Chapter 205
The three generations of the He family were ready to listen carefully. They thought that no matter what the cause was, they would accept it calmly. However, when Xiao Longbao said the word "poisoning", men, women and children were struck by lightning, with their eyes wide open and their mouths open. He stared blankly at Xiao Long Bao.

"how is this possible?!"

"This... must not be true!"

After a long while, He Mingjun, He Mingsheng, He Panpan, He Mingtao, brothers and sisters muttered to themselves, how could the ancestors be poisoned?

Luo Xiulan and He Panpan's faces were bloodless and terribly pale, and the two held each other's hands tightly, relying on them;

He Qiwen and He Qilirao had seen countless scenes, big and small, and they were horrified at this moment, and their eyes were full of shock and horror.

He Zirui's hands trembled, and a voice came out of his throat: "Is it really poisoned?"

When someone in Yan said that he was poisoned, Liu Xiangyang was very frightened, that was no small matter!

Yan Xing said his guess, and bit his lip tightly, his heart trembled violently, trembling and trembling, like a vibrating string that would snap at any time.

Someone Yan guessed the truth, but Le Yun neither denied nor confirmed it. When the old and young of the He family calmed down a little and took the initiative to confirm the truth with her, she answered decisively, "Yes!"

He Zirui seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and leaned back softly. It was thanks to the back seat of the sofa that he was not paralyzed into mud.

He Qiwen and the others' chests were heaving violently, and all their muscles were tensed. He Qili bit his lower lip fiercely, biting blood, the pain cleared his mind a little, and he barely maintained his calm: "May I ask what kind of food our ancestors had? Poisoned?"

"Ginger candy." Le Yun answered every question: "If I guess right, the elderly love to eat ginger candy, right? Ginger candy is actually good for the body, especially if it is eaten before noon, it has the effect of nourishing the stomach. This is the result of sugar problems. Judging from the physique of the old birthday star, she is still in good health. If there are no accidents, it will not be a problem to live another year or two;

I diagnosed the pulse and speculated that the old man had been coughing for several days due to respiratory tract infection before the onset of the disease. That little problem was not fatal, and he could recover on his own in seven or eight days without medicine. The old man should have been admitted to the hospital the day before yesterday. She ate ginger candy in the morning. The disease occurs around [-] or [-] o'clock in the afternoon. The poison is very secretive. After entering the body, it invades the respiratory system and lungs. Generally, tests will also think that the virus is caused by respiratory infection, which infects the lungs. The virus spreads and infects other internal organs, causing internal organs to fail.

The ginger candy that the old lady has eaten, you will not have much problem eating it. If you eat less, you will be weak for a while, and even eating it for a month or two will cause internal organs to fail. The only reason why the old lady is so serious is that Because she ate peanuts before eating ginger candy, chewing a few peanuts every day is also the living habit of the elderly. "

The white and tender girl always had a smile on her round face, but what she said was like a cold wind blowing, blowing snow in the heart of the He family in June, freezing three feet of ice.

"How do you know that my mother likes peanuts and ginger candy?" He Zirui, who was slumped on the sofa, clutched his chest tightly, gasping for breath.

"Diagnosed from the symptoms of the old man, if I can't even speculate these basic conditions, how can I be in the medical field in the future." She definitely refused to admit that her eyes had special functions. In the scanned view, the old man's stomach was inside. Crumbs of raw peanuts and candy ginger remained.

"Ginger candy? Ginger candy ginger..." He Panpan murmured repeatedly, and after a few seconds, his eyes widened in horror: "The weekend before yesterday, Mrs. Wang brought Wang Yuxuan to our house to visit grandma, and Wang Yuxuan sent Mrs. Grandma's favorite ginger candy, and said it's a local specialty, oh!"

The grandmother had a fever a few days ago and had a little cold. She was very careful about her diet and daily life. She only ate some fruit, not sweet, sour, sour, etc., and even the ginger candy she liked for the time being.

The weekend before yesterday, Mrs. Wang brought her grandson, Queen Yuxuan, to the He Family, and she also brought a small gift. Because Wang Yuxuan and Xiaolongbao were childhood sweethearts, the great-grandmother loved Wujiwu and Wang Yuxuan very much, so she naturally accepted Wang Qianjin's filial piety. , I tried several pieces of ginger candy at that time.

