Chapter 176 Spending the Festival Together
Jia Ling was picked up by her granddaughter Zhao Danxuan and her grandson Zhao Zongze to go shopping. The grandson only accompanied her for a short walk and then went to accompany her fiancée. She was accompanied by her granddaughter to the international mall and bought a lot of luxury goods. At noon, she went to a star restaurant to enjoy French Have a big meal and go for a beauty treatment in the afternoon.

After taking care, I changed my hairstyle, curled my shoulder-length hair slightly, put on makeup, dressed up beautifully, drank afternoon tea, and went to the luxury store again.

The whole day was full of schedules, and she had a lot of fun. When the night was dark, no one at home urged her to go back. She was not in a hurry and deliberately delayed the time. Seeing that the night was falling, no one was urging her to go home. It felt a little weird. Go home.

When the car arrived outside the community, Jia Ling went home first, and asked her granddaughter to go to Yan's house together when her grandson came.

"Grandma, walk steadily." Zhao Danxuan asked her affectionately after seeing her off the bus.

She was wearing a red miniskirt, with a delicate face the size of a palm, and her long hair that was draped over her shoulders and was slightly curled. Jia Ling's new hairstyle was based on her granddaughter's appearance. Looking at the back, she thought it was a mother and daughter.

"My baby Xuanxuan is the most caring." Jia Ling happily touched her granddaughter's little face, and told her to wait for her phone to remind her. She carried two paper bags, stepped on four-inch high heels, and walked towards her family enchantingly. community.

Seeing her grandmother enter the gate of the community, Zhao Danxuan sat back in the car and drove the car away from the gate of the community so that no one could see her.

Jia Ling carried the paper bag and returned to the outside of the building. Seeing that the lights on her own floor didn't turn on, she felt a little anger in her heart. Is Xiao Jin being lazy again?

The family building of railway cadres is a small high-rise building newly built after the new millennium. Each building has [-] floors and is a duplex building with two floors and five households. The unit allocated by the Yan family is on the second floor.

In order to get the chance to get everyone's dirty, Jia Ling took the elevator upstairs, walked to the door lightly, took the key and opened the door lightly, the living room was pitch black all the time.

He turned on the light and shouted, "Xiaojin Xiaojin Xiaojin..."

No one responded, the whole house was empty, she dropped the paper bag and ran to the kitchen, where everything was neatly tidied up, and the nanny room was empty.

This made her very angry, ding ding dong dong upstairs, pushed open the bedroom, it was empty, went to the study, the door was locked, knocked on the door, but there was no response.

There seems to be no one at home!

Realizing that fact, Jia Lingjing's finely dressed face turned blue for a second, then ran downstairs in one breath, found the purse-style handbag on the sofa, and took out her mobile phone to call the babysitter.

Aunt Jin was still on the high-speed train back to her hometown when she received a call from Mrs. Yan. She was busy answering it, and she said, "Xiao Jin, where have you been? Where is the old gentleman?"

"Ma'am, I was on the high-speed train going home. The old gentleman went to an old friend's house in the afternoon and said that he would not be at home for dinner at night. He said that the young masters of the Zhao family took their wives out for the festival and would not come home for dinner, so he let me go home. "

Aunt Jin was a little surprised, the wife was not picked up by Miss Zhao and the young master to play, why was she so angry.

The blue veins on Jia Ling's temple jumped: "Did you say which friend's house did you go to?"

"The old gentleman didn't say it. I took the old gentleman to the car. The direction should be to go to Liu's hometown."

"Okay, I got it." Jia Ling hung up the phone angrily when he heard that he went to Liu's house, with a gloomy expression on his face, Yan Ming went to Liu's house, just because Liu's youth and Yan Xing were brothers, he went to Liu's house not only to see What can grandchildren do?Yan Xing didn't go back to his grandfather's house to go to someone else's house to celebrate the festival, did he want others to say that her step-grandmother abused him?
The wife's tone was very aggressive, and Aunt Jin didn't feel relieved. She put away her mobile phone, and she was almost at her hometown, and she would arrive at the station in about ten minutes.

Jia Ling sat for a while, and the more she thought about it, the more she thought about it, she tried her best to calm herself down and dialed Yanming's cell phone.

