magic eye doctor

Chapter 184 How to coax?

Chapter 184 How to coax?
The commander came and went again, coming and going like the wind, and the sergeants at the shooting range were always wondering, not that the commander accompanies the children to practice marksmanship, why do they run away after a few shots?
When the commander brought the children to the door of the target area, the soldiers from a class who were watching from a distance swarmed up, surrounded the sergeant, asked the commander and asked the commander, asked the commander and the little girl why they just left, and asked how many rings the little girl had made. They subconsciously think that it must be the little girl's bad marksmanship, so they have no interest.

"Go and see the target by yourself, and you'll know when you see it." The besieged sergeant recovered from his shock, and he didn't know how to explain it, so he simply let his brother see the results by himself.

A group of little brothers in the fog rushed away. When they ran to see the little girl's shooting results, the sergeant held the gun, carried the ammunition box, and rushed back to the ordnance vehicle in one breath, so as not to be watched again.

A group of soldiers swarmed to the target where the little girl was practicing, excitedly looking at the number of rings, and when they saw it, what the hell is this?
The first thought of the soldiers was: Dazzling!Dizziness must have been wrong, so everyone subconsciously made a very stupid and cute action - rubbing their eyes, rubbing their eyes and then looking again, special, not dazzling.

So, who is going to tell them what this achievement is?

Of course they wouldn't think it was the officer's achievement, because they could see clearly that the officer didn't use the gun at all, and the little girl shot the target alone with the gun.

"It must not be true!"

The soldiers comforted themselves, rushed to the third target card, rushed to the target, eagerly looked at the target surface, what the hell!It's the bullseye and the ten rings again!
The soldiers felt that their hearts were beating a little too fast, a little abnormally fast, so, like a gust of wind crossing the border again, they rushed to the second target and ran close to take a look, I...

There were a hundred grass and mud horses running past in their hearts, and the young soldiers were stunned when they stepped on them. Everyone stared at the third target card with big eyes and small eyes, and then, um, everyone even shouted. If he didn't come out, he ran to the last piece of the target that the little girl hit for the first time. After a look, everyone was stunned, so they just stood looking up at the sky, tears streaming down their hearts.

A little girl can reach this level, you say, how can they see Jiang Dong's elders?
Aww, can't play well anymore!

The battered brother soldier wiped away his tears in grief and indignation. No one spoke, and he had no face to ask the little girl why she stopped playing. He rushed back to his target position and practiced with a gun.

Yan Shao came and went calmly with his classmate Tongle. He didn't care what the soldiers thought of him at all. He observed his face and color along the way, observed the expression of Xiao Luoli, and figured out her mind.

After trying to figure it out, I walked out of the gate of the target area. There was a high wall blocking it. The dense gunshots from the target area also became much lighter, and the smell of gunfire and smoke also faded.

Walking more than ten meters away from the target area, the small and exquisite girl dawdled, moving three steps, counting ants as she walked, walking slower than a tortoise.

Little Loli dawdled uncharacteristically, and there were countless question marks in Yan Xing's heart, but she didn't understand what was going on with her. Seeing her reluctance to move, he had no choice but to ask: "Little Loli, do you still want to go back? Play?"

"No," Le Yun shook her head decisively, looking at the tall and handsome young man with a hopeful expression: "Handsome guy, can I dig some herbs and take them away?"

Ok? !

Question mark and exclamation mark, Yan Xing looked at the little cute girl in surprise. She didn't even want the chance to play with guns, but she couldn't move her feet because of the herbs. What's the reason?
Are herbs more attractive than guns?
N doubts flashed in his heart for a second, and he looked around: "Is there any rare and exotic herbs you want here?"

The military camp is divided into a camp area, a training area, a field training area, a target area, and a post area. , the widest is also the target area and the field area.

The target area and the field training area are never managed manually. What is there is left to it. Weeds, weeds and trees grow freely, stones, mounds, ponds or creeks keep their natural appearance.

The wild areas without artificial care are overgrown with weeds, small animals fend for themselves, and there are also insects and snakes in some places.

When it comes to medicinal herbs, Yan Dashao also recognizes several types. For example, among the weeds there are some plantains, madder, bitter cauliflower, wormwood, and in one place there are a few succulents.

