Chapter 201

The noisy and heavy rain gradually stopped in the middle of the night. When dawn came, the sky washed by the heavy rain was clean and bright, the plants and trees absorbed enough water, the leaves and branches were tender, and even the air was as fresh as spring.

In the early morning, people who wake up for morning exercise smell the clean air, and everyone just feels relaxed and happy.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao got up and ran in the morning when the sky was very bright. Yan Shao was still in low spirits yesterday evening, and his eyes were full of exhaustion. He went to eat a meal, drank medicine, and slept refreshed. He also killed a tiger with his bare hands. The mighty aura.

Liu Shao was in high spirits, and accompanied Yan to run a few laps on the playground in the dormitory area. He was sweating profusely with a group of students who were doing morning exercises. When it was about time, he would return to the dormitory to shower, change clothes and go to the cafeteria.

On weekends, breakfast time is not crowded. The two young men enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. Yan Shao Shiran drove his Cheetah with a military license plate, Niu Hong Hong left the school, and Liu Da Shao went. Little Loli picked up her car from downstairs in the dormitory, swayed back to the dormitory by herself, and continued to shine in his professional field.

This Saturday, when most of the students were still in Wo dormitory with bed and Wo Jun, the members of the student union and the students who were applying for the student union were nervously and orderly preparing for the morning student union recruitment interview.

Chao Yubo also got up very early, doing indoor exercises first, and then reading books for half an hour. At 06:30, he took his bag and water cup with him and went out refreshingly.

As soon as he opened the dormitory door, he saw that the door of the dormitory opposite was also wide open. Da Li moved a bench and sat next to the wall by the window, holding a book in his hand, and guarding the door while reading.

Li Yubo Baba boiled for nearly an hour, and finally saw the elegant and beautiful jade-like youth appear, with a hundred flowers in his heart, he grabbed the backpack that was thrown at his feet and jumped up, and when he rushed out the door, he closed the door.

"Xiao Chao, you're up, let's go, have breakfast!" Rushing to the door of the youth dormitory, Li Shao grabbed the handsome boy's shoulders, showing the brotherhood between the two brothers, which is deeper than the sea and higher than the mountain.

"I said Da Li, were you dizzy last night, so you got up early to be the goalkeeper."

"No, I'm waiting for you."

"Wait for me? I don't run in the morning, I don't get up early to play parallel bars, and I don't do fitness exercises."

"Just waiting for you." Humph, you are going to have breakfast at the cute little loli, no one waiting for you.

Xiao Lele said that he should call Da Li to have breakfast, but he deliberately did not inform Da Li, and now he is not going to tell the truth, making Da Li tangled go.

The young man went downstairs leisurely, walked along the corridor on the first floor to the east stairs, and climbed the stairs with a dignified face.

Brother Chao didn't throw himself away, Li Yubo couldn't help being overjoyed, and happily followed the handsome and delicate teenager Faxiao as a little tail.

A pair of young hair lovers who are in love with each other climbed to the fourth floor, and couldn't help but be slightly startled. In front of Xiao Lele's door, there were two young men from school, each carrying a men's bag, neatly tidy from head to toe, and his hair combed Not at all chaotic, it looks quite like going to a blind date, full of energy and high-spirited.

"Xiao Chao, you are finally here." Chen Shuyuan and the talented young man saw the two handsome young men who came together, and their eyes sparkled with gemstones with laughter.

"You guys are here too?" Li Yubo opened his eyes again and again, and he opened his eyes to the point of being the boss. He was stubbornly relying on Brother Chao to stutter, so why did the two foodies from Mao also come?

"The elementary school girl asked us to come for breakfast." Last night they received a text message from Little Loli telling them to go to breakfast on Saturday. They both woke up at dawn, and ran to the fourth floor just after six o'clock in excitement. Stayed at the door for about half an hour.

"Then what are you doing outside?" Li Yubo wanted to cry, but Little Lolita called Da Caizi and Senior Chen, and called Xiao Chao, but didn't call him, woo, elementary school girls favor one over the other.

"Wait for you."

