Chapter 171
The sun was shining brightly on her eyes, and Wang Yuxuan almost forgot that she was exposed to the sun, looking at the back of the man who could only see the part above his shoulders, feeling lost.

He didn't want to listen to her explanation, he didn't want to see her again, he didn't want to hear her call him by his nickname, and even... the name he used to call her changed from the intimate Xuanxuan to "Miss Wang"!
It was at this moment that she remembered what Yan Xing called her, and it felt like she had experienced a dream. She and him were still so close to each other a year ago. Being slandered by others and being envied by others, he also protects her.

The man said he would protect her, why did he break his promise, women are fickle, she never thought that he would change one day, and he changed his face when he said he would change his face, and easily abandoned her childhood friendship with him.

Yan Xing is not the kind of man who reneges on his promises. He can't bear to see her sad or to see her suffer a little bit of grievance. How could he not forget his old feelings and leave her alone?
Wang Yuxuan still didn't believe that Yan Xing would really treat her like that, standing in the sun, thinking hard about why, she just drank too much and said that she was slandered by rumors, but did not cause actual harm, why did he care so much and ask for it? Break with her?

She was exposed to the sun, and she didn't move. Zhao Zongze's hand holding the umbrella tightened, and he almost crushed the umbrella cup. He tried his best to grab her and hold her like a princess in his palm. She said that she was with him. Very happy, all she wanted was the way of life with him, and in the end, she still couldn't forget that person in her heart.

Women are never satisfied!

Looking at his girlfriend's fairy-like figure, he remembered the loli girl beside that person. That kind of girl is the man's favorite, but... it's just that he doesn't have time to dig corners for the time being. The most important thing at the moment is to coax first. Well, this is right in front of you. When you get married and go ashore, it won't be too late to pry the corner.

As long as the hoe dances well, there is no corner that cannot be digged. At the beginning, he was able to successfully dig a corner for the first time, grabbing that person's green plum, and he can dig again in the future.

Slowly, Zhao Zongze relaxed his clenched fingers, cleared his mind, took a few steps, and covered his beautiful girlfriend with an umbrella: "Xiao Xuan, don't worry too much, Yan Shao is probably still angry, he is a little rushed, wait for him. It will be fine if you calm down, he will definitely understand you."

The umbrella covered the sun and cast a shadow on the ground. Wang Yuxuan, who was sinking in her own thoughts, suddenly came to her senses, and because she had been under the scorching sun for a while, her eyes hadn't adapted to the changes, and she was in a trance.

After two or three seconds, his eyes adjusted to the light, he touched the top of his head, which was a little hot from the sun, and put his hand on her boyfriend's arm again, with a soft voice: "Ze, will you be like Xiao Long Bao one day? Ruthless to me?"


Zhao Zongze's heart tightened, and his limbs were stiff for a moment. He looked forward unnaturally, and instantly recovered. He put the umbrella in the left hand of the handbag, and the right hand hugged the beautiful woman into his arms. , kissed her forehead at the corner of his mouth: "Silly Xuanxuan, you are my princess, I don't know how many lives I have cultivated to seek the fate of this life, how can I be willing to let you be wronged. Don't be sad, let's go quickly Look at that piece of purple jade and jade, buy it and make jewelry for you."

"Well." Wang Yuxuan, who had just been neglected, leaned into the man's arms and felt a sense of security. Her lost heart was warmed by the tenderness of the man, and she hummed meekly.

He managed his girlfriend effortlessly. Zhao Zongze held an umbrella with his right hand and took her to see jade. Few women can resist the temptation of luxury jewelry. As long as they are willing to spend money and coax them with expensive jewelry, they can make them do what they say, even the Wang family. Qianjin is no exception, and has tried many times.

After walking a few steps slowly, he pretended to casually ask: "Xuanxuan, which daughter is that girl just now?"

"I don't know." Wang Yuxuan shook her head. She glanced at it casually just now, but she didn't have any impression at all.

