magic eye doctor

Chapter 206 I Can't Buy It

Chapter 206 I Can't Buy It

Everything was simple outside, and everyone in the He family was deeply apologetic and didn't talk about pedantic red tape, and sat together to eat together.

Le Xiao is stubborn in her professional field and not a picky eater in life, so she enjoys eating.

The He family hadn't eaten well and slept stably for the first two days. Half of their hearts were dangling, and their appetites improved. Everyone knew what they were going to do. Next, they had to take care of their ancestors, and good physical strength and spirit were necessary.

After the meal, there was a smell of food in the ward. The young people of the He family tidied up the coffee table, threw the household waste into the trash can, opened the windows, and turned on the air conditioner to change the air.

The little girl is white and tender, with a thin waist and a big breast It’s best to pinch the person from head to toe, and come to the field to study the human body. Unfortunately, I have seen a little girl beat Xiaolongbao, Xiaoyangyang and Xiaobasan with her mouth without using force. , She didn't dare to make trouble, she only dared to watch and eat tofu.

He Zirui and He Qiwen, He Qili and Luo Xiulan are old, and they don't know how to chat with the strange person in the medical world who is still a little girl, so the important task of accompany the little girl is on the young man. He Mingsheng brothers and sisters are not familiar with the little girl. Monk Zhang Er was confused and didn't know what to say.

In such a situation, the major events of life that accompany the chat and chat fall on Liu Shao alone. Liu Da Shao bites the bullet and has nothing to say, and often gets a few blank eyes. Around the girl, she is like an attentive little bee.

There were only stalkers sticking around, and Le Yun was so tired that she rolled her eyes and ignored him, treating him like air, pouring out the concoction that had been boiled for the second time, adding water, throwing it back in the blind medicine and cooking it for the third time.

Liu Shao made use of his cheeky expertise and asked Seventeen and Eighty-Eight why, why did he add medicinal materials, what is the effect of the newly added medicinal materials, and how can he be sure that the medicine is almost boiled? In short, he can make a whole Heap problem to make noise.

The He family brothers and sisters supported their foreheads, Xiao Yangyang is so patient!
Glancing at the handsome guy with an indistinguishable face, Le Yun raised her chin coolly, giving him a proud and upright back, then went back to the rest area to sit down, grabbed the backpack and rummaged for medicinal herbs again.

"Little beauty, do you still need to prepare medicine?"

"Little beauty, I always feel that your backpack is omnipotent, and you can take out a lot of things, like a Hula Meng's pocket." Liu Xiangyang sat down and chatted to himself.

"You think my backpack is fully functional, okay, I won't contribute my precious medicinal materials, you can solve it yourself."

"No, little beauty, I'm praising you as a doctor who is kind-hearted and meticulous, and always brings medicinal materials to save the dead and heal the wounded at any time. The little beauty can be regarded as an example of a doctor. A good habit of must-haves, little beauty, you don't care about the villain, the beauty does not care about the handsome guy, don't care about my open mouth Where can I find medicinal herbs, if you are not happy, you can beat me up."

The little beauty changed her face when she said that she changed her face. Liu Xiangyang was startled and broke out in cold sweat. The little beauty didn't take things from her backpack, where would they find the medicinal materials?

A man can bend and stretch. He is a great man who can bend and stretch. Don’t be shameless and ask for forgiveness immediately.

When the little girl's movement of turning over the backpack stopped, the He family was also frightened. She really wanted to leave it alone, what should the ancestors do?
"I'll beat you to waste your energy, go get a bowl, and go to the corridor if you talk nonsense again and again." Liu Shuai's cowardice made Le Yun really want to take him to the Pacific Ocean for a bath.

"Hey, I'll go right away, bowl bowl bowl, little beauty, do you want a big bowl or a small bowl?" The little beauty didn't run away, Liu Xiangyang's mood changed from cloudy to sunny, cheering and jumping three feet high, excited ran to get a bowl.

The old and young of the He family secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the little girl didn't leave, otherwise, they really didn't know how to keep her.

"Small bowl." Le Yun took out some medicine bags and put them on the coffee table. She felt too tired to bend over constantly, so she sat on the floor by herself and slowly unpacked the medicine bags.

