Chapter 202

Why do you always touch her head?
With a big hand above her head, Le Yun is always depressed, the altitude is too low, her good intentions are blocked, and I ask the Buddha to bless you to grow taller!

"Professor, have I really passed?" The invigilating professors whispered in a clear and open voice. She had already heard it all, and guessed that she would pass the test. When she was really notified, she was very excited.

"Well, it's over. From tomorrow, you don't have to go to class on time. If you encounter any difficult problems in self-study, you can ask the teachers at any time. A few kinds of laboratory utensils have arrived. I will check them tomorrow. I will notify you to pick them up if they pass the inspection."

"Well, professors are the best!"

"You've been answering the question for so long, your hands should be sore, go and play by yourself." The old professor tapped the pupil's little head with a smile and let her go.

"Thank you, Professor!" Le Yun flew up happily and was liberated. From now on, she is free to arrange time, study freely, and listen to courses freely. She is so happy!

He happily closed the stationery box, put it back in his backpack, carried his bag, jumped out of his seat, and bowed to the school leaders and professors to express his gratitude. , and then ran away in a hurry.

"Professor Wan Cheng, what kind of shit did you step on and found a treasure." After seeing the little classmates politely resign, everyone expressed their jealousy. The little classmates are talented and smart, and they respect their teachers. Such a good student was actually accepted by Professor Wan Cheng. Take it, it's too cheap for him.

"It goes without saying that, of course, you stepped on the biggest piece of shit in the world, so just be jealous."

"You have to treat guests, don't invite you to dinner, invite us to drink tea, ask for the kind of good tea you invited us to drink that day, and refuse other teas."

"Agreed, Professor Wan Cheng must treat guests, and there is no reason not to treat guests."

"I don't know if I don't allow it, and if I don't treat you, I'll consider deducting your grades as a primary school student at the end of the semester."

"Agree, even if the answers are all right, there are still points that can be appropriately deducted for the impression on the roll."

"You guys are avenging your personal revenge! Hey, for my elementary school students, I'll still have some blood. Next Saturday, I'll have afternoon tea. Remember to crawl to my house by yourself, you won't be waiting for it."

"it is good……"

The leaders and teachers applauded happily. In order to persuade them to agree to give the students an early test, Professor Wan Cheng did not hesitate to lure them with tea, but they couldn't stand the temptation. .

We succeeded in getting Professor Wan Cheng to agree to some blood, and everyone was satisfied. They quickly finished marking the last test paper, and then the principal and the leaders matched the standard answers to the questions. After finishing the test paper, they set it up and ended the invigilation work happily.

Every week there is an evil Monday. Many people don't like it, and some people like it. The boys in the clinical class of Chinese and Western medicine still like it very much. Monday is the first day of the week. Li lives happily in class.

But this Monday, the eight boys were completely stunned, just because Teacher Li informed them in the morning that Le Xiaoxiao had applied to pass the exam in advance, and he would not have to go to class from now on.

The huge news hit the boys like ice cubes on the top of their heads, making them dizzy and cold. After only one week of class after the military training, Little Loli completed all the professional courses for a semester by herself and passed all the exams ahead of time. How does the brain grow?

They really wanted to take Little Loli for an autopsy and study the difference in her brain structure, but unfortunately, they could only think about it in their hearts, how could they really do that.

The tragic eight boys turned jealousy and anger into strength and rushed to class.

This Monday, in addition to the normal life of three points and one line, the students of Qingda University are also very excited. The student union announced the notice of the election meeting of the student union on the website. Everyone secretly posted a post to vote for their favorite president and Vote for the vice-chairman.

All kinds of posts have just started, and the popularity of the young president has skyrocketed, especially the freshmen, two-thirds of the votes for the young president, admiration is like a rushing river.

As a soldier, of course, discipline is the strongest. Even though Liu Dashao is unwilling to sit in the classroom and be a primary school student with a bunch of hairy children, because he entered Qingda University under the guise of further education, he is still honest that day. Xiao Erlang, who went to school with a schoolbag, went to class on time.

As for the class, he listened to it, but didn't listen. He liked it, and if he didn't like it, he played on his PDA. He didn't affect others, and of course he lived at ease and at ease.

Liu Xiangyang found the news on the Internet and decided to vote for the Chao family brother. For personal reasons, he doesn't like the little princess of the Chao family, but honestly, Brother Chao's performance in the position of the president of the Youth University Student Union is good. Remarkable, fair and equitable, votes must be given.

