Chapter 212

With the arrival of Wednesday, the election meeting of the Youth University Student Union is also coming as scheduled. Undergraduate students who are not members of the Student Union are also very excited. A heated discussion, with a flood of comments.

A day was spent peacefully. After the last get out of class in the afternoon, the members of the student union hurried to eat, then flew back to the dormitory, took a shower, cleaned themselves up, and hurried back to the dormitory. to the auditorium.

The election meeting of the Student Union was held openly in the school auditorium. Anyone who is interested in it, whether they are undergraduates or trainees, can watch it on the spot. Therefore, after 06:30, many students poured into the auditorium one after another to watch the excitement.

There are special seats for the members of the student union, as well as for school leaders, and for the reporters of the school newspaper. Except for those seats, students can sit at will.

The school auditorium can accommodate [-] people. When the students in the audience arrived early, Xinxin picked their favorite seats and took their seats. As the number of people increased, the vacancies gradually decreased.

The freshmen of the 16th grade Chinese and Western clinical classes, the boys who used to be in the first class of the medical department during military training, arrived at the auditorium together after the meal. When they arrived at the venue, Guan Yunzhi, Xu Changtian, and Li Wenji went to the student union members' seating area. Dai Liangyu and others sat in the auditorium.

The boys in the Chinese and Western clinical classes were not really interested in the position of the cadre of the student union. At first, they filled out the application form with no regard for their classmates' intentions. However, later, because someone enlightened them that they should fight for nothing else, they did not. For the little loli in their class, there are people in the class who are in the student council. Anyone who wants to bully the little loli has to wait and see. To a certain extent, entering the student council can play a calming role. Therefore, classmate Guan takes it seriously and goes all the way. Guan Zhanliu really passed the final round of assessment and became one of the freshmen who were fortunate enough to be squeezed into the student union.

Li Wenji is a medical bioengineering major in the Department of Medicine. He is the deputy monitor of the professional class. He also actively applies for the student union and becomes a member of the life department of the student union.

Xu Changtian went to the seat of a member of the General Branch of the Student League. After he was assigned to the professional class, he was honored as the secretary of the Youth League and applied to join the Youth League Committee, and finally got his wish.

Three of the 45 students in the military training class once joined the student union, and they were all freshmen from the medical department. The success rate is quite high compared to the freshmen from other departments. Of course, Le Xiao is not willing to join the student union. But he can become a member of the student union. If Xiao Le also joins the student union, the ferocity of the freshmen in the medical department will scare many people.

Someone Yan was not at school, and little Loli was not at school either. Liu Dashao suddenly felt that life was very boring. The Zhuangyuan Building blocks the little princess Chao.

He followed and grasped the movements of the little princess Chao by the mobile phone signal. He knew when and where the little princess Chao was, and the timing of the pinch was very precise. He waited in front of the building for a few minutes. The president of the youth and his classmates He Zexin, Deng Yuxuan, and He sent Xiao Li Shao, Cai and Chen, and Li Shao's fellow student Xu Hope downstairs.

He and Xu are also members of the student union, and Deng is the secretary of the school youth league committee.

A few classmates didn't put on any makeup, they just came back to take a bath, changed their clothes, and appeared refreshed, which is also a respect for everyone.

"Liu Shao, why are you here?" Li Shao saw Liu, and was very... depressed. Little Lolita's elementary school girl went out, why did Liu Shao come here?

"I'm here to accompany Brother Chao to the auditorium." Liu Xiangyang stretched happily, slipped into Li Shao's Audi, and hitched a ride.

"Senior Chen, I'll give you the key." Chao Yubo gave his car key to Senior Chen, and he walked towards Li Shao's car.

"Okay." Chen Shuyuan took the car keys and happily went to Chairman Chao's car to open the door and get in the car. He and Cai Zijun both have driver's licenses. Cars are troublesome, it is better to ride motorcycles and electric donkeys for freedom.

