magic eye doctor

Chapter 177 Space has changed again

Chapter 177 Space has changed again
A round of autumn shadows turned golden waves, and the flying mirror was re-grinded.

During the Mid-autumn Festival, thousands of people watch the moon and enjoy the scenery. At this time, "the cloudy and sunny days are not enough, and I am happy with the good times in the world."

Liu Dashao, who was hundreds of miles away from his home in Nanshi, stayed in the hotel where he was staying for an afternoon. In the evening, he called home to ask his relatives and elders, and only went to eat when it was dark.

He was personable, and when the beauties saw him eating alone, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation, which annoyed him, but he had to show a gentleman's demeanor.

After dinner, in order not to be stuck by the beauties, he canceled his plan to enjoy the night view. On festivals, there are too many single men and women, and there are also many lecherous women. He has to protect his morals, and it is safer to stay in a hotel room.

He came out alone guarding Mingyue, Liu Shao was lying in front of the window Mochizuki pregnant, he missed her, his sweetheart was still reading, he fell in love with her at first sight, and he still did not dare to confess.

Like the little beauty, his sweetheart is a self-improving child, so he dare not confess, for fear that she will misunderstand that he is sympathizing with her and shielding her from the wind and rain as her boyfriend, which will hurt her self-esteem.

Suffering from unrequited love, his heart is bitter, but he knows that she has no friends, so that is enough, as long as she has not fallen in love with anyone, he has hope.

It's nice to have a girl worth caring about!
Liu Xiangyang held his cheeks, and his thoughts were bitter and sweet. He had a person he wanted to protect, and he had infinite longing for the future. All he wanted was to grow old with her, to fight and fight in his life, Never break up at any time, the two spend one long night together and greet the rising sun together.

The future is very bright. The most important thing now is how to turn his future daughter-in-law into a girlfriend. He has been working hard on the road. Fortunately, now there is a little beauty. The appearance of the little beauty will undoubtedly increase his pursuit of his wife. A huge chip.

If you work hard, there will be hope. After helping the little beauty find out the black hand that hurt her, eradicate the scourge, and gain enough favorability in front of the little beauty, he will ask the little beauty for help.

Come on!
Clenching his fists, Liu Xiangyang cheered himself up, no longer appreciating Mingyue, he brought his notebook and continued his great and mysterious analysis and tracking task.

People celebrating the festive season watch the night, or enjoy family happiness with their families, or look up at the bright moon, bow their heads and think about their hometown, freshmen like Dai students will get up early for military training tomorrow, and usually go to bed at 10:30 or [-]:[-] up.

The tea that Little Loli made was as delicious as the food she cooked. Yan Xing really wanted to stay in the little girl's dormitory, but she was worried that it would not be a problem for their grandparents and grandchildren to stay in the girl's dormitory, and they were at midnight last night. Get up and go to the ghost city. Little Lolita hasn't slept since [-]:[-] last night. When she is growing, she must get enough sleep.

In order not to affect the little loli's work and rest time, at 10:30, Yan Xing's knowledge of current affairs took the public announcement, Yan Ming was very unhappy, and he was ashamed to stay in the girls' dormitory with the cheek, followed his grandson, and left reluctantly.

Yan Shao went downstairs with the fair and steady, boarded the Cheetah, and the car started slowly.

Yan Ming was worried that his grandson would send him home, so he was unhappy. It was not until the car stopped that he was surprised to find that the building in front of him looked a little familiar, like... It seems to be Xiao Longbao's dormitory?
"Grandpa, there are two options. One is to live in my dormitory, and the other is to live in a guest house. Where does Grandpa want to live?" Yan Xing did not open the door and got off the bus to ask for Grandpa's opinion.

"Xiao Longbao, I want to live in your dormitory." The old man's mood disappeared in a second, and he was overjoyed. Xiao Longbao is willing to let him live in it. It's great!
"Okay, stay for one night tonight, and I'll take my grandpa home tomorrow morning." Yan Xing untied the safety buckle, reached out and opened the car door, took a long leg, and stepped out of the car.

When he got the opportunity to go to his grandson's dormitory, Yan Ming had no objection. With the help of his grandson, he got off the car, followed Xiao Longbao, and happily entered the apartment building.

