magic eye doctor

Chapter 1694

Chapter 1694
Even if he guessed that Xiao Yisun of the Chao family was in a certain base, Wang Lingyun couldn't rush to find someone, but could only use his connections to cast stones for directions.

Day and night alternate, and in a blink of an eye it is Monday again.

On Monday, when the office workers were busy working hard, Young Master Yan drove the car to Little Lolita's courtyard, wanting to brush his face.

In the end, after asking Brother Fu, I found out that Little Lolita hadn't gone out since that afternoon, and the door of the courtyard hadn't been opened for several days.

The gate of the courtyard is closed from the inside, and the people inside do not open the bolt. If one wants to open the door, one is violence, and the other is to enter by climbing over the wall like a gentleman on the beam.

Yan Xing dare not use those two methods.

Depressed Young Master Yan simply stayed in the courtyard and stayed with Brother Fu.

Mayor Wang's connections are also very strong. Through clues, he found out the former residence of the Chao family's grandson in the Zhao family, and knew that it had been rectified by the He family, and was presented to the Chao family's grandson by Yan Shao.

Wang Lingshi did not receive the exact news until the evening of the 15th, and discussed it with his family. On the morning of the 16th, Li Qingying took the children and gifts to Miss Le's private house.

Li Qingying drove by herself, arrived at the street outside the courtyard on a certain street, and then drove to a road leading to the gate of a certain high-rise courtyard.

The compound surrounded by high walls is very wide.

A strong fragrance wafts from the courtyard, which is refreshing.

The incense spreads far, at least two miles away.

From far to near, the fragrance is light to strong.

The fragrance is overwhelming and refreshing, so that the vehicles and pedestrians passing through the street in front of the compound gate and the nearby streets can't help but slow down.

When Li Qingying smelled the fragrance, she paid attention to her son who was sitting in the safety seat in the back seat. She was also very surprised to find that her son, who was impatient to move his hands and feet because of the long time in the car, quieted down.

When the car turned to the road in front of the compound, she also drove very slowly until she stopped three or four meters away from the gate.

She parked the car, got out of the car, took out her son, and walked towards the door.

When I got closer, I found that there are two doors, one is a copper door, the thick copper door opens, and a movable wrought iron flower door is used to block the door.

The doorbell is mounted on the side of the retro-style door opening.

Li Qingying held her son in one hand and rang the doorbell with the other.

After ringing the doorbell twice, a middle-aged man in a shirt ran to him with sweat on his face, stood inside the door and looked out, and asked, "Hello, ma'am, what can I do?"

Seeing the middle-aged man, Li Qingying was surprised, still wondering who he was, but when he heard him preemptively asking herself, she showed a gentle and peaceful smile: "Hello, is the owner here Miss Le Yun?"

"Yes." Brother Fu who hurried to him looked at the young woman holding the child, unmoved.

He and the captain were tending plants in the wheat field just now, and came to check when they heard the doorbell. Sure enough, as the captain said, someone came to bother the little girl.

"I am the daughter-in-law of the son of Mayor Wang's family in this city. I have admired Miss Le's medical skills for a long time, and I came to visit the little girl specially. Can you speak to the little girl for me?"

The people in the yard didn't ask who they were, or whether they were looking for the owner of the house, Li Qingying reported her family name by herself.

Hearing the young woman's self-reported background, Brother Fu's cold face remained calm, and his voice did not show the slightest hesitation: "The little girl retreats to pharmacy and refuses to visit. Ma'am, please come back."

The captain said that as long as the owner of the garden is still Miss Le, then he has enough confidence as the doorman, he is not a guest welcomed by the little girl, no matter who it is, he should refuse it.

On the surface, he is the guard of the little girl's house, but in fact he is a security guard, but the kind of security guards hired by other people's houses. The security guard has to humble the master or guests for five buckets of rice, so he doesn't have to be servile to anyone.

Whether or not to save face for others varies from person to person.

This one in front of me, immediately announced her father-in-law's name, thinking that the first rank of the official university would overwhelm others, and give her two words—haha!
The soldiers are all Tie Hanhan, Brother Fu is the king of Tie Hanhan, he used to be a tough guy, even if he retired due to injury, he would not change his true nature as a hero, and was sent to Miss Le's house to be the door god, With the captain's order, he became even tougher, and he was determined not to encourage unhealthy tendencies.

Originally thought that the middle-aged man would at least ask the master for instructions, but unexpectedly let herself run into trouble. Li Qingying stared at the middle-aged man inside the door and asked, "May I ask if you are Miss Le's friend or relative?"

"I'm just a doorman," Brother Fu answered crisply, "I won't open the door to receive guests without the little girl's instructions in advance, and I won't go overboard to accept visitors' appointments on behalf of the little girl, and I won't let people step into the door Half a step, please go back."

