magic eye doctor

Chapter 1698 I don't like socializing

Chapter 1698 I don't like socializing

Dr. Wan Teng, who was sad, led the little girl out of the elevator and walked towards the direction of the VIP patient. When he saw the two door gods standing in the ward, he sighed silently. Well, he still wanted to surprise those guys. Their bodyguards were here. At the door, nothing happened to him.

Just as he expected, when he showed up with the little girl in beautiful Hanfu, the young man from the old Ferrari family recognized Miss Dongfang Doctor, and shouted excitedly into the ward, "Gentlemen, Miss Doctor is here!"

Miro, Alessandro, Roberto, Liszt, Winston and the others sat drinking red wine because they didn't know when the lady doctor would be free to come to the hospital, and they were free.

That's right, I'm not drinking tea, I'm drinking-red-wine!

When they went to Huaxia Kingdom, they brought a total of [-] cases of red wine, some of which they wanted to drink for themselves, and some of which were prepared as gifts for others. They brought two cases of red wine to the ward in the morning.

While drinking red wine, the gentlemen who watched the world channel heard the bodyguard standing guard at the door saying that the lady doctor had come, they put down their glasses excitedly, and ran out while scrambling to get their grooming done.

Old gentlemen need to be demeanor, grooming while walking, Milo doesn't care about appearance, he rushed out of the ward door, looked left and right, found where the children came from, his eyebrows brightened, Xiao Lele is very beautiful today!

Flame-like rays of light shone from the blue eyes, and the handsome young man rushed towards the child like the wind, opened his arms, and hugged the petite and cute child.

I gave the child a big hug, and kissed her face warmly, three times, lowered her head to look at the child, the more she looked at her, the more beautiful she felt, and kissed her face again: "Little Lele, you are so very vety very...beautiful! A thousand very is omitted in the middle."

First he was hugged by a bear, then his cheek, and then his cheek again, Le Yun: "..." Oh my god, you're about to faint from the shaking, okay?

After hearing the long series of a dozen very compliments, she didn't know what expression to use to describe her mood.

She thought Miro's second veneer three times would be the end of the job, but who would have thought that the prosperous and beautiful Tuhao shouted "very beautiful", and veneered again, and after the first veneer, he shouted "You are so beautiful!" ", veneer again.

"Milo, I don't remember so many face-to-face kisses in country F." If there are endless face-to-face kisses, she will really be suffocated by the shaking, okay?

"There is no limit to the number of kisses in country F. You can stick them more times when you are happy and excited. Xiao Lele is so beautiful that I can't control it when I get excited. Xiao Lele's hair is so beautiful, beautiful, and so interesting. "

There were six face-to-face ceremonies in a row, and Milo responded to his little friend with a bright and sunny smile, but he couldn't help it. He crawled up the top of the little kid's head with his paws, poking at her beautiful hair.

The ancestors of Chinese women were smart and wise. When Europe and America were still disheveled, they were already at the forefront of trends and fashions, creating a variety of clothing jewelry and ever-changing hairstyles.

In terms of fashion beauty, the ancient ancestors of the Great China Kingdom are the well-deserved fashionistas in the world.

Playing with the little girl's curly hair, the young man was in a happy mood, his blue eyes were shining, just like the blue sea reflecting the beauty of the sun, which made him even more handsome and flawless.

Dr. Wan Teng: "..." Can he kick foreigners and youths? !
Xiao Lele is a little doll that his old mother protects like an old hen guarding its chicks. If the boy is too close, his old mother feels that he is being taken advantage of. As a result, because of the different regions and customs, the young foreigners Kiss and hug the little guy!

The etiquette of foreigners is so annoying!
Dr. Wan Teng was so angry that he felt that the junior sister was taken advantage of by the young people under the guise of etiquette. He wanted to scold MMP in his heart, but he had to smile on the surface.

Miro was young, he ran away, Roberto, Alessandro, Liszt and Winston, Frank, Alex fell behind, they ran out, Miro had already met the little doctor, they took the opportunity to hurry He tidied up his clothes, and walked quickly towards Miss Doctor and the young doctor.

The bodyguards of the crowd followed the gentlemen.

A large group of people rushed up to the lady doctor, and because of Miro's height, they successfully blocked them.

Milo poked the kid's hair a few times, causing the kid to reach out to protect his head. He laughed loudly, rubbed the back of the kid's head, and stood sideways: "Xiao Lele, Mr. Howard family is here. Mr. Ferrari, Mr Smith and my godfather are coming too."

The trench Miro is too high, blocking his sight like a screen, but Le Yun's sense of smell and hearing are online, of course he knows that those people are behind Miro, and when Miro stands on his left hand side, he can clearly see Luo The faces of Berto, old Mr. Ferrari, Mr. Fat and Howard.

Although Mr. Fat is still a little bit fat, he is also healthy fat, and he is no longer obese like a fat man in country M.

A few mob bosses wore bow ties, diamond or jade cufflinks, white clothes and black trousers, standard black and white, and their bodyguards also wore white clothes and black trousers, wearing red or blue or patterned ties, all of them Each has a diamond-encrusted tie clip.