In the Qingda Zhuangyuan Building, Yan Ming was holding his mobile phone. Hearing his grandson's cold tone, his heart became more and more uncomfortable. He silently opened the screen of the old man's mobile phone and slowly swiped it a few times. Then, the ringtone could not be heard. He Put the phone back in the pocket.

Yan Xing looked at his grandfather's screen and thought he was about to answer the phone. Nibble to vent your dissatisfaction.

When he didn't hear the bell ringing, he paused for the meat-eating action: "If you want to pick up, pick it up, I'm afraid people will hear you borrowing Little Lolita's balcony to go to Qingqing and me to talk love, Little Lolita doesn't have the bad hobby of eavesdropping, and I don't want to either. On the back of the charge of destroying the relationship of other people's husband and wife."

"..." In the face of his grandson's cynicism, Yan Ming's limbs were stiff, his old face was filled with pain and embarrassment, he looked at his grandson and hesitated.

Le Yun sat opposite a pair of grandparents and grandchildren, and she could clearly see the sparkling water in the eyes of the old man. She could only sigh. That guy Yan Shuai took the wrong medicine. The irony stimulates the elderly.

She stretched out her arms, took a large piece of pork trotters and put it into the bowl of handsome Yan, who was trying to hide her true feelings by eating: "Brother Yan, eat you, no one thinks you are dumb if you don't speak."

There were more pieces of meat in the bowl, Yan Xing raised his head and stared at his little loli in amazement, seeing that she would not let her hurt her grandfather's heart, she suddenly rejoiced: "Hey, I'm eating, I'm not dumb. , Of course I have something to say, but it is useless to say it. Anyway, everyone knows that my grandson of the Yan family is better than a person who is not a grandson of a grandson. Failure to lead by example and be filial to the elderly will only smear the faces of the soldiers."

Yanming turned his head with difficulty, and it was pouring rain in his heart. He finally knew why Xiao Longbao was reluctant to go back. It was because his attitude towards his step-wife and the Zhao brothers and sisters gave others reasons to hurt Xiao Longbao. Grandson's words.

Le Yun can only sigh, afraid of angering the old man, she put a piece of pig's trotter in the bowl of handsome Yan again, and glared at him to threaten him: "Yan, if the meat can't stop your mouth, don't shout that you want to eat delicious food in the future. of."

"I can't stop it, I won't say it anymore," Little Loli called out the old name she used to call her, Yan Xing's back tightened, and she immediately confessed, muttered, and carefully verified: "Little Luo Li, that, don't deduct the next time, I promise to pretend to be deaf and dumb from now on, and never point to other people's lives, and they can live as they like."

Le Yun wanted to touch her forehead, but handsome Yan definitely took the wrong medicine today. Didn't he say he was pretending to be dumb, so why did he add the last two sentences? Isn't that clearly stabbing his grandfather?

"Deduct the two meat dishes." She didn't want the pair of grandparents to break up on her territory, so she resolutely suppressed handsome Yan.

"Little Loli, you said that you want to invite me to eat the dishes I like, and you can't keep your word and get fat." Yan Xing was secretly surprised, his hair stood on end, without careful scrutiny, he could guess that if Little Lolita deducted meat dishes, she would definitely deduct pigs Hoof and pork belly, those two dishes were his most greedy. Thinking of being deducted, he felt like cutting meat. No, it hurts more than cutting meat.

"Subtract one more melon greens."

"Xiaoluo..." Yan Xing wanted to defend himself, but when he saw Xiaoluoli's smiling face, he suddenly realized that he had to shut up and said that he was wrong. , not speaking is the best choice.

Glancing at the grandfather beside him, he saw his grandfather staring sideways at him in a daze, and he felt a little guilty. Grandpa didn't know the truth. He must be very sad to hear his sarcasm. In the bowl: "Grandpa, eat quickly, the dishes are going to be cold."

"Yeah." Yan Ming, who was so choked that he couldn't get off the stage, saw that his grandson took the initiative to relent, so he got off the donkey down the slope, responded with a sound, and continued to eat with chopsticks.

There was pain in his heart, he didn't have much appetite at first, but he couldn't bear the food was so delicious, he couldn't control his mouth after one bite. The grandson helped him pick up a few more dishes, and Yan Ming was quickly coaxed into confusion, and he started a food battle with his grandson.