The most important thing is that if Brother Chao is still the president of the student union, he will have enough shocking power to shock some people, so that others will not dare to bully the little beauty.

The stomach was bought by the food, so Liu Shao's heart naturally favored the little beauty, and he became a supporter of the little princess Chao. In view of Yan's explanation, he always remembered his mission, and his first task was to keep an eye on the little beauty. From the signal tracking, it was found that the little beauty did not go to class.

He didn't know if she forgot her phone, or if she didn't go to class because of something, so he kept paying attention in secret. From half-morning to afternoon, the location of the little beauty's phone didn't move, but he wasn't worried. We and the classmates of the little beauty all study and work according to the class, and there is nothing unusual, which means that there is nothing wrong with the little beauty. If there is any trouble with the little beauty, the little princess of the Chao family and her tutor will definitely react. .

For the sake of safety, Liu Dashao decided to investigate the reason in person, left early in the afternoon, slipped to the teaching building of the Medical Department, and found the stair hall where the Chinese and Western clinical classes must pass to wait.

When the school was over, he didn't watch the pink and tender little loli bunny, but only waited for her classmates, both military training classes and professional classes, a group of boys descended the stairs, and there was a deep brotherhood among the classmates. .

The little beauty really didn't come to class!
After looking around, no girl was found. Liu Xiangyang confirmed his judgment. Rare is precious. The little beauty is the only girl in her class. The boys in her class treat her very well. The beauties walked together. Now there is no little girl in the group of boys, which means that they have not come to class.

As his thoughts flew, he walked towards the boys with his long legs.

Liu Shaoqi is tall and straight, handsome and sunny, and a tear mole adds a bit of charming beauty to him, making his face inexorable. , instantly becomes the focus.

"So handsome!"

"Wow handsome guy!"

The girls found a handsome guy, shouted excitedly, and looked for a mobile phone to take a photo. Such a handsome guy must take a photo and post it on the Moments.

Guan Yunzhi, Dai Liangyu and others came downstairs together, talking while walking, hearing the exclamations of the girls and the murmurs of the boys, they all looked over and saw a tall, handsome and handsome man walking towards him. Come on, that man is tall and straight, and seeing him, it reminds me of the phrase "all mountains are small at a glance", and the people around are all mountains.

The boys felt that the man was very familiar. When the handsome man got closer and closer, it was obvious that he came to them. They suddenly realized that it was President Chao who asked to give the ideological education class to the national defense students. Young Master Liu, who can bend and stretch. ?
The boys slowed down involuntarily and waited for the handsome man with a big smile.

Because he is handsome, he is naturally romantic and extravagant, so that the boys and girls will subconsciously give way when they see Liu Shao approaching. Step to the side and follow the boys.

"Little handsome guys, hasn't the little beauty in your class finished class yet?" He was very kind, with a sunny smile and high affinity.

"Little Loli didn't come to class today, and it may be rare to come to a class in the future. You need to find Little Loli to call her."

The boys had an epiphany, and sure enough, they came to find Little Loli again, and they didn't hide it and told him the truth.

"Hey, she doesn't have to go to class?" Liu Xiangyang was stunned, don't tell him that the professors were so generous enough to condone the little beauty to the point where she would take classes if she liked it, and would not attend classes if she didn't want to.



"Why can't she come to class?"

"Little beauty has completed all the courses for this semester on her own ahead of time, and applied for an early test. Yesterday, she passed the test. The professor and the leaders of the medical department approved Little Loli to freely arrange her study time, and she does not need to follow the school's curriculum schedule to attend class."

The boys happily explained the reasons. Liu Xiangyang was dumbfounded. After half a second, he uttered a sentence: "...So awesome? It's really crazy."

"of course!"

"Little Loli is a god of learning."

"Study God's brain is different."

Classmate Guan and others have a sense of heroism and pride. Little Loli belongs to their class. Little Loli is an inspirational story that inspires people to move forward.

"The little beauty is too good. As friends, you and Rong are dying. Let's go, little handsome guys, let's go to the cafeteria to make a toast to the success of the little beauty."

"Uh, students shouldn't drink alcohol."

"Don't drink white wine, drink beer or drink red wine, brother today treats guests, you can't lose face."

" can I invite you to treat..."

The boys were a little embarrassed, and Liu Shao proudly walked forward: "I'll invite you this time, but you can invite them back later. If it's a man, be bold and go!"

"...Let's go!" Liu Dashao was too forthright. The boys were a little restrained at first, and then threw off their ideological baggage and walked with their heads held high.