Talented Zijun and Deng Yuxuan, He Zexin and Xu Hope were in the car driven by Senior Chen.

Chao Yubo and Liu Shao sat in the back seat, Li Yubo drove, waiting for the car to start, the gentle and elegant young man asked gently, "Liu Shao, what's the news?"

"No news, don't worry about your safety, I'd better follow."

"Is there any movement in the Le family?"

"The Le family didn't move. It was because they didn't move that they had to be more careful. Dogs that could bite people didn't bark. They didn't say anything, which means that there may be a bigger conspiracy."

"Well, it's also possible that Vice President Le is not stupid. He doesn't fight to the death in the election. He can save face and make other plans better. It is possible that even the vice president of the student union will not be able to keep the position, and it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the school.

"Are you going to let Le Family's daughter keep the vice president of the department?" Liu Xiangyang rolled his eyes, and the little princess Chao was in black. It would be fine if he didn't take action against anyone. It will inevitably push people down the high altar step by step.

"No." Lele is in the medical department. She is also the class study committee member and deputy monitor. She is in charge of each class by the student union. She retains the position of vice president of the student union as vice president Le, so she has a legitimate reason for Xiaole Happy to stumble.

Liu Xiangyang showed an expression of "I knew it would be like this", and did not despise Chairman Chao's inappropriate behavior. After all, leaving a scourge on the student management staff is quite dangerous for students.

"Is there any news about Lele?"

"Xiao Chao, can you not ask about your sister's news, where is your sister a freak who came out? Xiaoxingxing asked professionals to protect her, but the little beauty dumped everyone, ahh, Xiaochao, why is your sister so clever when she grew up eating, I want to jump, okay?"

"Of course my sister is witty and smart, how can she be as stupid as you."

"Where are we stupid?" No, absolutely no!

"It's you, it's you and Yan Shaoben. If you're not stupid, can you invite such a stupid person to protect you? My sister is only 14 years old. The professional bodyguards you send are at least adults. They can still be dumped. It was discovered, the so-called professional was discovered by a child, what is it if it is not stupid?"

"I..." Liu Xiangyang covered his face, although he didn't want to admit it, but little Princess Chao was right, so he was speechless.

Li Shao steals the fun, Liu Shao can't get anything in front of Little Loli's primary school girl, and he still can't get any good from Chao's brother. Poor Liu Shao must be dead of depression.

The two chariots rushed to the auditorium. Classmate Chao and Classmate Li happily got out of the car. Liu Shao was depressed and wanted to jump into the river. He still remembered his work, so he didn't throw people away, and entered the auditorium with little princess Chao and a group of young people. .

They came a little late, the student union and the youth league committee members have all arrived, and even the school party branch and supervisory teachers have all come to the scene.

The youth president nodded apologetically to everyone, walked to the teachers calmly, and chatted with the party branch and school leaders in a low voice.

Li Shao and others went to the student council members. Liu Shao swaggered to the teachers to take a seat. He secretly observed Miss Le, and found that the vice president Le had a delicate makeup and seemed to be nobody. She added one point, and she can still hold her breath to this extent, and it is no wonder that she was able to climb to the position of vice president at the beginning.

Le Shiyun wears delicate ladylike makeup, wears a white dress, and sits quietly, no matter how you look at it, she is a pleasing beauty.

Many students came to join in the fun. While browsing the forum, while waiting for the opening, the popularity of the forum was also skyrocketing, and each one voted for the goddess and goddess they chose.

There were more and more spectators, and there were no empty seats. The empty space behind and on both sides was also crowded with people.

At 07:30, a guqin sounded, and the curtain on the chairman's high platform slowly opened to both sides, which also meant that the election was about to start, and the noise in the auditorium stopped abruptly.

The student union president and vice president are running for election. As the president, President Chao has to personally preside over the opening ceremony of the election before the new president and vice president are elected.