A pair of grandparents and grandchildren have no old or young quarrels. One accuses the other of robbing him, and the other says that people are too slow and backward, so they have to be robbed and wait. Le Yun sees the corners of her eyes jumping and jumping, silently eating, and then making Watching from the wall, watching the grandparents and grandchildren snatch vegetables shamelessly and shamelessly, and secretly evaluate who is stronger in combat.

The more I look at it, the more I think about it... I want to get out of here, really, that pair of grandparents and grandchildren are clearly showing affection!In terms of combat power, Yan Shuai killed his grandfather in seconds, but he deliberately showed a frantic rush mode. In fact, he was stimulating his grandson and asked his grandfather to eat more. He quietly dominated the whole process.

As the master, Le Xiaoxiao felt that she was the superfluous person and needed to make way for the ancestral pair to connect with each other, but the dormitory belonged to her, so she could not run away, and could only eat what others scattered Affectionate dog food.

The grandparents of the Yan family ate and drank happily. They didn't look at the phone again. Naturally, they didn't know that the phone was called and called again, and Jia Ling was making one call after another. After making more than ten calls in a row, there was still no answer, and he was furious. Where is the old thing dead, don't you bring your mobile phone with you?
The anger in my heart was so mad that smoke came out of my head, Qing Tie cut off the phone with a stern face, ran upstairs in a rage, went to the bedroom on the second floor, simply packed two sets of clothes, went downstairs, took the wallet and mobile phone , turned off the lights and closed the door, and left home with a whole body of anger.

Full of anger, Jia Ling walked out of the community and avoided the community guard to call her granddaughter.

Zhao Danxuan avoided and waited left and right. After waiting for a long time, neither her brother nor her grandmother called her. Her patience was almost worn out. When she finally got her grandmother's call, she quickly answered, thinking that her grandmother had informed her that she could enter the community. Unexpectedly, it was her grandmother who asked her to pick up people at the gate of the community.

She immediately drove, took a turn, and then went to the gate of the railway cadre's family community again. Seeing that her grandmother was still carrying a small travel bag, she couldn't help being a little confused, and quickly got out of the car to pick her up.

Seeing that her grandmother looked bad, she didn't ask the reason. She waited until she got into the car and closed the door before asking, "Grandma, what's the matter, she looks unhappy?"

"Can you be happy with no one at home?" When asked why, Jia Ling was full of anger when she thought about it.

"Father... Gong is not at home?" Zhao Danxuan's expression changed, the master was not at home, didn't they waste their time this Mid-Autumn Festival?
"The dead old ghost probably went to Liu's house, and no one answered the phone. I was so pissed that I didn't say anything. Let's go and find a hotel."

"Staying in a hotel?" Zhao Danxuan was taken aback: "Grandma, you don't want to run away from home, do you? This...isn't that bad?"

"What's wrong? If he dares to leave me, I'll show him. I'll stay outside for three or five days. He doesn't ask me and I won't go back. Let's see who is in a hurry in the end."

"Grandma, what if he's not nervous?"

"Silly boy, you are worrying too much. For so many years, I have held him in my palm for a long time. He can't stand loneliness. If I leave him alone for a day or two, he will have no temper. He can't jump out of my palm. of."

"Grandma is mighty! Grandma is the most powerful. Whether my brother and I can become winners depends on you. Grandma is our protector. You are so smart, witty, beautiful and dignified, and you must live a long life." Zhao Danxuan flattered decisively.

"As far as your mouth is the sweetest, don't worry. Grandma is your mother's child. If you don't help anyone, the Zhao family belongs to you, and the Yan family belongs to you."

"I know that my grandmother is the best grandmother in the world, and she is the happiest and happiest granddaughter to be her grandmother. Grandma, let's go now? Let's go to a feast with Meimei, and then go to watch the Mid-Autumn Festival Moon Festival?" Zhao Danxuan was excited , the eyes are full of greed, as long as the elder brother becomes the heir of the Zhao family, the things of the Yan family are hers!

"Let's go." Jia Ling was in a happy mood after being coaxed by her granddaughter, and agreed with a smile.