Every time I visit the grandson's dormitory, the old man looks from east to west, looks like a child, and asks who the two beds belong to. He rubbed onto the bed where his grandson slept and occupied the territory first.

After successfully occupying the bed, Yan Ming was satisfied, Meimei lay down and pretended to be sleeping, while secretly paying attention to his grandson's every move.

His grandfather was disrespectful to the old man, and he even scrambled for a bed with himself, which made Yan Xing quite helpless, especially when he saw his grandfather grabbing the site, he had an expression that he would not let me die. He silently pretended not to see it and went to wash himself. He got his hands and feet and slept on someone's bed. Because it was still early, he worked with his notebook and didn't sleep until very late. Before going to bed, he put the backpack with Mid-Autumn Festival gifts beside the pillow.

Le Yun sent away handsome Yan's grandparents and grandchildren, quickly packed up the small table and moon cakes, closed the door to the balcony, ran back to the small living room, and threw away the unfinished vegetables that Yan handsome bought. Enter the space, and climb back to the private site.

As always, I made a round of inspections first. The jade and ancient aura that I had thrown home did not change. The fruits and vegetables in the medicine field were almost the same and could be picked. I ran to the harvest first, took care of the medicine field work, and sat down to myself. Next to the antique object that was returned from the scouring, he pulled out the small stone that made his arm feel hungry.

Holding the stone like a bird's egg in her hand, Le Yun was full of wonder, she threw the stone back into the space, and the heat from the red moon-shaped birthmark on her arm continued, she couldn't understand it, she found it back In the existing space, it is still hot for Mao, what is the boss of it going to do?

After rubbing the stone for a long time, he opened his sleeves, and gestured with a bird-egg-shaped pebble against the birthmark on his arm. Well, the strange feeling came again. Something, she wanted to drink water when she was thirsty, and she felt that her arm wanted to "eat" pebbles.

Thinking that the first birthmark also "eats" the small stones directly, she thinks that the way she stores the stones may be wrong. She should feed the small stones to the birthmark to see if it eats.

It's just that when the space was opened, the stone was the same shape as the birthmark. She wanted to compare the stone and the birthmark to analyze whether there was any difference, and then hit it right. This time, uh, the stone was in the shape of a bird's egg.

After making a few gestures, after struggling for a while, he pressed the pebble on the birthmark without any hesitation. It doesn't matter if it eats it or not. Try it first. If it doesn't eat it, it's a big deal.

The moment the small stone was pressed against the birthmark, the birthmark was hot and hot, the speed was too fast to cover the ears, the lightning was too fast to cover the eyes, the heat was terrifyingly high, and Le Yun only felt that the place with the long birthmark seemed to be burned. A soldering iron, the hand holding the stone was so hot that it would melt, and he let go almost subconsciously.

The claws loosened, and the pebble didn't fall off. It stuck to the birthmark, stronger than it was with super glue.

Le Yun opened her eyes and opened her mouth into an O. Is it... Really eating rocks again?

Apart from the scary temperature, the birthmark did not have any other adverse reactions. The stone adhering to the surface of the birthmark melted into the red birthmark at a speed visible to the naked eye. The birthmark is like a lake. Something falls on the water and sinks. Part of the volume sank into the lake water, and it kept sinking and sinking...

The birthmark devoured the stone extremely fast. In less than half a minute, the small stone the size of a bird's egg disappeared, the birthmark was intact, and the surface was red and bloody.

After eating the stone, the whole arm became hot. Le Yun felt that her arm was a blazing fire, and the burning sensation was a bit close to the extent of the body being washed and cut into the pulp when the space was opened, but the area covered was far Far less wide than that, only the right arm was hot, and the rest of the body did not feel it.

She also thought that if the birthmark ate a stone, her body could be refined again like a fiery oil, but unfortunately, the ideal is plump, and the reality is too skinny, and hope is lost.

Just as she was about to turn off the flashlight and hurry up to meditate, the temperature of her right arm dropped, and she felt strange. Le Yun looked at her arm, and the surface of the blood-red birthmark was overflowing with a mass of gray powder.

Those powders can be seen as dust from crushed stones.

Spit... scum?

As the owner of the birthmark, Le Yun was so shocked that she almost fell over. It's scary enough that the birthmark eats rocks, it... it spit out residue?

Incredible, okay?
The world is too mysterious, and Le Yun feels that the earth is too magical and too unsafe. Maybe she should move to Mars to live, otherwise, she may return to the dinosaur century or an older century one day.