He took the rostrum calmly, explained the reasons for the early election of the student union, and then briefly expressed his expectations for the new successors, wishing the election a success, and handing over the presiding job to a teacher.

The host teacher praised the outstanding performance of the last student council members, the student president and vice-chairman. Looking forward to the future, he hoped that the new candidates will carry on the past, inherit the excellent tradition and good style, and serve the students of the whole school for the purpose, and then invite the first candidate to give a speech. .

The first to run for the position of vice president is the contest for the position of vice president. The candidates draw lots in advance to decide the order of speeches, and they will give speeches in order. There are ten candidates competing for the position of vice president. Seven ministers.

The whole picture on the chairman's high platform is projected onto the big screen, and everyone in the auditorium can see the facial expressions of the candidates, and each candidate also has its own serial number.

After each candidate gave a speech, everyone gave a warm applause. Regardless of the content of the speech or the result, the willingness to show oneself is worthy of respect and praise.

Each speaker took about five to 10 minutes, ten people took one hour and two 10 minutes, and then the members of the student council voted.

After the voting was over, the supervising teachers and school leaders collected the votes in person. At the same time, the election for the president of the student union began. There were only four candidates, including President Chao.

The order is still determined by drawing lots, and the young president is drawn third.

The first classmate who came to the stage, after giving the speech, blinked his eyes and said cutely: "Teachers, classmates, tell the truth, in fact, I am here to make up the number. Under the wise guidance of the school leaders and teachers, the student union is devised by President Chao. In the management, there is an atmosphere of positivity and renewal. Chairman Chao's intelligence and achievements are obvious to all. I support the re-election of Chairman Chao. All the students in the student union and the people on the forum have our thoughts, so we are running for election. There are very few people, and because there are too few candidates, it is inevitable that people like us have no self-confidence and no competitive spirit, so I will gather some numbers to activate the atmosphere, okay, I’m done, thank you everyone!”

The audience applauded enthusiastically.

Everyone in the Student Union looked at the Deputy Minister Cai, and they were very confused. Why didn't they realize that Cai's classmate was so cute?Too cute, only the deputy minister is cute!
There was a talented genius who made a comment, and the second person came to the stage to give a speech. At the end, he added a serious sentence: "The reason why I am standing here, the same as above!"

"Pfft, haha-" Everyone was startled at first, and when they reacted, they burst into laughter. He said the same as above, of course, referring to the same reasons as the first classmate to participate in the election.

The school leaders and teachers couldn't help laughing and laughing. Is this an election? Can you be more serious?

When it was his turn, Chao Yu took the stage and bowed down to greet everyone. He smiled helplessly: "I was the one who made up the number, but the first two classmates rudely robbed me of my lines. The tragedy of the post-sequence, what should I do now, can I honestly say that I didn't prepare the speech?"

Teachers: "..." Classmate Chao, can you stop making trouble?

"No!" The audience shouted in unison, and after shouting, they couldn't help laughing, giggling and laughing until they leaned back and forth.

The freshmen in the auditorium were very happy, and the forum was also frantically surfing the screen. The student union broadcasted the live broadcast of the election site. Therefore, students who were following the election of the student union could watch the situation in the auditorium without going to the site.

Liu Shaowangtian, little princess Chao is a scumbag. The student union is already under his control. If he cannot be re-elected, the student union will not be able to function normally in a short period of time. Therefore, re-election is certain. To run an election is to go through the motions, but he can still win because of this. With a lot of die-hard fans, can he not be so blackhearted?
"Okay, it's useless to say that I haven't prepared a speech, I have to express my attitude," the young man smiled, his bright phoenix eyes swept across the audience, people were like peach blossoms in full bloom, beautiful and dazzling, and his clear and melodious voice was melodious. Kai: "Thanks to the trust of the school leaders and the full support of the students, the work of the student union has been carried out very smoothly during my tenure. This is the result of the concerted efforts of the members of the student union, and it is everyone's credit. If I have the opportunity to serve as the president of the student union, I will follow it. As always, and the members of the student union adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, continue to unswervingly maintain the student union is the central purpose of the student home, sincerely serve the students of the whole school, and I would like to share this promise with the students of the student union!"