Who would have thought that the ginger candy was a life-threatening poison wrapped in sugar, and almost killed the grandmother?
Thinking of it now, He Panpan felt a chill in his heart, Wang Yuxuan she... Did she deliberately murder the grandmother, or did she know that the ginger sugar was not clean, was it really out of filial piety?
If the Wang family deliberately murdered the grandmother, and Xiao Longbao did not invite the little girl to point out that there was something wrong with the ginger candy, even if the grandma died of poisoning, they would just assume that the grandma was old, and would inevitably die of illness.

Then, the real murderers will also be at large, and they will never know the truth.

He Panpan clenched her fists. If it was really Wang Yuxuan or the Wang family who was unclean, she and her brothers and sisters would definitely kill several juniors of the Wang family, leaving the Wang family with no successor.

"The Wang family?" He Zirui straightened her waist: "Panpan, are you sure it's them?"

A few days ago, the ancestor of the He family had been in the hospital for two days of observation. Many close friends and neighbors in the same hospital knew that on Saturdays and weekends, many people visited the ancestors of the He family. He stayed at home with several people in a row. The female guests who came were entertained by his wife and his daughter-in-law and granddaughter. He was receiving several other male guests in the study at the time, and he was not there. He didn't know what gifts the grandparents of the Wang family brought or what topics they talked about.

"Yes, grandpa, the female guest who came to visit the day before yesterday was received by my mother and I accompanied by my grandmother. I also recorded the gift list. Mrs. Wang and Wang Yuxuan gave the grandma ginger candy, and a piece of wild ginseng from Changbai. ."

He Qiwen and He Qili looked at each other, the brothers had coldness in their eyes, they would investigate, and they would definitely find out what the Wang family meant.

He Mingjun's brothers looked at their little cousin and saw that Xiao Longbao was sitting upright, with a layer of frost on his beautiful face. The three sighed silently. They knew that Xiao Longbao was uncomfortable and Wang Yuxuan was Xiao Longbao's little green plum. Even if they can't join hands to grow old, they are still friends who grew up since childhood. If Wang Qianjin wants to harm the grandmother because of Xiaolongbao's affairs, it will be more difficult for him to accept than to stab Xiaolongbao's heart with a knife.

Yan Xing's whole body was stiff, his heart was as cold as iron, his chest was full of anger, and his chest was about to explode.
He has been too busy recently, the dangerous elements lurking in the capital have not been found out, the military service work has not been handled well, and the few clowns who are jumping on the beam can't even be taken care of. When he is a soft persimmon, is it easy to pinch and rub?
His clenched fists clenched and loosened, repeatedly calming down his anger, daring to put his hand on the grandmother's head, don't blame him for giving them a big gift in return.

"The ancestors of the Wang family practice medicine?" Le Yun listened to the He family's memories of Jiang Tang's origins. She always felt that the name Xuan was a little familiar to them, and she wondered if she had heard it before.

"As far as I know, there are none within the Five Dynasties." Yan Xing clenched his fist into an iron bowl: "Little Loli, the woman who gave the grandmother ginger candy, you have seen it once, that is, the last time you had an affair at the gambling stone shop in the flea market. The pair of scumbags that arrived."

"Have I seen it?" Le Yun blinked, recalling the flea market, and suddenly realized: "I remembered, that is the white lotus girlfriend who is very good at pretending to be weak and sympathetic. It sounds a little familiar, it turns out that it is her, the white lotus and the scumbag are a natural pair, they are a perfect match."

That little white face was the stepson that Yan's own father brought into the house. She said it was a stepson. In fact, after careful analysis, the little white face was definitely the child born by Yan's own father and his mistress. The father cheated on his wife when she was pregnant with the child.

Seeing the existence of the little white face, combined with the poison on Yan and his grandfather, Le Yun suspects that the death of Yan's mother and grandmother was a coincidence.

Has the little girl seen Wang Qianjin?

The He family looked at each other, Xiao Longbao and the little girl knew each other very well, so they went shopping together and met Wang Qianjin?

"Huh?" He Panpan turned his eyes to the little girl, looked left and right, and suddenly shouted: "I also remembered, I saw you at the second-hand market that day, you entered the jade shop, Xiaolongbao was one step behind , So you and Xiaolongbao are together."