She was stunned, the red birthmark was not affected by the owner's thoughts, "spit" out a large amount of ashes, the temperature dropped again and again, and the right arm returned to normal body temperature in the blink of an eye.

Le Yun touched her arm and poked the birthmark. The skin on her arm was smooth, white and tender, and warm. It was the same as before, and even her own perception did not change.

Forget it……

Silently recited a few words, calmed his frightened little heart, ran to sit on the lawn, extinguished the flashlight, sat cross-legged, five hearts up, and entered a state of meditation.

After meditating for an hour, she opened her eyes from the state of meditation on time. Le Yun leaned back and stared at the dark air in a daze. What, did anyone come out and tell her what the meditation practice recorded in the jade piece was? What is it?
She remembered that the practice method was the inner strength and mind method, but she didn't cultivate any inner strength. Instead, after entering the meditation, she saw the silvery sparkle at the end of the nose between the eyes, where the Taoist name is "ancestral aperture". light spot.

According to Du Niang, Taoist cultivation has a hundred days to build the foundation. The first step is to listen to the breath, and the second step is to go sightseeing. Sightseeing is to see the ancestral aperture between the two eyes with divine light.

According to the silver light spots in the ancestral aperture that she saw while meditating, Le Yun always felt that what she was practicing was not some kind of internal meditation method, but rather a Taoist foundation-building technique.

After thinking about it, just don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter whether it is Taoist or internal, as long as you can cultivate results, any kind of gong is useful gong.

Rolling on the grass, with the soft green grass on his back, and smelling the fragrant and clean air, Le Xiaoxiao closed his eyes and fell asleep happily.

During the military training, there was a raid in the middle of the night. She slept in the bedroom of the dormitory all the time. It was difficult for her to sleep peacefully in the space. She also slept very soundly.

The Mid-Autumn Festival night, in the watch of countless people, in the beautiful dream of countless people, slowly passed.

At 04:30 in the morning, when the sky was not clear, the emergency whistle sounded again in the dormitory area of ​​Qingda University students. Many freshmen heard the whistle and ran to the playground excitedly to assemble. Most of the freshmen woke up after hearing the whistle, but did not go to assemble. After muttering a few times, he fell down and continued to sleep.

Running to the playground were the freshmen of the first military training battalion. Each student was more excited than a chicken blood, and ran to the playground and quickly lined up.

There are teachers on the playground, as well as instructors from various classes. There are also several large trucks with sheds on the road, which are military troop transport trucks.

The eyes of the freshmen of the first battalion were green, and their hearts were pounding with excitement. The most anticipated part of the military training - target shooting, this great moment has finally come!
In the last few days before the end of the military training every year, students go out for target practice. Under normal circumstances, every student has the opportunity. Target shooting is with real guns, not playing with toy guns. Therefore, the entire military training period excites the students the most. The exciting thing is to hit the target, which is also the biggest motivation to motivate the military training students to insist on completing the boring military training life.

There are more than 3000 freshmen at Qingda University every year. It is impossible to drag everyone to the shooting range to practice in batches. On the 16th, the first batch of students went to practice shooting, and the first to go to the first military training camp.

The freshmen only have a half-day holiday for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and no one complains. A big reason is that they will take turns to shoot target practice the next day. Everyone wants to touch the gun. Everyone insists on military training with all their strength. Opportunity to get rid of the target.

It is a holiday, and traffic jams are severe every day after dawn. Students who want to shoot at the suburban school grounds must get up early and get to the shooting range before the citizens travel to Gaofeng, so as not to miss the time on the road.

Therefore, at 04:30 in the morning, pull the whistle to gather.

When the first battalion went to shoot, everyone would get up at the whistle, and the students from the other three battalions did not need to get up early to gather.

The students of the first battalion lined up at the fastest speed, followed the instructor to climb into the truck, closed the door, and the truck team set off in the dark!
People are getting old and are easily awakened. Yanming was also awakened when the early morning whistle sounded. He had been in the military for many years, and he had maintained a good habit and immediately got up.

Yan Xing also woke up and turned on the flashlight on the pillow: "Grandpa, are you scared?"

"No." The flashlight made the dormitory hazy, Yan Ming saw his grandson sitting up too, embarrassed: "Xiao Longbao, did I disturb you?"

