magic eye doctor

Chapter 1696

Chapter 1696
Dr. Wan Teng went to another department to help his colleagues temporarily share the work. When the assistant came to him, he continued to see the doctor in a leisurely manner. After seeing the three patients who were waiting, he and the assistant went to arrange the patients unhurriedly. Live in the VIP ward.

The VIP ward in his hand was full, and he was "forced" to sign two "unequal" treaties in order to use a VIP ward from a courageous colleague for the special patients introduced by his younger junior sister. , One is to help a colleague to see a doctor when he is not busy, and the other is to send a packet of herbal tea prepared by his cute little sister to the colleague.

Being caught occasionally helping to share worries, Dr. Wan Teng didn't care, but a pack of medicinal tea was taken away by his colleagues, which made his heart ache and his liver hurt. He secretly decided that when the patient checked in, he had to kill the patient's family , Let the big brother bleed a little more for mental damage.

The patient's family members came to report, indicating that the little junior sister will soon be able to earn a lot of pocket money.

Dr. Wan Teng led his assistant to the ward floor unhurriedly. When he saw a group of people standing outside the ward, he knew that the patient and his family members had arrived first. He still walked over calmly and steadily.

The doctor in charge of the hospital was afraid that the family members of foreign patients would not know the way and go to the wrong place, so one person was allocated to send a group of people seeking medical treatment to the floor designated by Dr. Wanqi.

When she arrived with her people, she didn't see the doctor. She originally wanted to wait for the doctor with the patient's family members. The patient's family members were afraid of delaying her work and asked her to go to work first, so she went back to work on her own work first.

Old Mr. Ferrari and his personal bodyguards recognized Dr. Wan Teng, so they didn't need to be accompanied by the medical guide. They sent the medical guide away and waited for about five or six minutes for the doctor to arrive.

The youths of the Ferrari family saw the doctor who had assisted the lady doctor in performing the operation on the young master, and hurriedly reminded the four generations of the Howard family who was the attending doctor appointed by the lady doctor to the little angel of the Howard family.

The bodyguards of the big guys stood in a row against the wall and bowed to the two doctors in white coats from a distance. Old Mr. Howard saw the tall young doctor coming from the other end of the corridor, leading the children Trot forward to meet.

He greeted the doctor, bowed sincerely, and said hello in blunt Chinese: "Doctor, hello, thank you doctor!"

Dr. Wan Teng looked at a young man holding a child and carrying an oxygen cylinder among the people who came running, and knew that it was the patient's father, and that the elderly should be the immediate relatives of the young patient.

He was not surprised at all, took off his gloves with a smile, and reached out to shake hands with the patient's family: "My junior sister called me this morning. She is still developing a drug, which is expected to be completed tomorrow morning, and she will come to the hospital tomorrow." .”

When Milo heard that the children were busy making medicines, he smiled and looked at the godfather, old Mr. Ferrari and the others, with one meaning: Let me just say, I might not be able to see the little sweetheart.

Roberto also almost understood the meaning of Godson, and gave him an annoyed look. Milo is naughty and always dishonest, and he is not afraid of being laughed at by the Huaxia doctor! ,

Winston only knew the words "Hello" and "Thanks for your hard work, doctor". He held the doctor's hand tightly until the translator rushed to help translate the doctor's words. He thanked gratefully: " The lady doctor has worked hard, the doctor has worked hard, and our children will be entrusted to the doctors!"

Old Howard spoke in French, and the translator translated it into Chinese. Dr. Wan Teng smiled: "It is our duty to rescue patients, and we will do our best to treat patients."

The young translator then translated Chinese into French, and Mr. Winston expressed his thanks again.

Dr. Wan Teng shook hands with the patient's family members one by one, and then walked towards the old Mr. Ferrari and others.

The old Mr. Ferrari learned a few words of Chinese, and greeted the doctor in Chinese: "Doctor, hello, we meet again!"

"Hi sir, welcome to our country for a trip. I hope we will not meet in the hospital next time, so I will be happier." Recognizing that the old man is the one who sent his son to see his junior sister for treatment one year, Dr. Wan Teng smiled Shake hands with your opponent.

Considering that the husband may not understand all the words of the doctor, the young people of the Ferrari family helped translate it, and Alejandro laughed: "I think so too. I hope that the next time we meet will be in a beautiful place."

After shaking hands with the attending doctor, Alejandro shook hands with the doctor's assistant and introduced his two old buddies Liszt and Roberto to the doctor, as well as Miro.

Dr. Wan Teng shook hands with Mr. Smith and Mr. Beechian respectively, then hugged the handsome young man, nodded and greeted the bodyguards of the bigwigs, and asked the patient's family to take the patient into the ward.