The electric kettle is connected to the jack near the wall to power on, the bowl of medicine is also placed not far from the electric kettle, and the concoction that has been boiled is also placed there.

Liu Shao ran over to get a porcelain bowl, and ran back to the little girl with a ding ding dong dong. Like everyone in the He family, he only watched on the sidelines. Looking at the small medicine bags everywhere, they completely touched it. Out of the way, I don't know what to do.

Opening the medicine bag, Le Yun took out the bag containing the pen and paper from the bottom of the coffee table, took an A4 piece and folded it absolutely, then tore off half of the paper and spread it on the coffee table, took medicine from the medicine bag, and accumulated a dozen medicines into a pile.

Take a medicine and immediately close the medicine bag and put it back in the backpack, put away the medicine bag, mix the medicine on the paper, squeeze it into a long stick, and roll it into a hand-rolled cigarette with paper, which is thicker than a large cigar.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what the little girl was going to do with it.

After rolling up the medicinal materials, Le Yun also pressed it firmly, took out a lighter from her backpack and lit one end, the paper and the finely chopped medicinal materials burned, and there was light smoke. There was no choking smell of tobacco, only the smell of medicine.

Liu Shao: "..." 囧, that kind of cigarette must be very ecstasy.He couldn't help asking one hundred thousand why, and approached curiously: "Little beauty, is this kind of cigarette good to smoke?"

"Of course it's good, it can cure sore throat and sinusitis." Le Yun blew the burning medicinal herbs.

"Give it to me, I'll try it, I have sore throat." Liu Xiangyang's eyes were shining, and he begged with a smile on his face.

"I'll give you a few puffs and knock the ashes into the bowl."

"Okay!" Liu Xiangyang was overjoyed, took the large fake cigar, and took a sip in his mouth. The strong medicinal smell in his mouth was combined with the smell of grass and smoke, and he was so choked that tears almost came out.

"Cough-cough-" He only lasted for about three seconds, but he couldn't hold it any longer. He spewed all the smoke out of his mouth, coughing repeatedly.

"If you don't have the ability to fight tigers, don't go to the high mountains. If you can't bear it, you still deserve it."

"Cough!" Liu Xiangyang coughed a few times, not afraid of death, he smoked again, took a puff of smoke and kept it in his mouth for a few seconds, then spit it out, choked and coughed again, tried again, took four or five puffs, and became more and more accustomed. He inhaled slowly, and then slowly exhaled smoke from his nose.

That puff of smoke was a bit of a drug addict's standard demeanor.

He Zirui wanted to shoot people, stinky boy, but he enjoyed it?

Liu Shao took a few puffs, looked at the ashes, and a small part of the hand-rolled cigarette burned away. He was afraid that the ashes would fall to the ground, so he gently knocked the ashes on the bottom of the bowl, and inhaled again, smoking hard, knocking the ashes seven or eight times, smiling. Chong He San frowned and winked: "Old man, do you want to take a few sips? This taste is really good. It was very choking at the beginning, but after a few more puffs, the throat and nose will become smoother, like opening, very transparent."

"You made saliva all over yourself, let me smoke, let me smoke your hookah?" He Zirui felt itchy, but he couldn't hold his face and hummed in disgust.

"Oh, if the old man dislikes saliva, forget it. I'll do it myself. They have chronic pharyngitis. Whenever the catkins are flying, they are noisy. This time it's just for treatment."

"!" He Zirui wanted to kick Liu Xiaosan off the wall and hang it up, stinky boy, deliberately pretending to be stupid as if he couldn't hear what he meant, hmph, when Liu Xiaosan arrives at the house and kicks the door, he will have to clean up Liu Xiaosan's meal .

He Mingsheng's buddies were quietly happy. Xiao Yangyang knew that their old man also had sore throat and rhinitis, and wanted to try the cigarettes but couldn't hold back his face, but he deliberately pretended not to know. The old man must be depressed now.

Liu Dashao really pretended to be stupid and was enjoying himself with a medicinal cigarette. With his unremitting efforts, a hand-rolled medicinal cigarette burned to the end. He knocked the ashes into the bowl, and threw the cigarette butt with only a piece of paper under the table. in the ashtray.

There was a pinch of soot in the bowl, and sparks were still burning.