"Nothing, I only woke up when I heard the whistle of the school's military training students gathering."

"The whistle sounded just now to urge the students to gather. Do you want to practice? Little... Are your classmates also going?" Yan Ming missed the military life a bit.

"It's not training, it's going to target practice. Little Loli won't go today, her class schedule is scheduled for tomorrow." Yan Xing got the schedule plan for the students' target practice arrangement early, and he knew the order of each camp.

"Xiao Longbao, can we...can we have breakfast with our classmates?" Yan Ming asked his grandson for his opinion in a low voice.

"I'll talk about it later, I won't bother her today."

"Oh." Yan Ming was disappointed, the little girl's food was so delicious, and he still had a lot of aftertaste after eating dinner. Moreover, he ate so much last night, but he didn't have indigestion, so that he didn't have any indigestion in another place. Insomnia, sleep extraordinarily steady.

He can't force his grandson's friends, and he can't force his grandson to let him play at school.

Yan Xing didn't speak any more, and continued to sleep back to sleep. He knew that his grandfather wanted to play at school for two days, but he had something to do tomorrow, and he had to send his grandfather back today.

The first camp gathered in the early morning. Le Xiao slept in the space without being affected at all. In her dream, she heard the sound of a book. The sound accompanied her all night. When she woke up on time, the space was slightly bright.

Le Yun, who had a good night's sleep, rolled over and sat up, rubbed her eyes, and looked up at the sky. The voice in her dream last night was very familiar. That familiar feeling was a bit closer than last time. , and a layer of fog appeared in front of the eyes, which always made people unable to touch the true face of Lushan.

Sit for a few seconds, stand up and move your hands and feet, and then, your heart skips a beat, feeling... the space has changed!

Looking around, I found the biggest change at a glance: the dragon's blood tree has recovered half of its vitality!
She has been watering the dragon's blood tree every now and then, and observing it, it always maintains a slow recovery speed, which can kill a hot-tempered impatient in minutes.

And overnight, the water in the fibrous blood vessels in the trunk of the huge dragon blood tree fully filled half of the blood vessels, the bark seemed to have been smeared with a layer of oil, showing a healthy luster, and the leaves were also full of vitality.

The gigantic dragon's blood tree exudes a green halo of greenery, which fills the space with vigor, making the whole place full of vitality, and one can feel the exuberant life force.

Seeing the transformation of the towering dragon's blood tree, Le Yun jumped up in surprise, rushed to the dragon's blood tree, ran wildly, wandered around the flowerbed where the trees were planted, and observed it while turning. The whole body was scanned seventeen or eight times, and the recorded details were stored in the brain.

After walking around for a few laps, people stood under the tree and looked up at the canopy of the big tree. They couldn't help but laugh like a little fool and crooked their mouths. The dragon's blood tree finally recovered most of its vitality. Maybe soon the bright flowers will bloom.

After standing for a while, then observing again, the space did not change in width, did not widen, and did not shrink. The ancient jade stones that were thrown into the space yesterday could no longer see the spiritual energy, and all that was left was their own halo.

The air absorbs the spiritual energy, and the plants benefit from it. Overnight, not only the dragon blood tree has the spirit, but even the apple, fragrant pear, mangosteen, breadfruit tree, ancient fern and other saplings have grown, and the bread tree and ancient fern have grown. The fastest, growing to a height of two feet, with tender branches and strong stems.

The crops in the medicine field seem to have eaten a booster, and they are growing steadily. Fruits and vegetables are covered with vines again, especially cantaloupe, cantaloupe, pumpkin. The gourd melons and bitter melons in it are not far behind, and they are fruitful; as for the medicinal materials, the thriving picture makes people want to sing a long song.

Le Yun was surprised when she saw the piece of medicinal herbs, and then she felt sore hands and feet. The sweet potato was originally expected to be dug until tomorrow, but now its vine leaves are a bit like signs of water shortage, which also means that it has reached the limit of a cycle. Had to dig today.

There are also lilies, Poria, yam, dendrobium, etc. Some of them must be harvested. Visually, she probably spends the whole morning in space to take care of her own one-third of the land.

The crops are growing so well, sometimes exciting, and sometimes… quite a headache.