"Mmmm, there are many kinds of medicinal herbs, and I want to dig it." Shennong Mountain is a botanical garden with medicinal herbs everywhere, but due to the geographical location, the medicinal materials are also southern medicines, and some medicinal herbs are not as effective as the medicinal herbs in the north. The growing northern herbs, do not dig some away, I am so sorry for them.

In fact, there are also medicinal materials in some places in Qingda University, which are still trees. However, Classmate Le did not dare to take the juice and cut off the branches. It is a landscape tree and cannot be destroyed.

The muscles on Yan Xingjun's face trembled, and he sighed silently, there are really people who don't like guns!
He nodded calmly on the surface: "You can dig if you want." Anyway, the military camp's drugs were taken from a specialized hospital. Because there were no military doctors in the camp, they had never used wild herbs on the spot.

"Is it really possible to dig?" Le Yun's eyes brightened, and the sun was shining all over her face.

The sun will be bright if you give it a little bit of sunshine, and she will show a smile when she agrees to the request. Yan Xing stared at that sweet round face, and faced those bright eyes that were clearer than the gems fished out of the snow-capped ice pond, because she didn't like guns. The depression that I loved more about herbs was swept away unconsciously.

"Dig it." An adjective popped up in his mind - people who study medicine are unreasonable!Geniuses are all lunatics, and Little Loli is also a Chinese medicine lunatic, a little lunatic who loves herbs but not guns.

"Oh yeah, I'm digging for medicine, handsome Yan, you are a good man, a great man!" Le Yun happily ran to the roadside, jumped into the grass, and pulled the weeds.

He got another good person card, Yan Xing could not laugh or cry, Mo Ke Naihe followed the grass, squatted down to see what treasure Little Loli found, opened the grass, revealing something with a long chicken and heart-shaped leaves, he thought it might be. Know him, he doesn't know it.

Little Loli pushed the weeds away, but couldn't find a tool, she folded a straw pole to pry the soil, and it broke in two clicks. The handsome and beautiful young man couldn't see it. She digs.

"Good man." The green plants were dug out, Le Yun shook off the soil on the roots of the medicine, blinked her star eyes, slobbered, and gave the handsome guy a big smile.

He got another good person card, received the second good person card of the day, Yan Xing was also deeply drunk, watching her backfill the small dirt hole dug out, turned around and cut open the grass again, he simply gave her the saber.

With a saber as a tool, Le Yun is even more powerful. She digs out the herbs, backfills them, and moves towards the next target. She digs the herbs once and puts them down, picks them up when she goes, and repeats.

Yan Shao couldn't see it, so he helped her to get the herbs, for fear of damaging her herbs, he got some green grass branches on the bottom, put them in the crook of his arms, and followed her to change places with her.

After some observation, he also figured out the way out. Little Lolita has her own principles for digging herbs. Generally, she digs one every three, and only a few more when there are five or more. She never digs out all the herbs in one place, and always keeps them. Some medicines come down to allow them to multiply, some medicines are taken away by cutting off a branch, instead of digging the whole tree, and some only a little root.

Little Lolita was so excited to dig, she digs whenever she sees the medicine, and wherever she goes is like a locust crossing the border, she is so excited that she can't stop, she keeps looking for targets all over the mountains, and runs farther and farther away from the camp. far away, heading towards the hilltop, moving forward...

After digging for about an hour, Young Master Yan held a large bundle of herbs in his hands. Le Xiaoxiao was embarrassed and always asked the handsome guy to help him as a porter, cut rattan, wound it into a circle, and made a round sieve. Catch some straw and tie the cane to the handle.

She originally wanted to pick it up by herself, and dig the herbs into the sieve, so that she could easily carry it and run, but someone Yan couldn't control her hand, so she held the sieve and experienced the happy feeling of being a medicine digger.

So, whoever ran to the field training ground for a walk would see a child in a training uniform with a backpack on his back, scrambling all over the ground, digging here for a while, and where to dig for a while;
A handsome and beautiful young man also carried a backpack, held a bundle of plants in one hand, and a round rattan basket in the other. He followed the rambling child to stop and go, and the scene was particularly harmonious.

One was a porter, the other was looking for medicine, and the two stopped and went further and further away.

The students in the target area, with steel guns in their arms, are training in full swing, practicing sneaking, squatting, crawling, three-in-one mixed training, firing rubber bullets, and practicing shooting class by class.