On the Mid-Autumn Festival visit to Panjiayuan that day, she and Kong Xijing went out of the jade shop to meet Xiao Longbao. She only talked to Xiao Longbao at that time, and did not ask him whether he was alone or accompanied by others, so she did not pay special attention to the little girl, but, The girl is too pink and cute, and it still left a deep impression on her, so I felt a little familiar when I saw the little girl just now.

"Xiaoxingxing, you even accompany the little beauty to Taobao while I'm away, you are not being kind!" Liu Xiangyang slammed his chest and howled: "How can such a wonderful thing of shopping not wait for me, I am hurt, and my heart hurts so much. Little beauty, can you invite me to eat more meals to comfort my brother's broken heart."

"Uncle Liu, you still have the face to invite guests, eh?" Le Yun squinted, she hasn't asked them to settle the bill, he still has the face to treat her?
"Ah, ah, don't ask, don't ask, little beauty, I'll just say it, you didn't hear it." Liu Xiangyang was shocked by the cold look in his eyes, and immediately confessed that he didn't want the little beauty anymore. In addition, treat guests to comfort, as long as you don't hate him, thank God for those who deduct him.

Everyone in the He family: "..." I feel that the amount of information is a bit large, and they need to sort it out before they can figure it out.

"Little Lolita, Xiangyang slandered you because of me. It was me who was wrong. If you're not happy, punish me." Little Loli glared at him, Yan Xing honestly admitted that he was wrong, and it was he who asked Xiangyang to go. It was his fault that Xiao Luoli came to the hospital, and he should bear the consequences. Xiang Yang stabbed him in both ribs, how could he let Xiang Yang be angry again.

"Don't think you're handsome, it's useful to apologize with a handsome face. I don't have any face control. I don't have time to settle accounts with you right now. I'll put this aside in advance. When the business is over, you'll be dead," Le Yunqi Before his anger subsided, he glared at the Yanren fiercely, and turned his head angrily to stop looking at him: "Go back and check the affairs of your family slowly. Now, send someone to buy a bowl of medicinal soup. At least two, and a soup bowl with a lid, remember to ask for a porcelain bowl, whoever dares to buy a disposable bowl or plastic garbage, don’t blame me for not giving face and throwing someone in the face.”

"Oh, we'll go right away." The three He Mingjun brothers replied quickly.

"The second thing, find me some syringes, some masks, and a hose and funnel for feeding the old man. These two things should be done immediately, and then one person will find a paper and a pen. I'll prescribe medicine for you later, and you can buy medicine as required."

"Hey!" He Mingsheng was the eldest of the three brothers. He told the brothers to find paper and pens. He went out to buy bowls, hoses and funnels. Those things were available in the shopping mall near the hospital. The shopping mall sold medicine and porridge for patients. The hoses and funnels provided by the company have also solved the urgent needs of some patients' families and have been well received.

He Mingjun asked his younger brother and sister to stay. He went to find syringes, masks, paper and pens. Most of them had them with them. The paper could be purchased in the hospital's printing room. The masks and injections could be collected by medical staff.

The two young people hurriedly opened the door and went out. He Zirui personally called the medical staff and informed them that the family members wanted to spend more time with their ancestors and hoped that the medical staff would not disturb them.

The nurses in the hospital all knew that the ancestors of the He family did not have much time. Presumably the family members just wanted to spend the last time quietly with the elderly, and they also expressed their understanding.

After He Zirui finished the phone call, he realized that it was past twelve o'clock before he knew it. He hurriedly ordered the boss, He Qiwen, to order a meal. He Qiwen was the third-generation eldest of the He family, the most stable and mature.

The medicine in the electric kettle boiled, and with a gurgling sound, He Mingtao ran over to guard the medicine.

"Yanren, put your ears up and listen carefully. I think your grandma is an old man. I won't anger the old man because of you. I will do my best to let her live a few more years without pain. Not enough, there are still more than a dozen main medicines that need to be found temporarily. It will take me more than ten days to go back and forth to collect medicines. During these days when I am not in Kyoto, I don’t care what method you use, you must protect my brother Chao. the safety of him, and keep him from being plotted against by insidious villains."