After experiencing a lot of ups and downs, Le Yun rubbed her temples, and thanked herself that she was fortunate enough to mend the fractures early. Otherwise, she couldn't use force on her hands. What should she do?
When the inspection is complete, sit down and meditate.

Meditate late, meditate early, with the same routine.

An hour later, Le Yun got up and rushed into the medicine field. She picked the matsutake mushrooms at the fastest speed comparable to the wind speed, and then went to pick cantaloupe, cantaloupe, and pumpkin.

She worked so hard to finish the hard work, she was so tired that she was sweating and her clothes were half wet. She didn't have time to take a shower when she returned to the dormitory, brushed her teeth and washed her face in a hurry, and didn't even have time to make breakfast. Pick fruits and vegetables.

When Lexiao classmates were busy harvesting before eating in the early morning, the Yan family grandfather and grandson also got up early, washed and washed, went to the dormitory canteen to enjoy the breakfast with Qingda characteristics, Yanxing sent grandpa home.

Most of the old students of Qingda University were still sleeping, and the freshmen who didn’t go to target got up on time, folded the quilt, washed their clothes, hurried to have breakfast, and then dashed to the training grounds.

The national defense students did not dare to be negligent, and they arrived early. Student Sun ran exercises, and the other students recharged their energy first. When it was almost 3 minutes before the start of the training, the personnel assembled and lined up.

Wang Ziqiang and the other instructors went to work on time, checked the class members they brought, and suddenly found a classmate with bruised nose and swollen eyes, shaped like a pig's head, and his brows were wrinkled into Sichuan characters: "Wang Xiuwen, who did you fight again?!"

Wang Xiuwen, who was named, made a broken and hoarse voice: "" After reporting for a long time, he couldn't even utter a complete sentence, and his voice leaked like his throat had been cut. .

"Which one of you will explain on his behalf?" Major Wang glanced at the class with sharp eyes, holding back his anger.

"Report to the instructor, Wang Xiuwen drank too much last night and accidentally fell while going to the bathroom, so that's what happened." The classmate immediately explained the reason to the instructor.

When classmate Wang was on KTV last night, his face was blue and purple. Fortunately, he could still see it. When he woke up this morning, his face was swollen into a pig's head. Even they could hardly recognize who it was. His parents don't know each other.

He knocked on his throat and drank again, and his voice couldn't stand the double blow.

"Did your class go drinking last night?" Major Wang's face was gloomy.

"Yes!" All the students in the class honestly admitted the fact of drinking.

"Yesterday, on the Mid-Autumn Festival, you went to drink, I have no reason to punish you, but your self-control is too poor, and you have the sequelae of drinking, you can't go unpunished, run three laps, and punish you for [-] push-ups."


A class of national defense students did not have any objections, and responded neatly, immediately turned around, and the whole class ran to the playground runway.

Major Wang watched as the students finished running three laps, did [-] push-ups, and trained normally; even if the students in other classes saw that the national defense students were punished, they had no time to sneer.

On the second day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, people who had been excited for a day yesterday went on a trip or enjoyed a holiday happily. There were still too many people traveling, and there were too many cars. There were either cars or people everywhere.

Even if it was difficult to travel, the three brothers of the Chao family would bring their wives and children back to their parents' house for lunch, while Mr. Chao and Mrs. Chao stayed at the second family, and they couldn't afford to toss with their old arms and legs.

Before leaving, packing some gifts, the beautiful boy and the second girl Chao squatted in the corner of the gap between the east wing and the upper room, around a big-footed basin, loading hairy crabs.

Chao Yubo didn't dare to catch him. He was afraid of being pinched. He was pinched by crab claws when he was a child. , The Chao family agreed not to let my brother touch fish, shrimp, or crabs.

The boy didn't dare to catch crabs, so he helped to pull the bag. Miss Chao Er took iron tongs, took out the crabs from the net pocket, and put them into the bag opened by the beautiful younger brother. The sister and brother cooperated very well.

"Second sister, don't mix it up, remember that the largest one with complete legs and feet should be installed separately, and I will bring the other one to Lele." Seeing that the second sister was having a good time, playing with this one and the other, playing with the crab, Chao Yubo Had to remind her.

"I understand, I understand, this big guy with complete legs and feet is for the little dumplings." Miss Chao Er grabbed a big crab that weighed about a pound and lifted it up. Dance, the fierceness is revealed.

