magic eye doctor

Chapter 1699 Expensive Vaccines

Chapter 1699 Expensive Vaccines

The young bodyguards of the Howard family did not all follow the gentlemen. Two of them stood guard at the door of the ward. When the gentlemen embraced the doctor, they respectfully saluted the lady doctor and opened the door of the ward.

Miro and several old gentlemen accompanied the doctor into the ward. They followed the cubicle, and the bodyguards lined up at the door of the cubicle.

Because of the smell of disinfectant in the ward, for Laura's safety, the hospital let her inhale oxygen 24 hours a day, and she wore an air mask.

Walking into the cubicle, Le Yun glanced at the little princess of the Howard family lying on the hospital bed, and couldn't help frowning: "Didn't it mean that the bone marrow transplant operation was very successful, did the sequelae appear later? Baby's body has been damaged so badly?"

Do you know how the little princess of the Howard family is doing now?

In the past, there was only leukemia, but now, multiple internal organ failures have developed into uremia!
In the information that Milo passed on to her, it can be seen from the various data of the hospital examination that Laura has no uremia. Poor resistance and infection, so it developed into uremia.

Of course, it’s not just uremia. The child was probably infected during the bone marrow transplant operation and had osteomyelitis. Moreover, the osteomyelitis lesion, the upper arm bone in the injection area, also called the humerus bone, had a lesion during the bone marrow transplant. cells are the precursors of bone cancer cells.

Leukemia itself is a blood-borne disease, and uremia and bone tumor lesions, well, Howard's little princess is clearly missed by the god of death.

Le Yun didn't know what to say, and she had to feel that the disease is the only creature that treats people fairly. It not only patronizes the poor, but also patronizes the rich and powerful. It chooses targets regardless of age, rich or poor, and treats them equally .

Not an expert doctor, Roberto and the others looked at the three gentlemen of the Howard family without saying a word.

Hearing the lady doctor's tone, Winston was so anxious that he wiped his forehead: "Miss doctor, Laura's operation was successful at the time, and she passed the critical period. Later, she didn't know what went wrong, and she even had a rejection reaction. , Laura's kidney function is malfunctioning, and she can only be treated with dialysis."

After Laura had an adverse reaction after the operation, she had to change her blood every few days. She relied on dialysis to save her life. The day before she left China, Laura underwent dialysis again. On the way, he became critically ill.

Also because of her poor health, she was in a semi-comatose state from YI country to Huaxia country until she was admitted to the hospital.

"I looked at the patient's examination data yesterday and found that the situation was not good, so I gave the little patient a special injection." Dr. Wan Teng couldn't understand French, but it didn't prevent him from guessing. Looking at the expression of a foreigner, he guessed It must be the little junior sister who said that the little patient's condition is not good.

"Well, big brother's medical skills are excellent. The doctor's sensitivity is high. He can see that the child is not in good condition. If you don't give her a special injection, you will definitely have to go to the emergency room at midnight last night."

The elder brother didn't say anything, but Le Yun also knew that the elder brother had intervened for Laura. He prepared a medicine for the patient that added some kind of pills she made to save Laura's life.

"It's also thanks to Xiao Lele, otherwise, I would never have been able to sleep last night." Dr. Wan Teng was very happy to be praised by the junior sister. It is good to have the junior sister. It is a life-saving medicine.

The translator of Howard's family translated the words of the lady doctor and the young attending doctor to the gentlemen. Frank, Winston, and Alex heard that their little baby was almost in danger, broke out in cold sweat, and thanked the doctor repeatedly.

I thanked the doctor in charge, looked at the lady doctor anxiously, wanted to ask but dared not, for fear of hearing bad news.

Le Yun walked to the hospital bed, pinned the folding fan on her belt, stretched out her hand to uncover the thin quilt covering Laura's body, felt her pulse, and lifted little Laura's wig to check her scalp. Laura's face turned to the three men of the Howard family.

I focused on scanning the bodies of the members of the Howard family again, collected the genetic data of the Howard family, and frowned. The genes of the Howard family itself have some kind of recessive genetic defect. It is very normal for Laura to suffer from leukemia.

Finding out the root cause of Laura's illness, Le Yun nodded to everyone: "Go outside and talk about it, too many people will make the air here not smooth."