"Hey, even Xuanxuan doesn't know? Isn't it the little princess of the cao family?" He remembered clearly that the person said that the loli girl was covered by someone with the surname cao, so she didn't need to be afraid of being bullied.

"It shouldn't be cao, it's chao. It's the same sound as the direction facing Chao, Ri Zhao Chao's family, only the Chao family has a hard bone with a hob."

"The Chao family is the Chao family where the only daughter of Vice-Chairman Li married?" Zhao Zongze was suddenly shocked. If the loli girl had the backing of the Chao family, he would never dare to dig a corner easily, the Chao family is not good. Troubled Mawo Peak.

"Eight or nine is not far from ten, why did you ask that all of a sudden?"

"I'm going to my grandmother's house in the evening. I might meet with my brother ... Yan Shao, who is going back for the festival. I have to make some preparations. If my grandmother and my grandfather ask me, I will be prepared so that I can cope with it."

"Oh." Wang Yuxuan believed it to be true, and didn't delve into that issue any further. The two held an umbrella and went to the jade shop with purple hibiscus jadeite material.

Yan Shao took the little loli away, far away from the annoying bitch and bitch, the tense heartstrings relaxed one by one. Once, someone stabbed a knife into his heart when he was most caught off guard. In the child, the stabbing made his heart full of blood, and at that moment, he hated that woman very much.

He is not afraid of hurt, and the most intolerable thing is betrayal. He never said that he must accompany his childhood sweetheart her for the rest of his life. She has the right to pursue her happiness. With the beginning and the end, she also helped the ambitious half-brother to stab him in the back.

He thought he was protecting a human fairy, kind and pure, but in the end, he discovered that under her innocent appearance, there was a viper heart that no one could see.

Qingmei's betrayal was more painful than the pain caused by any sword. His trampled heart was torn open and bloody.

And he, in addition to holding the wound behind his back and sad, can't destroy her, because that person is the little green plum he once indulged, denied her, and denied the former self.

Not being able to destroy with his own hands does not mean being tolerant and ignorant. They will never return to the past, and he will no longer tolerate her arrogance in his life. Whether she is happy or not has nothing to do with him. Lang is a passerby.

Time is the best medicine, it can heal all wounds. At first, every time he saw her, he wanted to strangle her to death. In the end, he could only turn around and pretend to be gone. It made people feel like running away. It became calmer, and when we met again, he no longer felt the pain in his heart. Perhaps, in a few days, he would see her alone, and his heart would probably no longer be disturbed.

He also knows that he can be so unrestrained today, and most of the credit is because the little loli is by his side. If someone else meets that pair alone, he will still be sad. Reunion festivals, everyone has it. Relatives have lovers and confidants, but he is homeless, only the corner of Xiangyu, who is lonely and standing, hugs a pair of shadows in the festival, how desolate the heart should be.

Fortunately, there is a little loli, there is a little loli who is willing to take in his heart that has nowhere to stay, and is willing to take him to celebrate the festival and play together, so as to avoid his soul wandering lonely in this Mid-Autumn Festival.

Yan Xing lowered his eyes slightly, and the corner of his eyes floated out from behind the sunglasses and fell on the little Loli beside her. After the little Lolita showed her spring color, it was like a sea of ​​smiles, and the whole person was beaming with joy.

And when a certain couple appeared, she was even more excited as if she had been beaten with blood. Those beautiful almond eyes with watery eyes and black pupils were even more gleaming, and the silly grin revealed a hint of wretchedness. .

He didn't know how to think of wretchedness, but he thought it was really appropriate to use those two words to describe Little Loli's current expression, because the brothers in the barracks had the same smile when they talked about dirty jokes in their spare time. general.

Little Loli was still holding his mobile phone, and she didn't know what she was thinking, her eyes flashed beautifully, and the corners of her mouth were almost pulled to the roots of her ears.

"Little Lolita?" Little Lolita laughed so hatefully, he couldn't help being jealous, he called her, Lele alone is not as good as everyone Lele, what is the happy thing to tell him Lele can't do?