Because they were afraid that too many people would bring bacteria into the ward, only two bodyguards of the Howard family followed them to the ward, and the others stood guard at the door.

Alessandro, Roberto, Liszt and Miro accompanied the four generations of the Howard family into the ward with the doctor, and the two bodyguards walked at the end. After entering the ward, they quickly checked for potential safety hazards.

It's not that the Howard family doesn't trust the hospital and attending doctor appointed by Ms. Dongfang Doctor. What they worry about is the patients who have been hospitalized before. No one can guarantee that the patients or their family members who have been hospitalized before have not left anything strange.

Dr. Wan Teng and his assistant entered the ward, first asked the little patient to lie down in the patient's cubicle, and then asked about some basic information. Dr. Wan Teng asked, and the assistant was responsible for recording.

After a preliminary understanding of the situation, Dr. Wan Teng communicated with the Howard family and explained the hospital's regulations. They had to do some necessary examinations for the patient for filing, and asked the family members to cooperate.

The three family members of the Howard family expressed their understanding and repeatedly stated that they would cooperate with the inspection.

Dr. Wan Teng took away the documents brought by the Howard family, and called a young man who could speak Chinese to follow him to the office. He first issued a list of items that needed to be checked, and then asked his assistant to take someone to pay the fee and go through the admission procedures.

Roberto, Alessandro, and Liszt couldn't help at the hospital, so they and Frank went back to the hotel first, and Miro stayed in the hospital temporarily to accompany Winston and Alex.

Of the eight bodyguards of the Howard family, only four were left in the hospital, and the other four went to the hotel to rest first, and then came to the hospital to change shifts at night.

The Howard family returned about half an hour later with the young man who went to go through the formalities, and with the assistance of the assistant sent by the doctor, they took the little angel, Miss Laura, for an examination.

Because he had to take CT scans, etc., when he left the ward, Alex helped his little baby take off the wig.

Laura went through all kinds of treatment methods during her treatment. Because of chemotherapy, all her hair fell out and she became a bald little angel. The elders of the Howard family made several golden-haired wigs for her.

Even if he was sent for an examination, Alex also brought an oxygen cylinder in case he could give the baby oxygen at any time.

After doing several physical examinations, it took about an hour and a half. After the examination was completed, the assistant and his family members sent the patient back to the ward, and conveyed Dr. Wan Teng's instructions, because Miss Le did not specifically instruct the patient not to eat anything, so The family members can feed the little patients according to their living habits.

Dr. Wan Teng looked at several examination data of the little patient, sighed silently, and issued an order again, notifying the nurse station to hang a bottle of medicine for the little patient. Go to work if something goes wrong.

The attending doctor got off work, and Milo went back to the hotel to rest.

When Master Miro returned to the hotel, the bodyguards of Howard's family packed meals, packed clothes and belongings for the two gentlemen who were in the hospital, and took them to the hospital.

Winston and his son lived outside the ward at night, and the bodyguards on night duty also took turns to keep watch.

Roberto, Alessandro, and Liszt rested in the hotel for one night, and when they woke up the next day, they looked good and meticulous, and then went to dinner with Frank and the bodyguards.

The four elderly gentlemen had breakfast, and then went back to the guest room to tidy up their appearances. The bodyguards who were about to go to the hospital also went back to the guest room to wash up quickly and tidy up.

When the four old gentlemen in formal suits and bow ties were about to set off, they saw that Miro was still wearing casual shirts, and each of them wanted to persuade him to dress more formally, but hesitated to speak several times.

Milo was wearing a casual shirt, and his trousers were replaced with jeans, full of youthful vibes.

Milo didn't care about the stares of the old gentlemen, and happily set off with a backpack on his back.

Winston and Alex, who stayed in the hospital for one night, went to the hospital cafeteria in batches with the bodyguards in the morning to have breakfast, and when they returned to the ward, they took a shower and changed their clothes, as if they were going to a banquet.

The bodyguards also changed into clean clothes.

When Roberto and others arrived at the hospital, the hospital's day shift staff hadn't gone to work yet. They waited for [-] minutes for the day shift staff to go to work.

Dr. Wan Teng checked the room again, and went back to the office to work normally.

A group of bosses and bodyguards guarded the ward, waiting for the lady doctor to visit.

Little classmate Le, um, of course she knows when a family member of a patient will arrive in Beijing. She has hung a plaque on the garden where she lives since the 17th. Prepare various medicines in the ear chamber.

