magic eye doctor

Chapter 207 How Can You Do This

Chapter 207 How Can You Do This
As a soldier, Yan Xing is resolute and resolute. However, Youdao is a clever woman who can't make money without rice. He is not short of money, but he is limited by the traffic problems in the capital, which slows down his work efficiency, so that he only needs to buy a backpack. Go for more than three hours.

Therefore, when he took the bus, took the subway, changed buses, changed several buses to rush to the outside of Qingda University, and then took the bus around the school to the dormitory area, it was 15 minutes before get out of class was over.

Yan Xing did not dare to neglect, he trotted all the way to the Zhuangyuan Building with his backpack on his back. He was still on the avenue in front of the building when he saw someone Liu standing in front of the building from a distance. He ran at the speed of the wind and ran to the bottom of the building.

"Xiao Xingxing, this time you are not doing enough, and the efficiency of your work is very poor." Liu Xiangyang, who was waiting downstairs, frowned and complained when he saw someone sprinting over to Yan.

He and Xiao Loli waited in the hospital until three o'clock. When the call was made, Yan was still on the way to the flower market. In order not to be blocked on the road, they went back to school first. As for the backpack equipment, they simply asked Yan to bring it to Qingda. By the way, bring the medicine back, so that he will not go to the hospital or He's house tomorrow.

"I can't help it, I feel that there is a little mouse paying attention, and it took a little effort to deal with it." A gentle and beautiful young man, the bright dragon eyes showed a hint of coldness.

"You're being targeted?" Liu Xiangyang's eyebrows were almost drawn together, and his face was gloomy: "This is really not good news."

"How long have you been back?"

"It's only a few minutes before you get back to school at five o'clock. You go up first, hey, wait, what's the matter, I'm in a hurry, you also wait together, and help you go upstairs by the way."

"What?" Yan Xing wanted to leave first, but after listening to Liu's words, he turned around and waited.

"The little beauty's tutor helped her buy the experimental utensils. Professor Wan Cheng is not at school today. He called and asked someone from the school hospital to deliver some. They should arrive soon."

Yan Xing knew that Little Loli needed to go out urgently. She probably needed to bring some medical equipment with her. There was no one around. He asked in a low voice, "Has Little Loli set a departure time?"

"No. The confidentiality measures are very thorough. Except for herself, it is estimated that no one knows where she will go and when she will leave."

"..." Yan Xing stared silently at the air, wanting to deceive others, first deceive himself, Little Loli refused to even say where she was going, the plan was well-planned, they could only wait.

After the two waited for a while, a car with the school hospital logo came from far away, then turned from the main road to the branch road in front of the Zhuangyuan Building, and stopped in front of the building.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao moved forward and moved things from the car with the school doctor who delivered the things. Many experimental utensils are fragile and need to be handled with care. a small box.

The school doctor handed things over to the two people who were in charge of the response, and walked away in a dashing manner. Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan stacked the boxes into piles and tied them up. Each person carried a few or carried them upstairs.

The two young masters cautiously climbed to the fourth floor, pushed open the hidden door and entered Little Loli's dormitory, and then put the things down carefully. When they got there, Young Master Yan put down the bag on his back and untied the box with someone Liu. the rope, and arrange the small boxes on the floor in the same way.

After tidying up the box, Liang Jun washed his hands less, sat down and rubbed secretly and waited for food.

When Shuai Liu and Shuai Yan moved things into the dormitory, Le Yun was busy cooking in the small kitchen, and didn't bother to take care of the two foodies, letting them help place medical supplies.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao wait, wait, wait, wait for the beautiful boy, Li Shao, classmate Cai and classmate Chen four academic masters,

After class, Li Shao, Cai and Chen rushed to the front of the dormitory building at the speed of wind and clouds. When President Chao returned, the four of them went up the building, and Shi Shiran entered the primary school girl's dormitory.

When they saw Liu Shao and Yan Shao two foodies, the four academic bullies could no longer be calm, put down their things, and gracefully occupy their seats.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao were saddened silently. They thought they could have an exclusive dinner at night, but, huh, there are foodies coming to grab food, which makes people want to run wild and want to fight a world war.

If they want to fight, they can only tore the four Xueba foodies thousands of times in their hearts. Anyway, they never dare to show it. They have to be very friendly to the young fresh meat. Otherwise, they will be the only ones who will be smashed away in minutes. both.

When dinner was over, Liang Junshao's thought of tearing the frame went out in a second, and Little Loli prepared a table full of dishes, each of which was full and plentiful.