With the consent of her grandmother, Zhao Danxuan excitedly started the car and went to find a restaurant. During festivals such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, hotels in Kyoto are very popular, and it is difficult to find a room, but it refers to the properties below the VIP level, such as presidential suites and top VIP rooms. Spare, not afraid of not being able to book a room.

China has a vast territory, and there are different customs for the Mid-Autumn Festival in different places. No matter how different the North and South are, everyone has one thing in common. No matter in the countryside or in the city, there are countless people who choose to get married and hold a banquet on this day. Those who excavate the foundation to build the house or cap it, in order to borrow the auspicious metaphor of reunion.

Rojia also chose to cap the building on this day.

After Zhou Qiufeng asked the workers to build the house, the personnel were in place, and the bricks, cement, sand, and white ash were in place one by one. It took two days to lift the bricks to the second floor.

Brother Zhou and the master craftsman are members of the construction team in the village. They have a good reputation for efficiency and quality in the Fangyuan area. They help people build houses everywhere, and help the people in their own villages to do their work, and they are extremely responsible.

The second floor of Lejia has already built part of the wall, but now it is just to increase the height on the original basis. After building the wall, pour the stairs, install the formwork, and tie the steel bars.

After all the basic processes are completed, the final step is to cast the capped panel. Because some materials still need to be prepared, the capping is scheduled for the morning of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The family is building a house, and Zhou Qiufeng is in charge of the land and the house, and she is very busy every day. She also makes time to go to the mountains to pick mushrooms with the best people in the village.

After the beginning of autumn, many mushrooms that grow in autumn also grow one after another. In the countryside, it is also a busy season for mushroom picking in the spring and autumn of the year. The villagers in Siliba go up to the mountains to pick mushrooms to eat or sell.

Zhou Qiufeng also went to climb the mountain to look for mushrooms every one or two days. After picking them, some of them were eaten or given as favors to the people who built the houses, and some of them were dried and kept. Every time she came back, she had fruitful results, and she had accumulated several large packages in a short period of time. mushroom.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the small workshop where Le Dad worked was also on holiday, and it happened to be capped on the second floor that day. He could also help a little at home. On that day, the couple would get up when it was light and take care of the pigs, chickens and ducks. Let's eat early and wait for the craftsman to start work.

After Le Dad got married, he had a good family and was in a good mood every day. Zhou Qiufeng took care of him to gain a few pounds, and he became paler. He seemed to be a few years younger.

He had been married for two months. When the husband and wife were mixing oil, he made pills for his wife because of his little padded jacket. He hadn't lived as a husband and wife for more than half a month. He felt a little depressed, and occasionally complained that he was small The padded jacket deliberately adjusted him, but whenever he saw Zhou Qiufeng's smiling face, his little grudge was blown away by the wind thousands of miles away.

The roof of the house is closed, and Le Dad has inconvenient legs and feet, so he can't help mix sand, transport mud, etc. He has already taken the job from his wife, who is responsible for slaughtering chickens and ducks, and the house is made by others. No matter the three meals, but On the day when the ceiling is capped, it is necessary to manage lunch or dinner, and entertain the craftsmen, also known as Master Xie Rice.

Lejia is scheduled to do the roofing work in the morning and take care of the lunch. Therefore, when the housework is finished, Zhou Qiufeng assigns the work to Yueqing. While waiting for the craftsmen, she also lists the dishes to eat at noon.

The son-in-law's family is overjoyed. After breakfast, Grandma Zhou also cleaned up herself well. She and her son Zhou Xialong went to the Lejia. Building a house was a big deal. As her mother's family, the Zhou family was not stingy. Workers and helpers.

During the school holiday, the Zhou family's grandsons Zhou Tianming and Zhou Chunmei were also at home. They were embarrassed to go to their aunt's house, and they watched TV and played with their mobile phones at home, and Zhou's sister-in-law also took care of her own affairs at home.

Not long after Zhou’s mother and son arrived at Lejia, Cheng Youde and his wife also came to help. Soon, the craftsmen and the helpers also arrived. They were all from the village and they were familiar with each other. The construction team also brought the machines and the staff arrived. ,start.

