magic eye doctor

Chapter 1693

Chapter 1693
Yan Xing followed the little loli and turned around, helping to tidy up all kinds of items, and was also full of surprises. The little loli brought all kinds of things from the Chao family and the Xuan family, and even fuel charcoal, anthracite, yak manure.

After tidying up all kinds of items in order, Le Xiao went to the side room of the kitchen in the west wing to pack up the ingredients.

The kitchen supplies are complete. Brother Fu often electrifies the home appliances, and the home appliances are well maintained. Yan Xingzhi’s little loli has been in the courtyard for several days. Yesterday, he electrified the refrigerator, and the refrigerator can store items at any time.

Lan San and Captain Yan got up at midnight that morning and went to the vegetable market to buy a batch of ingredients. There were meat and vegetables in the refrigerator.

Le Xiao put a small amount of ingredients in the refrigerator, and left the rest in a box with ice jade inside and wood outside, and then made lunch after packing up the ingredients.

At noon, Brother Fu felt embarrassed when he was called into the courtyard for lunch. He was a gatekeeper by definition, so he had the nerve to eat with the owner of the house.

Originally, he was restrained and couldn't let go, but he was stunned when he found that the captain and Lan San seemed to be rushing to eat, until he tasted the medicinal food prepared by little lolita, and silently let go of his restraint.

The three soldiers ate a delicious meal, feeling joyful in their hearts.

Le classmate is not used to Yan's foodie, after the meal with a dark face, he resolutely refuses that guy to eat and drink in the courtyard.

Yan Xing, who was "expelled", 1 of them didn't want to leave, but they didn't struggle too much. They silently took their luggage from the helicopter, took out a few items, and put the backpack in the dormitory where Brother Fu lived. Commonly used items and Lan San drove back to the base.

Before leaving, he firmly told Brother Fu not to be disturbed by anyone when Xiao Luoli retreated to the pharmacy. As long as there is no permission from Xiao Luoli, no matter who comes, he will not be welcomed.

If you don't receive them, you will naturally be determined not to open the door, and let people be turned away.

Brother Fu understood it in seconds, and kept it in mind, sent the captain and Lan San away, closed the gate, and acted as a good gatekeeper. He didn't go to the courtyard to quarrel with the little loli at night, and cooked for himself.

After Yan Chihuo left, Le did not delay. He changed into a loose practice suit, went into his pharmacy, put some items into the space first, moved out a huge cauldron, lit a fire, and opened the furnace to make medicine.

Yan Shao and Lan San left Lolita's quadrangle and split into two groups. Lan San went to the traffic department to help her get a car driver's license, while Yan Shao went to the aviation management department to get her a pilot's license.

The two returned to the base by different routes in the evening.

The next day is Saturday, and the office workers rest.

Li Qingying came back from the Qing University on Thursday, and Wang Lingyun was also anxious. He looked around to find out where the grandson of the Chao family had gone. He had his contacts, and he had the results on Friday. Driver's license and pilot's license.

He could only inquire about these, because Chao family Xiaoyi Sun Kao's license was accompanied and protected by Yan Shao himself, and Yan Shao personally picked him up and sent him to and fro.

Where did Xiao Yisun of the Chao family go after taking the flight license test? There are probably three places, one is at Yanshao base, one is Chao's house, and the third is the school.

However, no one saw where she went.

He had already been to Secretary Chao's house once, and Wang Lingyun was naturally embarrassed to go to Chao's house again. He wanted to go to Qingda in person, but the hospital called to inform him to go, so he had to go to the hospital to accompany him first.

The reason why the hospital notified Mayor Wang to meet with the hospital was that the patient’s condition was not very good. Mr. Wang had undergone a heart stent operation and a heart bypass operation. He was stimulated a few days ago and caused myocardial infarction. return.

Although he was rescued after the efforts of the doctors, Mr. Wang was overwhelmed, not only with heart failure, but also with weakened kidney function, liver and lung function.

In view of Mr. Wang's condition, the experts at the Military General Hospital gave similar conclusions—maintain routine treatment. As for the operation, I'm sorry, no expert dared to accept it, because, in Mr. Wang's situation, the operation Taiwan 100% can not come down.

Wang Lingyun, who was called to the hospital by his wife, learned about the situation from the doctor. He was so anxious that he went to see Director Qin and asked about the risk rate of the operation alone. The answer he got was disappointing.

He didn't give up, and asked: "Didn't the hospital hire Miss Le as a foreign aid? Can I invite Miss Le to come to my father to be the surgeon?"

"I'm sorry, this is not our scope of duty," Director Qin said in a nonchalant manner, "The General Hospital did not hire Miss Le as a consultant or foreign aid, and the person who invited the girl every time to see the doctor was Colonel Yan. All the people who saw the doctor were sergeants, or they were in special circumstances.

The patients that the little girl came to the hospital to see were all guaranteed by Colonel Yan. Colonel Yan promised that if there were any accidents, he would bear all the consequences.

That is to say, if there is no guarantee from Yan Shao, the little girl will not go to the doctor for surgery. The little girl herself once said that there is no trustworthy person to guarantee, and she refuses to see high-ranking officials. "

Director Qin's words are very straightforward. Mayor Wang's heart sank to the bottom of the lake. Director Qin's meaning is very clear. If you can't invite Chao Jia's grandson to see a doctor privately, you want to invite Chao's grandson to see you through official channels. If you want to be diagnosed, you must have Young Master Yan as a guarantee!
His parents praised Yan Shao's half-brother Zhao Zongze for Wang Yuxuan's prodigal play, and they almost recruited Zhao Zongze as his grandson-in-law. Willing to vouch for his father!
His family is at odds with Young Master Yan.