Le Yun was about to go out, and naturally she couldn't keep the ingredients in the dormitory refrigerator, so she simply cooked them all. She only asked the owner of the fruit tree shop to deliver the vegetables in the morning.

There are a bunch of foodies, no matter how many dishes are not afraid to waste, a table full of food and rice was wiped out by the six foodies, and there is not a little left. The happiest are Yan Shao and Liu Shao, who have rice bucket belly. It is the first time for them to eat Full, really full, not seven-eighth full.

The National Day is approaching, there are many activities in the school, the school is busy, and the work of the student union is even busier.

Chao Yubo was still wringing a bag when he left. He didn't say anything nonsense. He touched Xiao Lele's head and poked her pink cheek: "Lele be careful, I'll wait for you to come back at school."

"Understood, Brother Chao, you just need to protect your own innocence. Remember to take your pills on time and don't run around during holidays. Safety is the most important thing." Le Yun hugged the beautiful young brother's arm and sent him out of the dormitory with a smile.

"Okay, I'm not going anywhere during the holidays. I'll just stay at home and read." If Xiao Lele can rest assured at home, he'll stay at home.

"Well, that's right. If Brother Chao and the seniors are good, I'll come back and cook something delicious for you. If you don't keep your ethics, no one will want to eat in the future."

"..." Li Shao and his talented classmate Chen touched their noses weakly. They felt so ashamed when the elementary school girl said they were good.

Chao Yubo nodded, walked to the door, patted Xiao Lele's head again, and reluctantly went out of the dormitory with the three students. whereabouts.

After sending Brother Chao and the seniors away, Le Yun went back to the bedroom and unscrewed a packet of medicine and handed it to someone Yan, and stomped on him hard, turning her head angrily and ignoring him.

"Little Loli, why am I making you unpleasant?" After being stomped on, Yan Xing asked the reason in distress while shaking his numb toes.

"Hey, I originally planned to go to Taobao to make a fortune on National Day, but now it's gone, you guys hurry up, I don't want to see you now, I'm angry when I see you. Remember to protect my brother Chao, if my brother is injured a little, you just wait. Being soaked in Formalin for eight pieces is admired by the world."

A layer of goose bumps appeared on Liu Xiangyang's back. The little beauty was so cruel that she even wanted to soak someone in formalin as a pickle. The most poisonous woman's heart, the angry little beauty is so scary!
At this time, he had the guts not to dare to bump up with a smiley face, shrank his head and stood aside.

"...Then, when you come back, which ghost market or flea market do you want to go to? I'll be your driver, financial accountant and secretary." Yan Xing hesitated, and softly proposed a compensation plan, he understood Xiaoluo Li's anger, she just came to Beijing and hasn't visited the scenic spots in Beijing. She finally took the National Day holiday. She could have played happily, but because of his grandmother, she had to go deep into the mountains and forests to find medicine, and she would inevitably be unhappy. Annoying him by being petty.

"I have brother Chao who can drive. You don't need to be courteous, so hurry up and see your blood pressure rise every second."

"Well, I'm leaving." Being disgusted by Little Loli to the point of worthless, Yan Xing was afraid that he would be driven away by flies if he stayed any longer, so he picked up Liu and quickly said goodbye. Let's talk about it when Li collects the medicine. It will take a long time to come to Japan, so don't be in a hurry.

Liu Xiangyang cooperated with someone Yan and slipped away. A pair of brothers and sisters in distress went downstairs, got on a motorcycle, slipped back to the dormitory building, and climbed back to their own dormitory.

When they returned to their private place, the handsome faces of the two of them collapsed, and Liu Shao looked frustrated: "Where will the little beauty go?"

Little Loli's mouth is tighter than the iron gourd, and they tried their best, but they didn't get a word out. They didn't know anything about her whereabouts, and they couldn't do anything about how to secretly arrange people to protect her along the way.

"I don't know, there are so many mountains in the country, who knows which one she will go to. Do you have all the cameras in Qingda?" Yan Xing put the bag of medicine on his desk and started work with his mobile phone.

"As long as the webcams are in control, those who don't have an internet connection can't do anything."

"First stare at the cell phone signal to see if there is any change."

"Well, I know..."

After driving away Yan and Liu, Le Yun happily ran to check the utensils ordered by the professor, opened all the boxes, scalpels, scalpels, measuring cups, beakers, alcohol lamps, glass test tubes, straws, droppers, etc. There are two sets of scalpels, one is a scalpel, pliers, scissors, etc., and the other is a pure scalpel, all models are available.