The students entered the field with impassioned enthusiasm, running, rolling reconnaissance, crawling forward, touching the target position, and shooting on the ground according to the training requirements.

Although rubber bullets are fake bullets, they also have a certain lethality. The bullets fly on the target and leave red marks. As for the number of rings, it is difficult to say, there are five or six rings, three or four rings, and some miss the target.

The national defense students are better. They have been drawn into the military camp for formal practice before, and they have been given a gun. Generally, five bullets can hit seven or eight rings.

The classmates in the first class of the medical department finished their target shooting, and they were especially concerned about the little Loli. The little Loli never came back, and she didn't know how she was doing.

The students who finished playing the rubber bullets summed up their own experience. Some of them watched from the sidelines, and some trained by themselves. When a battalion member finished testing the rubber bullets, each class held a small meeting, and at 11:30, dinner was served.

There are more than 800 students in a battalion, and it is impossible to have a seat. They all take their dinner plates and sit on the ground to eat, even the teachers are no exception, so as to experience the hard life of being a soldier in the wild. Of course, the students are much happier. Training, and sometimes no hot meals at all.

After eating and sitting and resting, everyone finally saw Young Master Yan's cheetah coming back. The car drove slowly to the side of the dining tent. It was particularly unreasonable and drove into a tent that could shade the sun.

The teachers who were sitting in a small meeting to exchange opinions were very speechless. Is Young Master Yan drawing hatred?And Young Master Yan, who had done the hate thing, got out of the car calmly and elegantly, and also opened the doors to let the car ventilate.

Commander Li and others saw the elementary school student who climbed down from the passenger seat, and their hearts were full of curiosity. The elementary school student's face was blushing and plain, his clear eyes were full of smiles, and his happy appearance made people hate it.

Commander Li left the teachers and instructors behind and walked towards Young Master Yan. Facing the handsome and beautiful young man, he smiled slightly: "Young Master Yan, is there any good news?"

"Yes," Yan Xing looked at the little Loli who was still in the uneasy test car beside the car, her beautiful face burst into a snow-like smile: "There are two good news, one is that something happened in the morning. The eyes are clear, the credit is still Classmate Le, and secondly, Qingda has a sharpshooter hidden in it, so the Department of Mechanical Engineering will definitely welcome Classmate Le to join us.”

"Little classmate's marksmanship is good?" Commander Li wisely did not ask the first good news. At present, only a few students and their teachers and instructors know about it, and most of the students don't know it yet, so it is not appropriate to publicize it, so as not to make people panic.

"Classmate Le's talent in ordnance is far beyond what you and I imagined. Even if it was me, my first target shooting was not at her level." Yan Xing smiled meaningfully at Commander Li, such an ordnance genius, Qingda would not Don't want to stay, she should go to learn firearms and shine for the country's military technology.

"..." Conductor Li was a little depressed. Young Master Yan decided to rob Le Xiaole at any cost, right?You said, the school finally poached a talented student, and you all came to grab people one by one. Isn't this too unkind?

"Director Li, please re-arrange the sequence of the students' target shooting, and move Le's class to the front. After shooting the target, I'll take Le's back to school to go to school. I have something to do."

"No problem." Commander Li also guessed what Young Master Yan was talking about, and he agreed, knowing that Young Master Yan had not eaten yet, and he did not delay other people's meals, so he went to discuss with the instructors and teachers about changing students temporarily. The order of classes in which to shoot.

Yan Shao and Conductor Li said a few words and went to the chef. The students and teachers had all finished their meals. Only the cooks had time to eat. Fortunately, there were enough meals. Therefore, Yan Shao and Le Xiao had dinner together. There are still members, even if they don't, it doesn't matter, they can go to the barracks canteen to open a small stove.

Le Yun stayed beside the car. When the car was running, the inside of the car was not hot. After the car was turned off, the temperature inside the car was different from the outside. When the door was opened, the wind might not be able to enter. She stood and waited for a few minutes to make sure the temperature was not too high. , the herbs that won't suffocate her before running to handsome Yan with confidence.

The two hugged the plates assigned by the chefs and sat down to eat in a shady place. Before eating, Le Xiaoxiao silently distributed half of his rice to Handsome Yan and most of the dishes for him.

