Chapter 208

Liu Xiangyang, who was deeply deceived, was speechless and shed tears. He really believed that the little beauty really had to leave tomorrow morning, so he kept staring at her mobile phone signal. As a result, she waited for them to turn around and ran away. Don't trust them so much.

Are they so unbelievable?

Liu Dashao was in a sad mood, and quickly checked the campus network cameras. At several intersections of the school, several cameras were connected to the Internet, using the school network. He wanted to find out how the little girl left the school.

"Actually, that's not bad. Little Lolita walks away as soon as she says it. She catches everyone by surprise, and everyone gets played together. It's fair." Erzhishi went to the station to buy a ticket and got on the train. As a result, as long as it was not someone who was following or was waiting for a rabbit at the station, she was all set by her. If you want to follow up, you have to make other arrangements.

"It's really not bad." Liu Xiangyang curled his lips, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Yan's mobile phone: "I see, where is her destination, ah, S Xilong City? The little beauty will not go to Luliang Mountain or Wutai Mountain Scenic Spot. ?"

Luliang Mountain is a mountain range in the west of S West Province, extending more than 400 kilometers from north to south.

Wutai Mountain is the most famous tourist attraction area in the west of S. It belongs to the north of the Taihang Mountains and consists of a series of mountain peaks.

Whether it is Luliang Mountain or Wutai Mountain, there are abundant wildlife resources.

"I can't tell." Yan Xing can't figure out the whereabouts of Little Loli now. The Luliang Mountains are wide, and the Wutai Mountains belong to the Taihang Mountains. Know where the little loli is going.

"You mean that little beauty's goal is not necessarily Longcheng?"

"Little Loli can go to Luliang Mountain or Taihang in the direction where she goes. There are forest valleys in both Luliang and Taihang, and there are abundant medicinal materials in each place. Then, she can change the ticket at any time, and she can also get off at any time. car, isn't it?"

"Humph, you know the little beauty quite well?"

"It's not understanding, it's speculation. With her personality that changes her face at any time, it is possible that the child's temperament will just get on and off the bus as soon as she gets up. Get on the car in the other direction and come in the opposite direction."

"The little beauty is really going in the opposite direction, and it is estimated that a bunch of people will be pissed off." Liu Xiangyang sneered, the little beauty can sneak under their noses and succeed, and she will also be able to get rid of some little mice. If the ticket enters the station for a ride, other people must be the same as them. When some people find out, and then arrange it, then the secret darts can only choose to catch the plane to the terminal and wait, or rush to the train halfway station before getting on the train.

At this time, if the little beauty is really self-willed, and makes a sound again, when some people find out that the target did not actually take that train, they will be furious, blowing the beard and staring at the foul language.

"So, you have something to do, hurry up and keep an eye on the railway network system to see if you can find some lurking dogs. If you find that Little Loli really changed her ticket or bought a ticket, try to cover it up and delay it for a while. "

"Haha, you don't need to remind me. Brother has entered the system monitoring. In other words, how did you find the whereabouts of the little beauty so quickly, and you sent someone to wait for the rabbit at the station?"


"..." Yan Xing confirmed it with a light description, which made Liu Xiangyang feel weird. Xiao Xingxing wouldn't use his hands to protect him secretly, right?If you really do that, some people will find out, and the little beauty will really jump into the Yellow River and not be able to wash it.

He had doubts in his heart, but he didn't ask them out. That kind of thing was a secret, not to mention just guessing. Even if it was really like that, he would have to turn a blind eye.

Yan Shao sat next to Liu, watching him monitor every move of the railway network, and sometimes used his mobile phone to process information.

When Liang Junshao was made to laugh and cry by the surprise attack of the little girl, several people in Beijing were also caught off guard. In a hotel, a middle-aged man with a computer received a pop-up message, his face was sullen and sullen. He scolded: "Damn it, you don't even know what people are doing when they slip away under your nose!"

Cursing in a low voice, quickly grabbed the phone and called.

At the same time, there were also people in some parts of the capital who quickly dispatched troops to scold generals. In unknown places, those who received the order immediately packed their luggage, and those who were catching cars, those who were catching planes, those who drove by themselves, and set off in an orderly manner.