"Ah?" Le Yun, who was full of horse racing, was startled by the sudden appearance of a moving male voice, raised his face, and looked like he was seeking knowledge. Didn't you see her having fun, why did you ask her to do it? ?

Being stared at by the pink and tender little loli's watery eyes, even through a pair of sunglasses, Yan Xing didn't dare to look at her, turned her eyes away, and quickly changed the subject: "I want to ask you where to go shopping, it's the grocery area. , or the jade finished product area or the cultural and play crafts area, or, let's go to eat first and then come back."

"Let's go shopping, then go to eat, and then go back to school after eating. Is there any place you want to go? I want to find something, and then go to the bookstore area to buy a few books and then go." Le Yun thinks about the holidays. There are so many people, and I don't know how long to wait for a meal, so it's better to go shopping first.

Yan Xing had no objection, he would go wherever she wanted.

Her thinking was interrupted for a while, and Le Xiaoxiao also found that Handsome Yan's cell phone was still in her hand, so she hurriedly returned it to him. As for the money, she would not default on the debt if she returned to school and transferred it.

Yan Shao had just put away his cell phone, when he suddenly heard a commotion in front of him, as well as miscellaneous words such as "someone fell down", "call 120 quickly", "is it low blood sugar" and so on.

As soon as he heard the sound, he knew that someone had suddenly fainted or fell into shock. He didn't have time to ask the little girl if she wanted to go and have a look. The petite girl was already running, and her hoofs were throbbing like a pony. Run, dash to the raucous crowd.

When the little loli jumped out, Yan Xing was actually slow for half a second. He did not expect that the little loli was so sensitive and reacted so quickly, and rushed out to see the situation at the first time.

After being stunned for a while, he also quickly caught up with the rushing little Loli, her speed was extremely fast, and he was able to catch up with his real skills.

When she heard that someone fainted, Le Yun's first thought was - go and see!Therefore, her thinking and actions were surprisingly consistent, and she rushed out at that time, and she never thought to consult handsome Yan.

The number of people walking to the Panjiayuan Antique Market during the holidays is several times higher than that in the non-holidays. The roads leading to the various antique and old market stalls are everywhere, walking, and suddenly someone slammed to the ground, throwing others. People were startled.

Suddenly, a man in his fifties fell to the ground. He hugged his abdomen in pain and curled up into a shrimp shape, and kept rolling from left to right. Accompanied by thumping, his complexion was pale and the sweat beads were the size of beans. Densely covered his face and forehead.

A young man knelt on the ground and kept calling "Dad, what's the matter with you". The passers-by first screamed, but they came around to help, but no one dared to disturb the patient, for fear that the patient's danger would be aggravated by the lack of medical knowledge.

Someone called 120, someone reassured the sick patient and the young man that the ambulance would arrive soon, and told him not to panic and let the patient persevere.

Le Yun ran outside the surrounding crowd and drilled in like a swimming fish, Yan Xingjun was slightly dark, why is Little Loli so stupid at this moment, she doesn't know how to use the power of language?

"Borrow the light, the medical students are here, please let the professionals go in and take a look." Little Lolita didn't know how to use her own medical staff advantage, so Yan Shao wouldn't waste it, and followed Little Lolita to help her clear the way.

His charming and beautiful voice immediately attracted attention, and passersby asked, "Where is the doctor who studied medicine?" "Where is the special staff?"

Some of the people in front of the voice heard a magnetic male voice behind them. They looked back subconsciously, and then gave way to both sides. When they gave way, they found out that it was a young man with sunglasses and a girl with a very confused expression. Still stunned, the young man in sunglasses, guarding the little girl, passed through the crowd and ran to the patient who fell to the ground.

? !
When people looking for a doctor see a girl squeezed into a circle with a weird expression, don't tell them that the child is a medical staff.

Squeezed into the crowd, Le Yun also saw the patient clearly. It was a man in his fifties with black and white clothes. He covered his stomach and turned to one side. From her angle, he could see his face. She bit her lip tightly, her face turning blue-gray.