A beautiful young man as elegant and delicate as a painting, with a gentle smile, gracefully bent down to the stage at a [-]-degree angle, took three steps back, turned around gracefully, walked to the steps on the side of the high platform, and walked down the high platform slowly.

"Wow, President Chao is handsome!"

"My president is the most handsome!"

"I'll be cute!"

The audience clapped, and the applause rose from wave to wave.

The school leaders and teachers are relieved, the students will be managed by President Chao, the school is relieved, and the students also support President Chao. There is nothing better than this.

Le Shiyun watched quietly, watching others go up and down, listening to the audience applauding enthusiastically to everyone, as if all that had nothing to do with her, she was as calm as water.

When the fourth candidate came on stage, he didn't even give a speech. He just said that he was just making up the numbers to make the scene more lively, and then he rolled off the stage himself.

The audience laughed, and the teachers couldn't hold back the laughter. The original serious campaign field became lively, cheerful and joyful.

The members of the student union voted, and the teachers counted. There were few people and the speed was very fast. The statistical work was completed.

The main purpose of the campaign is to elect the president and vice president. The results of the statistics are announced on the spot. Every candidate for the vice president has been voted. The one with the highest votes wins. The clerk, majoring in politics and law, surnamed Zhou and given name Zhou Hongzhi.

When it was time to announce the names of the winners of the chairman, the audience was afraid to keep quiet and shouted, "Chairman Chao, Chairman Chao, Chairman Chao..."

The enthusiastic shouts, one after another, just like star fans seeing their own goddesses and goddesses, they can't wait to surround people with their shouts.

The teacher in charge of announcing the results was particularly helpless. The wave of shouting was so fierce. Fortunately, he was not thin, or he might have been overturned by the sound waves. When everyone's shouts became weaker, he announced the results: "As everyone expected, I took office as the student union. Chairman Chao Yubo was elected as the new student council president with absolute votes, congratulations to Chao!"

Among the nearly 93 members of the student union, only two abstained from voting. President Chao himself voted for the others, and other members voted for the other three candidates. The rest of the members voted for President Chao, and the vote rate reached [-]%.

Those watching the live broadcast, surfing the forum, and screaming with excitement, because of the army of new students, the support rate of Chairman Chao on the forum is absolutely crushing others.

The chairman and vice-chairman of the student union are well-known, and the next step is the selection of ministers and four vice-ministers of the three departments of the student union. The minister and the vice-minister are senior or fifth-year students and will graduate in June next year. The next semester or this semester will be out for an internship, so it is necessary to agree on the candidates for ministers and deputy ministers to take over.

The selection of ministers belongs to the internal work of the student union, and no public campaign speeches are made. The nominated candidates will be announced. Under the supervision of the school leaders and the audience, the student members will vote.

There is not much suspense about the positions of ministers and deputy ministers, and they will be released soon. Most of the newly elected ministers and deputy ministers are juniors and sophomores.

After the election was completed, the newly elected cadres and old cadres of the student union took the podium, accepted everyone's congratulations, and swore their determination to take office. After that, all the members of the student union came on stage to thank everyone for their support and supervision.

The election work of the Student Union has come to a successful conclusion.

The members of the student union and the audience chose to watch the teachers leave the stage. After that, the audience left the stage. The school journalists seized the opportunity to conduct a brief on-site interview with the new president and vice president.

The student union was the last to leave. When they left the auditorium, the crowd had receded, and the autumn night was as cool as water. Everyone happily said to each other, see you tomorrow, and each found their own car.