"One by one will disturb the little loli, let's wait for you to go together."

After Chao Yubo climbed the last half of the stairs, he reached the door and found that the door was open. He shook his head without feeling amused. The two foodies came early and were too cowardly to enter. It was really cute.

He didn't poke the glass hearts of the school tyrants, he gently pushed open the door, stepped into the room facing the smell of the nose, and the three behind followed one by one, it looked like the locomotive was pulling the carriage behind, Advance in sequence.

The sky outside the window is clear, and the fragrance is lingering inside. There are two dishes of small dishes and a bowl of porridge on the table. The owner of the house is still in the small kitchen.

The four Xueba happily ran to the table, occupying their seats happily.

When the food arrived, Le Yun brought out the last dish, sat next to Brother Chao, and everyone started dinner. She cooked the porridge at five o'clock and cooked it at six o'clock. It was cold for about half an hour, not too hot or cold. Moderate temperature.

Xueba foodie worked hard to fight with the food, the porridge was sweet but not greasy, fragrant, and the side dishes were so delicious that one could not wait to swallow the chopsticks.

Cai classmates respect the old and love the young, wash the dishes and do hygiene.

When the seniors finished washing the dishes, Le Yun took out what she had prepared, and divided one for each person. The first part was the August fried from Yan Shuai, and then the self-defense medicine she gave.

"Little Lele, what is this good stuff?" Li Yubo didn't know the medicinal herbs, so he took the bamboo-like thing in the plastic wrap bag and asked curiously.

Chen Shuyuan is a clinical major of traditional Chinese medicine. Of course, he also recognizes many medicinal materials. He opened his mouth excitedly: "I guess it is Dendrobium candidum. The branches are like bamboo knots, bright and clean as jade, at least it is a hundred-year-old Dendrobium branch."

"Wow, I happened to be a little angry, I went back to make tea and drink." Cai Zijun pushed the glasses frame, especially happy.

"Senior Cai, the medicine is not for making tea, it is for your own self-defense. You are guarding the vice president of the student union. I am afraid that she will use the medicine on Brother Chao or you, and ruin your innocence. Bring some medicine in case you need it. If you need it, it is best to carry it at all times. If you feel something is wrong, chew the medicine in your mouth and eat it, you can keep your brain awake in a short time and have a chance to save yourself."

"This?" Li, Chen, and Cai Xueba looked at each other, is the situation that serious?

"I don't rule out the possibility of her using drugs to plot against people." Chao Yubo was not surprised, his voice was soft: "As far as I know, Lejia has always used any means to achieve her goals. Her family used drugs to plot against opponents, causing the opponent's children to suffer. Or the wife or husband's reputation is ruined, and Lejia benefits from it. These years, Lejia wants to depend on my family and has been trying to build goodwill. Fortunately, I am weak, and they have some scruples and dare not start. Now they are almost tearing their faces. You can go with me. In the near future, it may also be remembered and hated."

"What's the matter, what does it mean to get close, we are obviously grasshoppers on a rope." Li Yubo snorted.

"You're a grasshopper, I'm a schoolmaster, I should say I'm a schoolmaster in the same boat, understand?" Talented Zijun said angrily, Li Shao and Chao were young, and he and the two young masters were in the same group when they entered school. Senior Chen and him are iron buddies, and they are naturally on the same boat.

"Xiao Chao, what did she do?" Cai and Chen asked shamelessly.

"She is the main messenger who caused Lele's accidental fracture. It's enough for you to know. The reason is too complicated to be disclosed to the public." Chao Yubo did not hide the truth. Yan Shao and Liu Shao had contacted him, and he planned to murder Le's family. The ins and outs of Lele's whole incident are also clear.

Li Shao had already discovered the secret truth from Yan Shao long ago. It is not surprising that talented young man Jun and Chen Shuyuan looked at each other in astonishment. That one has long enough hands.

When Brother Chao was talking to the seniors, Le Yun didn't say a word, and when he explained the reason, she added: "The Dendrobium I gave you grows and there are other medicinal plants, which naturally absorb various medicines and the essence of the sun and the moon. , the efficacy is about ten times stronger than that of ordinary wild dendrobium, and it can defuse ordinary Mongolian and Chinese medicine and mild psychedelic drugs.