"Second sister, don't break its legs, Lele wants a crab with big tongs." The second sister got carried away when she played, Chao Yubo was also drunk, he pulled a net bag and opened it again, waiting for the one with the biggest costume. Only fierce guy.

The elders of the Chao family distributed the gifts and ran to see if the two children had prepared crabs, only to see the two siblings playing and laughing leisurely.

"A'Fu, it's getting late, don't play anymore."

The girl is a female man, and Mrs. Chao Er sometimes has a lot of headaches. As a girl, a lady like Amin is more worry-free. Of course, a female man is also reassuring, at least you don't have to worry about being bullied all the time.

The three Chao family brothers rushed over to help, and found that the two children had been packed for a long time before they packed a small bag. They were also drunk and did not know what to say about the two children.

"What are you two doing? It's been a long time, and there's no efficiency at all."

"Uncle, Bo Geer and I have to count the number first, count the weight deviation, analyze the size of the body, distinguish between males and females, and evenly distribute them in place. Of course, the speed is slow."

Chao Yufu straightforwardly explained the reason, she would never admit that she was addicted to playing and didn't do the right thing.

"Is it still divided into male and female?" Boss Chao stroked his forehead. His niece is too playful, and it is estimated that she is having a good time.

"Male and female have different tastes, of course we have to distinguish clearly. I counted 24 female crabs and [-] male crabs. If they are evenly distributed, there are four female crabs and eight male crabs. One is just right for Xiaotuanzi. Unfortunately, The crabs on my tongs are only males, so there are only four females and seven males, and the rest are for us to eat."

"The average is four, and the extra is for the small dumplings." Boss Chao wanted to send his niece to the Pacific Ocean. The two children only counted the parents' families of their three elders, and not one for the small dumplings, right?
"Uncle, Lele's one is enough. Little Lele still doesn't know how to cook hairy crabs, so I just want to get one for research. When I bring people back, my mother and uncle will teach her how to cook the best hairy crabs, etc. Next year, I'll share a few more for Lele to play with." Chao Yubo's smiling face was warm, his eyebrows were full of eyes, and he was flawless.

"Alright, listen to Xiao Bo."

Chao Er and Mr. Chao also wanted Bo Ge to bring a few more for Xiao Lele, but after thinking about it, Lele lives in the school dormitory, and the prepared condiments may not be complete. It may not taste good when cooked. There were too many, and she had to be uneasy to deal with.

The adults reached an agreement, and Miss Chao Er threw the big guy on the clip into the net pocket and continued to pack the other members.

Chao's father went up to take over as his son, Chao Yubo mentioned the big man he had reserved for Lele's, and waited for the elders to divide the crabs before setting off.

The adults went into battle, divided the crabs into three portions, and kept the remaining three for dinner when they came back in the evening.

After the crabs were loaded, the three couples brought gifts and set off with their children. The old man, the old lady, and the two nanny guarded the house. Boss Chao and his party left the villa and put their luggage in the back of the car.

Chao Yubo went to his grandfather's house for dinner at noon, and went back to school in the afternoon. He was afraid that the crabs would suffocate or dry out due to lack of water in the car.

The group had just put away their luggage when they saw two beauties with fluttering long skirts approaching enchantingly, the Chao family brothers and their husbands didn't say anything to their parents, they hurriedly boarded the car and set off without stopping.

Aunt Ge accompanies the old man and the old lady back to the villa, while Fang's mother falls behind and watches the three grandfathers and wives leave the car.

Le Jiaqi and Le Shiyun finally saw the Chao family walking out of the house, and came to have a chance encounter, but they were one step too late, and they were still more than fifty meters away. The Chao family got into the car, and the four cars drove towards the road. On the road, go slowly.

Seeing that President Chao's car was at the end, but couldn't catch up, Le Shiyun was depressed, where are the Chao family going?

The two sisters walked gracefully to Chao's villa, separated by a few meters, and greeted Fang's mother first, who put a smile on her face: "Miss Le, good morning, go out for a walk, combine work and rest, no wonder you are all in shape. so good."

The two sisters were embarrassed to be praised and smiled shyly. Le Jiaqi asked generously, "Mother Fang, is Xiao Chao at home? My sister has some work issues and wants to talk to President Xiao Chao."