A young man in his twenties was kneeling and squatting beside the man. He was carrying a backpack. Facing the man who fell to the ground, he panicked and didn't know what to do.

Looking at the complexion, she knew that the patient's intestinal system in the internal organs had a problem. At the same time, she turned on the X-ray scan of her eyes. After verification, it was true. His ileum was invaginated into the cecum, which is called "intussusception" in medical terms.

Intussusception is a procedure in which a section of bowel is inserted into the lumen of the bowel it is connected to.The most common sites are the ileum invaginating the relatively large cecum, and the large intestine is not excluded, and the small intestine is invaginated.

Intussusception is one of the most common acute abdominal diseases in infants. It is less common in adults and more common in the elderly. The incidence is especially high in the elderly with constipation.

The collapsed patient's abdominal intussusception contracted violently, causing abdominal pains that nearly made him cramp.

When examining the patient's symptoms, Le Yun didn't stop, she scanned the patient's body while walking, and knew his health index very well.

Turning off the X-ray function of her eyes, she casually put the backpack on the ground, walked over to the patient and squatted down, following the man's arm tightly covering his abdomen. Green onion jade finger, pulse diagnosis.

When the onlookers first saw the little girl, they had deep doubts about her identity as a doctor. When they saw the little girl's gestures and movements to diagnose the pulse, they couldn't help but muttered in secret, isn't she really a professional?
Yan Xing followed Little Loli every step of the way. He was used to seeing life and death, and he didn't change his face about the scene in front of him. He only stood beside Little Loli. The backpack is lifted and twisted by itself, so as not to be accidentally kicked by the patient or bumped into something damaged in the backpack.

The patient's family was as dumbfounded as watching people around, the brain didn't respond, and the eyeballs moved mechanically.

Touching the pulse is just an arm that hides people's eyes and eyes. After touching the pulse once, Le Yun released her finger, stretched her finger and pressed it on the patient a few times, temporarily giving the patient pain relief.

As her slender fingers flashed past, the tensed limbs of the man who was hugging and lying on his side relaxed, he turned his back, his pursed lips loosened, and he gasped for breath.

"Dad, how are you?"

"Dad, does your stomach still hurt?" The young man rushed to his father's side and asked excitedly and nervously.

"I'm okay." The man covered in cold sweat opened his mouth with difficulty, his voice hoarse from his throat.

"Wrong, it's not that you're okay, you're in a big situation. Don't move around. I'll help you temporarily relieve the pain. I don't want you to be too painful to roll over and aggravate your internal organs, but that doesn't mean you're really okay." Le Yun Answering with a black line, what does it mean to be okay, do you think that everything will be fine if the pain is relieved for the time being?

Yan Xing: "..." Little Loli has a straight temperament, so she is not afraid of scaring people.

"Ah?" The melon eaters and the youth were dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with my dad?" The young man was frightened.

"'s okay..." The man raised his head and wanted to sit up, but was powerless.

Still saying it's okay?

Le Yun wanted to photograph someone, but she didn't care if he thought he was a patient, and said to his family: "Your father's symptoms are intussusception, and the initial diagnosis is that the ileum has inserted into the cecum. The onset of the disease was probably after [-] pm yesterday , at the beginning of the onset of abdominal pain, feeling like vomiting, he probably didn't care about it, as normal abdominal pain, he should have taken analgesics to relieve the pain. If you don't believe it, you can touch your father's left abdomen, where there is a lump; What's the matter with the nesting, you can check it online on your mobile phone."

The corners of Yan Xing's mouth trembled slightly. Little Loli was always in awe. He sometimes even suspected that Little Loli was not a human being. You said that a person with flesh and blood could be so powerful. Not bad at all.

The onlookers were also stunned for a while, and some responded quickly. They took their mobile phones to check what intussusception was.

"I..." The man opened his mouth, sweating like rain.

"Is it serious?" The young man's vocal cords vibrated nervously.