I only have a little bit of this medicine, you have to keep it well, you can't afford to waste it.Whoever lost it and asked me for it, I had nothing to give.

You keep some of Brother Chao's share for yourself, and share the rest for self-defense for those who are close to you.The most important thing, brother Chao, try not to go to remote places. It is best not to be alone. Even if you are not alone and feel a strange reaction in your body, remember to pay attention and find me quickly. "



The four Xueba nodded docilely. The intention to harm others is indispensable, and the intention to guard against others is indispensable. Of course, it is good for them to guard against others.

The four of them are all members of the student council. They have recruitment and assessment work in the morning. They can't stay in the little Loli dormitory for too long. Get the medicinal materials, kill the August bombing, and leave the shells for the master pharmacy.

Some people fall asleep soundly every night, and some people toss and turn and have difficulty falling asleep. Last night, the students of Qingda University basically had good dreams, but Le Shiyun was upset and didn't fall asleep all night. There are dark bags under the eyes, and the whole person looks haggard like an old woman in her 30s.

Looking at the person in the mirror, she was frightened, grabbed a few handfuls of hair indiscriminately, quickly washed her face, put on a mask for skin care, and made careful makeup.

It takes time for a woman to put on makeup. She put on makeup for more than two minutes. She used thick makeup to cover up the dark circles under her eyes and her gray face. She dressed up carefully and set off at [-]:[-].

Even if the election is imminent, even if the members of the student union secretly fight against her, when she was the vice president of the student union, she had to live every day elegantly, and there might be a chance for a comeback.

The third round of assessment of the Student Union is also the last round of interview and final review. Except for other staff members, all the students from the Student Union will be present to assess the new candidates. They will give scores and comments to the shortlisted candidates. Finally, the results will be collected together. vote.

The assessment is scheduled at 07 o'clock. The applicants will arrive at the venue at around 30:[-] and sit in the candidate seats and wait. At [-] o'clock, the ministers of the student union will give a brief introduction to the department's duties, and then the application meeting will begin. curtain.

The students who passed the five hurdles to the last round of the final round gave speeches one by one and accepted the questions of the main assessors.

The young president sits on the examiner's seat. Most of the time, he doesn't speak, and he rarely asks questions. However, his beautiful appearance and elegant demeanor cannot be imitated by others. The young president of Qihua is as dazzling as the sun, enough to illuminate the audience and win countless popularity.

The recruitment and application conference went very smoothly. Due to the large number of shortlisted talents, it lasted until 12:30. The final result was announced on Monday, and the applicants went back to wait for the notification. The student union continued to work in the afternoon.

One day and one night passed in a blink of an eye. On Sunday, when most people were still sleeping in, Le Xiao, who was in the dormitory for a day, got up on time in the morning, ate his own nutritious breakfast, read until [-]:[-], and rode his bicycle. Go to the exam building.

After the heavy rain, Kyoto returned to sunny again. It was sunny on Saturday, and it was also on Sunday. The sky was higher, farther and wider than before the heavy rain.

The high-rise buildings rising from the ground, bathed in the autumn sunshine, are magnificent.

In a small examination room in the examination building, nearly [-] elderly or middle-aged people were sitting leisurely. Only one person was sitting on the podium at the front, and the others were sitting in the last few rows of the examination room, each with a laptop in front of them.

The examination room can accommodate about 40 people at the same time. Cameras are installed in all directions to capture the whole room in all directions without blind spots. In the examination room, whoever stretches, who yawns, and who turns his head several times can be clearly recorded.

