magic eye doctor

Chapter 183 Stop Playing

Chapter 183 Stop Playing

It was the first time I heard the sound of gunfire at close range, and the gun was very elastic. It fired ten bullets in a row. Le Yun's ears were buzzing with the thumping sound, and her shoulders were also sore and sore. Gun, one hand rubbed the ear first and then the shoulder, and kept rubbing it.

Her ears haven't adjusted to the outside world, so she doesn't have time to focus on the target's side, rubbing her shoulders that were sore from the shock, her whole face tangled in a ball, and her delicate eyebrows pulled in two.

Little Loli stood still, but Yan Xing took two steps closer to Meteor, to check that she was not injured, and to see her frowning sad expression, both funny and worried: "Little Loli, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Under normal circumstances, most people are always a little uncomfortable when they play with guns for the first time. He is probably because he naturally likes weapons. He was fine with guns for the first time, except that the sound of the first shot made his ears a little uncomfortable. other adverse reactions.

At this moment, handsome Yan's voice entered his ears, and it was not as pleasant as it used to be. It also sounded hoarse and murmured. Le Yun pouted in distress: "The gunshots are so loud, my ears are going deaf."

It is rare for a little loli to complain about something in a coquettish tone. At this moment, a girl's coquettish attitude is revealed. Yan Xing sees the blossoming of her heart, holds back her smile and comforts her softly: "This is the first time I play. Guns, you should take a break when you shoot a bullet first, and then continue after you get used to it. If you fire ten bullets in a row so quickly, your ears will be hit by the guns one after another, and it must be a little uncomfortable. Take a rest first, and then play later."

Le Yun replied with a bitter face, and without looking where she was now, she sat down, put the gun on her lap, and rubbed her ears with her hands.

Yan Xing stood, waiting for the sergeant to hold the target with a strange expression on his face, he laughed unscrupulously: "What's wrong? Missed a shot?"

"No!" The sergeant holding the target handed the target to the officer with mixed expressions on his face: "Sir, look, the legendary sharpshooter is born!"

There are many kinds of targets used in the barracks. The wooden targets are standard for the students. In order to experience the feeling of being a student, the targets used by the sergeants have also been replaced by a batch of wooden targets. Therefore, the special shooting range is also made of wood. target.

The wooden sign is painted with white lacquer and has circles, so that every winning bid can leave traces.

There is a circle of small holes on the target raised by the sergeant. The circle of holes is hitting the boundary between the tenth and ninth circles. Ten small holes are distributed on the boundary, forming a circle around the tenth circle.

By listening, Yan Xing knew how many shots Xiaoluoli had shot, and from a distance, he knew that the number of rings was not low. The sergeant and Xiaobing handed over the target. Little sharpshooter!

"Not bad, not bad! This is the accurate head, full marks." The position of the bullet hole was visually inspected, and the accurate head was so accurate that it was necessary to use a scale to calculate how many points each bullet scored on the circular line.

"Little Loli, can you hit all the hearts with one shot?"

"Yes." Classmate Le Xiao didn't care, what's so difficult about Zhonghongxin?Wouldn't it be more difficult to shoot like her that keeps the bullet on the round line?

The little girl's tone was calm and calm, and the battered sergeant bit his head and asked, "The gun hits the heart, isn't it difficult?"

"It's not difficult. With this kind of gun, you can shoot wherever you want within 200 meters. There is no technical difficulty in shooting red hearts with a gun. If you change it to the one you prepared, you can also do it from [-] meters away."

"..." The sergeant was at a loss for words. He could still hit a red heart with a gun beyond two hundred. What is the concept?
It’s not that no one has done it, but please pay attention to who the target is. They are veterans who have been in the army for more than two years. They have practiced guns many times. They use half a ton of bullets even if they are useless. Hitting the target at 200 meters is a must. , but this is a girl in front of me, and it's the first time a girl holds a gun!
The first time a girl goes to the shooting range, she can shoot wherever she wants. You say, where will the faces of these soldiers who teach them N times of hard marksmanship will go?

There was only one thought in the sergeant's mind: geniuses are unreasonable!
"Little Lolita, 200 meters away, you can hit wherever you want?" Yan Xing couldn't hide his surprise. 200 meters and 100 meters are not as simple as adding 100 meters. The difficulty also increases correspondingly, 100 meters more, equals to several steps more difficult.

Similarly, the meanings of shooting within 100 meters and shooting within 200 meters are completely different. During the mission period, being able to accurately hit the target at a long distance is much safer than approaching the target at close range and then shooting yourself. To a certain extent, it can greatly reduce the loss of one's own personnel.