"The pulse response is good. The intussusception should have no lesions for now, but it must not be taken lightly. Don't expect the bowel to reset naturally. You must immediately seek medical attention for a reset operation," Le Yun glanced at the man's bluish-white face, very friendly Reminder: "Sir, you should give up chili peppers in the future. You eat too much spicy food, and your stomach can't bear it anymore. If you don't avoid it, it will still be easy to get gastric perforation. If you get stomach cancer, you won't have time to regret it."

"How do you know that my dad is so hot?" The young man was so shocked that he almost jumped up. His father was not hot, but how could someone who had never met her know that.

"If I can't even see that simple thing, how can I have the face to tell people that I am studying medicine. Your father's condition can't be delayed. When the ambulance arrives, go to the hospital and ask the doctor to do an abdominal X-ray first. Checking the intestines will save you some unnecessary inspections and save a lot of money." Le Yun was quite speechless, she caught the patient's shocked face and smiled beautifully: "Don't move around, wait for the ambulance to arrive. Go to the hospital, don’t be afraid of the disease, treat it as soon as possible, and be good for yourself and your family.”

The man nodded weakly, watching the little girl stand up, he closed his eyes and panted.

Looking around: "..."

They haven't quite figured it out yet.

When the intussusception is mild, it can be reset by manual external abdominal massage. The more serious cases can only be operated. The patient in front of me is the moderately severe one and needs surgery. It is useless to leave Le Yun. After passing her own backpack, she ran away quickly. She helped people to check the pulse. It was also for practice. She had nothing to do with herself and had to run. She didn't want to be famous.

While the people in the circle were still in the fog, Yan Shao protected Little Loli and got out of the crowd. The two spread their feet, drilled east and right, and got into the wandering crowd, staying away from the scene of the incident.

When the two come, they don't need to be invited, they don't need to be sent when they go, and they come and go without leaving their names.

"Hey, where is the person?" When the one tall and one small person disappeared, someone just looked up from the screen of the mobile phone and looked around.


"Ah, how did you go? I still want to find her to help me check my pulse to see if I'm sick."

"I want, too."

An elderly aunt answered, but unfortunately, she was a step behind, and when she remembered, she was gone.

"I-I...I forgot to say thank you to her." The young man was extremely ashamed. He had just forgotten to say thank you to the man wearing sunglasses and the girl who helped his father's pulse.

The crowd also regretted it. They didn't react at that time. They must have been influenced by the young man in sunglasses. The young man in sunglasses looked too mysterious and made them lose their minds, so they forgot to stop them.

Because people were surrounded, passers-by became more and more surrounded. I heard that there was nothing to do, and some of them dispersed. In the end, only the first dozen people were left to accompany the patients and their families to wait for the ambulance.

Classmate Le Xiao slipped out of the crowd and slipped very fast. Yan Xing looked at the little Loli who was jumping and jumping, and the hardest corner of her heart softened a bit. Little Loli did her duty as a doctor and did not stay behind , she is the living **.

After walking far, Le Yun immediately forgot about checking the pulse of passers-by, ran to the greenhouse, rushed into a passage between the stalls, and ran to the book stall area while watching.

She traveled to the ghost market, went to the rough jade area, and found several ancients with aura. She was in a good mood. She didn't care about those antiques with meager aura and little use, and only looked for what she was looking for. thing.

After visiting two booths, Le Xiao finally found the ideal item - a set of stone pounding bowls. The pounding bowl and pounding rod are made of beige granite in granite. The granite is hard and weather-resistant, with high density. A small set The pounding bowl weighs several pounds.

The pounding bowl is used to grind sesame seeds, etc. Nowadays, there are many stainless steel and ceramic pounding bowls, which are light and convenient, replacing the cumbersome stone pounding bowls, which can only be seen in the antique and flea market.

Because few people buy stone pounding bowls, student Le Xiao crazily bargained down the price. He even lowered the high price of a piece of five hundred to 100 yuan. Mimi's gone.

(End of this chapter)

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