Everyone: "..." It feels so weird!

They felt very strange, and the parties involved didn't care. Moreover, Young Master Yan not only did not dislike it, but also accepted it with a warm smile on his brows and eyes.

Yan Shao, who was honored as a rice bucket, was overjoyed because Little Loli was afraid that he would not have enough to share with him. Therefore, even if the food tasted average, he still had a great appetite as if he was eating delicious food from mountains and seas.

Commander Li made a secret observation and found a problem. The little classmate put the lunch box on her knees, helped her with her right hand, and held the spoon in her left hand, indicating that her right hand might still not be able to use force. He was a little worried about the little classmate. How to hold a gun for target shooting?Will it aggravate the bone injury if I force the gun to play?
He was worried in his heart, but he couldn't say it clearly, over there, Young Master Yan had a full meal, washed the dishes by himself, and helped the younger classmates to wash the dishes, and the two walked slowly towards the group of students.

The boys from the first class of the medical department saw that Little Loli finally came back, and excitedly gathered around her to share their achievements in shooting with rubber bullets.

It was almost time for the break. Instructor Han returned to the group of students, gave the guns to classmate Le, and informed the students to advance the target sequence for a while. He repeatedly told them to pay attention to safety after receiving the bullets, and never point the barrels of the guns at others to avoid rubbing them. The gun went off.

Le Yun got her gun, checked it out, and after listening to the instructor's advice, she rudely dismantled the gun again, but this time it was slower, because she "remembered" that her right hand was injured, and she still couldn't use her right hand. In the form of gravity, he can only use his knees to help "hold" the gun, and his left hand is the main force of dismantling.

The little girl dismantled the cage as if no one was around, and Instructor Han was stunned. Li Zuo and the defense students secretly paid attention to the little girl's every move. Seeing her movements, they all stood up and stared at her in unison. His face became more and more ugly.

Little girls' skills in dismantling guns are more professional than them!

When he saw the little girl disassemble the gun into parts and assemble them one by one, Sun Shilin felt more uncomfortable than eating flies. They were pulled into the army camp and practiced for a day before they succeeded in removing the parts without damaging the parts. After the gun was dismantled, it took two days of repeated practice to assemble it successfully.

But now, the little girl has only been there for half a day, and it is only half a day when she is practicing dismantling and assembling the gun, but she can completely dismantle and reassemble the gun, which is a slap in the face!
The faces of most of the national defense students are black and black, and they are quite uncomfortable. The better the little girls, the more they show their clumsiness.

"Little Loli, you, take it apart?"

"Little Loli, you you took it apart and put it back together?"

Guan Yunzhi and the others were stunned at first, then they reacted and looked at the little loli with eyes like monsters. The expressions on their faces were colorful and varied.

"Yes, the original gun didn't suit my habitual movements, so I corrected it." Le Yun touched the reassembled gun and explained with a smile.

Everyone has their own habits, different people have different habits of using guns, and even a small difference can cause a difference in the accuracy of the head.

There are special adjusters for guns. The guns adjusted by the adjusters are suitable for most people. When encountering special groups, they will make targeted adjustments.

"You monster!"

The boys gritted their teeth and said, the same theoretical lessons, the same military training, and the same little Lolita learns as well. This is like driving their classmates crazy every minute.

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for their good psychological quality, they would have been beaten to the point of collapse long ago, but, no matter how good their psychological quality is, sometimes they want to go crazy.

"People are not evil, they are cute little loli."


The boys hummed angrily with their noses, you are not a monster, and Qingda is no longer a monster.

Han Yuntao took a deep breath silently, restraining the surging emotions in his heart;
Li Zuo watched the whole process, and inadvertently saw Young Master Yan looking at him with a half-smile, he was stunned, and immediately called all the national defense students to gather and lecture.

Instructor Li's lectures have not been finished yet. The escort of the ordnance vehicle into the target area, a van transporting ammunition, was escorted by eight soldiers.

The transport vehicle stopped, and the heavily armed soldiers guarded the vehicle, opened the door, and waited for the release of ammunition.

The military training classes went to collect the ammunition in order, and distributed a batch first, and let the first class on the shooting range get it first. Only ten classes were distributed, and the doors were locked.

The instructors of each class led people to retrieve the ammunition and carried them to the target area. The first class to play the rounds fired five rounds of ammunition, one was not much, and half was not much.

