

Le got a perfect score in the flight theory test, and the examiners felt that there might be a chance to deduct one or two points from her during the practice maneuvers. Reasons for deduction.

When the little students completed the various control tests, the examiners caught Young Master Yan aside for a "private interview", and they complained a lot.

It must not be complaining about the little girl's flying skills, but complaining about Yan Shao's unkindness. The little girl's flying skills are so superb, and she told them to prepare them mentally.

They thought they might have to sacrifice a trainer plane, and they were prepared to be honorably wounded.

To be honest, they don't mind destroying one or two trainer planes, because if the little girl damages the plane during the exam, Young Master Yan said that he will double the compensation.

As a result... the plane they had been thinking about was gone!

The duck was about to fly away, and the examiners, who were deeply deceived, commented on Young Master Yan——Bah, you liar!

Colonel Yan, who had been attacked by spittle, completely ignored the resentment of the examiners, and under the jealous eyes of their group, he drove a helicopter and left with little loli.

It was still early when the exam ended, Yan Xing took little Lolita back to the base, had lunch, waited for little Lolita to pack up her luggage and throw it in the helicopter cabin, and asked Lan San to drive the plane to the little Lolita's courtyard, he drove the little Lolita off Go to Chao Erye's house to move medicine things.

On the way to Grandpa Chao’s house, Yan Xing received two phone calls. He didn’t say anything at the time, and only talked to Little Lolita when the traffic was smooth: “Little Lolita, people from Mayor Wang’s family are looking for you all over the world. .”

"Huh? Why are you looking for me?" Le Yun was confused, she was not familiar with that Mayor Wang's family.

"Mayor Wang's father was hospitalized again a few days ago." Yan Xing casually disclosed the information collected by the brothers to the little Lolita: "Mr. Wang was hospitalized with an illness before, and Mayor Wang wanted to ask you to see a doctor. You He refused, and only gave medicine, so that Mr. Wang successfully underwent a second heart bypass operation, and it is said that this time he is no longer suitable for heart bypass surgery."

"I'm still the old rule. I don't accept the diseases that the hospital can treat." Le Yun rolled her eyes calmly, and her eyeballs rolled around: "If I remember correctly, Wang Yuxuan, the grandson of the Wang family, should be released from prison soon. "

"Well, theoretically speaking, the sentence should be over in the second half of October."

"Wow, you remember so clearly."

Little Lolita looked calm, Yan Xingjun's face darkened: "Little Lolita, please don't speak in such a weird tone, I'm still waiting to see someone get out of prison and make the Wang family go crazy. "

After a pause, he continued: "However, a certain idiot may not be able to make trouble. The granddaughter-in-law of the Wang family is not as stupid as Mrs. Wang."

"Wang's grandson's daughter-in-law has a big background?"

"Well, the grandfather of Wang's grandson's daughter-in-law...

The daughter-in-law of the Wang family has a strong family background, and even Mr. Wang is treated with courtesy. The daughter-in-law of the Wang family is a model. "

Handsome Yan was trying to figure out who he was, and Xiao Le made a gesture of looking up: "The official of the whole family, a proper second-generation official, an existence that makes people look up to."

"That's okay. No matter how powerful the second generation of officials is, they can't compare to a powerful generation like you. If you want to, whoever holds a banquet, you can show your face and show up. Only others will curry favor with you."

"..." Le Xiao expressed a little sadness. She doesn't like lively places, and socializing with people is the most annoying thing. Therefore, she feels that it is necessary to cultivate cronies, the kind of existence that is completely loyal to herself!
"By the way, the daughter-in-law of the Wang family went to Qingda University to visit you this morning." Yan Xing added another message, and deliberately added: "She brought her son with her."

?Le Yun black question mark: "What's the problem?"

"Anyone who is not blind can see that you are very gentle with children."

"So what?"

"Their family may feel that you are soft-hearted when you bring a child. It is better to say, for example, let the child cry a few times, and say something to save the great-grandfather. The great-grandfather is too pitiful. If you think that the child is filial, you will feel moved." Turned into a little angel to rescue the suffering." Yan Xing put eye drops on people, and did it calmly.

"..." Le Yun twitched her lips. It is true that she is soft-hearted towards children, but she hates people who take advantage of children even more.

Whoever wants to take advantage of her weakness of being soft-hearted towards children, doesn't he first try to figure out the consequences, don't you know that she will have revenge?
Le Yun rubbed her chin and smiled sinisterly. It turned out that someone already knew that she had softened her heart towards children. Is she just going to trick her, or continue to be a little fairy full of fairy spirit?
Looking at his face, even if the little loli didn't say anything, Yan Xing knew that his words aroused the disgust of the little loli, and the little loli disliked Wang's actions.

It's wrong to play tricks, but when the old Wang and his wife praised Zhao Zongze's thing, they never thought that they would lose face to the He family and him.

In the past, others didn't give him face, but now, he doesn't bother to be a good person.

Before it was time to make things worse, he had the opportunity to apply eye drops to some people and had to do so. Who would call him lucky to be close to little Lolita.

Little Lolita was thinking about something, Yan Xing didn't bother her, after a while, the car turned to the avenue leading to the villa area where Master Chao lived.

The distance between the left and right vehicles was at a safe distance, the handsome colonel thought for a while, and then reminded: "Little Lolita, the scumbag Li Wenwen is about to be released from prison."

Mentioning Li Wenwen's scumbag, Le Yun's little hands clenched into fists: "Well, I remember."

Yan Xing quietly threw a small bomb: "The family of scumbags wants to have children, and this year is happy to have a baby."

"What? The scum mother, Lao Mu, is pregnant and has a second child?" Le Yun was really taken aback. She has been busy since returning home, and she really didn't hear the gossip about Li Wenwen's family having a baby.

"Well, they covered it so tightly that even the villagers didn't know that the woman went back to her natal family to raise the baby after the first lunar month, and the baby was born in May. In fact, the woman was pregnant once before, and it might be a girl after the test. gone."

"Hehehe, girls are not human anymore. I wish the newborn of the scumbag's family is mentally retarded, I wish the newborn of the scumbag's family is mentally retarded, I wish the newborn of the scumbag's family is mentally retarded!"

Say the important thing three times, if the curse is useful, she doesn't mind saying it three times every day.

Listening to little Lolita's thoughts, Yan Xing hooked her lips and curved a crescent moon. Little Lolita was too kind-hearted, but she just cursed. If it were him, he had the ability of little Lolita, so he would definitely do it for him. Make a scumbag and the whole family mentally retarded.

(End of this chapter)

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