Le Yun took out another medicine bag from her backpack, which contained three porcelain jars and jars of different sizes. When she unscrewed the lid, most of the ointments in the bottle were jelly-like and had a refreshing fragrance.

The old and young people present were busy breathing in the aroma.

"..." Le Yun twitched the corners of her mouth silently, using a syringe as a spoon, she took a small piece of ointment from each bottle and put it in the bowl with the cigarettes.

"He Xiaoba, come with another bowl."


He Mingtao responded and ran to get the bowl. He held a bowl back and put it in front of the little girl. Watching her take some ointment and put it in the bowl, he had the urge to pick it up and drink it. It was delicious!
"Little beauty, can you give me some ointment?" The little beauty wanted to collect the porcelain bottle, and Liu Xiangyang eagerly approached and asked for it.

"Do your daydream." Thinking that her medicine is jelly, you can make it casually?

"Little beauty, give me some, just a little, just a little."

"Not at all."

"Can I pay?"

"Are you rich?"

"It's not a lot of money, 10,000+ is still available."

"The smallest bottle has the lowest price of [-] gold. Wanjin is the price of [-] taels of gold. You can calculate how much it will cost."

"Wan Jin? It's so expensive. I want the smallest bottle. I need to swipe a card or transfer money..." Liu Xiangyang stretched out his claws and grabbed the smallest porcelain bottle. On his back, he quickly looked over, and saw the old man He San sneered at him, and asked in confusion, "Why are you looking at me? The small bottle is mine, if you want the ointment, ask the little beauty to talk about the other two. bottle."

"Liu Xiaosan, how much is [-] taels of gold worth in RMB?" He Qili asked calmly.

"If the ancients' ten thousand taels are converted to the current price, it will cost tens of millions."

"How much money do you have in your private house?"

"Probably hundreds of thousands."

"The bottle of medicine you said you want to buy is worth [-] taels of gold. Are you sure you can afford it?"

"What... what?" Liu Xiangyang was stunned, looking at the small bottle containing the ointment, before he dared to reach out and grab it, turning his eyes to the owner of the ointment: "Little beauty, this... this one is gold [-]?"

"Genuine, no deception." Le Yun slowly capped the bottle: "500-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, 400-year-old immortal grass, 500-year-old wild ginseng, nearly 800-year-old Dendrobium candidum, 200-year-old millennium grass, 300-year-old Five-year-old schisandra, [-]-year-old Codonopsis pilosula, and more than [-] kinds of exotic herbs, it can be said that the three bottles of ointment are the essence of medicinal materials grown in Shennong Mountain. Without them, I can only do nothing to help the old birthday of the He family."

my mother!

The old and young of the He family wiped away the cold sweat. The medicine in the little girl’s hand was made from hundreds of thousands of wild medicinal materials. Whose son is she, who can find so many precious medicinal materials?
"I... Oh my God! I can't buy it even if I sell it." Liu Xiangyang quickly retracted his paws, and never dared to touch the little beauty's medicine bottle. Exotic medicine, if he accidentally knocks over the bottle, the little beauty will tear him alive in minutes.

"So, if you want ointment, you can sell the kidney. If you sell the kidney, you can also sell the liver, the cornea, and half of the whole body parts, and you can get it together."

"I... I won't buy it anymore, oh, I'm hurt, Xiao Xingxing, come back to comfort me, my heart hurts!" Liu Xiangyang held his heart sadly, with a face full of lovelessness: "Little beauty, You tell me how can I find the medicinal herbs you mentioned, and I will also find a few, and I will make a fortune if I sell them.”

"There is one in Shennong Mountain. However, even if you find it, you may not know how many years it is. It is possible that you can turn a hundred-year-old medicine into scum with one foot."

There are many wild medicinal materials in Shennong Mountain for more than [-] years. Of course, they grow on the cliffs and steep rocks. Without helicopters, everyone can only look at it and sigh.

"Xiao Yangyang, you should still do what you do, the bowl of rice that collects medicine and practice medicine is really not for people like us, people like us who are almost indistinguishable between grains, even if you give a thousand-year-old medicine Give it to us, maybe it will be thrown away as a weed." He Panpan comforted Liu Xiaosan with a smile.

"You're right, but I'm still very sad. Little beauty, keep your precious medicines tight and don't give them to anyone else."