The students in the first class of the medical department came first, so they were the first to issue ammunition.

Commander Li and those teachers and instructors who were temporarily free to watch the fun also went to the back of the first class of the medical department, waiting to see how amazing the marksmanship of the little classmates was.

Yan Xing stood beside Little Loli and looked at Li Zuo, who was standing a little further away: "Instructor Li Zuo, bring the defense students to come here and let them open their eyes."

Li Zuo had no room for refusal, so he took the national defense students to the position behind Yan Dashao, and watched closely.

"The boys will come first, and Little Loli will appear at the end." Yan Xing decided to watch a solo performance in order to teach the defense students a lesson.

The boys in the medical department wanted to roar in anger, sir, you have called so many people to watch, and let us turn into a monkey-like performance, is it good?

"Little men, you perform well, perform well, and give you ten more bullets."

"Wow, really?"

The boys in the medical department were so excited that they didn't care if there were people watching and cheering.

Le Yun sighed silently, handsome Yan just made hatred for her and her classmates. If you really rewarded ten more bullets, the students in other classes wouldn't be jealous of their class?

"Ready to be in place, poor performance, five rounds off."

The fluttering sentence is like pouring ice water on the head. The high-spirited boys of the group instantly extinguished their high emotions, silently holding the gun and crying, sir, don't bring such cruelty!

The boys calmed down, and Instructor Han shouted, "Everyone is in your place!"

A group of boys leaned down and quickly got into a shooting posture. When they heard the phrase "attack", they pulled down the hook, and the sound of gunshots could be heard in an instant.

On a sunny day, the sun is dazzling, and the bullet that flew out of the chamber reflects the light of the sun, like a meteor flying towards the target, it is really fast like lightning, and it goes by in a flash.

Five bullets per person is not enough to hit, but the sound stopped in the blink of an eye, and only the smell of gunpowder smoke was still permeating.

Some of the boys who finished shooting the bullets were shocked by the sound, but some of them got up and rubbed their shoulders. There is still a difference between using rubber bullets and using real bullets. numb.

Le Yun has good eyesight, and can clearly see the target even if it is separated by a hundred meters. There are holes in the target, and no one misses the target.

At the end of the round, Instructor Han asked the students to step aside, and the boys who were yelled didn't care about the pain in their shoulders, and ran behind Little Loli and Young Master Yan.

The boys all rushed over, staring at Little Lolita eagerly, Yan Xing couldn't resist those eyes, and asked the little girl in a voice that everyone could hear, but not harsh: "Little Lolita, is it difficult for 200 meters? "

There was a handsome guy Yan who was about to push himself to the edge of the wind. At this time, Le Yun couldn't have a seizure. She glared at him fiercely, and answered with a single word: "No!"

"300 meters?"

Commander Li and the instructors and the national defense students were astonished. The effective range of the 85-style gun is 300 meters. Young Master Yan requires shooting at a distance of 300 meters.
Take measures!

Looking at handsome Yan coldly, he turned around and left with the gun in his left hand.

Yan Shao smiled and helped her clear the way.

The teachers and students in the back also quickly stepped back, until they retreated to [-] away, standing in a circle again, and some students also came to watch the excitement.

Standing outside the 300-meter line, Le Yun raised the gun, pulled the safety, took the weight of the gun with his left hand, and pulled the trigger with his right hand, without dragging mud or water, without hesitation or sluggishness, and fired cleanly.

The previous gun smoke whistle has not yet dissipated, and the new gun smoke smell and bang bang sound are born together, the little metal cold light, flying in the sun in the eyes of all the people.

Just go, go, go out of the way!

When a little bit of cold light flashed past, many national defense students secretly prayed that the bullet was off-target, and it was best to miss the target, so that the annoying girl would lose face.

The gleaming metal cold light swept through the air, and no one could see where it went. There was nothing else in the air between the person and the target except the smell of gunpowder smoke and sunlight.

The shoulder was abused again. After Le Yun shot the bullet, she shoved the gun with the hot barrel into the handsome Yan standing beside her.

Yan Xing felt a little bit unbearable when he hugged the gun that Little Loli threw over. The recoil of the 85 is not light, and Little Loli is so pink and tender, it will definitely hurt a lot. Hit yourself with the rebound force.