The mixer made a rumbling sound. Some helpers added materials to the machine, some operated the machine to transport the mixed cement slurry to the top of the floor, and there were also people on the roof, pouring the slurry and filling it up. Upstairs and downstairs were busy. .

Grandma Zhou and Sister Liu helped slaughter chickens and ducks, pluck feathers, stew pig trotters, cut pork and so on.

The crowd collected firewood with great enthusiasm, and with the efforts of dozens of people, it took more than two minutes from 10:30 to [-]:[-] to complete the casting of the roof project.

After pouring the cement on the floor, wait for some water to drain away. When the mud surface is semi-dry, you should add a layer of bricks along the edge when the cement is sticky. In that case, you want to build a third layer or build a rain cover on the edge in the future. If the cement is fully hardened, it will be difficult to bond due to the difference in dryness and wetness when laying bricks.

That step will take a while. Therefore, after measuring the concrete surface of the floor, the workers will go downstairs first. Brother Zhou and the young people set off another firecracker to celebrate. Everyone washes their feet and shoes first, and enjoys the fun. Eat melon and fruit snacks at home.

After waiting for nearly two hours, before the meal was about to start, the construction team carried stones to the top of the building, laid bricks along the edge, filled a circle of bricks, and went downstairs to eat.

The roof work was successfully completed, Le Dad grinned excitedly and smiled like a fool.

Master Xie of Lejia prepared a very rich meal, and the host and guests were slightly drunk. After the meal, Zhou Qiufeng settled the bill with the workers again, and paid the wages that should be paid first.

The roof of the building is not completely completed. The roof and walls of the stairwell will be built later, formwork removal, painting, etc., will take a month to complete, so the previous wages must be paid off.

The members of the construction team received their wages and unanimously guaranteed that the follow-up projects would also be contracted by them. They took the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts and red envelopes from Lejia and went home happily.

The people who came to help the workers for free help Lejia to deal with the many materials, and then go home after cleaning up the venue. They also receive a Mid-Autumn Festival gift and a red envelope for each person.

There is Zhou Qiufeng, the big housekeeper, who manages everything properly, does everything flawlessly, and no one who works in the village is ignored or despised. Everyone is happy.

Sending off the guests, Zhou Qiufeng and Le Dad went to the ground to pull weeds out of the sweet potato fields. They ended work early in the evening. They sent the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts back to their parents’ home, and they ate their own food. I didn't feel wronged, I cooked a sumptuous dinner to comfort myself.

People are in a good mood when they have a happy event. The husband and wife have built a house and are in a good mood. They have enough to eat and drink, pack up, burn tea, and prepare offerings and tea to worship the moon god. While waiting for the moon to come out, they are waiting for their little padded jacket to call .

It's not that they don't want to call the children, it's their girl who sent a message in the morning, saying that she went outside to play with her friends, and she might not be able to go back to school until evening to call them again. Dad Le and Zhou Qiufeng didn't know Lele had I didn't go back to school, and I didn't know if I was free. I was afraid that the phone call would disturb her, so I held back and didn't take the initiative to quarrel with the child.

While Lejia and his wife were waiting for the call, Yan Shao and Yan Ming finally threw enough dog food and ended the dinner happily. Yan Shao looked like a rice bucket. All the dishes were emptied. Yan Ming finally looked at his grandson in a storm. The murderous force swept away all the food, secretly shamed his ears red, and the image of his Xiaolongbao disappeared!

Yan Xing was very happy to eat. Not only did he have his favorite dishes, but he was also able to celebrate the festival with his grandfather. There were no miscellaneous people around him. This festival was the happiest.

He had a good meal, and his brows were full of joy. That face was originally handsome, and he had a smile from the heart. The smiling face was fragrant and radiant, like the bright sun, dazzling.

He smiled and packed up the dishes, transported them to the small kitchen sink, wiped the table, washed the fruits and put them on the table, and then went to wash the dishes.

Yan Ming was stunned, that young man who smiled endlessly was really his grandson Yan Xing?He felt that he had seen a fake grandson and suspected that he had been transferred.

"Old man, sit down first, I'm going to call home." After accompany the guests to finish dinner, handsome Yan took over the cleaning work, Le Yun didn't bother, and hurried to call...

