magic eye doctor

Chapter 1700 Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Chapter 1700 Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Xiao Lele was talking about vaccines, and Dr. Wan Cheng was drinking red wine while listening to the lecture. When he heard the price Xiao Lele opened his mouth to quote, his little heart skipped a beat in shock.

He looked sideways at his younger junior sister, then at the three members of the Howard family and other big bosses, and found that all the big bosses had calm expressions, and he felt sincerely that a trench is a trench!
The bosses are all in the trenches, so probably for them, [-] million or something is a small number.

Dr. Wan Teng admired the junior sister even more. The bosses are awesome, and his junior sister is even better. The bosses have no arrogance in front of the junior sister.

Roberto, Alejandro, and Liszt were very interested in vaccines, and they listened with pricked ears. When they heard the price quoted by Little Sweetheart, they felt nothing in their hearts. A vaccine cost less than 2000 million euros. , not expensive!
Really, they don't think it's expensive.

Especially Alejandro and Liszt, they have a huge property in their hands, and their monthly expenditure is millions of euros, and they have to spend at least 2000 million euros for any vacation. More than 1 million euros is really very cheap. After all, vaccines can save lives.

For the Howard family, 1 million and [-] million is really a lot of money, so Winston's expression is a little confused, only more than [-] million euros? !
The doctor said that the vaccine is expensive. He thought it would cost at least a billion euros, but it turned out to be less than [-] euros.

Winston's expression was indescribable, and he was silent for a few seconds before recovering his thoughts: "Miss Doctor, money is not a problem, please Miss Doctor boldly use medicine."

Miro rolled his eyes and asked cheerfully: "Xiao Lele, what you are talking about is the cost price of the medicinal materials needed to make the vaccine, not counting your manual costs, and the loss of vaccines. You put those All in, how much does a vaccine cost?

Xiao Lele, can I get that vaccine?My family doesn't have a lot of money, so if we scrape it together, we should be able to scrape together the money for a vaccine. "

Roberto, Alejandro, and Liszt also wanted to inject themselves with a vaccine, because it is not convenient to talk about it at the moment, and they want to find a time to talk with the doctor sweetheart in private.

In the end, they didn't ask, but Milo asked, everyone was happy, Miro is such a caring little angel, it's good to have him here!
"I can charge less for the hard work of making the vaccine. I can charge about 100 million euros. The loss cost is a bit high. It takes about 500 million euros worth of materials to prepare a vaccine, and the price of a vaccine is [-] million. Five hundred euros."

Miro is the most caring friend, always thinking of her, Le Yun couldn't bear to accept his kindness, added another sum of money, and said sincerely: "I don't have many vaccines successfully prepared, so it's just Sell ​​it and keep it for those who urgently need it to save their lives."

Xiao Lele is too kind. He offered her a chance, but she still couldn't bear to slaughter others, and only added a few hundred euros. Mi Luo felt sorry for his little friend. Hearing that her vaccine was not for sale, he anxiously negotiated again : "Xiao Lele, let's have a discussion, you can give me one, we are friends."

"Milo, you are very healthy, and you don't need to use vaccines for the time being. Let's wait a few more decades, and let's talk about this issue after your body's immunity has deteriorated due to age."

"I don't need the vaccine. What about my godfather, and Oscar and Amedeo, do they need it?"

"Mr. Roberto, Oscar, and Amedeo are all in good health. They can be vaccinated, or they can wait a few years."

"Little Lele, please reserve a vaccine for my godfather, Oscar, and Amedeo, oh, Mr. Farley, Mr. Smith, do you need to reserve one?" Milo said for his godfather, younger brother, Amedeo ordered a vaccine, and then asked Mr. Ferrari and Mr. Smith enthusiastically.

Milo is the cutest little angel!Roberto was deeply proud of his godson Milo, look at how careful Miro was, he was so thoughtful, and helped him and Oscar pre-order vaccines in advance.

Alessandro and Liszt were also extremely happy, Miro was always thinking of them, what a good boy!

The two brothers said in one voice: "We need it, we need it!"

"I don't mind having a hundred of them here. The Ferrari family has many good children who will be needed in the future." Alejandro added that he only had one child, Amedeo, but there are many young people in the Ferrari family. , if a lot of vaccines are stored, those young people who are desperate for the Ferrari family can be saved when necessary.

Liszt also rushed to express: "The Smith family also needs a lot of vaccines. The doctor's sweetheart is willing to sell vaccines, and the Smith family hopes to store sixty or seventy copies."

The three members of the Howard family were stunned for a moment before they were taken the lead. Frank almost jumped, and immediately shouted: "Miss Doctor, our family also needs vaccines very much. Let's pre-order [-] copies!"