When the He family made the arrangements, Le Yun gave the first espionage to Yan with a stern face. She didn't worry about the others, but she didn't worry about Brother Chao, for fear that others would conspire against Brother Chao's innocence.

He Zirui's heart skipped a beat. Could it be the Chao he thought?He felt that it was the Chao who never left the office. After all, the Chao family was the only one with the surname "chao" in the capital.

"I will do my best to protect your brother Chao's innocence." Yan Xing immediately promised with a correct attitude. The Chao family is a treasure in Little Lolita's heart, and that must not go wrong. To make Little Lolita have no worries, it is naturally necessary. To protect Xiao Chao.

"You remember your own words, you didn't protect my brother Chao well, he was hurt, and I only reported the sinner who hurt Brother Chao a hundredfold, you can't run away from the responsibility, how others treat Brother Chao, I will treat you , if brother Chao is ruined by someone, I will find a group of men and women to turn you around."

"Little beauty..." Liu Xiangyang shuddered, isn't little beauty too cruel?Besides, the little princess of the Chao family is a living person, and it is impossible for them to follow her closely for 24 hours a day.

"I didn't talk to you, so don't interrupt." As for handsome Liu who threw his foot horizontally, Le Yun choked back angrily, and continued: "Continue to talk about business, secondly, when the medicine is made, the first time the old man takes the medicine, he To pierce acupuncture and unclog acupuncture points on the whole body, at least [-] needles are needed. I don’t have enough silver needles. List the detailed data requirements of the silver needles needed. You can make them according to the requirements. Gold is too expensive. If the silver needle is too soft, add some platinum, or add Tibetan silver and Thai silver, and the amount should not exceed one-fifth of the total."

Liu Xiangyang was choked, shut his mouth weakly, and tears flowed into a river of sadness in his heart, thinking that a dignified old man was choked by a little girl, he couldn't defend himself, he simply... wanted to jump into a river!

If he jumps into the river, will the little beauty save him?
Liu Shao touched his nose and silently dismissed the idea of ​​jumping into the river. He felt that if he jumped into the river, the little beauty would probably be happy to throw a few more stones, which is the saying goes.

There are men in the family who are in charge, and Luo Xiulan generally does not express her opinions indiscriminately, especially when there are elders who are in charge, she respects the decisions of the elders.

"We remember!" He Zirui hurriedly spoke on behalf of the He family. Although the He family did not have a single-handed figure, the descendants of the He family had their own way and had a place in all walks of life. It is not difficult to create a deputy gold needle and silver needle.

Yan Xing had already turned on his phone to record and record the request, but if he doesn't remember, he will have to play it again.

"Let's get down to business, I can donate the medicine I collected before, and I don't charge hard fees. The equipment and travel expenses needed to collect the medicine must be reimbursed. I need a tent, a sleeping bag, and a large backpack, and then send someone to go. Buy a small hoe for planting flowers and a hatchet at the flower market. If there is no hatchet, use a kitchen knife or a machete. When I go back to school, I will buy it at the shopping mall on the road. I will take the small ticket back to you for reimbursement. The backpack must be waterproof and moisture-proof. The large ones are large enough to hold the medicinal materials and supplies. If you cannot pass the checkpoint due to the medicinal materials on the way of collecting the medicinal materials or on the way back, you must help people to give the green light at any time."

"I'll prepare the equipment in a while." Yan Xing replied quickly.

"As for the pharmaceutical business, the pharmaceutical place cannot be opened for ventilation, but there must be windows for air circulation, preferably a door leading to the toilet. It takes more than three days for me to do medicine, and I basically don't go out, so as to avoid frequent entry and exit that will cause the indoor temperature to change. If it is too large, the minimum requirement for pharmaceuticals is to use firewood or smokeless charcoal, but not electricity or gas, let alone briquettes. It is up to you to figure out how to solve this problem. The pots used for pharmaceuticals should be iron or copper, or alloys. If you want mineral water for water, you must be able to think of it, and you also need soup bowls and the like, which you look at and prepare.

You need to prepare the medicinal materials by yourself. You have to pack them separately. The medicinal materials in the market are basically artificially grown products. I have not tried them one by one, and I do not know the efficacy of the medicinal materials. Re-buying delays time.

When the medicinal materials are purchased, you should first do the rough treatment according to the requirements I specified. You need to grind them into powder and grind them into powder. Some fleshy medicinal materials are chopped.