"..." Looking at the solemnly dressed people, Le Yun's forehead was filled with black lines, and he greeted with a polite smile: "Good morning, Mr. Bichian, Mr. Ferrari, Mr. Smith, and the three gentlemen of the Howard family, young people first Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to China to travel!"

The young bodyguards of the Ferrari family, the Smith family, and the Howard family bowed to say hello to Miss Doctor and said "Hello, Miss Doctor".

Milo went to the side, and finally faced the doctor's sweetheart. Roberto took half a step forward, took the little hand from the doctor's lady, bent down, lowered his head, and kissed the girl's tender hand like a spring onion: "Little Good morning sweetheart! We missed sweetheart so much after last year's farewell."

"I also miss the old gentlemen very much. I like the big day gifts that the gentlemen gave me. Thank you old gentlemen."

"It's as long as the little sweetheart likes it, and we are also very happy."

Roberto gave a hand-kissing salute, and the gentleman stood next to him. Alejandro took a quick step, took the slender hand of the lovely lady, bent down gracefully and kissed her hand: "Little sweetheart is getting more and more beautiful , the beauty of the little sweetheart makes people feel as bright as the sun, as soft as water, as bright as a flower..."

The old Mr. Ferrari gave a long list of compliments, and Le Yun smiled and said "Thank you" repeatedly, and then asked: "Oscar, little Amedeo, how are you?"

Mr. Ferrari kissed his hands and handed the doctor to his old friend Liszt. Roberto explained with a smile: “Oscar and Amedeo are proud to know you. This year, I went on to study again, Amedeo is studying for a master’s degree at Cambridge, and Oscar is studying for a doctorate at Harvard in M ​​country.”

"Oscar and Amedeo are already very good. They still love to study. They are really two hard-working children." Le Yun suddenly realized that this is the case, no wonder neither of them came to China.

I also sincerely admire the two bear children. Even if Amedeo is disabled, he has completed his undergraduate degree by himself. Oscar has already received a master's degree in a certain field. Aspirant, we can see its quality.

Therefore, she felt that she had to get several master's and doctoral degrees.

Roberto, Alejandro and You Rongji, who were praised by the doctor, politely said that the children's knowledge is far from enough, and they have to continue to work hard.

Liszt and the cute little sweetheart kissed each other and greeted each other, then stopped taking up Miss Doctor's time and stood with old friends.

Miro acts as an introducer, introducing the three generations of Howard's grandparents to his children, starting with Mr. Frank, after all, Frank is the representative of the oldest generation in the Howard family.

The three generations of Howard's grandparents stood in a row. When Alejandro and the others met with Ms. Oriental, they were excited and nervous. They quietly adjusted their appearance again and again, for fear that the improper attire would make Ms. Oriental feel uncomfortable. .

They were also sincerely amazed by the dress of Ms. Oriental Doctor. Ms. Doctor is really, very, very beautiful and lovely!

When Mr. Bigian's child finally introduced himself, Frank first kissed the doctor's hand, then kissed his face, and praised the doctor in standard French.

Le Yun accepted all the baskets of compliments sent by the other party, and also praised him as a gentleman and elegant demeanor.

The doctor is fluent in French, which once again shocked the three of Howard's grandparents. They heard that the doctor is proficient in several languages ​​and understands French. They thought that her knowledge of French meant that she could understand and recognize French letters. They did not expect her French to be as fluent as F Official French for residents of the national capital.

Knowing that the child might be stunned by Mr. Howard's long list of words, Milo felt sorry for her for three seconds. When Frank kissed the child, he introduced Winston.

Winston also gave the lady doctor a long list of compliments, more than his uncle's.

When he arrived at Alex, he also carried forward the European tradition and praised Miss Doctor eloquently.

After listening to a lot of compliments, her ears were filled with music, and she was physically and mentally exhausted. To be honest, she would rather work on medicine without sleep than deal with people.

Dealing with people is so hard!

Communication is a most painful job.

Le Yun, physically and mentally exhausted, met Mr. Howard Jr. with a smile. In order not to hear piles of compliments that were not nutritious and polite, she immediately asked how the Miss Howard family was doing. What is the reaction on the way, what is the reaction after admission.

Her change of topic was successful. Several big bosses surrounded the lady doctor and the young doctor from Huaxia Country and walked to the ward. The three gentlemen of the Howard family reported their baby's reaction on the road.

The younger junior sister greeted the foreigners, and Dr. Wan Teng stood aside smiling and watching, witnessing the gifts the foreigners gave to Xiao Lele, and...their lengthy meeting speech.

To be honest, he wanted to wipe off his sweat even though he didn't know French, but the cumbersome meeting scene was so similar to some meeting scenes in their country, it was so similar, it made people drowsy.

When the lengthy meeting ceremony was finally over, Dr. Wan Teng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. This kind of meeting ceremony is too exhausting. It's no wonder that Xiao Lele doesn't want to socialize anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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