At Jingxi Station, Le Yun, carrying a relatively huge backpack, ran all the way into the station, followed the signs and the instructions of the waiters, ran to the platform, and rushed to the train lying on the track.

The train is slow, but the price is economical. It is the best choice for low-level workers or migrant workers to travel. Therefore, even at night, there are many people riding the train, both men and women, young and old.

Following Le Yun, who was getting on the train, she squeezed into the carriage and moved to the middle carriage. She didn't make it to the middle. The door of the train on the other track was closed, and the station announcer indicated that the train was about to depart.

She crossed half of the carriage again, and the train on the adjacent track made a long honk and started slowly. The carriage moved one by one, faster and faster, and went farther and farther in the light like day.

Le Yun waved her little hand at the car that was going away outside the window, and slowly moved towards the middle compartment. Her speed could almost be described as a turtle speed. Halfway through the road, the station announcer reminded her to stop checking tickets for the car she was in. She was in the middle of a compartment. She washed her hands at the place where she left, stopped for a few minutes, and continued walking. When she got to one car, she went to the conductor's room. The train indicated that it was about to depart. When she slowly moved to the conductor's room, the train "eats, eats, eats". start.

When the conductor was not there, two staff members passed by and saw a thin female passenger standing outside the conductor's office. Her backpack looked plump than a human being, and she was very surprised. She gently asked if there was any need for help.

"Hello, I'll ask the conductor to make up the ticket." Le Yun took out one of her own tickets and blinked pitifully: "I originally bought a ticket for another train, but because of a temporary emergency, I need to change to this one. You can only get on the bus first and then go through the ticket replacement procedures.”

The passenger raised his head, and the two flight attendants realized that she looked like a middle school student, she was too tender, and looked at her with a sullen face, as if she had suffered a great grievance. City tickets.

The two flight attendants looked at each other in a daze. There was a 9-minute difference between the departure time of that train and theirs. She would naturally feel wronged if she bought a ticket with money.

"Please wait a moment, the conductor will be back soon." The crew returned the tickets to the little guest, contacted the conductor with the walkie-talkie, and reported the situation. Because the train had just departed, they had to check the safety work, so they told the passengers , in a hurry to go to work.

Liu Dashao held the books, looked for lurkers everywhere, and found some traces of hackers. Unfortunately, those birdmen flashed too fast. When he traced the clues to the halfway, the clues were cut off. The most hateful thing is that there is also a super hacker. Several states in the world went around in circles, causing him to run around in vain.

After going around in circles, he didn't go anywhere, just guarded the railway system to monitor whether there was any intrusion. After waiting for about half an hour, if there was new news, he quickly checked it out. It was also full of bitter taste: "Xiaoxingxing, you guessed it right, the little beauty fired an empty gun, and she didn't go to Longcheng."

Yan Xing, who was sitting by the head of the bed, tore his eyes from the screen of his mobile phone, tilted his head to look at Liu's computer, a smile filled his piercing dragon eyes: "Little Lolita's brain is very smart. Yes, where did you go this time?"

"Zhengshi, there is a 9-minute difference in departure time between the two trains going to Longcheng City and Zhengshi.

"Go to Zheng City, Long City and Zheng City are roughly in the same direction. Even if there is no divergence, the difference is a thousand miles away. Now it has been nearly half an hour since the previous departure time. Waiting for some people to react, think Can't catch up."

"Do you think the little beauty can get rid of all stalking?"

"Impossible, what we can think of, others can think of, our advantage is that we know in advance that Little Loli is going to travel far, others don't know, so they are in a passive position, Little Loli suspects that we may ask someone to go with you in the dark Protection, she doesn't want us to follow her in the raid, if she knows that she is under the surveillance of others, she may be able to get rid of her tail by playing around a few more times."

"Knowing we should have told her, how dangerous it is for her to run outside like this when she is so young."

"Tell her that things will be more complicated, so let her go to the wild mountains alone to find medicine, maybe she can really clear the suspicion, if the people who have been watching her secretly, if it is confirmed that we are in contact with her because of her medical skills and Talent, so that little loli can be truly safe."

