magic eye doctor

Chapter 172 Clues

Chapter 172 Clues
Liu Dashao's sense of direction has always been very good, so even if it is his first time in Nanshi, for him who has deliberately memorized the map for a long time, he is not afraid of getting dizzy, let alone getting lost. .

He wanders around here, and wherever he goes, in the eyes of others, the young man holding the mobile phone is no different from the mobile phone party on the street. Anyway, the mobile phone party has to love each other with the mobile phone even when walking, and the public is used to it.

Liu Dashao, who was running all over the street, just wandered around like that, got a thorough understanding of the various roads in front of and behind the mobile phone store that sold a certain phone number, wandered into the police station, and chatted with the person in charge of the station on duty. After chatting about life, I went to check the camera files of each road section.

The cameras are managed by the traffic department and are backed up in the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Each station has the right to check with the consent of the superiors. Liu Shao packed all the records of a certain period of time, sent them to his personal PDA, and went straight to the mobile phone shop with two staff members. .

During the holidays, various places vigorously promote promotions to attract customers. The manager and salesperson of the mobile phone store saw the sudden arrival of public officials and thought that someone had reported illegal or criminal behavior in the store or the salesperson. They were quite nervous. The manager invited someone into the office. When I heard that the uninvited guest wanted to check the camera records in the store and the sales record table of a certain year and a certain month, I was greatly relieved.

The store manager handed over all the records that he kept to the police comrades. All cameras in the store have records that have not been damaged due to malfunctions. The business records have been kept in files since the opening of the store, and even all previous or current store staff information is also available. .

While packing information, Liu Dashao checked the records of a certain year, a certain month and a certain day, found out the business record sheet of a certain day, and then checked the camera records, compared them, and accurately locked the target. Keep it in mind, after packing the information, leave with the police officer, and then go back to the police station.

Go to the office, release the target, and screen through the record system of the household registration archives. In less than 10 minutes, the person is seated and the information is retrieved. The person who bought a certain mobile phone number is an ordinary office worker without any bad records.

After finding out, the policeman accompanies Young Master Liu on the trip again, and visits a certain person in person. The new account number was changed, and the neighborhood committee did not even know the new account number, so he could only contact his family and notify the person to come to the neighborhood committee.

While waiting for someone, Young Master Liu was working on the computer with his arms in his arms. After four or ten minutes, a man in his fifties sweated profusely and found the reception room of the neighborhood committee.

He is the owner of a certain number three years ago. His surname is Wang, Wang Dafa. Wang is the most populous surname in South H Province. Therefore, people with the surname Wang can be seen everywhere in South H City.

Wang Dafa himself went to the park with his family. He received a call from the neighborhood committee and rushed all the way. Because he didn't know why he was looking for him, he was very anxious. When he saw the two police officers, he relaxed and didn't tell him to go. The police station, explaining that he should not have become a suspect in any major case. As long as he has not become a criminal suspect, it will be fine.

"Comrade police officer, I'm Wang Dafa. If you ask me anything, I will definitely cooperate." Wang Dafa wiped his sweat and stood in front of the public case investigator.

"Comrade Wang Dafa, don't be nervous, please take a seat, wait for this comrade to ask you anything, you can answer truthfully."

The two police officers gently soothed the public, asked him to sit down, and poured him a glass of water. The two left the reception room and closed the door with their backhands. They stood at the door and waited.

The two police officers went out, and Wang Dafa's nervous forehead was sweating again, and he felt his throat was dry, so he took two sips of water to moisten his throat.

Liu Xiangyang put the computer aside, smiled and sat opposite the man with a gentle attitude: "Don't be nervous, fellow, we are here to ask a few questions, is the number 158**4 yours?"

"Yes, it's my mobile phone number." Wang Dafa frequently wiped away sweat.

"Can I show you my phone and number?"

"This... I can't give it to you. The number and mobile phone were broken a few days ago and have been disabled. I just changed it to a new number and mobile phone."

"Which day did the phone and number break?"

Wang Dafa felt that something was wrong, why did he always ask him about his mobile phone number?He couldn't figure out the reason, thought about it, and answered honestly: "It should be the 11th or the 12th, I'm a little vague about the specific day."

"Are your cell phones and old cards still at home?"

"...Not here." Wang Dafa sweated even more fiercely, and his voice stuttered: "Police... Comrade Police, is it... Is there something wrong with my number?"

"Two days ago, your mobile phone number was suspected of telecommunication fraud, and the amount involved was several million, so we specially came to verify the name of the phone owner."

"Impossible!" Wang Dafa jumped up: "Police classmate, I definitely did not cheat money, my mobile phone and number really broke a few days ago..."

As he spoke, he sat down softly, his lips were shaking: "Impossible, impossible, impossible..."

