magic eye doctor

Chapter 1695 I'm fine like this

Chapter 1695 I'm fine like this

Huaxia Kingdom has just turned from noon to afternoon, and the autumn sun is brilliant and hot.

The staff of the Capital International Airport were as busy as ever, setting up a station to receive the wiring of one plane after another, and the staff on duty dispatched the runway numbers assigned to the planes to the captains of each plane in an orderly manner.

When another plane that was about to fly into the airspace of the capital appeared on the radar, the staff received the request information as required, instructing which runway the plane of a certain country flying from a certain country should land on.

The flight from Yi to Huaxia Capital International Airport was almost full of seats, and the first few rows of seats in the first class and business class were all European faces.

The first-class cabin has only eight seats. Seven of the eight guests are adults and one child. The seven adults are all men, ranging from youth to middle-aged and elderly people.

The only child was a girl, about four or five years old, lying on a protective seat, wearing an oxygen mask, and a family-sized small oxygen cylinder beside her.

Six of the seven adult men wore white round-neck shirts, black bow ties, black trousers, and black leather shoes. Everyone had different hairstyles, but without exception, everyone's hair was combed meticulously, and their attire was particularly formal. Very serious.

The only exception among the seven was a handsome young man, wearing a white slacks and slacks of the same color, with a pair of toad glasses on his forehead, as if he was on vacation at the seaside.

The first-class seat can be rotated 360 degrees, and the guests have adjusted their seats to face the middle. The handsome young man in a casual shirt lazily leans against the slightly tilted back of the seat, enjoying the eyes of six adult men staring at him. , with a bright smile on his handsome face.

"Milo, my child, don't you really want to change your clothes?" Roberto, who had a small beard, asked the same question for the fifth time.

"Yes, I'm fine like this." Miro smiled and tugged at his slack shirt, ouch, the godfather and old Mr. Ferrari, Mr. Ross and the Howard family are all dressed so formally and seriously, as if they were talking to someone. Don't you feel tired doing business like attending a banquet?
"However, the plane is about to land soon. If you meet my sweetheart in the hospital, will it affect your handsome image?" Roberto was also worried. Miro is very handsome, but I feel that he is more handsome in a formal dress. .

"No, little Lele and sweetheart said that I am the most handsome no matter what clothes I wear." Milo put gold on his face happily, and the children praised his beauty in the prosperous age, saying that he is the most beautiful beauty in Europe The man said that even if he wore a sack, he was the most handsome guy.

"Okay." For the fifth time, Roberto gave up on trying to convince Milo to wear formal attire.

Several gentlemen of the Howard family adjusted their clothes unconsciously, and Winston William Howard straightened the bow tie that was actually not crooked again, and took out a small mirror from his personal luggage bag to examine his appearance.

Seeing the old Mr. Howard's earnest appearance, more formal than going to any high-level cooperation meeting, Milo couldn't complain anymore.

Mr. Howard Sr. is a friend of Roberto and Alejandro. His family is not only a supplier of auto parts materials, but also involved in the wine industry, real estate, and aviation. His family holds 15.00% to [-]% of three European airlines % of equity.

The Howard family is one of the most famous families in Europe. The most famous line resides in country Y and inherits the earl's fiefdom. The Winston family is a branch of the Howard family and settles in country F. They are also nobles. There is also the title of viscount.

Representatives of the Howard family also attended the birthday party of Mr. Larry Larry last year. This time they came to China to see a doctor for the little princess of the Howard family, Laura Windsor Howard-Edward.

The Howard family has five generations under one roof. From Winston's father's generation to the current youngest generation, a total of five generations have not had a baby girl, and their age has spanned a hundred years.

The fact that no baby girl is born in each generation is like a curse, which is very worrying for the Howard family.

Until six years ago, the [-]-year history of the Howard family without a baby girl was brought to an end with the arrival of a newborn.

The lucky newborn is - Laura Windsor Howard-Edward.

The birth of Laura was like the arrival of an angel, and it calmed the hearts of everyone in the Howard family. She became the little princess held in the hands of the whole family, and she was loved by thousands of people.