Professor Wan Cheng, who was sitting on the podium, looked at the group of enthusiastic guys below, and had the urge to slap the table, so whoever, didn't he agreed that the teacher would supervise the test on the spot, and the school leaders and several leaders of the medical department were in the next test room. Watching the surveillance, why did they all come to the scene again?
A group of people will sit at the back of the examination room as soon as they arrive. Don't you know that this will cause huge psychological pressure on the students. How do you let the students take the test with their hearts?
There are tens of thousands of wild beasts roaring in Professor Wan Cheng's heart. Among those guys, there are those who are engaged in administrative work. They are the most slick. Theorizing with them is a waste of saliva. If he really used force and threw everyone out, those guys wouldn't carry it with him at that time, and they would run to his house in groups to be annoying, and then annoy his wife. When the lady gets angry, he will have to sleep in the guest room. .

The old professor was very depressed. The leaders of the school and the head of the medical department who sat behind were all in high spirits and high spirits, waiting for the show.

After everyone waited for a while, they heard rhythmic footsteps outside, and soon a small and exquisite girl with short hair appeared at the door. The girl was wearing a casual suit with short sleeves and cropped pants, white sneakers, and shiny black hair. With a satin-like luster, a round white face, and a bright smile like the rising sun.

Even if the door was open, she still knocked on the door lightly, first, then twice, with a crisp sound like a jade hitting a bell: "Professor, can I enter the examination room?"

The eyes of the group of people sitting behind were like lanterns, shining brightly, they saw it, the little classmates were not shocked when they saw them.

Professor Wan Cheng sternly stabbed at the group of people who were deliberately running to scare people, and turned to his primary school student with a gentle smile: "Come in, don't worry about the people behind you, you can choose the seat you like. "

With the consent of the professor, Le Yun walked into the examination room, bowed to the old professor first, then bowed to the school leaders and teachers behind to say hello silently, walked to the seat facing the podium, took off her backpack, and took out the stationery box. , put the bag on the back of the chair and wait for the test.

Professor Fu and Professor Zhai, who were sitting with the school leaders, winked at Professor Wan Cheng cheerfully. Look, your elementary school student is more courageous than you. People are calm and composed, this concentration is better than yours.

Professor Wan Cheng, who was laughed at by two old friends, pretended that he didn't see their faces, picked up the exam papers piled on the desk, and put them on the pupil's left. In order not to disturb her answering the questions, he moved the adjacent table closer. Put the two tables together and put the test questions on the table next to them.

"The test papers for several subjects are all here. You can choose which subject you are willing to answer first." Professor Wan Cheng handed the test papers to the elementary school students, and he walked slowly to the back.

The people behind: "..." This is an exam, serious and serious!
Professor Wan Cheng was reluctant to kill his pupils. Of course, he had to be gentle and kind, and it was clear that they came to scare people first. He didn't bother with them, but just wanted to appease the pupils. What's wrong?

Feeling that he was right and reasonable, he naturally ignored what the school leaders were thinking. He walked to the desk at the far end of the invigilators and sat down. He watched the computer screen with Lao Fu. The computer was connected to the camera, and the monitoring could be adjusted at will. View the screen.

There were still ten minutes before eight o'clock. The professor threw all the test papers to the students. The little classmates didn't take the time to answer the questions. They didn't even read the test papers. Minutes before she checked the stationery.

When the pointer of the wall clock on the wall was exactly eight o'clock, the little girl who had been silent for a long time picked up the top sheet of the stack of test papers and spread it out on her desk, filled in the student number with a pen, and filled in her name.

Every movement of the little classmates is shown on the monitor, and Principal Qiu and others can see it clearly. Principal Qiu is a very busy person, and it is usually difficult to find him even in the school during working hours. I just found time to go with several leaders of the medical department to watch the exams of the talented students.

This test is a special test obtained by a student who submitted an application to the medical department. The content of the test is the content of each subject in this semester. If she can score more than [-]% in each subject, then the school allows her to arrange her time freely. Instead of going to various professional courses, study the courses she wants to study according to her own wishes, and then just wait for the final exam at the end of the semester.

With the approval of the school, there is no need to attend the class on time. The attendance record given by the teacher of each subject to the students is naturally full marks, and no credits will be deducted.

Principal Qiu was very interested in the application of the junior classmates, and made time to watch it in person. The bosses of the medical department also wanted to keep the talents. Of course, he was happy to give the green light to the request of the junior classmates who wanted to test in advance. As long as they were free, they would not rest , all came to be a proctor.