"Medicine is life-saving, not to save people. What kind of medicine do I study. Stay out of the way, don't get in the way." Le Yun put away all the medicine bags, and was about to start work when Liu Shuai approached again, and disgusted her.

Liu Xiangyang stepped aside and looked at the little girl eagerly, "Ow, medicine is life-saving, yes, but it also depends on people. Some people can't be saved, and saving them is a waste of medicinal materials."

Le Xiaoxiao took out her silver needle, picked up the bag containing the medical supplies, took two bowls and walked to the place where the medicine was boiled. Everyone in the He family followed and surrounded her.

Le Yun sat on the ground, sucked the medicinal juice from the medicine bowl with a syringe, dripped it into the bowl with ashes, mixed the medicinal ash and ointment into a paste, and then sucked the medicinal juice into another bowl, filled half a bowl of medicine, and stirred it well. Let the young man of the He family carry two small bowls and a large bowl of medicine into the ward.

He Qiwen, He Qili, and He Mingsheng carefully held the medicine bowl, walked into the ward carefully, put the medicine on the bedside table, and stood aside with the family members who followed the ward.

When she got sick, Le Yun turned off various instruments, took off all the tubes and oxygen masks on the patient, and finally removed the patient's urinary catheter, went to wash her hands, and frowned slightly when the He family wanted to watch: "I'm going to help the old man take off his clothes and do massage after feeding the medicine. The men leave and the two ladies stay."

"This..." The men of the He family looked at each other and didn't say anything in the end. They all exited in unison. Liu Shao left at the end, and thoughtfully closed the door, and then a group of people stood outside the door and waited.

Let the men leave, Le Yun asked the remaining ladies to put on masks and gloves, and instructed in advance: "Do as I said, and after feeding the medicinal soup, I said it's ok. To stabilize her, I have to help the old man press acupuncture points and let her detoxify without even the effort to help."

"We understand." Luo Xiulan and He Panpan nodded hurriedly.

The family members are all sensible, so Le Yun doesn't need to untangle the patient's clothes button, drop all the old man's clothes and trousers, and only use the jacket to tie around the old man's waist to cover his private parts.

The old man had only been lying there for two or three days, and his body had lost a few taels of flesh. His skinny appearance was unbearable to look directly at. Luo Xiulan and He Panpan felt a pain in their hearts, and tears welled up in their eyes.

Their ancestors always smiled kindly at all times. No matter who encountered difficulties in the family, the ancestors would always stroke the top of people's heads with those dry and powerful hands, and said earnestly, "There is nothing in this world that cannot be overcome. Hom, the only hurdle that cannot be overcome is death."

Death is the only hurdle that no one can escape. Other hurdles, as long as you persist, will always be overcome.

The ancestors have experienced countless storms and ups and downs in her life, and she has come through them. Now facing this hurdle, they believe that they can still overcome it.

He Panpan and Luo Xiulan grabbed their ancestor's hand and held it tightly, conveying the power of their love.

Regarding the old man's scary-looking body, Le Yun is very calm. The old man's appearance is not much different from her grandmother's appearance when she left. When her dearest grandmother died, she was skinny and skinny. She was the only granddaughter, and she washed it for her grandmother. In the last bath, the shroud she wore for her grandmother was also a pair of eyes that she did not want to close.

The parting of life and death is as painful as a cone.

At that time, she was too young to save her relatives. If she had opened the space a few years earlier, she might be able to save her grandma, but there will never be a if in the world. Grandma didn't wait for the day when she could save the dying and leave her an eternal legacy. Shaking and endless heartache.

She has suffered and lost, so she knows the grief of losing a loved one, so she can't see others suffering that kind of pain, and she is willing to do her best to save the old man and let the old man live for a few more years.

Le Yun calmly took out the vacuum-packed hose, tapped the old man's face a few times, asked her to open her mouth, took out the medicine she was holding, inserted the hose into place, then connected the small funnel, and handed over the work to Luo Xiulan And He Panpan, let them feed the medicine.

Luo Xiulan and He Panpan stabilized the hose one, put a spoonful of medicine into the funnel, added a small spoonful of a small spoonful, poured the medicine into the throat of the ancestor, first fed the medicine in the small bowl, and then fed it to the big soup bowl The concoction in it, move carefully, not shake off half a drop.