"Little classmate, go do your work, don't worry about me, I have a grandson to take care of." Yan Ming felt a little ashamed, he spent a long time with Xiao Longbao, and missed the time for the master to get close to his family.

Le Yun was not polite, she took her mobile phone into the bedroom area, closed the door, threw herself on the bed, smiled and called her father and new mother, dialed the phone, and shouted excitedly: "Dad, Aunt Feng, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, your family. The little padded jacket misses you again!"

Dad Le and Zhou Qiufeng waited and waited, waiting for a long time before they got a call. Dad Le hurriedly shouted: "Lele, video, let Dad see the little padded jacket."

"Okay, okay, the video is wow, did you leave something delicious and want me to watch it?" Le Yun cried out, sending out a video invitation.

Zhou Qiufeng took it, and saw that a flash of green first appeared, and then the bed and the pillow appeared, and he couldn't help smiling: "Lele, you won't go to bed so early, right?"

"No wow, Aunt Feng, I want you and Dad to see how neatly your girl's bed is tidied up, look, your girl's quilt is beautifully folded, and it can be cooked and eaten as tofu. "

The video was moving, Lele and Zhou Qiufeng saw the boxy quilt and couldn't help laughing and laughing. The quilt was so beautifully folded that it was squarer than a cube of tofu. It looked like that, would Lele be willing to shake it off when he went to sleep?
Le Yun watched the video on the mobile phone that her father was leaning on his grandmother's shoulder like a bird. Aunt is so loving, wow, she eats this dog food willingly.

Zhou Qiufeng and Le Dad launched another [-] why mode, asking if you are used to it, whether you are having fun, whether the weather is cool or hot, what do you need, do you miss any specialties from your hometown, and how many days will the military training end? , asked if there is a holiday for the National Day...

Even if there is a phone call every three days, and a long chat every five days, there are still [-] people at home who are worried, and there are [-] worries in their hearts.

Children travel thousands of miles, parents worry, a couple is just such a precious girl, thinking that such a small person is thousands of miles away alone, full of worries and worries.

Le Yun took the trouble to answer, she managed to appease the glass-hearted father and new mother, and showed off to the parents the moon cakes from Brother Chao and Brother Li, and the moon cakes from the school. Inevitably, she was also hit back - Aunt Feng She specially made homemade pancakes, moon cakes, melon seeds, fruits, and brewed tea for her.

The two sides who hurt each other, each laughing backwards and forwards, can't stop the happy mood even if they are separated by thousands of miles.

The rhythm of the deeply hit music, grit your teeth and zoom in!He decisively moved out the few stones that had been put into the space and put them on the ground, then pointed his mobile phone to the treasures he had bought, and happily let the two elders in the family appreciate the antiques.

"That stone is beautiful."

"Lele has a good eye."

Through the screen of the mobile phone, they saw a stone that was a little purple and a little green. Dad Le and Zhou Qiufeng did not hesitate to salivate and praise the girl's collection. Lele said last time that he went to the flea market to play and bought it for a few hundred yuan. The stone inkstone was sold for [-] yuan. Anyway, it was Lele's own money. She could spend it how she wanted. No matter what she bought, they wouldn't point fingers, and they wouldn't say anything about waste. .

"Yeah, I love to hear this, it's also necessary, and I don't even think about whose family I'm from, can my eyesight be bad?" Le Yun's proud little tail was about to go up to the sky: "Dad, Aunt Feng, This stone is jade, I bought it for more than 1 yuan, and if I sell it, the price will be at least ten times higher, how about it, are you girls amazing?"


Father Le and Zhou Qiufeng were shocked when they heard that the stone cost more than 1 yuan. When they heard that the selling price would be ten times higher, they were immediately dumbfounded.
One stone is worth 10,000+, that's crazy!
The couple were dumbfounded, and the next second, they heard even more cheerful laughter: "Dad, Aunt Feng, I bought two of these stones today, and I sold the other one. This kind of jade is called Chundaicai, and it is very valuable. The stone I sold was bigger than this one, and I made 20 yuan. Your girl is now a little rich woman. I save the money for my studies. You don’t have to worry about my money not being enough. Don’t always save money and help me at home. Save money for my tuition, you have to take care of your own life, and don’t treat yourself badly..."