The people who stopped because of handsome Liu didn't know much about the group of boys, so they didn't know why they didn't need to go to class, what the hell was an early exam, and they didn't take it to heart. A group of people left, everyone also just dispersed.

Liu Shao and a group of boys walked out of the hall, and then selected a restaurant. Everyone rode bicycles or motorcycles, or led people to ride together, and rushed to the restaurant.

There are more than 40 people in the military training class, and there are three students, Han, Li, and Liang. Everyone walks back and forth when class is over, so all the members are present, and they can occupy a lot of seats in the restaurant.

Due to the needs of work, Liu Shuai can be a prince, a great god, a noble young master and other celebrities, and he can also become a civilian youth in seconds. He can also be shameless at any time. He can easily mix with the boys, and he is soft Convinced the boys to let him join the WeChat group created by the boys.

With his technology, he can hack into boys' mobile phones and computers in minutes. It's easy to know the movements of Little Loli, but he doesn't want to do that. A channel for obtaining information about little beauty.

After successfully securing a group of young people, Liu Shao was elated. After the dinner, he returned to the dormitory, and proudly showed off to someone Yan, Meimei went to work and worked.

Because the election of the student union is about to take place, the undergraduates are very concerned about the dynamics of the student union forum. The student union personnel spend almost all their spare time outside of studying on the work of the student union, and they are very busy.

He was busy with business, and he had to secretly pay attention to the actions of Vice President Le to prevent someone from secretly tampering with him. Chao Yubo didn't have time to look for Xiao Lele. Fortunately, he drank medicinal tea every day and his body was in great shape. Tired down, he was still safe and sound, which surprised those who didn't know the truth. Some people in the student union thought that the president was because he needed to be responsible for the smooth running of the election.

On Tuesday, the 27th, because the election of the student union was on Wednesday, the topic of discussion among the undergraduate groups was closely related to the election of the student union.

As an advanced student, Liu Shao also consciously brought a sense of substitution. When he ran to class in the morning, he encountered others discussing who would be elected in the student union election. He also discussed the hottest topics with everyone and expressed his insights.

He just made fun of himself to pass the boring time, and the time passed very quickly. One class passed in a blink of an eye. When the first half of the second class was about a third of the way, his The phone has a call coming in.

The mute was turned down during class, Liu Xiangyang was playing on the PDA, the earphone of the mobile phone was hanging on one side of his ear, and when he received a call, he was silent at first. The chair squatted down, cat on the waist, and crept to the back door.

In order not to interfere with other people's studies, he sat in the last row, which was convenient for playing with mobile phones and computers, and it was also easy to sneak. He walked out of the classroom through the back door, took the elevator downstairs, rode his car, and raced wildly.

With something in his heart, Liu Shao didn't stop for a moment. He rushed to the front of the Zhuangyuan Building, took off his helmet, grabbed the key and ran upstairs, and rushed to the fourth floor in a hurry. Eagerly knocking on the door of Little Loli's dormitory.

Because she doesn't have to go to class, Le Yun happily scans books in her dormitory every day. She made a budget. At the speed of her reading, she doesn't need to fully understand. If she just memorizes, she will be able to learn from senior Chen and senior Cai within a month and a half at most. The borrowed book scan is stored in the brain.

If you want to understand them thoroughly, it will take about two months, because some courses are very abstract and involve knowledge in many other fields, so you need to find additional teaching materials and books in various fields.

Once she has scanned the professional books, she expects to continue to look for books for her major, and on the other hand, she can take foreign language courses and master a few foreign languages.

I haven’t finished reading the books I borrowed, so naturally I don’t have time to go to the library. I don’t have to go to class, I just sit in the dormitory and scan books frantically, eat when I’m hungry, and eat space products when I’m thirsty.

Le Xiaoxiao didn't hear what was going on outside the window, she was engrossed in reading the book, and was unexpectedly disturbed by the sudden sound of footsteps like a horse's hoof, which naturally created a state of ecstasy. A little dazed, staring at the air and blinking.

The sound of footsteps ran from downstairs to upstairs. She was so good at hearing that she could hear the person's heartbeat and breathing. Based on the heartbeat and breathing, it was inferred that the person running was a man or a regular. A man whose physical fitness is no less than that of a long-distance runner.

Running in such a hurry, what's the urgency?

Doubts flashed through Le Yun's mind, she put the book on her lap, and slowly moved her neck first. Anyway, her interest in reading was interrupted, so let's relax first.