Similarly, because of Zhao Zongze's matter, it is tantamount to offending the He family.

With a heavy heart, Wang Lingyun didn't ask Director Qin any more stupid questions about how to get Yan Shao to be a guarantee. He left Director Qin's office and went back to the ward.

Mrs. Wang saw that her husband's expression was not right, so she pretended not to know. She avoided asking him what was wrong, and only asked what the doctor said, whether it was a normal problem like an operation.

The old father's physical condition would prevent him from getting off the operating table. Wang Lingyun didn't say it clearly, but only said that the old man's physical condition did not allow it, and he was not suitable for surgery for the time being, and had to be observed.

He stayed in the hospital until mid-afternoon and left first, returned to the family compound, and used his contacts to find the grandson of the Chao family.

If you don't use satellite positioning and other methods, finding someone in the capital is sometimes like looking for a needle in a haystack, but if you have a certain range, it's not a problem to find someone.

Mayor Wang also has a wide network of contacts, and he received accurate feedback before Sunday evening, confirming that the grandson of Chao's family did not go back to school. She had gone back to Chao Erye's villa on Thursday.

Xiao Yisun of the Chao family didn't stay long at Chao Erye's villa, and was picked up by Yan Shao in a cheetah car, guessing that he was going to get something.

The person is not at school, not at Chao's house, the only possibility is Yan Shao's place.

That's not good news.

Wang Lingyun thought over and over again, but still bit the bullet, and brought a casual gift to visit the home of He Qiying, the deputy mayor who lives in the family compound.

On weekends, He Qiying also rests at home.

Because the ancestor's birthday is two weeks away, and because the ancestor's birthday this year is September 9, which is three days before the National Day, it is inconvenient for office workers to ask for leave, so the He family rejected relatives and friends. I went to celebrate my birthday on that day, and waited for the National Day holiday to get together again.

Because of this, it is expected that on the ancestor's birthday, there will be only his own descendants in Beijing, so there is no need to make too many preparations.

Of course, the most important thing is that Mayor He still has business on Saturday, so he didn't go back to accompany his ancestor on the weekend. His wife Luo Xiulan was also taking care of him at home.

Mayor He's house is also a five-bedroom house. The building he lives in is adjacent to Mayor Wang. He drew a number to the third floor. The building is neither high nor short.

The couple were surprised to see Mayor Wang's sudden visit. They often met with Mayor Wang's family, and they had no personal friendship except for business meetings.

Mayor Wang came to visit suddenly, and He Qiying also guessed that he must be asking for something, and entertained the guests politely and without being rude.

After drinking a cup of tea, Wang Lingyun thought twice before opening his mouth: "This time I took the liberty to bother Mayor He, but I was forced to do so. My old father was hospitalized a few days ago, and his condition was not very good. The hospital experts dare not operate on him. , I wanted to ask Xiao Yisun of the Chao family to see a doctor, but I couldn't find anyone.

I found out that the young grandson of the Chao family might be at the base of Yanshao, the grandson of the He family, and that it is not suitable to visit important places of national defense. I would like to ask Mayor He to help contact Colonel Yan. Can Colonel Yan convey that my family wants to invite the little girl to see a doctor. "

Mayor Wang explained the purpose of coming, Luo Xiulan glanced at Mayor Wang secretly, her eyes were dark, the Wang family's face is really thick, the Wang family praised Zhao Zongze at the beginning, Wang Yuxuan did such disgusting things to the ancestors of the He family and Xiao Longbao, they even I'm ashamed to ask Xiao Longbao to find a little doctor.

"Mayor Wang wants to find our Xiao Longbao." He Qiying's smile faded a bit: "You know, our Xiao Longbao is also a vengeful one. I think Mayor Wang also knows what Wang Yuxuan did to our Xiao Longbao back then." , Xiao Longbao is probably hard to let go.

We work together in the same unit, and I will help once I make a phone call. I can't guarantee the reaction of my Xiaolongbao. "

Deputy Mayor He was talking, picked up the mobile phone on the bottom of the double-decker table, found Xiao Longbao's number, turned on the external voice, and dialed out.

The phone was pulled out, and there was a quick response - "Hello, the number you dialed is turned off".

Deputy Mayor He's first half of what he said was not pleasant, but it was the truth. No matter how embarrassing Wang Lingyun was, he couldn't blame others, so he pretended that he couldn't hear him and waited for the news.

When he heard the mechanical female voice, his heart was in a panic, Xiao Yisun's cell phone was turned off, and Young Master Yan's cell phone was also turned off!
After listening to the other party's prompt to turn off the phone twice, He Qiying said that there was nothing he could do to help: "Our Xiaolongbao phone is turned off, and I can only express my deep regret."

Xiao Longbao has two private mobile phone numbers, one is for public or external contact, which is known to all relatives and friends, and the other private number is only known to a few members of the He family.

He Qiying naturally knew Xiao Longbao's other private number, but he would never tell it, let alone call Xiao Longbao's confidential mobile number for an outsider.

Deputy Mayor He helped, but he couldn't contact anyone and couldn't blame the master. Wang Lingyun was extremely disappointed, smiled reluctantly, expressed his thanks, bid farewell to the master, went back to his home, and tried to find ways to mobilize contacts again.

He Qiying and Luo Xiulan sent Mayor Wang away, and the couple closed the door to live their own lives. No one took Mayor Wang's visit seriously, let alone called to ask the He family brothers where to find Xiao Longbao, and the Wang family looked for Xiao Longbao. The little doctor asked him to find it by himself, and the He family had no obligation to help.

The important thing is that they are also the type who protect their shortcomings and hold grudges. They still remember what some people did. Now that someone is unlucky, they are determined not to be good people.

(End of this chapter)

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