Dr. Wan Teng was dumbfounded, oh my god, is this a fight? !

A vaccine costs more than 1 million euros, and the big guy sells dozens or hundreds of vaccines as soon as he opens his mouth. You don’t have to spend money like this, right?
He really suspected that they didn't hear the price of the vaccine clearly, and he really wanted to ask the bosses what money was in their eyes.

I couldn't help thinking of a sentence Xiao Lele said: Isn't money just a pile of paper?

Perhaps, in the eyes of the bosses, money is just a number, a pile of paper.

Well, I still don't want to, Dr. Wan Teng hastened to drink a sip of wine to suppress his shock.

Gentlemen were clamoring to pre-order vaccines. Le Yun opened her beautiful almond eyes and looked helpless: "Gentlemen, you are very rich, but I don't have so many vaccines. I only prepared fifty vaccines in total. Reserve a few copies for my relatives and friends, and save the remaining vaccines for saving lives, so I am not willing to sell them.”

The middle-aged and elderly gentlemen smiled, and the little sweetheart said that he was not willing to sell it, but he said that he would not sell it!The timing is not right now, wait until another time to communicate with Little Sweetheart.

Judging from their complexion, Milo knew from the blazing micro-expressions of the gentlemen's eyes that they were bound to get the vaccine, and they would definitely try their best to buy it.

Rich people cherish their lives.

The Howard family, Mr. Smith, and the old Mr. Ferrari are all super rich with huge wealth. For them, money is not the most important thing, but life is the most precious.

Therefore, things that can make them healthy and allow them to live for decades are what they urgently need, and they won't feel bad if they spend billions.

Billions are only a few tenths or one percent of their assets, a trivial matter.

Besides, if you are healthy, you can earn more money back.

He didn't think he was cheating people, he was thinking about their health.

In order to let the children earn more money, Milo, who took pains to help the situation, was in a particularly good mood, and he knew how to stop when enough was enough. The old gentlemen stopped discussing the purchase of vaccines, and stopped chattering.

After negotiating the important issue of using the vaccine, Le Xiao didn't procrastinate any longer. He asked the senior brother about the situation of the operating room, and knew that he had reserved an operating room for himself, and asked his family members to take the patient to the operating room for acupuncture.

Acupuncture does not choose the venue, but Laura's immunity is too weak. If acupuncture is performed in the ward, it will be more troublesome to disinfect the ward afterwards.

Dr. Wan Teng had already deduced from the patient's condition that an operating room was needed, and arranged the venue for the little junior sister in advance. When the Howard family picked up the patient, he helped the little junior sister carry the medicine box and took them to the operating room. He called on the way Inform the nurse to bring tools to his office to help the family members of the three patients draw blood.

In order for the baby not to breathe the air with bacteria on the way, the members of the Howard family replaced the baby with their own small tank of oxygen before leaving the ward. Alex held his baby, and a bodyguard helped Holding an oxygen cylinder.

Dr. Wan Teng led the little junior sister to the reserved operating room, took the little patient and oxygen tank by himself, and entered the operating room with the little junior sister. Other non-medical staff were naturally exempted from entering.

The door of the operating room was closed, and the sign above said "in operation".

Alejandro and others followed to the operating room. In order not to affect the normal work of the hospital, they stood for a few minutes before returning to the ward.

The bodyguards of the Howard family led the three gentlemen to the doctor's office. When they arrived, the nurses who received the call from Dr. Wan Cheng had also been waiting for a long time with blood-drawing utensils.

The patient's family members were accompanied by a group of bodyguards. The nurses were uncertain and a little trembling. Dr. Wan Teng's assistant personally took the pulse and drew blood, and took [-] hairs of blood from the blood vessels of each of the three family members.

The collected blood was placed in the office, and everyone in the Howard family went back to the ward to wait.

The operating room arranged by Dr. Wan Teng is a small operating room. There is a saying that "although a sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs".

After entering the operating room, Dr. Wan Teng put the little patient on the operating bed and helped the junior sister take out the bottles and cans from the medicine box and put them on the surgical tool cart, then took out a mask and put it on, stood Be a melon-eating crowd on the side.

Laura's health was so bad that there was no need for any monitoring equipment. Classmate Le quickly helped the little patient take off his clothes, put on gloves and a mask, fed Laura a few medicines, took medical needles, and injected them .

The children of the Tuhao family were originally Caucasian and sick, their skin was so pale that the meridians were clearly visible, and it felt as if a blood vessel could be punctured with a light poke.

Classmate Le Xiao didn't show pity or sympathy, and he just stabbed wherever he needed to. As the needles went down one after another, Laura had more and more needles.

The originally weak patient was pierced into a "human" fairy stick at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the densely packed needles were enough to drive people with trypophobia crazy.