The medicine I brought today is not complete. I will go back and give you some medicine. I am not in the capital. You should boil it for the elderly to drink as required. At the same time, you should put the medicine I gave in the mouth of the elderly. The old man is given the medicine, and the medicine is added to the mouth, and the person will be able to wake up tomorrow night at the latest. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, it is best to find a way to take the person home and take care of them tomorrow. "

Le Yun said blah blah blah, she twisted out two sealed bags containing medicinal herbs from the coffee table, opened it, took out the tablet medicine, and broke it into small pieces. That's right, his articulation is clear: "After the old man wakes up, he boils medicated porridge and drinks it every day, which is the medicine in my hand. I use two small pieces each time. Bring it to boil, cook for another ten minutes, add rice and cook until cooked, don't add salt or sugar, eat lightly, it really feels bland and tasteless, add some corn or sweet potato pumpkin in moderation."

"Hey!" He Zirui and Yan Xing nodded frequently, and He Panpan also used his mobile phone to record and videotape what the little girl said about the bag of medicinal herbs, so as to avoid confusion when there was too much medicine.

"This is the preliminary work, and the later stage," Le Yun finished a long list in one breath, regardless of whether people remembered it or not, the words are endless: "I make the first drug and expect to take it for about three months, and the second drug is expected to be taken for about three months. One of the main medicines of the medicine must use Cordyceps. At this time, you need your personal connections, mobilize your strength, and book a grass-picking qualification certificate for me in the Cordyceps area of ​​Z Province in advance. In May next year, I will go to dig in person. Zhi District, Province Z, if it really doesn’t work, go to other places.”

"Want Cordyceps?" Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang looked at each other with deep eyes.

"Cordyceps must be used. The medicine for the past few days is detoxification. The medicine I developed after collecting the medicine is to slowly rejuvenate the exhausted internal organs. The second medicine is for warming and conditioning. After taking the second medicine, there is no artificial Injuries and accidents, the old lady will be healthy within three years."

"Teng!" He Zirui jumped up like sitting on a spring, breathing quickly: "You said, my mother can survive for another three years?"

"Is three years too long? You don't want the old lady to live for so long?" Le Yun was confused. Seeing the appearance of the He family, she clearly respected and loved the old man.

"No, it's not!" Luo Xiulan, He Panpan, He Qili, and He Mingtao denied in unison. The old ancestor is the big tree of the He family. They only hope that she will live as long as possible, and even better if she lives another 30 years.

"I don't think it's too long, I'm too excited. It's great to have three years to live!" Tears glistened in He Zirui's eyes. The eldest brother, the fourth sister and the fifth brother passed away one after another. Now, he has finally truly retired and has time to serve his mother, but she has no time to live. He can live another three years, and he can still do his filial piety and repay the kindness of his mother.

"Because of the limitation of medicinal materials, I can only keep the old man for three years. If you can collect all the medicinal materials, it is not impossible for the old man to live for ten years. Of course, ten years is the maximum limit. If you want to keep the old man for a few more years, as far as I know It's impossible, unless you find the legendary blood ginseng doll, the sea dragon coral."

"Ten years?!" Not to mention how many He Zirui, even Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang cried out in horror.

Ten years!
What an enticing number that is.

A person who has been sentenced to die will have another ten years to live. This has to be spread out to let people know that others should not think that little loli is talking crazy?

You can also imagine that when Little Loli healed his grandmother, the entire military hospital, the military and political circles in the capital, and the upper class and noble circles would definitely be shaken by it. With her first-hand medical skills, Little Loli was enough to become a rival among the rich and powerful in the capital. After all, no one wants to die, especially the wealthy and powerful people who want to live longer.

Yan Xing touched his lower abdomen subconsciously. Little Loli said that after collecting the medicinal herbs, he would be able to restore the ability of a normal man to inherit the lineage, medicinal herbs, medicinal herbs, he once felt that those flowers and plants were so cute and precious.

The ward was silent for a moment, and the young and old of the He family were blushing with excitement and short of breath.