Originally, Professor Wan Cheng asked them to watch the monitoring in another small examination room next door. They felt that it was more meaningful to be there in person, so they all regretted it and went to the examination room together to invigilate the examination.

People in the medical department saw the exam papers that the younger classmates took, and looked at Professor Wancheng quietly. The old professor was abusing his private power in an open and honest manner, putting his own subjects first, and he was a wicked and slippery man.

Just when everyone made a mistake, the little classmates have been writing like flying, and they are answering the questions. The characters are neat and beautiful, even if they are block letters, they have their unique rigorous and dignified arrogance.

Professor Wan Cheng stared at the elementary school students answering the questions, and when he saw the answer, he couldn't hide his pride in his eyes, and he answered correctly!

The little girl sitting in front answered the questions quickly, almost without thinking about each question. Principal Qiu and others observed Professor Wan Cheng, and seeing that he was red-faced and beaming, they guessed that he was very satisfied with the answers of the little classmates.

"Old Wanti, how are you?" Professor Fu asked quietly when the little girl was halfway through answering the question.

Professor Wan Cheng's eyes flashed with excitement, and his breathing was short of breath: "It's exactly the same as the standard answer, it's all correct!"

"..." Everyone in the medical department was overjoyed.

In a blink of an eye, the little girl finished a test paper without looking at it. She put the test paper on the table behind her, and took another test paper to answer the questions.

Everyone glanced at the time and was stunned, 10 minutes!The young students only took four to ten minutes to answer the amount of questions that were estimated to take one and a half hours to complete.

Professor Wan Cheng couldn't hide his pride, ran to take away the exam papers completed by the students, sat down and corrected them on the spot, marked one red tick one after another, and then handed the exam papers to Principal Qiu and several leaders of the medical department for review.

Principal Qiu and the others pulled out the sample questions answered by the teachers in the computer, and compared them with the answers of the students. They were all full of joy, and they were all right!
They hadn't finished comparing one test paper, and the little classmates finished another test paper. Professor Fu couldn't help but get excited. He ran to bring the little girl's test paper, tick it, and then show it to Principal Qiu and other leaders.

Leaders: "!" The speed is so fast, let the medical students know, isn't it a blow to their confidence?


Halfway through the quiz, the little girl finished another piece. Everyone looked at the time and realized that it only took 35 minutes. This... this is amazing speed!
A teacher took back the test paper and tick it decisively, full marks!
When the little classmate was halfway through the fourth test paper, the invigilators who were staring at her finally saw her twitching her eyebrows, looking up at the sky with a strange expression, and then lowered their heads and answered the question.

"Mr. Li, this subject is yours, isn't it difficult?" the professors whispered.

"Uh, it's not difficult, I just added an unpopular knowledge point from next semester."

"You cow, did the little classmate get the answer right?"

"I'm not good at it, and even more impressive are Professor Wan Cheng and Professor Pi. They both took their sophomore knowledge for the test, and the little classmates are still all right. Do you think it's hard to get a little monster with my little problem?"

"You guys are too cruel!" Everyone dripped two drops of cold sweat. It's obviously a subject for this semester, but you take the test for the second year and next semester. Isn't this deliberately making things difficult?
Professor Wan Cheng and Professor Pi smiled and said nothing. They dared to take the sophomore exam. Naturally, they believed that the younger classmates could answer it, otherwise they wouldn't do it.

The little girl worked hard to answer the questions. It took five and ten minutes for the fifth paper, four and ten minutes for the sixth paper, and after finishing the seventh paper, at 10:10, everyone went to eat first.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the exam continued. It lasted until 02:30 and finished the remaining two test papers. There are nine subjects in total. The professors originally planned to take the exam day and night. The students finished all the subject test questions in more than 5 minutes.

When the little classmate finished answering the last paper and put down his pen and rubbed his wrist, Professor Wan Cheng took the paper and handed it to the teacher who came to collect the paper. The top of the pupil's head, his voice could not hide his pride: "Xiao Le, you have passed the test!"

(End of this chapter)

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