Zhou Qiufeng and Le Dad were stunned, two... 20? 20 is not much for the rich, but it is not a small sum for the rural people who rely on growing crops for food.

Their girl suddenly told them that she had earned 20 in one day. This... was so sudden that the two of them were really frightened.

Dad Le and Zhou Qiufeng were startled, and after spending a lot of time, they still could not calm down. They remained half-frightened and half-frightened. After being comforted for a long time, they reluctantly accepted the truth.

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Qiufeng hurriedly used his mobile phone to check what "spring with color" was. He found a lot of explanations, and found a message with pictures. After studying for a long time, Zhou Qiufeng and Yueqing made a lot of research. That kind of jade is also very valuable, and that heart is stable.

They were afraid that someone would use fake things to deceive Lele and deceive Lele into doing bad things. If it was a stone she bought and made a lot of money, they came from the right way, so they would naturally rest assured.

In turn, worry came up in his heart, Lele still has a piece of jade, and such a valuable thing is kept by his side, in case someone with a bad mind finds out, it is not safe.

The couple murmured for a long time, and finally their uneasy heart was healed again. Lele said that no one knew that she had a valuable piece of jade. If it was not safe to keep it around, she would ask brother Chao's house to help her keep it.

A phone call also gave Le Dad and Zhou Qiufeng a big surprise. Even if they were a little worried, they were more happy than worried, waiting for the moon to come out with excitement.

After the phone call, Le Yun happily threw the stone back into the space. She didn't dare to tell her father and new mother that she had earned more than 200 million yuan at once. With so much money, even she felt unreal for a while. He boldly told Dad and Aunt Feng that they were probably so worried about her personal safety that they couldn't even sleep.

In order not to frighten the glass heart father and new mother, she dared not tell the truth. She said less first, let people get used to it first, and then told them more amazing numbers after they had developed a good mental endurance.

There were guests outside, and Le Yun did not hesitate to leave the bedroom and go to the living room.

Le Xiaoxiao did not deliberately lower her voice when she called, and her happy voice spread from the bedroom to the living room, making people outside listen closely.

Yan Ming initially thought that the girl was also the second generation of the capital or the second generation of wealth. When he heard the girl chatting with her family, he speculated that the little girl was actually a child of an ordinary family. Children become friends, obviously unscientific!
Yan Xing had already found out about Little Lolita's family background. As an insider, he also deeply understood Little Lolita's false reporting of 290 million yuan as 20 yuan. Little Lolita's father and stepmother are both honest and responsible people. Let them suddenly know that the windfall has come to their children, and they must be worried. Little Lolita does not tell the truth, and it is for the good of the family.

When the master came out, a pair of grandparents and grandchildren smiled kindly, never asking about other people's family affairs, only talking about the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Classmate Le Xiao is not afraid of others overhearing what she said. Anyway, handsome Yan is very rich, and it is impossible for the Yan family to see her little money, and calmly chat with a pair of grandparents and grandchildren. , determined to watch the moon and eat moon cakes with her, so she had to boil water to make tea.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, thousands of families reunite, and thousands of cities celebrate together. People have their own way of celebrating, and students in each school also have their own way of celebrating the festival. Feel free to do whatever you like.

Sun Shilin, Wang Xiuwen and their national defense students went to the KTV party outside the school. The national defense students of a class got along for more than a month.

Drinking is indispensable for gatherings. Students are strictly prohibited from drinking during the school’s military training. After the holiday, there is no control. Everyone is overwhelmed. Except for those who can’t drink, they are all drunk.

Wang Xiuwen and Sun Shilin were given a lot of alcohol. They were good at drinking, and because they ran to challenge Le Yun, everyone was scolded and punished. In order to express their guilt, they were invited to treat them that night. He also took the initiative to drink three glasses and punished himself.

If you drink too much, you have to go to the toilet, but almost everyone who has drank has run once or twice, and many have run three or four times to urinate, remove some water, and continue drinking.

Drinking up, singing loudly, drinking and eating after singing loudly, the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling in the box, fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the package is good, it will not affect other guests, otherwise it will definitely attract complaints.

"No way, you guys continue, I... I'll go to the bathroom." Wang Xiuwen, who was singing loudly, got the urge to urinate after roaring a song. He gave the wheat to the other students and ran to the toilet by himself.