There were footsteps outside the house, and the door was knocked. Then, He Mingjun held the paper and pushed in the door with a plastic bag in his hand. He saw that his relatives had different expressions. Ask: "Third grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm happy! I'm happy." He Zirui sat down slowly and wiped his eyes quietly. Right now, it was important to save the old lady. When the old lady got through this, he asked the little girl what herbs could make the old lady live for ten years.

He Qili and Luo Xiulan, He Panpan, and He Mingtao also pretended to calmly withdraw their admiration for the little girl, waiting for the little girl's orders.

He Mingjun put the things on the table and donated his own pen before taking a glass of water to moisten his throat.

The young man from the He family was very good at handling affairs, so he found a thick stack of A4 paper, ten disposable syringes, ten masks, a roll of gauze, and medical cotton.

Le Yun took the paper and pen and removed the computer desk. The VIP ward has a computer desk and free WF, so she can access the Internet and work at any time.

Liu Shao, Yan Shao, and the He family couldn't sit still. They all followed behind the little girl. Liu Shao and Yan Shao tactfully helped her remove the chair, and when she got to the table, they pushed the chair forward, caring. Take good care of the little loli.

The little loli sat like a bell, spread out the paper and waved the calligraphy.

He Zirui took his nephews and grandchildren to crane their necks to watch. They recognized the characters, but what about medicine? They had heard the names of a few, such as licorice, yellow lotus, forsythia, bupleurum, etc. They also recognized a few, such as basil, Huang Jing, etc.

The little girl's hands are very fast, and the names of the medicinal materials are listed by category, which needs to be ground into powder, chopped finely, and cut into pieces.

She listed the medicinal materials on four sheets of paper, and repeatedly instructed that they must be packaged separately, not to mix the medicinal materials for convenience.

He Zirui handed the prescription to his son He Qili for safekeeping, and asked him to make a few more copies so as not to lose it. The He family brothers and sisters are not stupid, take pictures early and save them. Even if one person's mobile phone fails, others still have it.

"Little Loli, can't you buy the main medicine you mentioned in the market?" After Little Loli made the list of medicinal herbs, Yanxing dared to ask the question she had always wanted to ask.

"You can buy it, but what you can buy is useless. In order to pursue efficiency, the medicinal plant is artificially planted. Fertilizer is used to promote growth. The medicinal plant usually leaves the garden in three or four years. It is just a grass or tree. Under natural growth conditions, it absorbs the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, and the spiritual energy of mountains and lakes. It is clean and has a certain spirituality. That is the real medicinal material. Every main medicine I use in medicine has special requirements. Only when the conditions are met, Only the medicine made can cure the disease, so the main medicine must be wild.”

"You can find the herb collectors where the medicinal materials grow."

"The herbal collector may not be able to accurately collect the medicinal materials. For example, I need a 50-year-old medicine that grows in the sun and grows on long rocks. The herb collector knows that kind of medicine and can find it, but he may not be able to accurately identify it. How many years old it is, or it is picked from the shaded mountain, or it is 40 years old, or it is grown by the water, even if you pick ten or eight trees, it is still useless."

"It looks so troublesome." Liu Xiangyang looked at the sky: "Little Loli, you go to collect medicine alone, we are not at ease, I will accompany you, I will be a medicine boy for you, and help you carry your luggage."

"Take it down, just like your bear, your speed is not as fast as me, mountain climbing is not as strong as me, your sense of direction is not as strong as me, your nose is not as sensitive as me, let you walk by yourself, it is estimated that you will run into the nest of a five-step snake or a jackal. I don't know yet. It's a trivial matter to ask me to wait if I can't keep up with the pace in the mountains. Maybe I need to save you. It's a waste of precious time.

Look at how big you are, climbing cliffs, the same vine, I can hold it and come and go. I guess you can't bear your overweight weight and break it into pieces, even if it is as heavy as a cow. It has a cow stomach and eats a lot. With you, you have to carry a hundred kilograms of dry food on your back to eat, which will make people exhausted. If the dry food is not enough, I have to look around for food to feed you and take you with me. It's like bringing a burden. I was stupid to let you be a drug boy. "

The little loli glanced in disgust, and mercilessly counted a lot of shortcomings, the He family was shocked and speechless, Liu Xiangyang's handsome face turned into a bitter melon: "Little beauty, auntie, please speak up. Be merciful, I... how can I be so useless!"

Is he that bad?