"Miss Doctor, Doctor, please—"

Roberto and others also felt that it made sense, and the three parents of the Howard family immediately respectfully and politely asked the lady doctor and the young doctor to go first.

Several middle-aged and elderly gentlemen accompanied the lady doctor and the young doctor back to the activity area outside, and took their seats in the sofa seating area. The youths of the Howard family immediately opened the suitcases, took out two wine glasses, and poured a glass for the young doctor and lady doctor wine.

Dr. Wan Teng took a sip of the red wine, and praised him very much: "Well, the red wine from the place of origin tastes more mellow."

There are imported original red wines in China. Due to the protection and temperature during transportation, the taste of the wine is somewhat affected. Howard’s red wine is brought from the place of origin and arrived by air. There is less time delay on the way. The taste is naturally infinitely close to the original taste.

Several elderly gentlemen also accompanied the doctor to taste the red wine, and they were delighted to hear the young doctor's praise.

Le Yun also tasted the red wine slowly, but didn't say anything.

The kid didn't speak, and Milo asked about Laura's condition instead, "Xiao Lele, how is baby Laura?"

The three parents of the Howard family are extremely grateful to Milo, that child is really an angel!

The patient's family waited eagerly for the diagnosis results, Le Yun calmly explained: "According to the current situation of the baby Laura, it can be determined that the baby is leukemia caused by a genetic defect. Her immunity is very weak, and ordinary flu may destroy it. Her immune system, if there is a virus attack, she may suffer from leukemia at any time, or malignant diseases such as bone cancer or lung cancer.

Because Baby Laura has a genetic defect, the bone marrow donor and her gene matching rate can only be successful when the bone marrow transplantation rate is 100%. likely to succeed.

Now, the baby's bone marrow transplant operation failed, internal organs failed, and osteomyelitis was complicated. The humerus of the arm where the transplant operation was performed was infected and turned into a malignant tumor, that is, bone cancer. "

Ms. Dongfang Doctor explained everyone's doubts in English, and everyone from the Ferrari family or the Howard family could understand it.

The child was talking about the diagnosis result, but Milo couldn't help but climbed her head with his big hand, poking her bun.

Hearing the diagnosis result, Frank, Alex, grandson and grandson knew that the baby's condition was very serious, and their faces changed again and again.

The Howard family has been looking forward to a girl for a hundred years. Laura is the treasure of the Howard family. Winston was about to cry: "Miss doctor, can my little baby be cured?"

Others are in a hurry, but Mi Luo is not in a hurry. Based on his understanding of Xiao Lele, if the patient is really hopeless, then she will definitely not stay, let alone drink red wine in leisure time. Drinking red wine means that little Laura can be saved.

Handsome Milo was making trouble again, Le Yun moved Tu Hao's hand away from the top of his head, and flashed his watery eyes: "Gentlemen of the Howard family, the most urgent thing to discuss right now is not whether baby Laura can be cured or not." problem, but a cured problem.”

"Ah, what Miss Doctor means is that the little baby can be cured, right?"

"Thank God baby is curable!"

"Yes, yes, I heard too..."

The three parents of the Howard family danced excitedly, and Alejandro, Liszt, and Roberto were also happy for it, and expressed their gratitude to the god of their faith happily.

Dr. Wan Teng once again understood the reason why junior sisters don't like to socialize. Dealing with's really too difficult. Their thinking seems to be on a different channel from that of Chinese people.

"..." A group of gentlemen couldn't grasp the key points, and Le Yun sighed weakly. When encountering such a foreigner, it would be useless to tap the blackboard to draw the key points.

"Little Lele, you mean that the little baby of the Howard family may have sequelae after being cured, right?" The little boy showed a look of "no life to love", and Milo climbed on top of the little guy's head with the other hand Rub her head.

sequelae?The joy on the faces of several middle-aged and elderly gentlemen who were elated instantly faded away.

"Yes, Baby Laura has a genetic defect, which leads to her poor immune function. If the root cause of the problem is not solved, Baby Laura can maintain her health for at most five years after being cured, and she will still relapse after that. Or suffer from other types of serious diseases due to infection with other viruses."