"It's not a coincidence that the two young ladies came here. Brother Bo went with his parents to spend the weekend with his grandparents. Our first lady and second lady also all went back to their parents' house to accompany their elders. Our sister Fu also misses my grandparents and went to Zhou's house to play together. . This is not just gone, you see, you can still see the butt of the car."

Mama Fang laughed at Mimi's reply, and pointed to the car to show the ladies of Lejia to show that she didn't lie.

"Xiaofu isn't at home either. I want to find Xiaofu to go to the gym to train my body together." Le Jiaqi felt regretful.

"It's really unfortunate, I can only ask Miss Le and our sister Fu to reschedule another appointment." Fang's mother smiled kindly, and Miss Quan Dangle really wanted to invite the two girls to play.

"Then I'll come back to Xiaofu another day."

"Excuse me, Mom Fang, when will President Chao be back?" Le Shiyun, unwilling to miss the rare vacation opportunity, politely asked for advice.

"Our second lady said that we might stay for one night. The first lady and the third lady didn't tell me when they would come back. I don't know when Bo Ge'er and the third lady will come back. Miss Le has an urgent job to find Bo brother. You can call. "

"Okay, I'll call President Chao later." Le Shijun wanted to ask Fang's mother to call and inform President Chao that she had a job to find him, and asked him to call her, so that she would also have To be more cheeky, who knew that Fang's mother kicked the ball back to her, she could only take it back.

Mrs. Chao was not at home on Tuesday, and the second lady Chao was not at home. Le Jiaqi had no reason to go to the second master Chao's house as a guest, so she could only go home. If there was a sufficient reason to enter the second master Chao's house, only the old man and the old lady were there at this time. , maybe they can entertain them, and they can show their faces in front of the old lady.

Fang Ma watched Lejia sisters walk ten meters away and turned to go home. She went back to the upper room. The old man and the old lady were sitting under the osmanthus tree under the eaves and drinking tea. The old lady had an unpredictable expression.

"Xiao Fang, what's the matter with the Lejia sisters coming over?" The old lady didn't know what to think, her serious face turned into a curved corner of her mouth, like a smile but not a smile.

"Miss Le said she wanted to find her sister to go to the gym, and Miss Le said she wanted to talk to her brother about work." Fang Ma replied truthfully.

"Well, it's really a good reason. One is looking for Sister Fu and the other is looking for Brother Bo, and it's not all messing around."

"Yes." The old lady's tone was weird, and Fang's mother naturally understood the meaning of it. It was a bit funny. The Lejia sisters went to Chao's house for countless times but couldn't get the second master Chao's eyes, thinking of the old man and the old lady. attention is even more difficult.

"I remember that there seems to be a sister in the Le family who told the truth after drinking and said that in this life, it's not our brother who won't marry?"

The old lady smiled brightly, and the old man Chao turned dark: "Why do you tell the truth after drinking? A good girl refuses to be a human being, but she has no shame and wants to use Xiao Bo's way to borrow the power of Lao Chao's family and become an old man. The Chao family is a fool."

Fang's mother took the old lady's words and said back and forth: "That was a few years ago. It was the daughter of the second head of the Le family who said at a banquet that the brother Bo would not marry. It was probably too young and ignorant to take it seriously."

"What kind of young and ignorant girl who can do such a thing is a master with a dirty mind. She thinks that Brother Bo is weak and can't find a good girl to be a daughter-in-law and wants to propose a pillow seat, is she ashamed?"

The old man Chao was furious, how could the precious grandson of the old Chao family be a cat and a dog?Even if you were born with insufficiency and weak body, it is not something that others can calculate.

In the past, the old man knew that there was a small soil moat surnamed Le next to the second villa, and there was a couple of sisters who often went to Chao Er's house. Fire.

His character is just as upright and rigorous as his attitude towards science. He can't rub the sand in his eyes, and he doesn't like the kind of guy who refuses to be a down-to-earth person, always thinking about taking chances and taking shortcuts to succeed.

Old scientists don't like to show off, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. What a Lejia girl said when she told the truth after drinking was clearly because Brother Bo was frail and their only grandson, so she deliberately pretended to be drunk and said crazy things to attract their attention. , so as to love her for her love for Bo Ge'er, and help her enter the circle of the powerful.