I think he is a soldier, or an elite soldier of the special forces. He used to survive in the wild for a few months without dying. In the eyes of this little beauty, it has become a useless burden. You say, how can people live?
In terms of speed, he may really not be able to run the little Loli. The speed of the little Loli is really unbelievable. In terms of endurance, he can't say it, because he has never seen a little Loli running a marathon, and in terms of wild survival ability, he does not Not bad, and little Loli is not bad either. She can wander around in the mountains for more than ten days as a child, of course, her ability is not weak.

In terms of weight, Little Loli weighed 84 catties in the physical examination and was 1.5 meters 150 in height. He is nearly 1.8 catties and [-] meters [-] in length. He is indeed a big guy.

As for the sensitivity of smell, he tragically found that he is indeed not as sensitive as Little Lolita's nose. That child can distinguish the smell of persimmons from his breath, which is also a unique ability.

In terms of appetite, he can eat and win three little loli, so it is not wrong to say that he has a beef stomach;

In comparison, Liu Xiangyang found that apart from being tall enough, everything else had failed miserably, which made him deeply doubt his life.

"Little Loli, I'll accompany you." Yan Xing rubbed her eyebrows with a headache. Little Loli is currently a thorn in the eyes of others. If she leaves Beijing alone, there will be a long line of people behind her, and she will be asked to collect medicine by herself. How can you rest assured.

"Come on, don't come out and be embarrassed. What's the difference between you and Liu Shuai? Just like you are a bird, it makes people more uncomfortable. If Liu Shuai is a burden, you are a burden and a burden." Alien, what's the advantage?With that poison, if she came across a poisonous plant on the mountain and caused the old poison again, she would have to find ways to help him get rid of the poison. Going along would be an added burden to her.

"I..." Yan Xing was so choked that he was stunned. He had supernatural powers, but he was actually called a burden and burden. It made people want to fight with her every minute.

Ow!Liu Shao, who was full of sadness, heard the little girl's evaluation of Yan, and he felt balanced. He was a burden, and Xiao Xingxing was worse than him in the eyes of the little beauty. There is no favoritism, fair!

"Little beauty, I'll accompany you." He Mingtao's weak Mao Tun recommended himself: "I am an outdoor mountaineering enthusiast. I have walked along the Ancient Tea Horse Road, traveled through famous mountains in several provinces, and walked through the Z province. I have abundant wild survival. experience."

"You?" Le Yun looked up and down He Su, her eyes were picky: "It's not that I despise you, Young Master He Xiaoba, what you play in time travel is exciting, and it's far from the real survival in the wild, with your small body, don't It is said that for more than ten days of climbing mountains and mountains, if you carry a backpack of fifty or sixty pounds for thirty miles, you will be exhausted and faint, and you can climb a hundred meters high cliff without any safety rope. Can you climb a tree faster than a leopard or a bear? You can avoid a group of monkeys besieging you. Do you know where there are snakes and leeches? Where there is no mobile phone and no signal, you know how to watch When will the night sky be clear and when will it rain? When there is no dry food, do you know what to eat and what not to eat?"

"I...I'm not very good at climbing trees." He Mingtao's forehead felt a black line floating, and this strange man's mouth must be made of a knife. He can climb trees faster than jackals, is it possible?

"Well then, you can't even climb trees, what are you running for? The Liu and Yan are still soldiers after all, and the soldiers' ability to survive in the wild is ten streets away from you. In my eyes, those two are scumbags. Besides, you idiot for survival in the wild, following me would be a hindrance, and I would be an idiot if I asked you to follow."

"..." He Mingtao wanted to die. After all, he has traveled all over the famous Sichuan and Daze, the most difficult and dangerous ancient tea-horse road, and climbed the Taihang Ladder. He was called an idiot for survival in the wild. Law is alive.

He Panpan directly covered his eyes. Xiao Longbao said that a certain medical expert has a strange temper and a poisonous mouth. Where is this poisonous mouth? It's useless, let alone Xiaoba?
Luo Xiulan was so amused that she rolled her eyes. Xiao Ba was always the most active, but she was beaten by the little doctor and couldn't get up. He would probably have a psychological shadow when he went to climb outdoors in the future.