Laura was the child of Winston's youngest son, his youngest granddaughter, his oldest grandson was married and had a child, and the oldest of his older brothers' grandchildren was in his thirties, The oldest of the fifth-generation children is already in secondary school.

Laura is the youngest child in the fourth generation of the Howard family. She is still a girl and is the heart and soul of the whole family.

However, God opened a golden door for Laura, and the goddess of luck did not favor her. Laura was diagnosed with lymphocytic clonal proliferative neoplastic disease when she was two years old. The full name of the disease is chronic lymphocytic leukemia, referred to as leukemia.

Since then, Laura has been working with drugs, and her life was on the line several times, and she was finally rescued. For the only little angel in the family, the Howard family also traveled all over the most advanced hospitals in Europe and America.

Last year, Laura was hospitalized when the old Mr. Ferrari held a birthday party. Therefore, Winston, who loves his little granddaughter, did not go to the old friend's birthday party in person. The Howard family sent a representative person to attend the old Ferrari's birthday. lie.

Because of witnessing the miracle of Mr. Ferrari Jr., the Howard family also took heart, remembered the little doctor in Huaxia Kingdom, and went back to report to the family Ruxi.

The Howard family also remembered the little doctor of Huaxia Kingdom. Originally, they planned to wait for Laura's condition to improve a little bit, and wanted to ask the old Mr. Ferrari to recommend him, and ask the little doctor of Huaxia to treat Laura.

Unexpectedly, when Laura's condition improved, she wanted to ask the old Mr. Ferrari for help, but she couldn't contact the little doctor when she learned what research the little doctor Huaxia was going to do.

Because the little doctor's research did not know when it would be completed, the Howard family couldn't afford to wait, so they performed a bone marrow transplant on Laura in May of this year.

Although the Howard family performed a bone marrow transplant operation on the little princess of the family, and the operation was successful, the old Mr. Howard was still very wise. When the old Mr. Farah, Mr. Beachian, Mr. Smith and others gave gifts to celebrate the coming of age of Huaxia Elementary School Doctor, He also proudly gave a gift.

One of the two helicopters among the birthday presents given by the bosses to Huaxia Elementary School Flyers was written by the Howard family, and the other was given by Mr. Smith.

The Howard family also presented two children's sports cars and a Maybach.

And just two and a half months after the Howard family sent the gift, that is, at the end of August, Laura was critically ill again—she did not experience any rejection during the observation period after the bone marrow transplant operation, and only three months later did she experience rejection .

The failure of the bone marrow transplant meant that the last possible cure for leukemia was off the table.

When it was determined that the baby Laura's operation failed, Winston urgently asked his old friend Alessandro for help, asking the little doctor Huaxia to save his little granddaughter.

Alessandro went to Miro and asked Miro to contact his little friend.

Milo was entrusted, contacted his little friend, got the child's consent, and then sent a message to old Mr. Ferrari.

The old Ferrari replied to his old friend Winston. Winston immediately arranged for his family members to apply for visas at the Chinese embassy in country F after receiving the news from his old friend, and asked Mr. Ferrari to accompany him to the Chinese country.

Alejandro, Roberto, and Liszt have long thought of a trip to Huaxia, because Winston is going to take his granddaughter to Huaxia to find Miss Dongfang Doctor, they also made arrangements early, spared time, and happily accompanied each other peers.

If you want to talk about who has the deepest friendship with the lady doctor, of course it is Miro, so, anyone can not take it, Miro must be indispensable.

Winston tidied up his appearance and the diamond cufflinks on his cuffs, and asked his old friend Alejandro uneasy: "Old man, do you think I can do this?"

"Oh, old man, very good, very good, you are very gentleman and very elegant." Alejandro smiled. The old friend was not very confident, and he was afraid that he would be rude in front of the lady doctor because of his untidy appearance.

Old Mr. Howard looked at the handsome young Miro again, with a look in his eyes asking for help.

"Sir, your attire is very perfect, very in line with your gentleman status." No way, Milo had no choice but to praise against his will. If he said it was not suitable, Old Howard would probably go to change another set of clothes.

With Milo's approval, Winston felt relieved.

After a while, the passenger plane arrived at the international airport in the capital of China, circled in the air, and waited for the command from the control tower before landing.