The family was feeding the medicine, Le Yun turned on the eye function scan, waited for the concoction to reach the patient's stomach, took out the silver needle, and stuck it on the old man's chest, soles of feet, and legs respectively, to guide the medicine to run downward, and at the same time stick the syringe into the patient's chest. The needle pierced the flesh, avoiding nerve tissue and blood vessels, and pierced a blood vessel in the right lung of the old man. The medicine in the needle was injected into the blood vessel and flowed to the lobe of the lung.

After injecting a syringe of the potion, the needle is closed, the fingers are flying, and the patient's acupuncture points and blood stagnation are constantly poked, and the force of the medicine is effective.

Luo Xiulan and He Panpan finished feeding the medicine, took off the funnel, and slowly pulled out the hose. Just as they wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, they heard the little girl say "it's alright", and the two immediately turned to the right and left. Lift the ancestors into the toilet, let the old man squat on the toilet, and they support each other.

They carried the patient away, Le Yun followed behind, kept poking the acupoints on the back of the old man, went to the bathroom, stood in front of the old man, bent over, lightly rubbed the back of the old man with one hand, rubbed her abdomen with one hand, and massaged for a while. , the patient successfully defecates with a "pop tom" sound.

As the patient defecates successfully, a foul odor rises into the sky. The odor is extremely stinky, and even if he wears a mask, it seems that he is not wearing it, which cannot stop the arrogant intrusion of the odor.

Luo Xiulan and He Panpan firmly supported their ancestors, and even if they turned over in their stomachs, they would forcefully suppress them without vomiting or vomiting.

Under the urging of external force, the patient's metabolism was thumping happily. After all the residues in the old man's stomach were emptied, Le Yunrang retracted his hand and flushed the toilet.

Luo Xiulan didn't dare to ask Dr. He to wipe her buttocks. She helped her to clean herself, wiped it again with a wet towel, and helped her back to the hospital bed with He Panpan.

Rinse the bathroom, Le Yun washed her hands, returned to the bedside, kneaded the prepared medicine into a ball, stuffed it into one nose of the patient, blocked one nostril, then put the medicine in the patient's mouth, put on a suction Oxygen mask, turn on oxygen.

All other instruments were not used, the silver needles were taken back, and the family members helped the old man get dressed and covered with quilts.

He Zirui and others were waiting outside, even if their feet were sore, they refused to leave. After waiting for a long time, they finally heard footsteps walking towards the door, and then the door was opened from the inside.

Seeing the little girl, He Zirui bowed his noble waist: "Thank you for your hard work!"

"Thank you for your hard work!" He Qiwen and his brothers and nephews also bowed in salute.

"Don't, I'm afraid of losing my life." The old man in his seventies and eighties bowed to him, but Le Yun was frightened and jumped away.

Regardless of whether the little girl suffered or not, the He family bowed down ninety degrees to thank him, and then slowly straightened up. He Zirui nodded gently to Luo Xiulan, with admiration in his eyes: "Old seventh daughter-in-law, you have worked hard too."

"It's not hard work, it's all right." Luo Xiulan's eyes were hot and she wanted to cry.

Le Yun avoided the ceremony of the He family and walked out of the ward: "Most of the poison in the patient's body has been discharged, and the remaining parts need to be cleaned up slowly. I will make another medicine in the afternoon, and the third medicine of this medicine. Mix the soup, feed it around [-] o'clock in the evening, and then send someone to buy diapers for the elderly to use as diapers or toilet paper. You don't need to be too frequent, and change them every two hours or so.

Be careful when you boil the medicine after leaving the hospital. Small creatures such as spiders and cockroaches should not contaminate the medicine. Your family members should guard and boil the medicine. Do not let unreliable outsiders approach. , so as not to bring in unclean things.

All the dregs of the medicine that have survived are also kept, and I will check it when I come back.In the ward, the medicine paste I prepared was used by the patients until around twelve o'clock in the evening, and the other nose was plugged to get out the medicine paste I had previously stuffed.The medicine in the mouth is changed 24 hours a day, the medicine that has been replaced is washed, dried and stored. "

"Yes. We remembered."

The He family nodded frequently, and surrounded the little girl to sit down and wait for Yanxing.

(End of this chapter)

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