"Little classmate, is your hand okay?"

Commander Li found the little classmate's right hand hanging on one side and asked her with concern.

"It's not a big problem, it's just that the right arm is numb, and it hurts a little." Le Yun's wrinkled face tried to relax, and smiled at the teacher.
"The rifle has a very strong rebound. If the hand injury is not healed and the gun is used again, it may shock the old injury. I will go back to the school hospital to take another film. I don't have to go to military training tomorrow. "

The little classmate was so in pain that his face was wrinkled into dumpling skins, and he forced a smile to tell the light description of the pain. Director Li was very distressed and gave her the green light to let her rest and recover.

"Yeah." Le Yun nodded obediently, her heart blossoming with joy. The commander-in-chief of military training gave herself a holiday, la la la, you don't have to go to the playground to sweat tomorrow, you can just sit in the dormitory and read books, you can't be happier.

Yan Xing: "..." Commander Li took his chance again. He originally wanted to give Little Loli a day off under the pretext of being overwhelmed by the gravity hand shooting today, but Commander Li took the initiative to give the green light, and he missed it in vain. Opportunity to brush goodwill.

Classmate Dai, Classmate Guan and other boys surrounded the little loli and asked if they needed a massage. To tell the truth, he really wanted to help the little loli rub her arms and shoulders, because she was afraid that Mrs. Mei would be angry and stare at them. , The officer's eyes were particularly sharp, and they dared not look directly.

Her hands are obviously fine, but she has to pretend that her right hand is injured. Le Yun pretends to be very hard. Fortunately, she thinks that she will be able to rest tomorrow, and her mood is as beautiful as a cloud. As for the jealous eyes of many defense students, she simply ignores them, Whoever wants to be jealous should be jealous, anyway, there will be no less meat.

Li Zuo didn't need to ask Young Master Yan to look at the target in person. He ran to the target at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint. He didn't even have time to take a breath and looked at the target first. Only the red heart was pierced on the clean target card. , not a single bullet anywhere else.

His panting breath was stuck in his chest, causing his chest to swell, his hands and feet involuntarily stiff, and his face was uglier than someone told him to eat shit.

He stared at the target for half a minute, his eyes were sore, and then Instructor Li let out the breath he was holding in his chest. run it back to the target area.

When the instructor came back, the national defense students saw his gloomy face, thinking that the girl's grades were not good, and they were secretly happy, but the teachers only looked at Instructor Li in surprise, and they didn't worry much. Onlookers must have absolute confidence, so there is no need to worry. Besides, the little classmate is a girl, and the shooting distance of 300 meters is the maximum range of the 85-type gun. As long as you can hit eight or nine rings, you will not be ashamed.

"Instructor Li, don't give a shit, let everyone see how the little classmates are doing." Instructor Li approached, holding the target and didn't let everyone see it immediately, Commander Li urged with a smile.

The boys in the first class of the medical department were very nervous and waited quietly for the answer to be revealed.

Instructor Li glanced at the national defense students and handed the sign to Commander Li, the military training commander-in-chief, with a serious face: "Qingdao college students hide dragons and crouch tigers, it is admirable!"

Is it bad grades?

Instructor Li's tone was a bit sour. The teachers were startled and suspected that he was speaking the opposite. They looked at the target, because of the angle of the target, they couldn't see how many rings were played.

Commander Li's smile didn't change, he stretched out his arms and hugged the sign, straightened it up, looked at the front, and laughed in surprise: "Oh, it's incredible, the hearts of guns and guns are a hundred hits, little classmates, good work!"

"Commander Li, let's see!"

The teachers and instructors also stretched their necks curiously. When Commander Li raised the sign, everyone could see it clearly. A large hole was punched in the center of the target, the center was pierced, and there were small half bullet holes in each of the four directions on the edge of the red heart. small hole.

The positions of the four holes are evenly distributed around the red heart, and the residues of the four bullet holes and the pierced red heart form a four-petal plum blossom shape.

In this way, even if someone wants to suspect that there is only one shot in the heart, it makes no sense, because the traces of the five bullets are obvious, and the bullets can be found.

It is precisely because of this that Instructor Li was so horrified when he first saw the bullet marks. That pistol technique was so good that even the regular soldiers like them couldn't match it.