The corners of He Zirui's mouth also turned up, He Qili tried hard to keep a serious face, and He Mingjun grinned unkindly. This was the first time everyone in the He family showed a happy smile after beating their ancestors and being admitted to the hospital. Because the ancestors were saved, everyone let them go. heart, so you can laugh.

"Little Loli, do you really want to act alone?" Yan Xing's mouth twitched and twitched. He had already learned from Little Loli's poisonous mouth, and it seemed a little difficult to ask her to show mercy.

"Picking medicine is not about playing in mountains and rivers. I don't go alone. Is it possible to call friends and friends and call a large group of people to drive into the mountains with great momentum, tell others that someone is going up the mountain to dig medicine, and call the mountain watchers. Hurry up and arrest people? Don’t even try to play stalking, whoever stalks will make me angry, don’t care about Sanqi 21, and sprinkle some medicine by the way, whoever sticks to it will be unlucky, don’t blame me for poisoning and dying.”


"But what? Hurry up and prepare the equipment and supplies, and use the nonsense time for business. The things that should be prepared are probably ready, and don't even think about putting a pinhole camera on the equipment. I hate that kind of little tricks. people."

"I'm going to buy equipment." Yan Xing was stunned and speechless when he was refuted. He told the elders and brothers and sisters to take good care of the little loli, and went out to buy things in a hurry. He knew that there was no backpack or the like. to the most suitable.

As soon as he stepped out of the door of the ward, he saw He Mingsheng coming back with a large bag, and he hurried up to meet him: "Second brother, you are finally back."

Seeing Xiaolongbao, He Mingsheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiaolongbao, I bought some snacks for the beautiful little doctor, can you help me find the right one?"

In the work unit, girls have always come forward to try to please him. He has no experience in pleasing girls, and he doesn't know what snacks girls like to eat.

Yan Xing opened two large packs of snacks, including chocolates, biscuits, hawthorn slices, and circle-shaped lollipops, and he sweated silently: "Second brother, although little loli is only 14 years old, she is not I don’t like the lollipops that children love, you can even say I hate lollipops, so I gave this to Fifth Sister alone.”

"Okay." He Mingsheng was very happy. Fortunately, Xiao Longbao had a look first. He didn't know that little girls hated lollipops.

He was about to separate the sticks when he suddenly opened his eyes: "Xiao Longbao, you just said... how old is the little doctor?"

"Fourteen years old, to be exact, fourteen years old and four months old, the virtual age is fifteen years old. Second brother, don't look at her young and deceive, she is very powerful, guess it is a disciple taught by a hidden family. Extraordinary learning, both civil and military, can kill me in minutes."

"... Fourteen years old, can I kill you?" He Mingsheng felt that he was in front of a fake Xiaolongbao. Xiaolongbao also had a master who was rumored to be a hidden family. They all went up, they didn't beat him, they were the ones on the ground, and if they could drop Xiaolongbao in seconds, how high should the force value be?

"Didn't you see what happened to me before, she tapped my acupuncture points with her acupuncture hand as soon as she met me, making me unable to move. It's not the first time that something like this has happened, and I can't fight back every time, okay, second brother , I'm going to buy something, you go back quickly, the little loli will fry her hair and give you a meal."

Xiao Longbao said to leave, and He Mingsheng sweated on his forehead. He hurriedly picked out the lollipops and put them away, and returned to the ward with a large bag.

Seeing that the second child came back, He Mingjun and He Mingtao hurriedly went to help pick up the things, one took the purchased bowl to clean, the other gave the ice cream to the little girl, let her pick the one she liked first, and then distribute it to Liu Shao and his family .

He Mingsheng presented the snacks to the little girl, because of what Xiao Longbao said, he also had great respect and awe for the little girl, and he was definitely a master of the masters if he could beat Xiao Longbao to the ground.

Le Xiaoxue nibbled on the ice cream, picked out some high-calorie chocolates and candies, and said they would take them to collect herbs as spare dry food, and put the rest on the coffee table for everyone to eat together.

The medicine had been boiled for a long time, and it was about the same. She went to pour out the medicine, added water and boiled it for a second time, and sat for less than 5 minutes. He Qiwen, who went to order food, came back with the delivery waiter. eat first.

 Ladies, happy Dragon Boat Festival!Remember me eating a zongzi and drinking some realgar wine, the hero is brave, and the hero is very strong~
(End of this chapter)

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