Foreign gentlemen couldn't grasp the point, so Le Yun had no choice but to directly explain the real problem. If she didn't explain it, the Howard family would still not understand the key point.

The lady doctor explained very clearly. Frank, Winston, and Alex finally understood the real reason why the baby was not healthy after birth, and they put down their wine glasses sadly. The genetic defect is congenital. irreversible.

Alejandro, Roberto, and Liszt also felt that the red wine was not fragrant, so they put down their glasses.

Dr. Wan Teng sipped red wine leisurely, didn't you see his little junior sister looking calm?Junior Sister remained calm as usual, which meant that it was nothing serious.

Milo also guessed from the kid's expression that there was a possibility of a reversal, so he didn't panic, and played with the kid's headgear: "Xiao Lele, you have a way to enhance the immune function of baby Laura, right? The Howard family and the Ferrari family are very wealthy families, you don’t have to save money for them, as long as it is useful for Baby Laura’s illness, no matter how expensive the medicine is.”

He just said, don't worry about the medical expenses, even though the medicines are boldly used at sky-high prices, and despite the lion's big asking price, the Howard family can afford the medical expenses.

Roberto also reacted, and immediately agreed: "Little sweetheart, Winston and Frank are both trustworthy people, and their family also believes in the supremacy of integrity. You can take medicine with confidence. The Howard family doesn't care how much it costs. They Willing to do whatever it takes to heal their little one."

Winston and Frank also had an epiphany, and immediately expressed their sincerity: "Miss Doctor, as long as we can heal our little baby, we are willing to spend no matter how much it costs!"

Mi Luo Tuhao is always making trouble, Le Yun doesn't bother to talk to him, and settles the business first: "Mr. Howard doesn't mind spending money, so this is a better solution. I did research last year, and one of the research projects is to improve immunity. vaccine.

The vaccine I developed is suitable for most people, and it cannot be directly used on Baby Laura. I need to prepare a vaccine for Baby Laura’s constitution separately. I also have most of the raw materials for preparing the vaccine. One of them needs Courtesy of the three gentlemen of the Howard family. "

"What medicinal materials does Miss Doctor need us to provide?" Winston, as the main representative of the family, sat upright.

Frank and Alex also pricked up their ears, for fear of mishearing.

"It's not medicinal materials. Each of the three gentlemen needs to provide one blood. It doesn't need much. One hundred milliliters per person is enough." Le Yun smiled slightly: "The vaccine for Baby Laura's body is a bit overbearing. If three Mr. Wei's blood, the vaccine injected into Baby Laura's blood vessel can fuse with the baby's blood in the fastest time, and there is no risk of being rejected."

"Ah, no problem, no problem!"

"Miss Doctor, it doesn't matter how much blood you need!"

Frank, Winston, and Alex originally thought that Miss Doctor needed some kind of rare and precious plant for them to find. They have decided that no matter what kind of plant is protected, as long as it can save Laura, they will collect it at any cost, even if it is stolen. method also works.

The result was unexpected, the lady doctor only needed a blood supply from the family members.

The three family members rushed to ask the doctor to draw their own blood, saying that it didn't matter how much blood they had.

The little angel of Howard's family was saved, and Roberto, Alessandro, and Liszt were also in a very happy mood. They held up their glasses of wine with smiles to drink with the young doctor, and watched the three of Howard's family rush to donate blood.

"Each of the three gentlemen has inherited the genes of their mother's family, and each has its own advantages. Each of them needs a little blood, so that the vaccine can exert its maximum effect."

"Okay, okay." The three who were vying for blood supply stopped, and Winston asked gently: "Miss Doctor, how much is a vaccine?"

The old buddies Alessandro and Roberto both said that Miss Doctor likes straightforward people, so Winston didn't bend corners and asked the price of the vaccine directly.

Mr. Howard is a gentleman before a villain, and Le Yun also likes this method: "The vaccine is expensive. The original cost of a vaccine is about 1000 million euros. The vaccine for Baby Laura needs to add more than ten minutes of medicine , Those medicines are also finished products that have been refined countless times, and the cost price of newly added medicines is about 900 million euros, and the total price of a vaccine is 900 million euros."

(End of this chapter)

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