He drank too much, spoke with a big tongue, and walked swaying, a bit like a drunk duck; several classmates were worried and wanted to accompany him, but he refused.

He walks erratically, but he doesn't fall down, his mind is still clear, and his classmates are not too insistent to let him go by himself.

In order to make a living, too many people have left their homes, and there are millions of foreigners in the capital. Most of them cannot go home during the holidays. Naturally, many people invite friends to celebrate the festival, and various entertainment cities are also booming.

Qingda University and Beijing University are adjacent to each other. There are tens of thousands of students in each school. Even if only some students go to KTV, the nearby KTV city has almost become the home of students.

The KTV business is good, there are many people, and there are many people going to the toilet. Wang Xiuwen drank a little too much. When he got out of the KTV box, he met several people on the way.

When classmate Wang went to run to the toilet, Sun Shilin and others played with their own, and waited for a long time to see Wang Xiuwen return.

"Wang Xiuwen, what's wrong with your face?" A few more sober classmates found that not only did classmate Wang walk crookedly, but also had a bruise on his face, which was swollen.

"Uh... I fell... I fell and hit the wall, it's nothing... I'm fine." Wang Xiuwen touched his face with a carefree look.

"Wang Xiuwen, your voice...Hey, your neck is also bruised." Not only did Wang Xiuwen come back with an injury on his face, but his voice was also hoarse and his voice was different. Several students looked at him suspiciously and found him again. There were also two bluish-purple patches of different sizes on the throat under the chin, and he was shocked. How bad was he, not only hitting his face, but also his neck?
"Drinking...drinking too much, it burned...severely." Wang Xiuwen staggered past a few classmates, and fell down on the empty space of the sofa to rest.

The dizzy classmate wanted to pull him up to continue drinking, but he couldn't resist, and he drank a few more drinks with pride. He was so drunk that he couldn't even open his eyes, and fell asleep in a daze.

A group of students started drinking at [-] o'clock and drank for more than three minutes. By the end of the session at more than [-] o'clock, some of them were so drunk that they lost consciousness. The boys recited the KTV. , The road is also drunk and frenzied.

Dai Liangyu and others from the Military Training Class of the Department of Medicine also sent out the whole class to have a dinner party, and also went to KTV to have a good time. They didn't dare to drink too much, they just drank a little.

Although Little Loli didn't go with them, everyone was a little regretful, but they had a good time and returned home. They happened to meet Sun and others from the national defense student class on the way back to school. Guan and others didn't want to take care of the national defense students. Seeing that they were too drunk, and some of them were alcoholics, it was really shameful. I was afraid that those people would lose face in the school. The students from the first class of the medical department swarmed and dragged a bunch of drunks back to school. .

When they dragged those drunks back to the campus dormitory area, they didn't have the great feeling of sending Buddha to the west, and let the defense students go back to the dormitory by themselves, and they walked away.

Sun Shilin and others finally returned to the dormitory, and most of them fell asleep.

The moon came out relatively late that night, and it didn’t break through the clouds until after 08:30. The sky was densely covered with stars, a round of bright moon was shining brightly, and the moon was shining like a practice. The night was instantly unparalleled.

There were cheers of "the moon came out" from outside the window. Le Yun moved a foldable small table on the balcony, took fruits, moon cakes, tea, and worshipped the moon god.

Yan Ming and Yan Xing's eyes sparkled with excitement, and happily moved the plastic bench and followed the little girl to the balcony to sit.

The balcony is a little narrower than the viewing balcony of some observation buildings, but it can still accommodate three people to enjoy the moon and the night without burning incense.

I worshipped the moon god, sat down to admire the moon, ate moon cakes, and drank tea.

The lights on the balcony reflected the moonlight. Yan Xing looked at his grandfather, who was facing out behind the table and leaning against the wall. The grandfather had a happy face. He didn't like moon cakes at first, but he ate them with relish today; Loli, she is holding a small moon cake, biting it in small bites, eating gracefully, her sweet smile is softer than the moonlight.

Warm currents flowed through his heart, and a word flooded into his mind: I hope that people will live long and live together forever.

(End of this chapter)

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