Hitting another soft nail, Li Qingying was so angry that she had to keep a dignified smile on her face: "When the little girl is not busy, please help me tell her that my family has visited her?"

"When the little girl asks me, I answer everything. When you don't ask me, I don't say much. I'm not a secretary. I'm just a doorman. I just take care of the door and take care of the tea in the garden." Brother Fu went straight, still Tie Hanhan's unshakable temper.

"I see. Excuse me." The doorman refused to enter, and Li Qingying couldn't help it no matter how angry he was. He was right, he was the doorman, not the secretary, and the secretary could handle big and small matters on his behalf.

Unable to even enter the door, let alone the face of the little girl, Li Qingying did not want to admit her failure, but had to accept the reality. She carried her son back to the car, put her son on the child safety seat and drove home by herself .

It was already noon when the mother and son returned to the family compound.

Mayor Wang was worried about his daughter-in-law's trip to a certain street, so he didn't go to the cafeteria for lunch and went back to the compound for dinner.

The nanny also prepared the meal.

When the daughter-in-law walked in with her granddaughter in her arms, Wang Lingyun, who was originally in a somewhat relaxed mood, knew that the trip would not go well by looking at his daughter-in-law's face: "Qingying, did the little girl refuse?"

"Dad, I didn't see anyone at all." Thinking about it, Li Qingying was angry, and Li Qingying's tone was also emotional: "The doorman of the little girl's house took him too much, saying that the little girl didn't see anyone during working hours, No matter what I say, he won’t let anyone in, and he will never let anyone in.”

"..." Wang Lingyun sighed: "He has confidence, because he is guarding the door for Miss Le. He would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. You didn't offend the guard, did you?"

"No, I've always been polite."

"That's good. Youdao is the seventh-rank official of the prime minister's concierge. The person who can be arranged by the little girl to guard the door must not be an ordinary person. He is a demon mirror that the little girl put at the door to offend the guard. If he puts eye drops on someone, say One sentence is more effective than ten sentences spoken by others."

"..." Li Qingying felt guilty, but she never showed it.

Xiao Yisun of the Chao family refused visitors, so Wang Lingyun could only put it aside for the time being, and decided to visit the house by himself on the weekend.

In fact, whether it's Yan's foodie running to the courtyard to eat, or someone's daughter-in-law visiting, Le Xiaolei knows everything.

She knows, but she doesn't care.

She is busy.

Busy diluting some elixirs prepared in Dongchen Continent, the most important thing is to prepare the medicines for the therapist's mother, and cultivate several special vaccines while preparing the medicines.

In addition to reconciling elixir, I make mooncakes and biscuits or bake bread when I have free time. Every night, I must cook a pot of sea snail soup or sheep stomach soup for the little fox to fulfill my promise.

She was in the courtyard and didn't go out at all, but she knew all the movements in a radius of several miles like the back of her hand.

Yan Chihuai ran to the courtyard to clean his face, she regarded him as air, and the daughter-in-law of a certain mayor came and still regarded her as air.

In black and white, a young woman from the same race as a disciple of a certain faction flaunted her husband's family as soon as she opened her mouth, which made her very unhappy.

The unhappy student Le Xiao secretly crossed a certain mayor,
She is not someone who treats herself badly because of other people's faults, she treats someone as a fart, and she still happily mixes the elixir.

At midnight, I meditated and practiced kung fu. After one o'clock in the morning, I made soup for the little fox. After drinking a pot of soup, it was almost dawn.

Le Xiao, who hadn't left the ear room for several days, packed up, went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed into a beautiful red dress, dried her hair, and went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

When dawn breaks in the sky, take out a plaque, two wooden lanterns, a backpack with tools, and a small table with an incense burner, a stick of incense, three cups, and a pot of tea.

Go to the gate of the courtyard, open the door, and then go out.

Yan Xing and Fu Ge got up to exercise before dawn, and ran in the garden to exercise. When they heard the door of the courtyard, Yan Xing jumped up and rushed to the courtyard.

He ran fast, sprinting closer, and saw little Loli coming out. She was dressed in red like fire, carrying a cloth-covered square and two wooden lanterns in one hand, a backpack hanging on her wrist, and Holding up a table.

Yan Xing didn't have time to appreciate the little Lolita's makeup, so he quickly rushed over and showed his most beautiful smiling face: "Good morning, little Lolita! I'll serve the table for you!"

As he spoke, he took the table in his hand and carried it by himself, smiling like a spring breeze.

"You give the table to Brother Fu, and you carry the ladder." Looking at the handsome and bright smile of Yan Chihuo, Le Yun felt that she couldn't see it. The smile of that guy was too dazzling, a titanium alloy dog ​​that can recognize blind people Eye.

"Little beauty, let me carry the ladder." Brother Fu, who was behind, heard Little Loli's call, and immediately volunteered to run to the parking lot.