"Aren't you afraid that others might just kill someone?"

"It's you, will you?"

"I'm not stupid, of course not. Knowing that the little beauty is valued by a certain country and a certain department, I still kill people to silence her. That's not to startle the snake and end up getting burned."

"That's not right. As long as it is confirmed that Little Loli has nothing to do with the secret, she is safe. Once it is confirmed, she will be killed in minutes."

"Xiaoxingxing, you said that the little beauty appeared in the place where the last person who came into contact with the secret appeared. Is it true or false?"

"Nine times out of ten, it's true. It's not surprising that she appears anywhere because she runs around the mountains. According to investigation, the time you met her was the first time she entered the mountain. I met her in the mountains, and then at the end of August, she entered Shennong again, and during August, she basically ran in the mountains, collecting medicinal materials, so even if someone told me that Little Loli had met spies and killers from various countries, I would Not surprised either."

"You checked very carefully. The little beauty knows that you checked her past whereabouts. It is estimated that she will turn her face with you in minutes."

"The work needs to be checked, not only me, but now the people who follow the little loli have also checked. Fortunately, she often went to the mountains when she was a child, and this summer she went to Shennong to collect herbs again and again, otherwise she would not be the object of suspicion. It's that simple, the person we're talking about at this moment is already dead."

"The little beauty must have offended the Bodhisattva in her last life, so she was so unlucky and involved in such a troublesome matter, brother and I have decided. In the future, brother will cover her, but I can't let people bully her."

Yan Xing's face darkened: "Little Lolita is covered by Brother Chao, how can I use you, you should think about how to help me protect Brother Chao."

"Xiaoxingxing, the job of protecting the little princess Chao is yours, why push it to me?"

"You're the elder brother, doesn't the elder brother help the younger brother solve his problems?"

"...Well, that's right, I'm my elder brother. Who else can my elder brother stab a knife for his younger brother's sake? You can do your job with peace of mind, and leave it to me, little princess Chao." He refused to take the initiative to admit that he was a brother, but now he is finally willing to admit that he is a brother, just because of this "elder brother", not to mention protecting the little princess Chao, even letting him go through fire and water.

"This is a good brother. When my grandmother recovers, let's kidnap Little Loli and go to the ghost market to find old goods, and go to the military camp to dig for medicinal herbs and ask Little Loli to pickle sauerkraut."

"Sauerkraut, delicious sauerkraut, ooh, don't say it, my saliva is drooling, for the delicious sauerkraut, brother, come on..."

Lured by the pickled vegetables, Liu Dashao was completely enslaved, so dazed that he could barely remember who he was.

The corners of Yan Xing's lips rose, and his eyes were deep with a warm smile. It was great to have a brother who could share weal and woe together!
Chao Yubo didn't know that Xiao Lele had left the school after he left with Da Li and others. He went back to the dormitory, put away the things Xiao Lele gave him, worked with the computer until eleven o'clock and closed the books on time, poured half a glass of warm water. , Take out a pill the size of a quail egg, take it with warm water, and fall asleep immediately.

On the train, Le Yun repaid the ticket and found the carriage with her luggage on her back to find a seat. The replacement was a hard seat ticket, which was already very far behind.

She was on a train that started with the letter K. There were five seats in a row, three on each side and two on the side. Her seat was in the middle, and one of the two seats was adjacent to the window.

There are many advantages to being young. The conductor saw her ID card and found that the passenger was still a child, so he took the initiative to arrange her to a position by the window, so that she would not be bumped by people coming and going, and the person in the same seat with her was also a child. Female passengers, don't worry about being taken advantage of.

Before Le Xiao went to take a seat, someone occupied the seat. She showed the ticket, and the occupied seat moved out of the way. She put away her large luggage and sat down in her seat.

Sitting in the opposite seat was a young couple in their early twenties, not hugging each other, eating snacks together, and invisibly hurting single dogs by spreading dog food.

The person sitting in the same seat is a little older, about forty or so, and his face is mean. some type of.

After sitting for a few minutes, Le Yun calmly took out a book from the backpack hanging on her chest. She didn't listen to what was going on outside the window, and she focused on reading the book, regardless of whether the two people on the opposite side showed their affection or the female passenger in the same seat said to herself. language.