The old man is so angry that he blows his beard and stares, his good brother, how can others use it as a stepping stone. He used to dislike the Lejia sisters who always ran to Chao Er's house, but now it has directly turned into disgust, so small The young girls are devoted to studying how to climb up. They are not good people. They must not have the opportunity to get close to Bo Ge’er and Fu Jie’er, as well as relatives and friends, lest a mouse feces ruin a pot of porridge.

"Okay, old man, don't be angry, it's all because Lele filial piety has served you good tea, and after drinking tea, you are full of energy, and your energy is too high, just like a little boy fighting a bull with a few words." The old lady achieved her goal. , smiled and persuaded the old man.

She was afraid that the old man would not be enlightened, and that he would not be able to turn his head around. One day, when he attended any banquet or went to someone's house, after hearing a few good words from others, he would treat him as a brother and a gentleman.

Today, she mentioned the nonsense of the Lejia sisters back then, and the old man knew it in his heart. In the future, he would not be easily deceived when he encounters a person surnamed Le or the old man invited by Lejia to inquire about any news.

"Someone wants to plot against my grandson. Can I lose my temper? It's better to be happy, with a pure heart like a beautiful jade. I don't like vanity or vain gain."

"You don't need to tell me, I also know that the small dumplings are the best. Come on, hurry up and drink tea. Anyway, you don't attend the banquet very much, and the Le family probably won't run to stop you..."

Fang Ma held back her laughter and went to work on her own affairs. She gave the old lady countless praises in her heart, but the old lady was very good, and the eye drops were so invisible. In a few words, the old man remembered the Lejia sisters, the old man. Remember Lejia, it will be impossible to help Lejia in front of in-laws in the future. Chao family has many in-laws. Then, it will cut off Lejia's possible way to make friends with Chao family's in-laws.

After several traffic jams, Yanxing finally arrived at the railway cadre's family community. The grandparents and grandchildren returned home and found that the house was empty.

When Yan Xing entered Grandpa's house, he glanced at several inconspicuous places, and then slowly escorted Grandpa into the living room: "Grandpa, I'm not at home, why don't you call and ask?"

"Why should I ask? Love will not return." Yan Ming sat down angrily.

"You're afraid that I'm influencing you to talk about love. You can fight when I'm gone."

"Xiao Longbao, are you... going to leave soon?" Yan Ming's eyes darkened, and Xiao Longbao didn't like the fact that there were outsiders in the house.

"There are no outsiders today. I accompany my grandpa to lunch before leaving."

Yan Ming's sad eyes lit up again, and he was in a light mood. He got up and went up to the second floor to shower and change his clothes. Yesterday, he squeezed the bus and squeezed out a sweat, which was not very comfortable.

When Grandpa's back turned to the second floor, Yan Xing neatly took out a few small things from his backpack and quickly assembled them, climbed to the windowsill, took out the small things hidden in a hidden place, and replaced them with new ones.

After taking off the things in the living room, he went to the kitchen, and exchanged a small gadget from a hidden corner. Then he went up to the second floor, first went to the room he used to live in, and then went to the study.

When Yan Shao accompanied his grandfather home, Le Xiao was very busy in the space. First, he collected the fruits and vegetables, then took care of the medicinal materials, and finally cut the sweet potato vines and dug the sweet potatoes.

She only planted a small piece of sweet potato. However, that piece of sweet potato took longer than the first planting, and experienced spatial changes. All of them grew sturdy. Each tree had at least four sweet potatoes, and the smallest one was more than a pound. , the fruit is too rich, and it is particularly laborious to dig up.

Even if Le Yun has a strange power, after digging a sweet potato field, she is so tired that her back hurts and her legs and feet are sore. She can't take a rest. She transports the sweet potatoes to the ridge outside the medicine field and stacks them, and scatters a handful of sweet potatoes on the place where they are planted. Chinese cabbage, spinach and mustard seeds, and then roughly leveled the ground and poured well water.

Get everything done, climb out of the space, take a quick shower, and cook sweet potato porridge for lunch.

In the afternoon, I was sitting in the dormitory reading a book, nibbling on one book after another, and I was completely ecstatic when I nibbled on the book. Suddenly, I heard a sudden knock on the door like a rainstorm. I hurried to open the door. The person pushed the door hard, and a fierce man plunged into the dormitory, and at the same time there was a strong shout: "Xiao Le, let me see, how is your hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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