The glass test tube comes in a set, as well as a stand, a set of syringes, syringe needles, and a plastic plasma bag.

The medical utensils were complete, and Le Yun happily threw some things that needed to be carried back into the space, moved to the bedroom for storage when they were not needed for the time being, and then checked the equipment that Yan helped purchase.

The large camouflage military backpack is one meter high. It is a real large backpack with a tent and two sleeping bags, one thick, suitable for early spring or winter, and one thin sleeping bag suitable for spring and summer.

There are also tarpaulins, waterproof leggings to wrap your feet and calves, some high-calorie compressed foods, a small hoe, a compass, a lighter.

Le Yun was quite satisfied with what Yan purchased. She carefully checked the backpack, sleeping bag, and tent, and touched every corner to make sure that handsome Yan did not secretly hide a pinhole camera.

Everything is ready, put travel supplies, tarps, spare shoes and clothes in the backpack, a sleeping bag, some chocolate and high-calorie food, a pack of five pounds of rice, a pack of peanuts, and a long-handled milk cooker , a small packet of salt, pepper and five-spice powder, a small hoe, a set of glass test tubes and a stack of disposable blood paddle bags, three or two kinds of cold medicine and anti-insect and anti-mosquito perfume, a few scalpels and blades, scissors, a lighter and a compass.

Now in this outfit, it doesn't matter if someone else gets the image scanned by the high-speed train or car after the security check. Her equipment is normal, and there is nothing to suspect.

After packing up, Le Xiao classmate changed his clothes, disguised a little, and went downstairs with his luggage.

Just after seven o'clock in the evening, it is the time when the students come and go the most, going out for a walk, going on a date, going to the library, going back to the dormitory, or ordering take-out and taking them upstairs, etc. They come and go, each busy.

On the east stairs of the Zhuangyuan Building, some people went upstairs and some went downstairs. Several people saw a classmate carrying a large bag and went downstairs. Go, nothing to be surprised about.

Passing by the roughly disguised student Le Xiao, he went downstairs like that, found his bicycle, tied his big backpack to the back seat, stepped on the car leisurely up the avenue, swaggered through the streets of the school, and then exited the west gate. , park the car in a place where bicycles can park on the side of the road, call a taxi, and go straight to the goal.

More than three minutes later, Le Xiaoxue, who was carrying a large backpack and a small cross-shoulder backpack on his chest, appeared in the ticket hall of the Beijing West High-speed Railway Station.

The high-speed railway station in Beijing is crowded with people. Fortunately, with the advanced technology, tickets can be purchased online. Most people use mobile phones to buy tickets online, and go directly to the automatic window to pick up tickets. There is no need to queue up to buy tickets on the spot. Not so busy.

It's easy to fish in troubled waters, there are so many people to hide, there are so many people at the station, and backpackers can be seen everywhere.

The team kept moving forward. The first few bought tickets and hurried to the waiting hall. It was Le Xiao's turn. She bought the tickets and ran without stopping with her backpack. , and ran to the ticket gate in one breath, and checked the ticket and entered the station.

When Le Xiaoxue bought the ticket and ran to the waiting room, Yan Shao and Liu Shao, who were staying in the dormitory of Qingqing University, were still working hard. Suddenly, a pop-up window popped up in Yan Shao's mobile phone, and his handsome face changed instantly. Test: "Xiangyang, Little Loli bought a ticket, the high-speed train is about to depart!"

"What?" Liu Xiangyang, who was sitting on the bed, bounced up while holding the book, sat down again, and quickly operated: "Damn it, the mobile phone signal is still in the dormitory, and the cameras have not captured anyone, when will the little beauty be Left? She won't be able to fly."

Just as Yan Xing was about to answer, the phone received another video, he clicked it on, stood up silently, walked over to Liu, and showed him the video: "Look, she looks like this now."

Liu Xiangyang's eyes drifted over, and Yan's mobile phone video showed a picture full of people. There was a team queuing up to buy tickets. One person was marked with a reminder number. That person was wearing a gray baseball cap and a white long A man in a shirt with sleeves and jeans, wearing a mask, carrying a large backpack on his back, and a small cross-body backpack on his chest. The hat and mask cover the person's face, and it is impossible to see who it is.

"I..." Liu Shaojun's face was even uglier than crying: "It was clear that he promised to take the early bus tomorrow morning, but he ran away immediately, and he even lied to his own people, how could this be possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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