The train starting with the word K is a general express. Generally, each county station will stop for three to five minutes. The train stops and walks along the way.

An hour later, after passing through the first big station, there were many more people on the bus, and the empty seats were filled. After another ten minutes, the female passenger who was in the same seat with Le Xiao went to the bathroom and turned back, and took the luggage rack from the luggage rack. Loaded and unloaded luggage and left happily.

As soon as she left, a young man about 26 sat down with a simple luggage bag and greeted the three of them: "Hello, it's an honor to be seated with you all. I hope you have a pleasant journey."

"Hello." A man and a woman nodded, and hugged each other's shoulders and waists.

"Hello." Le Yun nodded.

"Little sister, where are you going?" The young man was familiar with each other and chatted enthusiastically.

"Terminal, how about you?"

"What a coincidence, I am also going to the terminal, I hope we have a happy journey together."

"The aunt in this seat before also went to the terminal."

"Oh, I know, I exchanged the ticket with her," the young man explained in a low voice with a natural expression: "I talked to her when I bought the ticket, she bought the hard seat, and I bought the hard sleeper ticket, only when I got on the bus did I realize that I bought the ticket. The hard sleeper area is full of women. I am a man and five women in a sleeper area. I went to the restaurant for dinner, and I discussed with her about changing the ticket."

"Oh, what a coincidence, you are so lucky, you are free, I am reading." Le Yun smiled brightly and looked down at the book.

Listening to the two of them speaking, the men and women sitting opposite looked at it a few times. When she said that she was going to read a book, the couple and the newly arrived young man looked at the book in her hand, and finally saw the cover of the book - The Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicinal Plants.

A thick book, as thick as a Dream of Red Mansions without separate volumes, it hurts the eyes to look at.

A couple and a young man saw her holding a book and read it with relish, and they were embarrassed to ask, loving loving, sitting alone.

The car provides supper, the dining car delivers meals, the two men and one woman in the same seat buy supper to pass the time, Le Xiao is reading, others are chatting, she is reading, others are playing cards and playing mobile phones, she is reading, as if the book has gold, deep She was deeply attracted, and she couldn't look away.

After the early morning, the noise in the carriage gradually decreased, and many people closed their eyes and fell asleep.

One clock passed, two clocks passed, the girl holding the book was still reading, the pages of the book she had read were getting thicker and thicker, and the ones she had not read were getting fewer and fewer.

By three o'clock in the morning, everyone in the carriage basically slumped and dozed off. Even if some people were not asleep, they were drowsy, and a small number of them were playing with their mobile phones.

When the train was about to arrive at a large station, the train attendants verbally reminded the passengers who need to get off the train to get ready. Le Yun stretched and looked out the window. After waiting for a few minutes, the train slowed down. She closed the book and put it away, and walked out of the seat carefully. , remove the large backpack from the luggage rack.

"Little sister, have you reached the end?" The dozing youth, struggling to open his sleepy eyes, asked in surprise.

"No, I'm still in Handan City. There is a famous scenery here. I'll go take a look and gain more insight. I'll go first. I wish you a pleasant journey."

Le Yun put on a large backpack, waved her small paws at the young man who had been sitting with her for more than three minutes, and moved cheerfully to the place where the two carriages were connected.

The young man watched the little girl go to the car door and disappeared. He quickly picked up his luggage and ran to the other door. When the train came to a stop, the attendant opened the door. He quickly got out of the car and looked at the other side. On one side of the car door, there are two passengers getting down there, and there is no that little girl!He ran over like a fly and got on the train again. There was no one in the place where the passengers got on and off between the two carriages. Then he rushed to the end of the carriage and looked at the carriage he was sitting in before, but no one was seen.

He turned around and ran to another car, searching all the way, but couldn't find it inside or outside the car, when he searched for a few cars, the train started again, he found the front of the car from the middle, then found the rear, and searched all the cars but couldn't find it little girl.

With a gloomy expression on his face, the young man returned to his previous seat, took out his mobile phone and sent a secret message to report the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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