"You said the phone was broken, how did you break it?" Liu Xiangyang didn't ask what "impossible" meant, but kept asking for details about the phone and number.

"It fell... in the toilet." Wang Dafa said the reason with difficulty: "I didn't drop it myself, but... it was the leader of my company. He... The phone was out of power, and he was in a hurry to make a call, so he borrowed it from me. I used my mobile phone for a while, and then... I fell into the toilet, and he compensated me for the mobile phone and card money, the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, I just bought a new mobile phone and calling card with that money today."

"In other words, you didn't see your phone dropped in the toilet, did you?" Liu Xiangyang's eyes flashed, Wang Dafa was a security guard of Lekang Pharmaceutical, and his leader was of course a member of Lekang Pharmaceutical. A certain leader borrowed Wang Dafa's mobile phone to send a picture of the hands of the little beauty that made a person rubbish to instructor Han.

"I didn't see it with my own eyes! I remember that it was lunch time that day. I went to the cafeteria and met the leader on the road. Halfway through, he ran to the toilet in a hurry, and came back to say that his mobile phone had accidentally dropped into the toilet. He repeatedly said sorry to me, compensated me 5000 yuan for the mobile phone and the handling fee for replacing the card, and told me to buy a new phone and replace it card, because the number at the end is not very auspicious, I have been considering whether to change the number, so I didn’t register with my real name, and I simply changed a new number when I bought a new phone today.”

Wang Dafa didn't dare to hide it, he told the truth and Liu Xiangyang was calm as usual: "What's your leader's name?"

"Sun Wei."

"Thank you for your cooperation, your suspicions are cleared, you can do what you need to do after you go back, you don't have to tell anyone what happened today, and you don't have to have any psychological burden, as long as it is confirmed that you did not do it yourself, others will steal your phone. You don't have to bear the consequences if you use your phone number to conduct illegal and criminal activities."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Wang Dafa was incoherently excited: "Thank you!"

Liu Xiangyang showed an approachable and reassuring smile, and asked him like a family when he joined Lekang to work, who was in the family, how old was the child, and so on.

He dragged around a lot of trivial things in life, and when everyone calmed down, Liu Dashao sent Mr. Wang away. Wang Dafa heard that he could leave. The policeman thanked him again and again, and then went downstairs with anxiety.

The two police officers returned to the reception room and saw that Young Master Liu had packed up his notebooks. The two also brought up their briefcases and asked in a low voice, "Young Master Liu, what do you need us to do?"

"That case is not just as simple as a fraud, it has a wide range of implications. The suspects are followed by professionals and take over the investigation, so you don't know anything, don't panic, when you need assistance when you close the net, that's the time for you to act. "

The two police officers nodded frequently. They were ordinary police officers, and they did what they said.

The three said goodbye to the duty officer of the neighborhood committee, and went outside to separate ways. The two police officers returned to the police station, and Young Master Liu went directly to the hotel where he was staying.

He called back to the hotel. It was during the noon rush hour. There were many people dining at the hotel. The eldest young master didn't want to make up the number.

He has already obtained the list of all the employees of Lekang Pharmaceutical, and the information of the company's leaders has also been listed. It is easy to find out who is.

Sun Wei, a relative of Sun Jiye, the second shareholder of Lekang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is best at slapping horses, and because he is good at flattering, and relying on his relatives, he has become a leader in Lekang. He is the section chief of the security department. It was pretty good.

Liu Xiangyang retrieved Sun Wei's information, wrote down his mobile phone number, manipulated the computer again, and quickly found a lot of Sun's phone records from the communication company and the Internet, as well as his circle of friends and frequent visits. Site traces.

Seeing one of them, Liu Xiaoxiao smiled evilly, swiped his finger on the computer, and successfully infiltrated someone's circle and sent a string of seed files.

It took less than 10 minutes for his torrent files to be sent out, and the number of people who attacked them skyrocketed. Seeing that the first target person also downloaded the files, Liu Xiaoxiao hummed happily: "La la la la, the seeds have been sown, so let's go!" Waiting for the autumn harvest!"

Alas, there is nothing more fun than playing with technology!

He planted viruses in some people's mobile phones and computers. Unless they completely formatted the hard disk memory and reinstalled the system, as long as those people were turned on, he could remotely monitor their whereabouts and actions at any time and find the ones he wanted. required information.

Humming a little tune cheerfully, Liu Xiangyang started to receive the information, first received a large amount of data from a certain Sun, and then generated pictures or text. When he looked at a picture in a certain folder, it turned out to be the one he was most familiar with. With a pink smile on his face, his sword brows stood up in anger, and he burst into anger: "Bastard, God damn it, you are dead!"

The goddamn grandson of the turtle, who even took the head of a little beauty and asked someone to post it as a lewd object, he is not as good as a beast!
(End of this chapter)

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