"You can shoot wherever you want, depending on the performance of the weapon. If the weapon is excellent, there is not much problem at a distance of 300 meters." The ears are much more comfortable, Le Yun picked up the gun, got up and went to the place where the bullets were placed.

The sergeant was completely beaten, holding the target and sprinting to send it back to its original position.

Yan Xing followed Little Loli step by step, the smile in her eyes became thicker and thicker, as thick as fire, a genius, a marksmanship genius, if you are a sniper, you must be Phi Mo, who is absolutely sure of shooting.

This kind of talent, not to mention robbing, but also tying people, must also tie people into the army to serve the country, so as to live up to her talent.

Yan Shao quickly calculated in his mind, which method would be used to successfully tie people into the army, and if they were able to grab them and not disgust her, that was a very technical thing.

"Little Loli, is there a secret to such high accuracy?"

"No, it's all intuition." The secret?No problem at all, she touched the gun, scanned it to see where there was a small problem, raised the gun to aim, and intuitively knew which angle would be a hit.

"Intuition is really a terrible thing." Yan Xing was silent for three seconds, and snorted out a self-deprecating sentence.


Yan Xing: "..." Can't you say something nice to soothe his frightened heart?Think about it again, pull it down, I want to listen to the little loli's comfort, unless I see someone who is so angry that they are going to run wild, and also ensure that it is a friendly relationship, if it is a hostile relationship, with her scornful character, she will not be angry. Oil on it is fine.

Le Yun ran to the place where the bullets were played, and reloaded the bullets again, this time with [-] rounds of ammunition. Seeing that Brother Bing came back, he raised his gun to shoot at two hundred.

There was a loud bang, and then the wind was calm.

This time without waiting for the sergeant to act, Yan walked away like a gale, and ran to the target to check, hey, it’s terrible, there is a black hole in the red heart of the target, and there is only a place next to the red heart. Four holes were drilled, 26 bullets were shot, [-] bullets hit the red heart, and [-] bullets were infinitely close to the center of the ten rings.

He ran back to the little loli like the wind, his eyes like torches: "little loli, try it at 300 meters away. Twenty rounds hit the red heart at 300 meters, and I will try it with a 95-style rifle for you."

"..." The sergeant touched the guy he was wearing, looking at the sky without words. He dared to bet that the officer would use a 95-style rifle, and it must be his.

"I'll try it." Le Yun was eager to try it. The gun Yan Shuai gave her was also a gun used by military training students, a 85-type homemade rifle.

The Type 85 used to be assembled in the entire army, and now the newly developed Type 95 gun is basically popularized in the army. Because some arms have some special requirements, the Type 95 is still retained after the Type 85 is assembled.

Le Yun wanted to touch the new 95-style rifle, which combines the advantages of several previous guns, and also combines the strengths of the AK47, with extremely strong lethality and firepower.

This time, when I changed a target, it was still a standing shooting position. When Le Xiaoxiao's [-] rounds popped out of the chamber, Yan Xing ran to check the results again. On the clean target, the red heart was burnt through. A dark hole with five bullet holes near the red heart.

Thirty rounds, 25 hit the red heart, five ten rings that are infinitely close to the red heart.

He ran back to the little Lolita, and gave it to the little Lolita with a sergeant's gun in high spirits: "400 meters, [-] rounds can hit [-] rounds, and you can choose all kinds of guns on the scene."

The sergeant is in a cold sweat, sir, there is also a new version of the AK47 series sniper rifle in the car. You promise a little girl such a thing, okay?
Holding the 95-style gun, Le Yun laughed so hard that she could not see her brows, she touched each part from left to right, and with a sweet smile on her face, she sat on the ground, clack, clack, and again mercilessly dismantled it.

Sergeant: "..." That was his gun, and it was actually dismembered by a little girl!So sad!His heart was aching in two halves.

Yan Xing: "..." What should I do when I meet a little loli who likes to play with the smasher?
He was surprised, how could the little loli be dismantled?

The national defense education knowledge is based on the 56-type gun manufacturing. The 85-type is developed from the old-style gun-making, so it is enough to mention some places. The class did not explain the 95-type, but the little loli took it apart and dismantled it. Easy as a tofu rack.

She was happy to tear it down, Yan Shao looked depressed, Little Loli's learning ability is so strong, it's simply... It's too unfulfilling!Really, he originally wanted to be a teacher and let the little loli worship him. As a result, he didn't need to talk about the main points of shooting. He didn't need to talk about gun knowledge. He is a famous marksman in the military. Every time he goes to other military camps, brother. The battalion team begged him to teach him his experience, and it became a decoration for Little Loli. This comparison made people collapse in minutes.