She really didn't go to the hospital on purpose, she really couldn't leave, she was cultivating some kind of vaccine, and there was still medicine in the medicine cauldron that needed to be added at a certain time, so the heat had to be controlled.

After another busy day and night, at 18 o'clock in the morning on the [-]th, Le Xiao finally added the last part of the medicine ingredients into the container for cultivating the vaccine, extinguished the fire in the medicine cauldron, tidied up the tools, and tidied up the ear chamber , and then go to wash.

After she took a shower, dried her hair, and tied it up, it was already an hour later.

With a backpack on his back, a medical kit in one hand, and a folding fan in the other, the completely new student Le Xiao floated lightly out of the courtyard.

Yan Xing was the gatekeeper, heard the noise made by the little loli, guessed that she had probably finished her work, and stared at the courtyard, when she saw the little loli wearing a purple half-arm top and a blue skirt, He rushed over at a speed of [-] urgency, grabbed the crimson medicine box in her hand and hugged it in his arms.

"Little Lolita, where are you going to see the doctor today?" He snatched the medicine box and ran away following the fairy-like little Lolita.

As he walked, he glanced at the little loli's head. The little loli combed a hairstyle called "upward bun", and the high bun probably touched his chin.

Little Loli's upside-down bun is not as exaggerated as the upside-down bun in the Tang Dynasty. She has improved it a bit. The bun is slightly bent backwards, and a row of hanging beads is inserted into the top of the bun. Flowers, with a golden phoenix hairpin stuck in emerald green silk on the top of the forehead.

When the little girl was walking, the pendant beads on the phoenix steps and the pendant beads on the top of the bun swayed gently, and then matched with the slight sound made by the jade steps around her waist, that vicious little loli who was obviously very violent, Turned into a graceful and delicate little fairy.

Seeing such a coquettish little loli now, not to mention others, even Yan Xing himself couldn't connect her with the strange little loli who slaughtered scum without blinking an eye.

"I'm going to my big brother's hospital today to help a foreigner, Tu Hao, see a doctor."

"Hey, little loli, there's another moat sending you money, Gong Xi Fa Cai, which country's moat is it from?"

"What kind of money are you making?" Yan Chihuo looked excited, and Le Yun rolled his eyes: "The big brother's family is a shining Tuhao family, but they gave me a helicopter and a sports car as a gift. Birthday present, if you ask me to see a doctor now, I don’t have the nerve to open my mouth and ask for the price.”

Gifts from foreign countries are still the ones that you can't get back even if you want to. If you accept a gift from someone else, you can't accept it for nothing. The gift-giving Tuhao is willing to spend a lot of money, isn't it because of Xiao Luoli's medical skills?
Yan Xing also understood the twists and turns, and didn't know how to comfort her. After thinking about it, he bit the bullet and suggested: "Then what, human feelings are human feelings, etiquette exchanges are etiquette exchanges, work is work, or we should distinguish between public and private. Bar."

"Your suggestion is worthless, so don't come up with blind ideas. Also, my friend, handsome Mi Luo, also came with Tuhao who was seeking medical treatment, so don't follow and protect your vest Bar."

Le Yun is really a little worried that Yan Chihuo will be stripped of his little vest. When he disguised himself as someone, he got along with Miro for a while. Even if he has changed back to his own face now, his body shape and height can't help. Change, it is too easy to lose the vest.

"..." Yan Xing was like a cabbage that had been beaten by frost in an instant, and Bala withered, drooped his head, and walked a few meters away, unwilling to fight for the opportunity: "I'll take you to the hospital instead of going to the ward, that's okay ?”

"In case you accidentally drop your vest, don't complain to me."

"Well, absolutely not, I'll just stay in the car and not run around."

"I didn't say I was going to drive."

"Not in the car?"

"That's right, you have to go around twice by car, and it will take an hour to get stuck in any traffic jam. I will walk and take a shortcut. I estimate that I will be able to reach the hospital in 10 to [-] minutes."

"If you don't drive, don't drive. I'll wait for you outside the hospital, little loli, wait for me. I'll go and put on a hat." Yan Xing was afraid that little loli wouldn't let him follow, so he hugged the medicine box and moved towards the gardener. The building flew away.

Like a gust of wind, he ran back to the room where Brother Fu lived, tied his waist bag with his belongings around his waist, took a sun hat from Brother Fu and put it on his head, and ran to the gate to meet Little Loli .

Brother Fu was guarding the guard room, and the captain ran to look for Little Lolita to brush her face. He was still guarding the guard room. When Little Lolita and the captain walked out of the paradise, he took a book, moved a small chair and sat at the door to read.

(End of this chapter)

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