She moved her neck a few times, happily took out a cantaloupe from the space, and bit it when she opened her mouth. At this moment, the rapid footsteps reached the door of the dormitory where she lived and stopped abruptly, followed by a knock on the door. .

Looking for... looking for me?

She cut her teeth into the cantaloupe skin and was startled by the knock on the door. Le Yun stopped chewing on the fruit and released her mouth, leaving two rows of shallow tooth marks on the white surface of the cantaloupe that escaped the disaster.

Who is looking for her?
Le Xiao looked at the wall in astonishment, and couldn't believe it. Brother Chao or Brother Li would call her if they were looking for her, and professors would also call her if they were looking for her. call.

It is impossible for the phone to automatically shut down, and she was only fully charged last night.

Moreover, even if Brother Chao and the professors didn't call and want to come to eat, they wouldn't come at this time. It was still class time, and they couldn't get on or off. They were too embarrassed to come early.

Did you go the wrong way?
Listening to the panting sound of "huhahuha" outside the door, Le Yun threw the cantaloupe back into the space, clasped the book on her legs upside down, and quickly ran to look around.

Yi Gao is daring, she has the power to protect herself, she is not afraid of criminals, nor is she afraid of being attacked by the mentally ill, so she ran to the door and neatly opened the door and looked out.

A handsome guy stood outside the door, his face was sweaty and his eyes were very anxious.

Seeing the familiar Liu handsome, Le Yun was full of doubts, why did she run in such a hurry?what the hell?
"Liu handsome guy..."

Running all the way, Liu Xiangyang took out the maximum speed, so that he ran so fast that he couldn't breathe. He knocked on the door once but no one was seen, and wanted to knock a second time, when the door suddenly opened, revealing a pink and tender picture of little Loli Face, he subconsciously retracted his hand, and shouted in a hurry: "Little beauty, help Xiaoxingxing!"

Interrupted by handsome Liu, two bold question marks flashed through Le Yun's mind, and her small brows furrowed: "Brother Liu, what happened to the surname Yan?"

Liu Xiangyang roared anxiously, and when he was asked back, when the sweet voice of the crisp, soft girl caught his ear, he was shocked, but his pounding heart became calmer, wiped off the sweat, and his breath was still a little unsteady: "Little Beauty, I can't explain it clearly, you're in the hospital, go and see."

"I...what, my aunt wants to scold my mother!" Le Yun was ignited like a cannonball, and it exploded in a second. That guy only came to her half-dead a few days ago to save her life, and she spent a lot of good medicine to help him After clearing some of the poison, he was admitted to the hospital after only a few days. Is he possessed by a debilitating spirit?
The little loli ran wild in minutes, and Liu Xiangyang burst into a cold sweat on his forehead, and urged: "Little beauty, please help, if you want to scold someone, you can scold him in front of him later."

"Why am I going to save him? He has nothing to do with me." Le Yunqi doesn't come to one place to save him. Every time he asks her for help, he treats her as the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who saves the suffering.

"No, little beauty, please help!" Little Loli's face changed with anger. Liu Xiangyang was afraid that she would close the door, so she pushed the door open and jumped into the girls' dormitory, occupying a favorable terrain.

"..." Liu Shuai jumped into the dormitory himself, Le Yun was so angry that he gritted his teeth secretly, this is to eat her, right?

The little loli grimaced and clenched her fists angrily, with the rhythm of throwing fists at each other, Liu Xiangyang took out the most beautiful smiling face, and pleaded with him to discuss: "Little beauty, if you want to beat someone, wait for the rescuer to come back. , I'll give you a punch to relieve your breath."

Looking at the flattering handsome face, Le Yun waved her arms in the air, but in the end she didn't fight, she turned her head angrily, leaving him with a straight back.

The little girl turned her back dashingly and went straight to the bedroom, Liu Xiangyang quietly wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, done!
He almost thought that the little beauty was really hard-hearted, resolutely ignored it, and was ready to make a desperate plea, but he didn't expect that the little beauty was a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted, vicious appearance on the surface and said no help, but in fact, it was impossible to see death.

It was also at this time that he had the thought to look around. The little beauty was still wearing a short-sleeved casual shirt, short jeans, her arms and legs were as white as jade, and she was still barefoot. She might have been reading a book before, leaning on the writing desk. A pair of slippers were thrown over there, and a thick textbook was buckled on the floor.

Knowing that his arrival disturbed Little Loli's reading, Liu Shao silently moved to the table and waited for someone to come out.