There are many people with good marksmanship in the army. Not to mention a handful of people in the tenth ring at a distance of 300 meters, each battalion can pick out ten or eight. However, let people do this, so that the bullet holes are uniform It is too difficult to learn to distribute in four directions and ensure that it is in the red heart.

All the instructors: "..." The students are of a higher level than the instructors, this... it's almost shameless to face the students.

Xiao Luoli's good marksmanship shocked a group of people, Yan Xing couldn't hide his pride, this talent was dug up by him, and of course he should return to the army, the best place to go is his special team, he is worried about leaving it elsewhere , put him in the team, it is his teammate, it is best to be his partner, with him under his cover, no one will try to steal people.

Commander Li and the teachers are also very proud. Those who hold mobile phones and cameras, quickly take pictures as souvenirs. Such amazing achievements must be photographed and archived. In the future, they can be used as a blueprint to educate the next freshmen, and encourage students to study hard and work hard. .

All five of the red hearts?

The national defense students who originally thought that the girls' grades were average, seemed to be struck by lightning, and they were stunned. They couldn't believe the result. If it was 100 meters away, it was acceptable to hit the red heart, but [-] meters away, how could it be possible to hit all of them? ?

Students from other classes: "..." I feel that the whole person is not good. Really, that student Le is very talented in sports. If he is also talented in ordnance, how can you let these people live?
"Teacher, did classmate Le really pass the exam?" Dai and the others scratched their ears and cheeks anxiously.

"All hits, one bullet hit the center, four bullets in the upper, lower, left and right corners, and five bullets hit a four-petal plum blossom shape. This skill is well deserved for the goddess gunslinger."

"Teacher, can you show us?"

The boys in the first class of the medical department and the surrounding students shouted.

The teachers also wanted to motivate the students to pass the target card to the students for circulation. The students held the target card, opened their eyes wide, and worked hard to observe the four-petal plum blossom that the teachers said. What a sound.

"Little Loli, go." The students gathered around the target, the scene was lively, Yan Xing took the gun and urged Little Loli who was still rubbing her shoulders.

"Don't try again?"

"No, the test results will only be better, not worse, so don't undermine the confidence of other students. Besides, you still have an injury in your right hand, so you can't bear too much burden." Try it a few times, it is estimated that the defense students will want to drill the ground.

No need to perform marksmanship by herself, Le Yun couldn't be more happy, no need to shoot anymore, no need to be abused, so she didn't drag on at all, and left early after handsome Yan.

The little girl is much loved by Chief Yan, and the defense students feel sour with jealousy, but they have nothing to do. In terms of cultural homework, they are not as good as the little girl, in terms of athletic talent, they are still not confident that they can be stronger than her, in terms of military training The level of marksmanship made them even more afraid to compete with her. They had no choice but to scold her behind their backs.

Commander Li and the others didn't mind Young Master Yan's style of leaving when he wanted to, and coming when he wanted to. The cheerful Young Master Ren Yan brought his classmates back to school ahead of schedule, and watched Young Master Jun lead the classmates through the crowd to walk away, and the teachers went to Register students' target scores, change targets, and arrange for the next class to continue shooting.

Yan Shao handed Little Loli's gun back to the soldier who was escorting the ordnance, and signed an ammunition distribution sheet that added ten rounds of ammunition to the first class of the medical department.

He signed the signature, and returned to his cheetah car one step behind. Little Loli had already climbed into the car. She did not take the passenger seat, but went to the back seat.

Little Loli is angry.

Little Loli didn't glared at her, but Yan Xing guessed from Little Loli's reaction that she should be angry for letting her perform marksmanship in front of everyone's eyes. Little Loli didn't like to be in the limelight, so he pulled her out to enjoy the publicity. , she is not happy.

Little Loli was unhappy, and she still didn't turn her face and carry him in front of the public. She cooperated and demonstrated the marksmanship as he wanted, giving him enough face. There was no one else at the moment, and Little Loli didn't want to pay attention to him, so she didn't want to. Take the passenger seat.

Yan Xing didn't immediately ask what happened to Little Loli, she closed the car doors, got in the car and sat down, fastened her seat belt, backed out of the car, turned around, drove out of the target area, ran to the school gate, secretly thought about it, and Xiao Luo Li was fuming with him, how could she be coaxed to calm her down?
(End of this chapter)

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