Yan Xing didn't compete with Brother Fu for the job, and asked Brother Fu to carry the ladder. Regardless of Little Lolita, he and Brother Fu could guess that Little Lolita was going to hang a plaque for her nest.

Brother Fu galloped like a rabbit, ran to the corner of the parking shed, carried out the wooden ladder, and ran towards the gate.

Le Yun was holding the plaque and carrying the lantern, and Yan Chihuo went to the gate first.

Yan Xing opened the door, opened the heavy copper door wide, and then placed the table in the middle of the road outside the door, waiting for Brother Fu to bring the ladder and set it up.

Brother Fu brought the ladder, Le Yun asked him to help carry the lantern, and when the ladder was erected, let him hold the plaque. He followed the ancient rituals, offered incense and tea, and told the gods of heaven and earth that he would give to the other courtyard. Hang a plaque to show the official occupancy, and pray to the gods of heaven and earth to bless the home and the safety of the house, and the prosperity of the children and grandchildren.

There are religious beliefs in foreign countries, and Great China also has its own beliefs. From the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Dragon God and the Rain God to Tai Laojun and other gods, worshiping the gods is the most authentic belief in nature.

Huaxia Kingdom's belief is the god of nature, the god of heaven and earth, the god of grains, etc. are all gods of nature.

People, sometimes there should be faith.

The ancestors of the Great China Kingdom feared the gods, which was actually a manifestation of their reverence for nature.

After traveling in other worlds, Le Yun is more in awe of nature, respects the traditional beliefs and customs of her own nation from the bottom of her heart, and prays to the gods according to the custom of offering tea and incense to the gods of heaven and earth when grandparents encounter major events.

Served three rounds of tea, carried the backpack with tools, removed the red silk covering the plaque, and climbed the ladder to hang the plaque.

When Ayufangyu and his colleagues helped to build the lintel, they reserved a place for hanging a plaque. Le Yun placed the plaque on the top of the door. Still, only two fancy screws were used to fix the plaque firmly. real.

The plaque carved from red sandalwood is exquisite and simple, with "paradise" written from right to left, and its pronunciation is marked "lè" in pinyin on the word "le", so that people can know that it reads lè instead of yuè.

After the plaque is hung, Le Yun moves the ladder, hangs the lantern, and then pastes the couplet and the door god.

The couplet is a very common style. The first couplet: Min'an Guotai is in prosperity, and the second couplet: The weather is good and the weather is good.

The cinnabar red paper is covered with thick ink, and the characters are painted with silver hooks on iron, which is as shocking as a dragon. Just by looking at the characters, one can know that the person who wrote the pen must be "a beautiful brocade in his chest, and a dragon and snake in his pen".

Therefore, looking at it, the words are magnificent, like a runaway horse flying into the sky and leaving in the dust, free and unrestrained, arrogant and unrestrained.

Red lanterns with beautiful tassels, red couplets, door gods painted on red paper are all festive colors.

"New house and new scenery, everything will be prosperous." Le Yun bowed to the door three times, and she worshiped the door god.

"Congratulations to little Lolita for living in a new house, I wish you prosperity forever!"

"Congratulations to the little beauty for living in a new house, and I wish you prosperity forever!"

Little Lolita posted the couplets, and worshiped the door god, Yan Xingfu brother immediately sent blessings.

"Yeah, let's go, and then paste the couplets on the gate of the courtyard, and I will treat you to breakfast." Le Yun carried the backpack and strode towards the courtyard.

"Long live the little beauty!" Brother Fu cheered, carrying a ladder and following behind.

Yan Xing picked up the table and quickly followed the little loli.

Although he didn't know if little loli needed a ladder, Brother Fu still carried the ladder to the gate of the courtyard.

Little Loli hasn't decided what plaque to hang in the courtyard, so she didn't hang a plaque for the time being, but just pasted a pair of couplets, and then went to fetch two wooden lanterns to hang up.

A wooden ladder was used to hang the lantern. Brother Fu praised his wit. After the little Lolita hung up the beautiful lantern, he carried the ladder to the carport for storage, and then followed the captain as a small follower.

Le put up the couplets and hung up the lanterns, and sent the kit back to the upper room, then walked to the kitchen, quickly took out some medicinal dishes to heat up, cooked mushroom soup, and served dumplings.

For breakfast, there are five herbal meals, a mushroom soup dumpling, and delicious toast.

Brother Yanxing Fu ate with his belly open, he was very full, he was as happy as a cat who had eaten dried fish, and they didn't bother Xiao Luoli Pharmaceutical, they cleaned up the kitchen, closed the courtyard door, and went to be gatekeepers.

Little Lolita's new house hung a plaque, and according to the custom, the door was left wide open for three days. The two of them were responsible for guarding the door and rejecting visitors.

(End of this chapter)

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