Leaving Shuai Liu's music behind, he returned to the bedroom and quickly transferred some medicinal herbs from the space to pack them, stuffed them into the backpack, and put the small things that might be needed in the backpack, one backpack was stuffed.

Get ready, put on your shoes, pack your bag, and head out of the bedroom to get your phone.

Liu Xiangyang, who was honestly and docilely waiting for the little loli to come out, saw the little girl come out and jumped up, seeing that the little loli's white and pink round face was still tense, he carefully sent a smile: "Little beauty , you won't be allowed to do white labor, and you will pay for medical expenses."

"Humph." Le Yun hummed twice, considering that he knew each other, and if he dared not pay the medical bills, he would be shot to death.

Liu Xiangyang opened the door attentively, and waited for the little beauty to get out of the dormitory with her phone and locked it. The two went downstairs. He opened the trunk of the motorcycle and took out another helmet, handed it to the little girl with a shy smile, and he stuffed his backpack again. In the trunk, wait for the little beauty to put on her helmet and get on the car, start the motorcycle immediately, and fly to the school road.

Kyoto, with its crisp autumn air, has always been the peak season for parades. Every scenic spot is densely packed with people like mosquito swarms, and the streets are crowded with people.

There are many people and many cars. Even if the rush hour is staggered, the cars on the avenues and trails are still in clusters. Fortunately, there is not much traffic jam time.

Even if he wanted to be in a hurry, Liu Dashao didn't dare to go crazy racing because he was carrying a girl.

Fortunately, he rode a motorcycle and encountered a few traffic jams, so he walked around easily without much delay, but even if the road was smooth, it took more than an hour to arrive at the Military Medical General Hospital.

The Military Medical General Hospital is affiliated to the Zhili Hospital of the Military Ministry and is also the largest general hospital of the entire Military Ministry.

The General Hospital of Military Medical is very large, covering an area of ​​110 million square meters, integrating medical treatment, health care, teaching and scientific research.

There are terrifyingly many cars in the hospital parking lot. Cars, motorcycles, electric motorcycles, bicycles, all kinds of cars are parked in designated positions, neatly arranged in arrays.

Major Liu drove the car to the motorcycle parking area, found a place to park, put away the helmet, and took the little beauty to the inpatient department of the medical department.

The sun is very strong, wearing a helmet, Le Yun is stuffed with sweat on her face and neck, whether on the road or in the hospital, she is not in the mood to enjoy the scenery, she just walks with her head covered.

The little beauty was not very happy. Liu Xiangyang didn't know what to say. He wanted to tease her with a hilarious smile. For fear of making her turn away, he had to ask her if she was thirsty and if she wanted a drink. The part of the nose.

He's still a good man. He went to the canteen to buy mineral water and ice cream. It's not that he was reluctant to buy drinks, but the little beauty often said not to drink carbonated drinks, not to drink those nutritious waters, it's safer to drink mineral water. .

After buying something, he ran under the scorching sun to the sweet and pretty little beauty who was standing with an umbrella waiting for him. Liu Xiangyang handed over two ice creams: "Little beauty, which flavor do you like? If you don't like it, I'll change it."

For the sake of handsome Liu's smiling face, even though he doesn't like ice cream, Le Yun still accepts the kindness and chooses strawberry flavored ice cream. According to the brand, the most expensive one costs more than 130 yuan at the cheapest.

The little beauty finally didn't turn her eyes away. Liu Xiangyang's heart was blooming with flowers toward the sun, which was extremely beautiful. She quickly took the sun umbrella in her hand, helped her to hold the umbrella, and took her share as she walked.

The handsome guy was tall and straight, and the little girl stood beside him, looking very small, without looking at his face, at first glance, people thought it was the father with the daughter.

After nibbling off an ice cream, Le Yun was very fond of the advertisement, and the price was so expensive that she had no love for it, and she couldn't understand why the taste was mediocre, but there were still so many people rushing to it.

The hospital is very large, and the parking lot is far away. It took a few minutes to reach the inpatient building. Liu Shao collected the sun umbrella and took Little Loli into the elevator room of the building to take the elevator upstairs. When he reached the floor, he walked in front and led the way.

Green plants are planted in the corridors and the places for patients to rest and move. The air is flowing, there is no peculiar smell, and it is relatively quiet. There are not many patients or their family members. The medical staff come and go in a hurry.

Liu Shao led people straight to a certain ward, and while walking, the door of a ward opened, and a handsome young man stretched his head to look out. To the corridor: "Xiao Yangyang, I've been waiting for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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