The huge white iron island trembled when it landed on the ground, and the little girl wearing the oxygen mask probably trembled slightly due to the shock, and then opened her eyes.

The Howards all have light blond hair and pale blond eyes, but Laura's pupils follow her mother's blue pupils.

The girl's eyes were slightly darker and very beautiful. However, because she had been ill, her eyes were also sickly, very dim, like a pool of stagnant water.

Her father, Alex Winston Howard, was beside her, seeing the baby wake up, reaching out and gently stroking the little angel's wig-wearing head: "Baby, we're here, see you soon Miss Huaxia doctor, our baby will recover soon, when the baby is healthy, Daddy will take the baby to see the panda..."

Laura, who was stroked, only blinked a few times, and fell asleep again before the plane stabilized.

Alex used to have a beautiful beard, because his precious daughter was too fragile, and he was afraid that the beard would pierce her daughter, so he shaved his beard and became a big man with a broad face.

As a qualified father, he still gently comforted his children until the stewardess asked the guests to take their luggage off the plane. With the help of the bodyguards who came from the commercial airline to help carry the luggage, he carried the oxygen cylinder on his back and held his little baby in his arms. Get out of the cabin and get off the plane with everyone.

The Howard family dispatched four generations to show their sincerity, including the oldest generation—that is, the generation of Winston’s father. Winston’s father was too old to go with him. One of his uncles was Howard’s father. The representative of the oldest generation of the Ton family.

Winston's uncle is an elderly man in his 80s, named Frank, with a mustache and a serious expression of a standard western gentleman.

There are four generations of the Howard family, each with two personal bodyguards and eight bodyguards responsible for carrying luggage. There are 16 bodyguards alone.

Old Ferrari brought four entourages, and Liszt also brought four bodyguards. Roberto and Miro had always kept a low profile and were used to walking around alone.

There are 32 people in Roberto's team. The personal bodyguards protect the gentlemen, and the bodyguards responsible for daily trivial matters carry luggage and items. The old Ferrari, old Howard and Mr. Smith all have young people who can understand Chinese, and they will act as translators.

A group of people got off the passenger plane and fell at the end of the passenger flow line. Following the passengers who left the airport, they walked to the terminal building, and then took the alien entry channel to undergo security checks and declare property.

After going through the security gate, they first meet the pick-up personnel sent by the hotel they booked, and then divide into two groups. A group of bodyguards, accompanied by the pick-up staff from the hotel, stay at the airport to wait for the checked luggage, and they go to the hotel as soon as they get the luggage;
Old Mr. Ferrari and Mr. Smith each brought a bodyguard, together with Roberto and Miro, accompanied the four generations of Howard to the hospital. Several gentlemen of the Howard family only brought personal bodyguards to the hospital.

The hotel booked by Old Howard was a five-star hotel. He booked all the luxury suites and presidential suites, as well as several executive suites. They were the major customers of the hotel. At his request, the hotel equipped him with several suites. Cars, chauffeurs, hotel housekeepers.

The drivers of the cars that took the client to the hospital all had more than 15 years of driving experience. They drove smoothly, did not rush through red lights, kept the safest speed, and remained calm all the way.

The capital of China has frequent traffic, even if it avoided the noon rush hour, it still took more than two hours to get from the airport to the hospital without serious traffic jams.

The Howard family's flight landed at one o'clock, and it took about half an hour at the airport, so it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived at the hospital.

The hotel's vehicles sent the guests to the front of the hospital building, and the hotel butler who followed the service accompanied the guests to get out of the car. They drove the car to the parking lot and waited for orders in the lobby.

The Chinese-speaking young man from Ferrari's family came to the hospital once when his young master was hospitalized. He found the medical guidance desk with ease, and showed the medical guidance lady the proof that the Howard family had made an appointment with Dr. Wancheng, and asked the medical guidance to contact the attending doctor .

The medical guide called Dr. Wan's office, and Dr. Wan's assistant answered the phone. He heard that a family member of a foreign patient who had made an appointment in advance brought the patient, and told the guide which building to take the patient's family to and where to take the elevator. On the first floor, he took the memo and went to Dr. Wancheng again.

(End of this chapter)

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