Dr. Wan Teng was free, and counted the needles while remembering the position of the little junior sister's injection, one, two, three, four..., and silently counted to three hundred and six in one breath.

Such a small child has more than 300 needles on his body, one can imagine how dense the needles are.

Even if there is no intensive phobia, Dr. Wan Teng still has lingering fears: "Little sister, this child has been pierced into a sieve by you. I am really worried that once you pull out the needle, the blood in her veins will be like a sieve sifting rice noodles." Squirt out."

"Master brother, your behavior would be called confusing the army's mind in ancient times." After getting the needle, Le Yun took off her gloves and prepared to prepare the medicine. She couldn't laugh or cry when she heard what the master said. , must be frightened out of good or bad.

"It's not that serious, I'm just telling the truth." Dr. Wan Teng stood opposite the surgical tool cart in a hurry, studying how many precious medicines my junior sister had.

All the medicines are refined essences, and it is difficult to analyze which medicinal materials are used based on the smell. Le Yun couldn't figure out why the elder brother was so curious. He was in high spirits, and she didn't dampen his confidence. She slowly prepared several medicine juices, A ointment, a bowl of medicinal soup.

After reconciling the medicines that need to be used, go to work.

First use the Nine Suns Fiery Needle Method to kill the malignant tumor cells on the lesion in a certain area of ​​Laura's arm, and then give Laura a whole body cleaning to kill all the diseased cells.

It was a huge project.

However, it is not difficult for today's Le primary school students.

Her spiritual consciousness is strong enough to master the Dayan Sun Needle Technique, so, to save trouble, the acupuncture technique she gave Laura was the Dayan Sun Needle Array.

Of course, it is not the real Dayan Taiyang acupuncture method, but the derived Dayan Taiyang Yinyang acupuncture method, which has sixty needles less than the Dayan Taiyang acupuncture method.

The needles were in place, and enough medicine was dripped into the 36 needle tubes. Student Le Xiao activated the needle array without hesitation. At that moment, more than 300 needles spewed out flames like a fountain.

More than 300 needles spit out fire at the same time, even if the flames spouted by each pinhole are only as big as the belly of a finger, less can make more, and instantly gather into a flame flower.

The flame was blazing white inside, glowing red outside, and faintly smoked at the top.

The smell of flames is mixed with the smell of blood dripping on the soldering iron, which is very pungent.

Even though he was wearing a mask, Dr. Wan Teng choked and sneezed loudly. He covered his mouth and stared at the flames without blinking.

The flames that soared into the sky burned scorchingly.

"Junior Sister, will her blood be burnt like this?" Amid the pungent smell, Wan Qihongli was still in the mood to have fun.

"No, this acupuncture will burn about one-tenth of the blood volume. It's waste blood anyway. If it's gone, it's gone." Le Yun controlled the needle array with her spiritual consciousness to prevent the flame from rolling back and burning the patient.

Dr. Wan Teng only has one comment on the younger junior sister—a person with high art skills is bold. If it were him, he would not be able to let go and burn the patient's blood. If the patient loses too much blood and dies, it will be a big trouble.

The flame burned for about 3 minutes, from strong to weak, and after a dozen seconds, it was broken into pieces and turned into small flames the size of a finger belly. Wisps of smoke.

The flames of the acupuncture array went out, Le Yun took a pillow towel covering the pillow in her hand, and then touched a few acupuncture points of the patient. When the needles collectively flew into the sky, she unfolded the pillow towel to cover all the needles.

Take back the medical needle, throw the pillow towel aside, turn little Laura over quickly, let the patient lie on his stomach, take the medical needle again, and tie little Laura into a human-shaped hedgehog.

Arrange the Dayan Taiyang yin and yang acupuncture array, drip medicinal juice into the special hole pierced on the specific acupuncture point again, and then start the acupuncture array again.

In the same way, he used the Dayan Taiyang Yin-Yang acupuncture method again, and successfully wiped out all the diseased cells in Laura's body.

Le Yun asked the elder brother to pull out the needle on the pillow towel, took off the gloves, turned Laura over, poured a bowl of medicine into it, and gave Laura a full body beauty massage with ointment.

Give the patient a 360-degree beauty massage without dead ends, and then help Laura get dressed.

The big brother has already helped take back the medical needles and threw them into the sterilized bottle for soaking. The little student Le took back the bottles and cans into the medicine box, closed the medicine box, carried the small backpack, and happily called it a day.

Dr. Wan Teng accepted his fate as an assistant, put on the oxygen mask for Laura, carried the oxygen tank in one hand, hugged Laura in the other, and followed the little junior sister out of the operating room and went straight to the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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