Chao Yubo and Minister Li Yubo walked towards the car and approached the car. The school tyrants saw a beautiful woman leaning on the front of the young president's car, and they all paused slightly. Vice president Le asked Xiao Chao what to do ?
The students hesitated for a moment, then walked to the car calmly. Cai and Xu happily greeted Sister Le, "Hello, Sister Le."

"Good evening," Le Shiyun slid down from the front of the car, straightened her skirt, and smiled at the boys with all manner of manners: "I'll ask President Chao to talk about the transfer of work, just a few minutes."

Chen Shuyuan and Cai Zijun didn't answer, Chao Yubo nodded calmly: "Okay."

How could classmate Cai and others be assured of letting the young man face the unidentified Vice-President Le alone, and they all rushed forward: "Let's also hear what Senior Sister Le has to say."

Le Shiyun's eyes flashed a shimmer, as indifferent as a chrysanthemum. She waited for several young and handsome boys with very different learning styles to approach her, smiled and pulled their hair together: "Are you all so united, are you afraid that I will eat President Chao?"

There was not much wind at night, and there was a strong scent of perfume in the air.

"Sister Le, if you have any suggestions for work, please tell me, I'm all ears." Chao Yubo faced the beauties with delicate make-up, with a long body and a jade stand, as elegant as the wind, with clear phoenix eyes and slightly cold eyes.

"Congratulations to Xiao Chao for getting his wish first." Le Shiyun lightly took a step forward, stretched out her jade hand, and congratulated her with a smile on her face.

As Vice President Le moved in, another strong aroma hit his nostrils. Li Yubo, Xu, Deng, and He frowned slightly. Is the perfume on Le's body a little thicker?
Chao Yubo didn't shake hands with the beautiful senior sister, but smiled leisurely: "Thank you senior, it is my honor to gain the trust of my classmates. Didn't senior want to talk about the transfer of work? I won't accompany you."

As he spoke, he opened the backpack, took out the key, and stroked his forehead: "This body scum, I feel a little tired, and I want to go back to rest early."

"I have something to talk about at work," Le Shiyun's smile froze, and she took back her hand pretending to be calm: "I won't go to the student union meeting tomorrow, I want to hand over the work to you now. Would you like to go to the office for a handover?"

"It's so late now, and there is no rush to hand over the work. I think it's better to talk about it tomorrow." Chen Shuyuan did not support working overtime in the evening to talk about work.

"Xiao Chao, I'm ashamed of the student union, and I have no face to face everyone, so I want to hand over my work today..."

"Alright." Chao Yubo pondered for a second, then turned to open the door: "Go to the office, it won't take much effort anyway."

Chairman Chao agreed, and it was not easy for the few people in the company to object. Chen Shuyuan and the talented man sat in the young president's car, and Vice President Le also got in the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Li, Deng, Xu, and He took the Audi, two cars in tandem, heading for the office building.

Chen Xueyuan and Cai Zijun sat in the back seat, only to feel the aroma in the car.

The car parked in front of the office building, and the students got off the bus, feeling a little drowsy. No one said anything. They took the elevator upstairs to the office floor of the student union and entered the president's office together.

The office is very spacious. The vice president and the president share the same office, each with their own desk and safe.

Chen, Cai, Deng, Xu, and He entered the room and waited in the rest area. Chao sat at his desk and waited to accept the work handed over by the vice president on his behalf.

Le Shiyun went to the desk to look for filing materials, dug out a lot of documents, rummaged for a while, quietly observed, a young handsome man on the sofa seemed to be asleep, and the young president was also leaning in the chair, breathing. Shallow and short.

"Xiao Chao, Li Xuedi, Chen Xuechang..." She called out softly, several times, but no one responded, only the purring sound of Ba Chu's mouth.

It worked!
The seven boys didn't respond, Le Shiyun flicked her nails, took her handbag and turned out from behind the desk, smiling, isn't she very capable, and she was pushed by a gang?Want to get her out of the student council?In the end, it wasn't all in her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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