Le Yun happily dismantled the gun. She was not afraid that it would be broken. First, she could not break the parts. Of course, she could put it back on after dismantling. He just cleans up the mess.

I have no pressure in my heart, and I took great effort to dismantle it. With a pair of eyes that are better than X-rays, I can easily find the connection points of each link, and know where to start. A beautiful and mighty gun is dismantled into a pile of parts, still to the extent that it can never be dismantled again.

The two men watched her heart beat, jumping, jumping, and jumping, and they watched her reassemble, and watch her put together the parts in a hurry. The speed was as fast as the speed of dismantling the gun. People's eyes became more and more round, and the eyeballs almost fell to the ground.


The two men suddenly couldn't find words to describe their mood. When they met such a genius, they were so beaten that they wanted to explode in minutes. You said, what else can they say?
These days, people are more than people, and life will drive people crazy with jealousy.Fortunately, fortunately, they are not the same age as her, and they are not classmates with her, otherwise, under the halo of her genius, they will definitely die.

After successfully assembling the gun, Le Yun patted the barrel, put the bullets into the gun case one by one, got up with a smile, and ran to another target.

The two men lifted the ammunition box, took two rifles, followed closely behind, and ran to the target position, watching the little girl stand upright and make a beautiful shooting posture, that elegant and proud standing posture, full of domineering .

The sound of bullets flying out of the barrel was loud and heavy.

Some of the soldiers who were closer couldn't help but look in the direction of the commander, and all they saw was the commander standing and the little girl shooting, all with wonderful expressions.

The scenery is so good, brother Bing couldn't help but stop shooting practice, holding his gun, looking into the distance, listening to the sound of gunshots, feeling the passion rushing in his chest.

The rear force of the Type 95 gun was not small. Thirty bullets were used up. Le Yun rubbed her shoulders again, but her ears adapted to the shock wave of the sound, but her shoulders hurt a lot.

Yan Xing flew away again, and went to the target to watch the result. The more he watched, the more he was shocked, amazing, amazing, 400 meters away, 28 bullets hit the red heart, and two bullets hit the tenth ring. This achievement, not to mention There is no one in the past and no one in the future, and it is enough to be proud of the rising star of the military camp.

If someone Liu is here, I'm afraid that he will be sent to the knee on the spot.

At this moment, Yan Xing felt like a spring breeze in his heart. Although his trip to Shennong came back in vain, he had discovered a genius with great potential, and the injury he suffered was worth it.

In a happy mood, she quickly ran back to Little Lolita, with a smile like a flower, and reported the good news to her: "Little Lolita, your grades are even better than I predicted. You hit the red heart on 28 bullets, and you got two ten rings. I say what I say." In other words, what kind of gun do you want to play with? You choose by yourself.”

The sergeant looked up at the officer in shock, his voice unsteady: "Sir, is that true... is it true?"

The range of the 95-style rifle is 400 meters, and the red heart is 400 meters away. The marksmanship is worth looking up to. If it can be so accurate when shooting moving targets, then it is enough to withstand the snipers in a team and become Mainstay.

"You can go and have a look." Yan Xing smiled slightly, his peerless face and soul-stirring beauty made his heart sway and fell upon seeing it.

The sergeant was blinded by the officer's smile, and subconsciously flew to the target to check the truth.

"I don't want to play anymore, it's boring." The gun was touched, and the target was hit. The initial excitement passed, and Le Yun's mood changed from initial excitement to calm.

"Why don't you play anymore?" Little Loli was not surprised, but Yan Xing was stunned. The military training students were able to persevere in the boring training because of the target practice, and Little Loli had the opportunity to play with guns. Why wasn't she excited?

"The guns are almost the same. As long as you understand one of the styles, you can quickly study the subtle changes in the others. I have also experienced the shooting experience. My ears are almost deaf, my shoulders hurt, and I can't play."

"Then, where do you want to go?" Little Lolita didn't play cards according to the rules of the cards, and Yan Xing couldn't understand her thoughts.

"I'll go to my classmates and watch them train. I can go back to school in the afternoon."

"Wait for me, let's go together." Yan Xing didn't object, Little Loli lacked interest, so it would be counterproductive to force her to stay. It's better to let her do whatever she wants.

The sergeant ran to the target to check it out, and found that as the commander said, he flew back to the commander in shock and waited for the order. When the commander returned the gun to him, he still couldn't react for a long time. Silly watching the officer lead the little girl slowly towards the gate of the target area.

(End of this chapter)

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